Why does the chest and stomach hurt after menstruation? After menstruation, the lower back, side, head hurts: reasons

Why does the chest and stomach hurt after menstruation? After menstruation, the lower back, side, head hurts: reasons

Is the appearance of pain during and after menstruation? What diseases and pathologies can pain during menstruation indicate? Let's try to figure it out.

Normally, the menstrual cycle in a woman of reproductive age should be regular, and the period of menstruation should not be accompanied by pain.

Dot in the work of the reproductive system is an indicator of a violation of the normal hormonal background and the functioning of the female genital organs.

  • Painful sensations during menstruation have a different degree of severity and localization (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom of the abdomen, chest, uterus, side, lower back, headaches) and origin)
  • Poor well-being near menstruation days, as well as after its completion, can signal the development of some diseases, so this condition should be controlled by a gynecologist

Assistance in the uterus after menstruation, reasons

  • The period of menstruation is characterized by rhythmic, active reduction of the uterus, so pain can occur if a woman has sensitive pain receptors that respond to each reduction
  • The physiological structure or underdevelopment of the uterus is the deviation of the organ from the normal natural location (placement of the uterine cavity near the nerve endings) can cause pulling or spasmodic pains in the lower abdomen, both during menstruation and after it
Uterine contractions cause pain during and after menstruation

Why does the stomach hurt a lot after menstruation?

The cause of pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity after menstruation may be inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system:

  • Endometritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane that occurs as a result of mechanical intervention in the uterine cavity: cesarean section, diagnostic curettage, complicated birth, abortion, operations. With such a disease, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear, brownish mucus is released
  • Adnexitis is an inflammatory disease of the pelvic organs, which has an infectious nature. Pathogens, usually transmitted sexually - mycoplasmas, chlamydia, candida, ureaplasmes from the vagina enter the uterine cavity, then into the uterine pipes and ovaries. The inflammatory process is characterized by severe pain in the abdominal cavity
  • CERCIVIT - inflammation of the mucous membrane in the cervix area caused by infection leading to the development of urogenital diseases (ceresitis, cervical erosion, colpitis) or mechanical injuries in the process of childbirth, abortion, gynecological examination, and the introduction of a catheter. With such a disease, abdominal pain and lower back are noted, mucous and purulent discharge is possible
  • Vulvit - inflammation of the external shells of the external genitalia, provoked by yeast mushrooms and other microorganisms that are usually transmitted sexually
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, wearing synthetic linen contribute to the progression of the disease. Outwardly, it is accompanied by swelling, redness, itching and burning in the external genital organs and vagina
The structure of the female internal genital organs

Pain in the lower abdomen after menstruation, causes

  • The cause of intensive pain after menstruation may be endometriosis. This is a disease in which the endometrial cells grow inside and outside the uterine cavity. The endometrium is the inner shell of the uterus covering the muscle layer. During menstruation, the endometrial particles are removed along with the discharge
  • Pathologies of the growth of the endometrium layer spread to neighboring organs, including ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, bladder. The endometrium fabric is very sensitive to the hormonal background and is subjected to the same change as the mucous membrane of the uterus. In the abdominal cavity, the endometrium cells are filled with blood, which is not able to remove from the body and accumulates, causing pain and pulling feeling in the lower abdomen
  • Adenomyosis - is a special form of endometriosis, when the foci of inflammation form in the thickness of the muscle tissue of the walls of the uterus
Strong pain in the lower abdomen after menstruation can be symptoms of endometriosis

Why does the side hurt after menstruation?

Painful sensations in the side after menstruation can be symptoms of the following diseases:

  • The development of cyst or tumor formations of the internal genital organs. The first signs of such pathologies are the feeling of squeezing in the side and abdominal cavity. As the neoplasm grows, pressure occurs to the nearest organs and nerve endings, impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs, which leads to pain of varying severity
  • Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that has a huge variety of signs and symptoms, including affecting the reproductive system - uterine pipes, ovaries, endometrial tissues

Ovarian pain after menstruation, causes

The ovaries are the internal organs of the reproductive system formed from the connecting fibers braided vessels, and many follicles. The ovaries are located in the side parts of the pelvis and are connected to the fallopian tubes.

Changes in the functioning of the genital organs of a woman occur in the process of puberty, then are cyclical. Pain in these organs during and after menstruation can be caused by various factors:

  • Changing the position of internal organs - usually occurs in the process of treatment associated with taking hormonal drugs. During this period, the ovaries increase in size, as a result, there is a load on the ligaments, stretching and pain
  • Cyste - any neoplasm can exist without showing itself in any way. However, during menstruation, spasmodic pain in the ovary, affected by a cyst, is possible
  • Ovarian polycystic ovarian - multiple small formations on the surface of the organ disrupt its functioning and cause pulling pains
  • An ectopic pregnancy - a fetal egg, fixed in the fallopian tube, can cause blood discharge similar to menstrual, but more scarce. The growth of the embryo will cause pain in the ovarian and appendages
  • Peritonitis is an inflammatory process characterized by increasing pain symptoms. Its development after menstruation can be caused by the already existing diseases of the genital organs that have exacerbated during menstruation - a rupture of cysts, hemorrhage in the tissues due to the rupture of the vessel
Consultation and examination with painful menstruation are necessary for the diagnosis of ovarian diseases

Lower back pain after menstruation, reason

Pain in the lumbar zone also often accompany menstruation and last some time after their end. Low's pain arises in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory diseases and infections of the genitourinary system
  • Hormonal malfunctions. Violation of hormonal balance causes malfunctions and characteristic changes in the menstrual cycle. Increased production of estrogen leads to abundant, long and painful monthly
  • The increase in the blood of progesterone - the hormone responsible for the ability of the uterus to reduce, stimulates the active reduction of the uterine muscles, causing severe pain in the belt and lower back.
  • Voltage and pressure in the pelvic area. Low's pain may be a result of a violation of the water balance during menstruation. Since the fluid is not excreted in a timely manner from the body, edema of internal organs and tissues develop, pressure on the nerve endings and pain
Low's pain after menstruation

Why do the mammary glands hurt after menstruation?

The period of menstruation is often accompanied by painful signs and swelling of the mammary glands. The reasons for this state can have a different nature:

  • Improving the level of estrogen production. Cyclic hormonal changes are associated with the normal functioning of the female body and preparation for the alleged pregnancy
  • Estrogen is localized in adipose tissue, so its increased formation leads to an increase in the volume of internal organs in which adipose tissue is formed. The chest increases and swells, blood flow is difficult, which leads to swelling, soreness and a feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands
  • Mastopathy - the consequence of this disease is the seal and pain of the mammary glands against the background of a violation of the hormonal background. For diagnosis and proper treatment, you should seek advice to a mammologist specialist
  • Mechanical damage - bruises, injuries, tight underwear can lead to circulatory disorders in the mammary gland, edema and pain
The soreness of the mammary glands after menstruation may be a sign of the development of the disease

Why does my headache hurt after menstruation?

After the end of menstruation, some women are worried about a severe headache - the so -called, menstrual migraine. This condition cannot be facilitated with drugs.

The cause is a surge in the production of hormones. The level of estrogen affects the rate of fluid elimination from the body. As a result, swelling of the limbs, joints and brain tissue, as a result, is headaches, localized in the temporal and parietal zones.

The characteristic features of menstrual migraines are:

  • pulsating type
  • dizziness, irritability
  • legal differences in blood pressure
  • reducing performance and perception of information due to influence on the eye area
Pulsating headaches during menstruation

Tablets from pain after menstruation

  • At sharp attacks pain, especially if woman located outside at home, necessary to accept measures on elimination painful sensations
  • Recommended reception non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs with analgesic action: ketorol, paracetamol, nurofen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, aspirin
  • One -time dose such drugs not must exceed 12 tablets, dailynot more 46. At strong migraines good help refantats: constantin, zolmitriptan
  • Home funds in form grinks on the bottom abdomen, warm tea, relaxing baths also able on the time facilitate unpleasant symptoms
  • Control per condition women and dosage reception medication funds must carried out treating doctor and at need appropriate specialists

Video: Pain with menstruation. PERIOD. Menstruation. Critical days. What to do. I have a stomachache. After. During

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Comments K. article

  1. It is very bad that many people consider the pain in the chest before or after menstruation by the norm. This is not the norm. Norm - when the chest does not hurt! I was also stupid and, in the end, I brought myself to Matopathy. The doctor got good, Yun began to poison me with hormones. I prescribed a mastophyte to drink. The stage was initial. But now I drink the course once a year. And the chest does not hurt! Neither before, nor after, nor during menstruation! So, girls, with pain immediately go to the doctor!

  2. My stomach and my head hurts, I always do not feel the sb these days.

  3. Many people have this condition, not only with you. I, too, was constantly tormented with abdominal pain, now I can’t stand it, I immediately drink dialrapid and it becomes easier for me.

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