How to distinguish real cheese from a fake? How to determine real cheese? The composition of this cheese

How to distinguish real cheese from a fake? How to determine real cheese? The composition of this cheese

Ways to distinguish real cheese from fake.

The main goal of modern sellers is to extract as much benefit as possible in the production of products. That is why a significant part of the goods on sale can not only boast of good quality, but are very dangerous to health. Some experiments will allow you to understand the authenticity of cheese. In this article we will tell you how to distinguish natural cheese from a fake. 

How to distinguish real cheese from a fake?

According to some reports, almost 40% of all the cheeses that are on the counter of Russian stores are prepared with the participation of palm oil. This is a cheap component that allows you to reduce the cost of products by making its production economically profitable.

How to distinguish real cheese from a fake:

  • Such products contain skim milk or milk serum, as well as palm oil and a significant amount of sweeteners, preservatives, taste additives. However, there are several ways by which the buyer will be able to distinguish a fake from the original.
  • In most cases, you should pay attention to the cost. Natural cheese cannot cost cheaper than 450-500 rubles per kg.
  • This is due to the fact that for the preparation of 1 kg of the product you will need from 5 to 15 liters of whole milk. The price includes the cost of paying employees, the Sychuzhny enzyme, depreciation of production.
  • Accordingly, the cost of this product is quite high. But the price does not always indicate one hundred percent quality of the product and is a guarantee that you will purchase natural cheese. Organoleptic indicators of the product must also be evaluated. 

How to determine real cheese from fake on packaging?

Manufacturers give on sale cheese and cheese products, the cost of which is significantly different. However, in the store, an example for a cheap product is much higher than on expensive. Therefore, you can purchase a natural and plant product at approximately the same cost. Therefore, the price does not always indicate that the product is natural and manufactured according to GOST.

How to determine real cheese from fake on packaging:

  • The main task of the buyer is to watch the composition on the packaging. Basically, manufacturers indicate that this is a cheese product based on dairy and vegetable fats. However, recently, many companies do not want to spoil the reputation, seek to increase the sales of the product.
  • Therefore, the packaging does not indicate the “cheese product”, but they write the name GOST. It should be understood that GOST 53512-2009 is a regulatory document for the production of cheese product. You can determine the authenticity of the product using several simple experiments.
  • Press on a piece of the product with two fingers. If a large amount of liquid is released, this suggests that vegetable fats are contained. It is necessary to leave the product for 2-3 days in the refrigerator and see what will happen to it.
At the factory
At the factory

How to determine real cheese to taste and smell?

It is proved that natural cheese, which is stored for a long time, on the contrary, improves its properties. Its upper part may dry out a little, but the middle remains absolutely suitable for consumption. Therefore, even from a stuck piece of natural cheese, you can cut dry crusts, use it for food. If this is a product with the addition of vegetable fats, then after only 2-3 days it acquires an unpleasant odor, can be covered with mucous membranes or even mold. With ordinary natural cheese that is made of milk, this does not happen. 

How to determine real cheese to taste and smell:

  • You can determine the authenticity of the product using taste characteristics. To do this, cut off the product slice, chew it and not drink it. Now you need to determine what taste you feel in your mouth.
  • The taste after consuming natural cheese should remain no more than 7-10 minutes. This says that in production, flavorings and plant components are not used. As for products with plant ingredients to enhance taste characteristics, give the smell of milk, use food additives and flavors.
  • It is they who are felt in the mouth the longest. Their aftertaste can remain for 30-60 minutes. It is worth remembering that artificial cheese, with the addition of palm oil, can cause burning in the throat, cough. This is due to the characteristics of palm oil. 
  • You can distinguish real cheese from artificial, not only in taste and duration of conservation of the taste, but also by smell. A natural product has a fermented milk smell that is somewhat similar to cottage cheese. At the same time, the cheese should not have too sharp smells, for example, melted milk or sour cream.

How to determine the cheese fake at home?

Some manufacturers add flavorings to mask the chemical composition of the product. In addition, experts recommend that the cheese behaves during cutting. 

How to determine the cheese fake at home:

  • If he sticks to a sharp knife, this suggests that the composition contains a large number of adhesive products, fat fats. If the composition of exclusively natural cow products, the cheese is made of milk, then it does not stick to the surface of the knife, but slides off it. 
  • Now you need to try to cut off a piece 3-2 mm thick and bend it at an angle of 90 °. The product should not burst, crack or stretch like a chewing gum. In this position, cracks should not appear on its surface. If you continue to bend a piece, trying to achieve the contact of opposite parts, the slice of cheese should burst, at the place of the greatest bending. If he bent and did not break, this suggests that there are a lot of vegetable fats. 
  • Be sure to conduct a test with iodine. From the school biology course, it is known that iodine along with starch gives a blue color. Cut a piece of cheese and try to drip iodine on it. If the surface turns blue, this suggests that starch contains starch and the product is forged. The composition of natural cheese made of cow's milk is not added starch. 

Complete cheeses

  • There are several more features that need to be guided by choosing this product. It must be taken into account that the appearance, organoleptic properties and smell of the product depend on its class.Now on the market you can find solid, semi -hard soft cheeses. Solids include products that are very dense, hard, have the highest shelf life. Half -hard have a soft structure, but not the same as that of cottage cheese.
  • Soft cheeses are creamy consistency products that have a very short shelf life. Regardless of the name and type of product, there should not be such lines “cheese product or product with the addition of vegetable fats” on the package. If you want to purchase a quality product that consists exclusively of cow's milk, without adding vegetable fats, it is necessary that the packaging is written “hard cheese”. 
  • Pay attention not only to taste, but also to the appearance of the product, choosing it in the store. The appearance can be a lot of what to tell. If cracks and irregularities formed after the cut, this suggests that a product of low quality. It is impossible for a slippery film or mold on the surface. The color should not be bright yellow. The permissible cream, white, ivory color or light yellow. Cheese manufacturers, to give it a beautiful appearance, add dyes. Thanks to this, the product acquires a bright yellow color. The composition should not have unnecessary products, except for milk, cream and enzymes. 

The composition of solid grades:

  • Whole milk 
  • Skimmed milk 
  • Normalized or pasteurized 
  • Cream 
  • Bacterial leashes or fermented milk crops 
  • Beta-carotene 
  • Calcium chloride 
  • Hardeners 
  • Salt 

What should not be in the composition of real cheese?

Do not be afraid of the presence of calcium chloride in the composition. This is a salt that is added so that the product becomes solid, and the dense structure is better separated from the serum. 

What should not be in the composition of real cheese:

  • Taste amplifiers 
  • Palm oil 
  • Coconut milk 
  • Coconut oil 
  • Vegetable fat 
  • Conserviers, except E 509. E 509 - calcium chloride, which was described in the previous paragraph. 
The right composition
The right composition

Acidity regulators, products that prevent coding, as well as preservatives are unacceptable in the composition. It is impossible for the composition of the cheese to contain salt, soy and starch.Separately, it is worth highlighting milk serum and milk powder. Ideally, it is a full -fledged substitute for natural whole milk, which, when water added, completely turns into natural milk. However, unscrupulous manufacturers, to reduce cost, often add starch, vegetable fats and dyes to this product. Given the desire of sellers to increase profits, do not purchase solid cheese, which contains dry milk or milk serum. 

It should be borne in mind that citric acid may contain citric acid. Many believe that this product, obtained exclusively from citrus fruits. In fact, now there is a cheap way to produce citric acid. In some cases, it is carried out by interacting sugar with a specific strain of mold fungus. Accordingly, this is a harmful supplement that can harm health. Therefore, with great caution, it is necessary to acquire cheese, which contains citric acid. Experts recommend choosing cheese in composition, or rather by the number of items.

Read on the topic:

The fewer points in the composition, the better. Ideally, there should be nothing but pasteurized milk and enzymes that contribute to turning milk into cottage cheese. 

Video: Ways to distinguish real cheese from fake

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