How witty respond to the word “why”, “why, explain”: with humor, original

How witty respond to the word “why”, “why, explain”: with humor, original

Want to learn how to answer witty words why, why? Read the article, there are cool options in it.

Often people ask the obvious. It sounds so trite that I want to answer somehow interestingly and funny. For example, the question "why?". Sometimes you don’t even know what to say in response. But, if you memorize several phrases, then the correct answer, and even with humor, will always be ready.

Read on our website an article on what to answer the word "sorry" from the guy about silence, from a girl, girlfriend, beautifully, to remember.

Below you will find answers. Read further.

How funny, witty answer the question “why”?

The question
The question "why"

Requests to explain the obvious may well bring a person to chagrin. However, you do not always want to aggravate the situation. That is why it makes sense to give a comic answer. How funny, witty answer the question “why”? Here are a few options:

  • What for? So you asked.
  • Behind the cabinet (chair, bed) - you can use any furniture.
  • And for what purpose are you interested in?
  • You will know a lot - you will grow old soon.
  • Do not go across your father in a bake - soon you yourself (a) you will find out.
  • For sausage.
  • A curious Barbara was torn off.

Of course, in some cases, when communicating with strangers or work colleagues, nevertheless, it is worth giving a detailed explanation. A few rude options: “it’s not your mind”, “this is not in your competence”, “you are not supposed to know this”, etc. However, they also find their application in everyday life.

Answer the question “why” and “why” with humor: options

Unobtrusive and cool answer options will help to defuse the situation and leave the necessary information in the secret. It all depends on the imagination of a person. Phrases can be absolutely any. How to answer the question “why” and “why” with humor? Here are a few options:

  • "Behind the wheel". There was a good magazine!
  • To make it beautiful.
  • And the story is silent about this.
  • I would know what, I would find it myself!
  • Excessively upgrade for the sake.
  • And so as not to Dawngred!
  • So the party said, then it should!
  • Behind the stove!

Below even more interesting options. Read further.

How to answer in an original question “why, explain”?

If there is no desire to resort to boring explanations, it is quite possible to “hush up” everything with certain phrases. How to answer in an original question “why, explain”? Here are the options:

  • Why? According to Kochan, and on cabbage.
  • Because it ends on "y".
  • Becauze I whant so.
  • Because gladiolus.
  • Because I'm Batman.
  • Because Spartak lost.
  • Because so he ordered GDP.
  • Because!
  • Want to know why? Go to the mausoleum, ask Lenin!
  • Because the horses you came across picky.
  • On the battery!
  • For fun!
  • Because if you are too curious, the aliens will be taken by you and deport you forever into a distant galaxy.
  • Because Cock Norris said so.
  • I better say anything. Because from my explanations, your eyes will climb on your forehead and you can grab your heart.
  • Because the earth is round (the sky is blue, green grass, etc.).
  • Because dinosaurs died out.
  • Because a person has 32 teeth.
  • Because dogs wag their tail.

The main thing is that the comic options are witty and relatively harmless. Otherwise, a curious person will be very uncomfortable and unpleasant. If he hears a tactful comic option, he will simply understand that he does not need to know this information. And he will stop asking questions.

What can I say that it is better to answer the words “why”, “why”, “explain”?

The question
The question "why"

It is worth remembering: some phenomena and processes should be explained necessarily. In other cases, when you just need to “disown” from an obsessive person, you can simply wrap everything in a joke. What can I say that it is better to answer the words “why”, “why”, “explain”? Here are the options:

  • What for? - I just want to save the universe. If you tell me this information, then I will capture the Grail of Eternal Life and will not allow the arrogant elves to occupy our planet.
  • Why? - Because people walk on two legs. Do not ask silly questions. The time will come, and you yourself will learn everything.
  • Explain - there is no time to explain. I need weapons, your clothes and your motorcycle. Why is it? I will explain later.

In general, funny and comic answers are quite relevant in the youth environment. Even if the interlocutor will be insulting that he did not receive the necessary information in time, he will not be able to be angry for a long time.

Here are a few more possible answers to “explain” in a humorous form:

  • Sorry, I can’t explain to you yet. But I think, as soon as I return with a pack of dollars, you will understand everything.
  • You will know a lot - you will become an old man and will die soon. And I still do not want to lose a friend like you. So just shut up and wait. I will tell you myself if my idea is crowned with success.
  • There is no time to explain ... Come on, do you just sponsor me and that's it?
  • In a nutshell: I just want to enslave the world. Are you enough for such an explanation?
  • I would explain to you. But now spies from Interpol are chasing me, so I need complete anonymity. After sunset, come to the old park on the outskirts, there I will provide you with a written report. Just remember: no one should know and no one should see us.
  • I think you don't need to know that. Otherwise, you will be caught and attracted as a witness. And I do not want you to suffer because of me. Just give me your credit card and we will disperse peacefully.
  • Do you think that the superhero who saves the world has time to explain? Just listen and don't interrupt.
  • I can explain. But can you guarantee that this information will remain a secret? Now even the walls have ears.

The ornate game of phrases will not only bring some intrigue into communication, but also set up the interlocutor in a positive way. Of course, this applies to informal, friendly communication. In the office, such jokes can cost expensive. Good luck!

Video: Why? What for? How to answer the question "Why?"

Video: How to quickly find witty answers?

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