What to answer the word “Sorry”: from the guy about silence, from a girl, girlfriend, beautifully, to remember?

What to answer the word “Sorry”: from the guy about silence, from a girl, girlfriend, beautifully, to remember?

Want to know what to answer the word "Sorry" to be original? Look for options in the article.

Word "Sorry" or "sorry" We hear often in colloquial speech. But sometimes such phrases take us by surprise, since we do not know what to answer. Only something banal comes to mind. However, if you need to pronounce the phrase beautifully so that it is remembered, it is better to learn a few words that we offer in this article.

Read another on our site an article about the origin and significance of the phrase "The end justifies the means". You will also find examples from life, history and literature that will be useful if you need to write an essay on this topic.

So what to answer the word "Sorry"? Read further.

"Sorry" from the guy about silence: what to answer this word?

"Sorry" from the guy about silence

The strong floor is usually laconic. The girl can wait hours to answer the SMS in the messenger, and then get only a banal excuse “Sorry, I'm busy,” “There was no time”, “The phone was discharged” etc. But is it really so? And how is it worth reacting to such answers?

Of course, options differ depending on who it is: beloved, friend or random acquaintance. If a person is silent with whom close relationships are associated, jokes and a smile can be much better than words. If a person is aware of his wrongness regarding silence, you can squeeze something out of himself "Nevermind", "Forget" etc. Simple slang expressions or close to them in their structure.

But in most cases, the apology is not sincere, but “on -duty” - then you need to make it clear that no one believes the guy. A little skepticism - and the point is in the hat. It is worthwhile to politely say that the apologies are accepted, but to make it clear that you certainly will not tolerate such an attitude from him next time. What to answer the word "Sorry" From the guy about silence?

Here are the options for answers:

  • Honey, what are you! I'm not angry at all! I understand everything.
  • Of course, it was unpleasant for me to wait for your answer for half an hour. But I understand, you had an important meeting, etc.
  • Of course, it’s unpleasant for me that you sometimes won’t get you, but what to do? Of course, I forgive you. Just ask you, do not abuse it.
  • I do not really believe you, but if you really realize your guilt and swear that it was the last time, then it will not be, I won’t keep evil on you.

Such words are useful to a girl if apologies followed from a man. Below you will find suitable words if, on the contrary, the girl apologizes. Read further.

What to answer the word "sorry" from the girl?

The guys are much simpler: if they like a girl, they will forgive her almost everything (with rare exceptions), and a long -term answer, and then an apology, is unlikely to upset them. However, the nature of the relationship, the degree of proximity is also important. What is permissible to a “hat of a friend”, in the case of a bride or permanent partner, can bring men to an extreme degree of frenzy. What to answer the word "sorry" from the girl?

  • Female friend can be said - “Come on, I'm not angry”, “Don’t bother”, “I understand that everyone has urgent affairs” etc.
  • But at the same time it is worth remembering that everything can happen again. If a girl is used to flirting on a social network with a large number of guys and answers you the tenth, then it is not a fact that soon you will be “out of turn”.

Also, many girls tend to be late. Only now it is often not clear whether they sincerely apologize for being late, or this is “for a box”. In such cases, it should be noted that this is not the first time and you, to put it mildly, are not enthusiastic. However, it is important to observe the line:

  • Do not dramatize and threaten that relations may end soon.
  • Достаточно, чтобы девушка поняла, что у парня нет в планах начинать каждую встречу с ее извинений.
  • It will sound intelligent like this: «Мне бы очень не хотелось, чтобы наши отношения всякий раз портились извинениями и поводами для них».

However, it is important to distinguish between sincere apologies from the girl and passive aggressive. Последние – не столько признания с осознанием своей вины, сколько косвенные обвинения парня:

  • “I asked you to go to the meeting with me, but you refused. So I went myself and lied to you about it. But if you agreed, then I would not have to lie. In general, I'm sorry. "

In this case, the girl not only does not repent. She reproaches the guy in what happened - they say, through his fault she fell into an awkward position and she now has to apologize. It is better not to forgive such people, because nothing tolerant of communication will work. Although, of course, this is a personal matter.

What to answer the word "sorry" to a friend?

We answer the word
We answer the word "sorry" to a friend

A friend is one of the closest people in the world. That is why she can forgive any trick (especially if she sincerely repents). However, it is important to understand whether you want to forgive her for silence or another delay or not. If it is dear to you, you can invite her to forget about the incident. Especially if he had an episodic nature.

Further, in order to smooth out the unpleasant sensations, you can offer a girlfriend to do your favorite thing: go to the cinema or shopping, sit in a cafe, etc. The main thing is to make it clear that you are not angry and her company, as before, is pleasant to you.

Why is it better to tell a friend "Understand", how "that's all right"?

  • The thing is that this wording immediately indicates that you are with her, as before, close. There is a close connection between you that no vital forders will destroy.
  • To say "that's all right"It sounds sparingly and indifferent. From this phrase it blows cold. That is why it is undesirable to use it in communication with a close friend.

What else can answer a word "Sorry" girlfriend? Here are the options:

We answer the word
We answer the word "sorry" to a friend

 What to answer the word "sorry" in English?

The British and Americans are simple. In most cases, to answer an apology, they use "It’s OK"which means “Don’t worry, everything is fine”, “Everything is fine, don't worry”, “Forget” and thousands of other Russian synonyms. The most important thing is friendliness and tranquility with which the phrase is pronounced. You should not throw it alienated, cold and indifferent. What else can answer a word "Sorry" in English?

More options:

  • "That’s All Right"
  • "No Problem"
  • "It’s Fine"

The difference is that they are almost not used with friends. These are expressions for taking apologies from partners and colleagues, more characteristic of a business style. For loved ones a great option "Never Mind"what it means "Do not bother", "do not take it in mind", "forget" And so on.

But there are situations when it is necessary to forgive, but the precipitate remains. In such cases they say "Itsn’t Matter" - "This is not important". The expression is twofold: sometimes it is not clear whether the person has in mind that it doesn’t matter to him no longer the interpretation of the interlocutor, the apology from the latter is not important or it is not important in general interaction with the guilty.

If you want to understand that you were really forgiven, you can rejoice when you hear I Quite Understand, You COULDN’t Help It, It’s Not Your Fault, where:

  • "I Quite Understand" - don't worry. I understand everything.
  • "You COULDNYT HELP It" - Relax, you could not do anything in this situation. Do not Kori yourself.
  • "It’s not your fault" - it is not your fault.
  • "Hey, it happens" -translated as "Hey, it happens!" -It is used in those situations when a close friend apologizes for some trifle. He believes that you need to apologize, and you let him do it. But both are completely not concerned about the “incident”, you do not think that something terrible happened between you. You were waiting for a meeting with each other, and after these words you begin to have fun, as if nothing had happened.
  • "No work!" - translates as "don't worry" - The easiest and most informal option used by youth. It is suitable in banal situations when a person, for example, took the tablet to Wednesday, but returned it only on Friday, and then apologizes for the delay.
  • Option "Don’t Mental"- Often used in the school curriculum, means that the problem is not significant.
  • "Forget ABOUT It" - "Forget".

If you answer a friend in English, then it will be original and fun, especially if he understands it. If not, then you will have to explain in parallel how certain words are translated. How else can you answer interestingly? Read further.

What to answer the word "Sorry": beautiful to remember?

Those people who are at least a little familiar with the norms of etiquette understand that any gratitude should be rewarded. After all, in order to ask for forgiveness, you need a kind of courage. Yes, and admit his guilt when necessary, not everyone knows how. This must be correctly encouraged. That is why the on -duty version "do not mind it" or "nonsense" It can upset a person. And the conflict will not be exhausted.

When gratitude has already been expressed, you should notice why it is you who are offended by a person. For example, you were upset by his rudeness, tactlessness, neglect, betrayal, etc. After all, some guilty people understand that they need to apologize, but do not understand why. Moreover, such an explanation is necessary that the unworthy behavior of a person does not happen again. This is what to answer the word "Sorry" -beautiful to remember:

  • I am glad that you found the strength to apologize. But you know, real friends from each other do not beat off each other. It was very unpleasant for me to find out that you were thinking something behind me. After all, we were like sisters since childhood. I don’t know how now I can re -believe you - however, it is important not to go too far with aggression if there is no desire to complete the relationship with a person.
  • You can add “Everything is fine”, “don't worry”, “forget” etc. - These phrases will help the guilty psychologically, make you forget about unpleasant consequences. You can add “Not very scary,” “Everything is in order.”
  • Now you need to strengthen the relationship and forget the consequences of the scene. It is advisable to arrange something entertaining, entertaining.

But never in response to an apology, you do not need to be silent or turn away. Of course, you can sing a little if the interlocutor has inflicted a strong resentment and say: “I do not promise that I can immediately forgive you, but I will try,” “I was very unpleasant, but we are friends, so I would not keep evil” etc.

In some cases, it is worth adding that the interlocutor’s behavior is very worried: for example, when the girl suddenly began to be late for dates for an hour or began to answer calls later, although it is definitely known that at the moment she has no urgent matters. One way or another, each specific situation is evaluated individually.

How to answer the word "sorry" boldly and rudely: what to say, write in a message?

We answer the word
We answer the word "sorry" boldly and rude

To forgive or not forgive - always the personal choice of each person. If the interlocutor has “finished” so much that he has no forgiveness, it should be said directly about it. After the words that "There will be no forgiveness", can add "And the point!". This will consolidate the seriousness of intentions. Of course, you should answer as cold as possible, use restrained formulations in speech and writing, in style "said it suddenly and bluntly". How to answer the word "sorry" bold and rude? What can I say, write in a message?

The following options will be more appropriate:

  • "Leave me alone, I do not need your false apologies!"
  • "I do not believe in your sincerity, so do not go into the soul!"
  • "Stop getting me out!"

Phrases can be any. The main thing is that the interlocutor immediately understands that no one is going to contact him. And he accepted this fact. True, if this is an unfamiliar person (and not a long-standing friend), it is better not to gnaw at the negative, but it is cold, but correctly.

More answers:

  • And after everything that happened, do you also apologize to me? Do you think I will forgive you? Surrendered! I used to think. And now I do not need anything from you. You roll with your apology to hell (not for official communication).
  • Of course, I could forgive you. But I think this makes no sense. People do not change. And in general, I don't want to communicate with you anymore. You do not exist for me from this moment.
  • Alas, I cannot accept your apologies. You caused me too much resentment/damage (restrained, business).
  • Your apologies did not give up at all! Come with them know where?

Naturally, not all these phrases are suitable for business communication. If you need to pronounce words in a business style, then you will find suitable words below. Read further.            

What to answer the word "sorry" in a business letter?

Business vocabulary always implies peculiar schemes. They are available, both for greeting and establishing contact, and for an apology. Business people also accept the apologies "as expected." It sounds dry enough "Accept my sincere apologies", "I apologize to you". What to answer the word "Sorry" In a business letter?

  • In those cases when the institution was “offended” in front of the client, they usually say and write: “Our company brings you its sincere apologies,” and reply: “Our company accepts your apologies”.
  • Next, you can describe the consequences - “The incident will not affect the cooperation”, “The problem arose episodically, due to someone’s negligence” (You can add that the guilty employee has already been punished), etc.

A very important point is to add that you value your relationship. And also emphasize that this will no longer happen again. As a rule, a business letter ends with good wishes for a business partner in order to leave a good impression of yourself and your company.

How to answer the word "sorry" on the day of forgiven Sunday?   

"Sorry" on the day of forgiven Sunday

The words said on this holiday have the greatest power. How to answer a word correctly "Sorry" On the day of forgiven Sunday? Here are the options:

  • You can forgive your loved ones, acquaintances and relatives "God will forgive", adding "And I forgive".
  • This shows that if the Lord finds the strength not to keep evil on sinners and guilty, then a person should be able to forgive it more and more. After all, we are all not without sin.
  • In a simpler interpretation, the phrase means "I forgive you, not demanding anything in return".

In some cases, it is only appropriate to note that there is nothing to forgive for the interlocutor. Of course, the main component of the Christian holiday is sincerity. After all, it is she, as well as the purity of the soul and thoughts, that distinguish a person with God.

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