How to determine where the parcel with Aliexpress in Russia will be delivered with free delivery?

How to determine where the parcel with Aliexpress in Russia will be delivered with free delivery?

Where the parcel will be delivered with Aliexpress? This is a frequent question that the buyers of this trading platform arises.

Most often parcels with Aliexpress Come to the department Russian Post.

  • If the buyer lives in a small town, and the post office in such a settlement is one, then the question of the place of delivery will not even arise.
  • Such a question is asked by residents of large cities who order goods at the largest trading platform in the world, and it is always unknown where the package will come.
  • Let's figure out where Aliexpress It delivers parcels in Russia.

How to determine where the parcel with Aliexpress in Russia will be delivered with free delivery?

If you still do not have an account at the largest trading platform, create it to buy goods at low prices. Article By this link It will help to quickly and simply register on this site. Also, create an account will help and video instructions on this link.

It is worth knowing:

  • When buyers order the goods on Al andexpress With paid delivery, they have no questions about where he will arrive.
  • After all, the package will deliver the courier to the specified address.
  • But such delivery is expensive and suitable only for shopping with high cost, for example, equipment and so on.

So, you ordered the goods on Aliexpress With free delivery. Now it remains only to wait for the parcel. But where will it be delivered, how to find out? To do it is simple:

On the Aliexpress, in your account, the delivery address must be entered, otherwise you will not be able to order the product. You can see it if you go on your account to the tab " My orders"(The picture is indicated by the red arrow).

Tab "My orders"
  • Then click on " Delivery addresses»In the menu on the left.
Delivery addresses
Delivery addresses
  • A page with your delivery address will open. You can enter several such addresses. Therefore, when ordering the goods, pay attention to whether the address is correctly indicated, and whether you want to order the delivery of the parcel from China at this address.
Delivery address
Delivery address

The index is written next to the city. It is according to the post office index of your package.

It's important to know: It often happens that we indicate the index not entirely true. But this is important information for postal workers, since it is the bar under a specific index.

By the index, you can find out which post office the package will come to. To do this, enter the corresponding request in the search line of any search engine, for example: ““ post Office Moscow 101000". You must enter your city and index, which is indicated in the form of delivery on Aliexpress. A page with a million answers will open. On the right you will see the image of the post office according to this index and card. Click on the card.

Card with the location and address of the post office
Card with the location and address of the post office

Yandex.Maps are a very convenient service, with which you can find out not only the address, but also other information about the addressee. Now you know the location of the post office where you need to contact the parcel. On the left is the address address, phone number and other data.

Important: Information that the package is already waiting for the recipient in the post office will come to the email address, which was entered during registration.

If for some reason you do not open a page with delivery addresses or you just do not want to look for it, then you can find out the place of finding the post office through the site Post office. Here's the instruction:

  • Go to your account for Aliexpress. Then open the tab " My orders"And find an order that has already arrived at the post office. Click " Read more».
Click "Read more"
  • The page with information about this order will open.
  • Copy a track number of computer mouse with the right button.
  • A little to the left of the track code is the delivery method
  • If there are familiar courier services, then they will bring the parcel by contacting you by phone
  • If other delivery methods, then read the article further
Copy the track number of the package
Copy the track number of the package
  • Go to the site Russian Post on this link And insert the track number into the search form. Click the search - icon " lups", And when the search is completed, the site will give you information about which post office your parcel is located. Aliexpress.
Information about the post office on the index
Information about the post office on the index
  • Copy the index and the city, insert Yandex or another search engine into the search line and search for the address of the post office, as described above.

It is worth knowing: But you may not take any action when you receive an email about the arrival of the parcel. After 2-3 days from the post office you will receive a notice that a small package from China awaits you. This notification will indicate the address, telephone and other information about the post office.

You will only need to come with a passport by mail and get a parcel.

Sometimes, even with free delivery, the seller can send a parcel with a courier service.

  • In this case, insert the track code into the site search window Track24 and press " To track the package«.
  • In the obtained track statuses, when the departure comes out of China, you can see who the package is delivered. If Russian by mail is obtained by the post office, if another service, then most likely a courier will contact you by phone, which is registered on Aliexpress.
  • Below in the picture the arrows indicate where to watch delivery in the tracking status.
The tracking status indicates the delivery of SDEK with Aliexpress by the courier service
The tracking status indicates the delivery of SDEK with Aliexpress by the courier service
The tracking status indicates delivery with Aliexpress by Russian Post
The tracking status indicates delivery with Aliexpress by Russian Post

Good luck!

Video: Where will the parcel with Aliexpress come?

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