How to untie, renounce a bank card on Aliexpress from a computer: Instructions

How to untie, renounce a bank card on Aliexpress from a computer: Instructions

In this article we will tell users of the online store Aliexpress About how they can unscrew the card about a computer.

Pay purchases through a card in an online store-of course, a very convenient service. However, various nuances occur in which there is a desire to unscrew the card. Can this be done? You can, and we will talk about it.

And first we recommend that beginners familiarize themselves with the article « The first order for Aliexpress» or with video instructionon this topic.

In what cases does the desire arise to unscrew the bank card on Aliexpress?

First you should deal with that under what circumstances does it have a desire to unscrew the card from the site Aliexpress:

  • The validity period has ended previously tied cards. It is worth noting that certain banks leave the number the same, like a pin code.

Important: however, it is better to clarify this information, since some banks reserve the right to change the card number with a planned re -release.

This is how you can determine the bank card number
This is how you can determine the bank card number
  • If the card was stolen or it is lost In a different way. In these cases, both the number and the PIN code will certainly change.
  • In case if The client preferred one another jar. Then, of course, you will have to enter the data of another card.
  • Lack of funds On a fixed map. It happens that the purchase must be paid urgently, but the balance of the desired card is zero. But the necessary amount is accrued on another card. Then it will be reasonable to reject the existing one, attaching another.
  • Sometimes they act requests of friends or relatives about making a purchase. For example, in the case when a person does not have the opportunity to personally use the computer, but can provide a bank card for payment.
  • In some cases, people begin to worry about the safety of the secret of your details.

How can I unscrew a bank card from a computer on Alipay?

If any of the above situations arise, what should I do? Remove a bank card using a convenient Alipay systemintended for payment for Aliexpress.

Important: in order not to introduce details every time manually, and this system has been invented - that's why it is recommended to use it.

Alipay allows you to attach a card and not enter the details in the future manually during each purchase on Aliexpress
Alipay allows you to attach a card and not enter the details in the future manually during each purchase on Aliexpress

So, there is already a card tied through the Alipay. Here the algorithm of actionsthat will help quickly and simply untie it through the computer:

  • First of all, you need go to Alipay.
This is how you can go to Alipay to reinforce a bank card
This is how you can go to Alipay to reinforce a bank card
  • Then you can see the following tabs"My score", "Story". The latter in this case is not necessary - this menu helps to trace the history of payments. But "My score" - Just what is necessary.
  • Next is worth it take a closer look at the toolbar. The second on the left button is "Edit cards".
This point must be selected on the toolbar in order to unscrew the card with Aliexpress
This point must be selected on the toolbar in order to unscrew the card with Aliexpress
  • By pressing the above button, the user gets to the page, which provides information on cards.

Important: by the way, you can add a new card immediately, if you want and you can do without deleting already attached data.

  • Now you need find the details of the attached card - The last numbers and the name of the owner. To the right of this information Opposite it there is an option "Delete the card."
Cherished button delete the card
Cherished button delete the card
  • That's all - it remains only press this button - And the card is overwhelmed!
Ringing the card with Aliexpress
Ringing the card with Aliexpress

As you can see, the problem is solved quite simply. Therefore, we recommend fans Aliexpress Do not be nervous, but simply repeat all the described combinations.

Video: How to delete a card on Aliexpress?

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