How to buy in the EBAY online store in Russian: step -by -step instructions. How to register on ebay, find a product, add to the basket and place an order?

How to buy in the EBAY online store in Russian: step -by -step instructions. How to register on ebay, find a product, add to the basket and place an order?

From our article you will learn how to register on eBay, find goods on it and make payment.

Ebay trading platform It is a world-famous Internet resource on which you can buy goods for the whole family. Millions of users from the whole world have already been registered on the site, and every day their number only increases. This resource has more than thirty branches around the world, which allows him to quickly deliver the goods to the buyer.

Separately, I want to say about the quality of the goods presented on ebay. Almost all things that are on the resource are manufactured in the USA and Europe, and there, as you know, very high requirements for the manufacture of any, even the most inexpensive products. Therefore, buying clothes or household appliances here, you can definitely not worry that it will have any defects.

But perhaps the main advantage ebay It is that here, in addition to the usual buyer of goods, you can find very rare things. The site sells ancient coins, books, rare paintings and vases that were made in the century before last. Therefore, if you want to please yourself or your family with just such original presentations, then look for them here.

Registration for ebay: step -by -step instructions

In order to buy something on ebay, first you need to register on it. If you do not do this, then you simply can’t get and pay for the goods. Yes, and remember, all accounts without exception on this resource are attached to e -mail, so if you do not have it, then to begin with, register on any mail service convenient for you, and only after that start registering directly at the trading platform itself.

Step-by-step instruction:

The beginning of registration
  • So, go to the main page of the site and find the word in the upper left upper corner "Register". You will need to click on it and wait until you open a page with a form for filling. It is necessary to fill the form on the Latin, and this must be done even if the page is automatically Russified.
  • If you conduct activities on the site as a legal entity, then immediately click in the form "Business account". After that, it will be possible to start the standard registration process. At the first stage, you will need to indicate your last name, name and address of the current email, and also come up with a password.
Form to fill
  • Pay special attention to the password. In no case do not use your last name or date of birth for this. As a rule, such passwords give a rather poor protection, which leads to not very pleasant consequences. Therefore, select the most complex abbreviation, consisting not only of numbers, but also letters. If it happens that you have chosen passwordthe system will not accept, then just change it a little. Change it until the red strip under the letters and numbers from red will become green.
  • At the next stage, enter your phone number and press the word "Confirm". By this action, you will confirm registration and the fact that you agree with all points of the user agreement. If you did everything correctly, then literally in a couple of seconds a letter will come to you in the mail with a link to activate your personal account. Crossing it, you can already calmly look through the lots.
  • After registration, you will have to do at least one Betwhich will help you start making a rating. If you start your account and do not use it, then in about a month all your data will be deleted and you will have to be entered again.
  • Start to work out ratingit is necessary, because the trading system on this resource is built so that sellers most often prefer the most active customers. This does not mean that you should immediately bet on an expensive thing. To begin with, you can try to buy, for example, CDs or stickers. And when your rating increases, you can take part in more interesting auction.

How to fill out the delivery address on ebay?

An example of filling the form with the address
  • After you activate your account and find the desired product on the site you will need to issue it. In order to do this, you will need to indicate the exact address of the recipient of the parcel. When filling out this form, take into account the fact that here it is necessary to indicate not only the actual address of living, but also the one by which you are registered in the passport.
  • If you do not, then in case of problems it will be more difficult for you to confirm your identity and return the goods back. After your place of residence is installed, proceed to fill out the remaining fields. Be sure to indicate the country, the city and the street on which you live at the moment. Also enter the phone number for communication and email again. In this form, it can be indicated both that used during registration and spare.
Payment for eBay is carried out through the PayPal payment sisem
  • After that, click the button at the very bottom of the form and wait until the data is updated. As a rule, after these actions, the system redirects beginners to a page with another form in which you need to indicate your payment data in the PayPal system. No need to be afraid that you will have to enter your details on the site as the system is well protected, only a seller from whom you buy a phone or blouse will see them.
  • You will have to make a binding, because without this you simply cannot pay for the goods. And finally, once again I want to say about the rules for filling out addresses. Always remember that Europeans and Americans write addresses a little differently than we are, so ordering the goods, be sure to see which country it will be sent to you.
  • If this is the United States, then the first you should enter your name and surname and only after that indicate the country and the city of residence. Be sure to indicate the mail index as correctly as possible. If it contains at least the slightest mistake, then the goods will come to you with a great delay or the sender, in general, will not risk you to send it. If you order goods from Europe, then after your name and surname indicate the street on which you live and only at the very end write the country.

How to find the right product on ebay in the catalog?

The basic search system
  • Most often, newcomers who make their first purchase on eBay are lost in a huge variety of lots and buy the first product that came across. Such a rush leads to the fact that in the end they simply overpay for their favorite thing. After all, if they were more persistent, they were probably able to find a more interesting offer on the resource. Moreover, looking for goods on the site is quite easy.
  • On the ebay There are two search systems, basic and expanded. The base system It suggests that you simply introduce the name of the product into the search engine on the main page, and then select the appropriate product from what has been found at the moment. As a rule, in this case, on the page that opened, you can see the product of absolutely any price category and quality. Therefore, if you are interested in anything definite, then use extended search. In this case, you will have to deal with the filter system that can be seen in the left corner of the page.
Filter system for finding the right product
  • Using these filters, you can choose a manufacturer, price category and even sew a product that is no longer involved in the auction. If you want the search page to not be presented those products that are sold exclusively in the territory of the seller’s residence, then just click in the filters by the word "Pickup". After the product is found, be sure to see its description. Typically, sellers describe things that they sell, with two three small offers, so if, after reading them you have not received the necessary information, then find the word "Characteristic" And click on it.
  • After you do this, you can see additional photos of the selected thing and even a small video presentation. As a rule, the presence of more extensive information indicates that the seller is quite seriously related to his duties and values \u200b\u200ba reputation, so you can safely order any things from such merchants.

How to add the goods to the basket on ebay and remove from the basket?

Rules for adding to the basket
  • Trade platform ebay On the principle of operation, it is very similar to other popular Internet resources, so find a product on the site and add it Add to cartabsolutely every person can. In view of this, pick up things that interest you in the online store, carefully read their description and, if they suit you, look for an English phrase under a photo of a product "Add to Basket"Click on it with the mouse and update the page.
  • If you did everything as it should, then in the upper right corner you will see a basket with a number one. This will mean that you managed to send your favorite thing to design. And remember, you can safely send goods from several sellers to the basket, and then pay for it. You can’t confuse anything like that every thing will have its own number and seller’s login. If you send a lot of different goods of one merchant to the basket, then it is automatically grouped in it.
  • As for removal, there are two ways. You can just go into the basket and put the mouse cursor to the goods. After that you will see the word " ", Clicking on it, you will remove things from the basket. Another method is as easy as the first. Try to change the amount of goods from one to zero. After these actions you will see the word «Update. " Click on it and wait until the page is rebooted. As soon as it is updated, the goods are automatically disappeared from the basket.

How to place an order in the ebay online store?

Rules for the design of goods
  • As you probably already understood ebay This is a trading platform on which the goods are sold at peculiar auction, so you can start issuing the selected thing only after the seller approves your candidacy. This function will appear automatically, immediately after the auction is over.
  • As soon as the lot is removed from the auction, you will see under the selected goods pay now. If you do not have additional questions for the seller, then you just have to indicate your exact address and choose the payment method. If you select payment using an electronic payment, a transition to the payment system may be required.
  • After the money is credited to the seller’s account, you will receive a message that the transaction was successful. After the merchant confirms the receipt of payment in My ebay the goods you have chosen will be displayed as paid, and you just have to wait until it comes by mail.

Video: how to buy on ebay (instruction for buying a real product)

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