How to learn to easily and quickly collect any puzzles: recommendations. How to teach a child to collect puzzles? Where to put the collected puzzles?

How to learn to easily and quickly collect any puzzles: recommendations. How to teach a child to collect puzzles? Where to put the collected puzzles?

Want to learn how to collect puzzles? Read the article, it has recommendations and tips.

In the modern world with an accessible round -the -clock Internet access, it is so important to have a general hobby for the whole family. Puzzles are not only an interesting and meditative activity, but also the development of the brain and fine motor skills, both for adults and children.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Games for entertainment in a home environment". You will find games for children and adults, if boring.

The collection of puzzles develops visual memory, the ability to analyze, patience, perseverance, etc. We will consider in the article recommendations on the quick and easy assembly of any puzzle. Read further.

Learning to easily and quickly collect any puzzles - general scheme: recommendations

Learning to easily and quickly collect any puzzles
Learning to easily and quickly collect any puzzles

The first puzzle should not be voluminous, otherwise there is a risk of disappointed and quit. It is better for a beginner to take a mosaic for 500 parts. Choose the puzzle that not only like and would like to see it in your interior, but also real for your strength. For example, it is very difficult for a beginner to select elements if there is a plain large fragment of the sky on the puzzle or a dominant shade takes half the picture. Collecting a puzzle in which there are many bright color fragments and patterns - lighter and more pleasant. So, we learn to easily and quickly collect any puzzles. Here are the recommendations:

  • First you need to determine working surface with good lighting.
  • If there is no separate table, then there will be a rug for collecting puzzles to help.
  • It can be rolled into a roll and transferred the picture to the right place.
  • It is advisable to have not only a fragment assembled on the table, but all the details.
  • And they are better store in a container, box or zip packets to avoid loss.

Below you will find several general schemes. The assembly process begins with a tedious lesson:

  • Need turn overall details are the front side.
  • Or use a puzzle tablet, and put the parts in color. This will simplify the task when you begin to navigate in the forms and shades, the eye will catch on some bright element, and it will be the beginning of the assembly.
  • For convenience, first look for details corners, and then krai. Such pieces of the puzzle are noticeable among the rest, because One side of the edge, always straight.
  • All collected details form the frame of the future picture. After collecting it, outline a plot from which it is easiest to continue filling.
  • Details with the released A pattern, inscription or repeating color, immediately put aside. The more such fragments, the easier it is to collect a whole picture.

Now let's look at the main assembly methods:

Color sorting:

  • This method is convenient for beginners.
  • Pieces sort the color And connect.
  • Everything that is difficult to distinguishable in shades, pierce in a heap separately, until the end of all the main color fragments.

Sorting in the shape of a cut:

  • Another way: sort the details in the shape of a cut.
  • The more diverse the shape, the easier it is to collect the picture.
  • You need to take one element and find a suitable one for it in shape.
  • Details should be easily combined.
  • Cutting is classic, rectangular with protrusions, triangular or round with wavy edges.

Particularly difficult areas of dark color, because There are no patterns and will have to be selected by cutting and bypassing. At the end of the assembly, the necessary details may remain, but for some reason not suitable for a fragment. There is a catch for attentiveness, the puzzle is considered from a certain distance at different angles and look for the differences in shades. Details, almost similar, will certainly find their place in the picture.

Advice: Do not rush to collect the entire puzzle at once. It is better to do with separate color fragments. The collected fragments can be approximately located on the frame, even if they are not interconnected. When considering the space, new clues for other elements will appear. When the picture becomes clearer, it motivates to collect all the details further together.

If the process is tired, annoying or fails, then the brain must be given to relax and switch to other things. And then return to the assembly with a fresh look, find a mistake or start a new fragment.

Assembly of small puzzles: 160 - 500 elements

Assembly of small puzzles
Assembly of small puzzles

Amount of elements - 160, Suitable for the child 5-6 years. Before 500 elements - This is the most optimal amount for a novice adult. In this category of puzzles, you can already choose a mosaic quite complex. For the assembly of such small puzzles, the above tips are relevant. The process will depend on the color scheme and the cutting method. Next time, go to the puzzle is more difficult to hone skills.

Assembly of medium puzzles: 1000/1500/2000 pieces of parts

Medium puzzles - 1000/1500/2000 pieces of partsDesigned for those who already have an initial skill. In this category, you can often find attractive paintings, because The larger the puzzle, the more boring and difficult to collect due to the addition of plain space in the image.

This is how the assembly is performed:

  • For work you will need a table 2 times morethan the collected picture.
  • On it, it is necessary to lay out the collected fragment and details, the rest should be removed in the table or box.
  • The middle puzzles are convenient to collect sitting at the table, with large ones - you will have to go to the floor.
  • For those who want to complicate the assembly, puzzles can be collected without a picture-image.
Assembly of medium puzzles
Assembly of medium puzzles
  • Start the assembly with the frame, then select the sorted parts by color and shape.

In fact, collecting puzzles is simple. This lesson is capturing. When you learned to collect a medium -sized Mosaic, go to large puzzles.

How to collect large puzzles: 3000, 4000 parts and more

We collect large puzzles
We collect large puzzles

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An important point in puzzles, especially with a large number of details, is quality. It is much more pleasant to collect a puzzle with good, high -quality cutting, where all the details are suitable for each other. And it is important that from multiple friction with fingers, the image on the elements is not exfoliated and not washed. How to collect large puzzles correctly 3000, 4000 details and more?

  • Large puzzles require preparatory work.
  • If the sorting of parts in small puzzles can be done carelessly, then here is the key moment on which you will have to spend a lot of hours.
  • Carefully consider the picture-image and sort the details by color, shape and patterns.
  • More thorough sorting is best done when assembling individual fragments of the puzzle.

After sorting, the number of selected parts can be very large. Gather on the floor, in a separate room, so that animals and children do not damage the mosaic. But from such a lesson a back can get sick. There are special rugs made of fabric fabric, the details do not slip, and you can assemble even on the couch. Then the rug is wound on the roller, fixed with belts and stored.

Big puzzle
Big puzzle

There are usually two packages with equal number of parts in the box. For many manufacturers, one vertical part is identical to the second at an angle of 180 degrees. Therefore, you can spy on the assembled part and the second is assembled like it. After sorting, collect the puzzle frame. Then start with simple fragments, remember the pattern according to the picture-image and try to connect the parts.

How to collect luminous puzzles: tips

When assembling fluorescent luminous puzzles, there are no features. All of the above tips will be relevant. First, lay out the elements, and then start collecting a picture according to the model. If the puzzles are large, then also collect with a few fragments, and then fold them together.

How is it easy to collect a wooden puzzle?

Wooden puzzles are distinguished by curly, unusual cutting, for example, in the form of animals, collect them, focusing on the shape of parts. 3D puzzles are a unique voluminous figure that a child can collect without glue, scissors, etc. It is better to take a simple model to a beginner. How is it easy to collect a wooden puzzle?

  • For work, you need plywood boards, wax, tooth sticks - all this is included.
  • The assembly is carried out according to the instructions from the manufacturer.
  • Follow all stages. It's simple. Details are folded, glued or fastened.

Puzzles have a pleasant smell and environmental friendliness. The choice is diverse, you can collect models of ships, houses, dinosaurs, paint or according to instructions, revive using a special mechanism.

How to quickly collect a plain puzzle: tips

Plain puzzle
Plain puzzle

A plain puzzle requires perseverance to obtain a result. At least an hour a day is allocated for assembly. It is important to monitor your own burnout - there may be a desire to quit everything and no longer touch this work. Therefore, it is better to combine the routine assembly process with listening to music or audio programs. How to quickly assemble a plain puzzle? Here are another tips:

  • Start the assembly with the edges.
  • Sort the elements by cutting, color, in the shape of protrusions.
  • The more detailed to sort, the easier it is to sort out suitable elements.

Another advice: When sorting out, you can use bypass method. The selected detail in turn to attach to several places in the search for coincidences. Try to use both hands (in each in detail), applying one or the other to a fragment.  

How to teach a child to collect puzzles?

Learning a child to collect puzzles
Learning a child to collect puzzles

You can already teach a child to collect puzzles from 2-2.5 years.

  • The first puzzles can be large, cardboard of two details, the child learns to find on the principle of associations: what the cow eats - grass where the fish lives - in the aquarium, etc.
  • Invite the baby to collect a picture of cubes.
  • The main thing is to master the principle of adhesion of details and a logical connection.

FROM 3 years You can master wooden frames-lodges and large puzzles that are collected on the floor. A little older - puzzles on the frame, where tips are applied on a cardboard substrate, which part is where to put. Then take the simplest, classic puzzles on 8, 12, 24 details.

The child is offered puzzles by age, from simple to complex, do not chase norms, each child develops at his own pace. Here are some more tips:

  • Choose pictures for your favorite topics.
  • The main thing is to interest the baby and not tire.
  • Children are often fond of looking at an adult, show an example.
  • Praise if the baby manages to collect the details.
  • Make tips and tell you why this piece is suitable here.
  • Over time, complicate the task: add more cubes or parts, and if we do not move at the beginning of the part, then they can be located randomly.

An adult with each assembly gives the child freedom of action, the baby himself will find and place the details. Adults help if there is difficulty in fastening parts or the child does not know where to start. Invite him to focus on the assembly of something, for example, one character, and then go to another.

Older children can be taught on puzzles-frames with a cardboard substrate of Larsen. Together with the child, turn all the details with the front side. The frame does not need to be assembled (it is already assembled by the manufacturer). Learn the baby to compare the shape of the parts and on squeezed outlines on the substrate, let him find suitable elements. The assembly of classic puzzles begins with the creation of a frame, finding corners and edges. Then, according to the picture, you can proceed to the main part.

Where to put the collected puzzles?

Puzzles collected can be presented
Puzzles collected can be presented

The puzzle is assembled. Where to put him now? You can put it in a box for sale or exchange. Better yet, design in a beautiful frame and hang on the wall. To do this, glue the mosaic. How to do it?

Attach the film
Attach the film
  • To begin with, cover the table with unnecessary material so as not to stain it.
  • Close with glue or self -adhesive film.
  • Pour the glue between the details, it does not cloth and does not crack, but you can’t disassemble the work anymore.
Cut along the contour
Cut along the contour
  • Put the film on the front side and fasten the details well with each other.
  • A good film is not bubbled, if it is glued unevenly, you can peel off and re -do.
  • Then glue the puzzle to the cardboard or faner and insert into the frame.
  • You can give it to a special baguette workshop for beautiful design.
Hang a picture from puzzles on the wall
Hang a picture from puzzles on the wall

In conclusion, I would like to note that the collection of puzzles seems to be a frivolous occupation. Of course, hobby requires perseverance and perseverance, as well as free time, and not everyone is suitable. But if you decide to do this hobby, develop spatial thinking, spend evenings with your family, decorate the interior, then it is worth studying the advice and assembly approaches to collect and receive even more positive emotions from the process. Good luck!

Video: Puzzles - how to collect quickly?

Video: Puzzle collecting algorithm

Video: 1000 puzzles in 5 minutes with the champion of Slovakia

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