How to attract customers and buyers? Conspiracies, prayers, rites

How to attract customers and buyers? Conspiracies, prayers, rites

Conspiracies, prayers and rites for good luck will help you promote your business and attract customers and customers. Even a beginner can do this, and the result will be the same as when contacting magicians and psychics. In addition, you will use white magic, which means you do not need to be afraid of the consequences. After all, you do not want anyone to be evil, but only want to avoid ruin and increase sales at your outlet. It is only necessary to adhere to all the rules when conducting such rituals.

Conspiracies, prayers and rites will help to attract money to business. There are other ways to attract customers and customers.

Conspiracy to attract customers and buyers

Important: if you plan to read the conspiracy in advance, then you need to do this in the middle of the week or on Saturday, after dawn and before sunset.

Read the conspiracy standing and aloud. If this is impossible to do, then sit down on a chair and say words with a whisper or to yourself. There are cases when these treasured words need to be pronounced spontaneously, then you do not need to choose a certain day and time. You must believe in the success of the ritual so that he will bring good luck and be effective.

This conspiracy to attract customers and buyers is good because it does not need to be prepared for a long time, just find a piece of old matter. A rag is suitable, with which wet cleaning in a retail room is carried out.

Wiping the workplace from dust, say such words:

CONSPIRACY: “Get away from my product and a feverish and poverty alien to me! Away from my workplace along the river, on the ground, through the forest. Lie down under the snag, do not call me to yourself! I sweep away all the failures with a rag, I send poverty away - by forest, along the river, on water and earth! My goods do not lie, but instantly sells, because strength in water, cleanliness and language. I call buyers, I offer goods. Amen!"

Repeat this conspiracy three times, and throw a rag in any pond or burn. You will see the result right away, if all the words are said clearly and without a hitch.

Prayers to attract customers and buyers

Read prayers every day twice. This will help to consolidate the effect and will help in attracting customers. If you are engaged in sales in any field, read this prayer:

Bring, Lord, customers to me,
Let the matter go smoothly,
Let the luck come
Profit, bunch of money,
Let the star burn in my business,
Yes, it will always be so! Amen!

Such a prayer for good trade will cheer you up, you will feel more confident and customers will go in a crowd. Immediately you want to find constructive solutions to interact with people.

There is another effective prayer to attract customers and customers, thanks to which you will increase your sales:

Come to me customers,
Give your money
Here's my product,
Profit to my pocket. Amen!

Rituals to attract customers and buyers

You can use an effective rite for money. It attracts customers and helps to increase sales of goods. Spend it in the trading floor where the goods are put up or next to the counter, but you will go to the other side of the counter where customers stand.

Rite for attracting customers and buyers for money

Ritual: Take a yellow coin (medium or large face value), dip it in any fragrant essential oil (eucalyptus, orange, rose) and stand in the middle of the room, holding a coin in the right hand.
After that, read the following words:

“Trade roads lead buyers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that customers and luck go to me, bring a lot of money, increased profit! Amen!"

When these words are spoken three times, you need to throw a coin under your feet and shout loudly “paid”. It is not necessary to remove the coin, let it lie on the floor. It will be good if the client will raise this money in your store and pays for the purchase.

Rite for attracting customers and buyers for salt

Beginning entrepreneurswho only plan to open their own store or outlet, can use such a rite for salt. It helps to attract good energy, which means profit and success in business.
Ritual: When leaving the house to work, take a handful of salt. When there are several steps left before the entrance to the store, throw a handful of salt over your head and say such words:

“I speak salt, attract buyers! Strips fall, customers stand in line. No one will leave without goods, everyone bores money to me! Amen."

After such words, go to the store and do not look back. The result will be one hundred percent, and you will immediately see an influx of people for goods. These rites for attracting customers and buyers are considered effective, they will help increase sales and you can get more profits.

Other ways to attract customers and buyers

If you do not believe in rituals and rituals, then you can use other ways to attract customers and customers. To do this, you have to work hard and engage in advertising:

Social networks. Conclude an agreement with any show business star and place your advertisement on its page. All friends and subscribers will immediately turn into potential customers and buyers. Create a separate page and invite many friends. With their help, you can expand the client base.

Creating your own resource on the Internet. Many people on the network are looking for answers to all questions and make purchases. Therefore, the site will be an excellent means of attracting customers. Make a stylish design, place quality information on the pages of the resource.

Email letters. This is a great way to attract customers. Do not think that such a mailing list annoys people, they open letters and read them. After that, half of the people are removed, and the other half will become your potential customers. This method works, and for a certain period of time your business will have a new clientele.

There are many other ways that really work and help increase profits.

Participate in thematic exhibitions, become a sponsor, make a show, if possible, or release advertising publications. There are millions of such methods and you can choose the most effective for yourself.

You need to give free rein. If there is no time to think, then use everyday prayers or disposable rites to attract success in business. Unique conspiracies and faith will help to attract money and earn good capital!

Video: Ritual for urgent money raising

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  1. a lot of useful things

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