How to carry the underwear of the Orthodox Cross: church rules, tips. What cannot be done with the underwear of the Orthodox cross, what crosses cannot be worn: rules, signs

How to carry the underwear of the Orthodox Cross: church rules, tips. What cannot be done with the underwear of the Orthodox cross, what crosses cannot be worn: rules, signs

How to carry an Orthodox underwear.

The pectoral cross in Orthodoxy is the most important and very expensive symbol that is with a believer from the very beginning of his baptism. Since this sacrament, the cross is a powerful amulet of a person, and therefore you must always wear it without removing.

Definition of the Orthodox religious Cross

A religious Orthodox cross is not just a jewelry, it is the strongest amulet of a person. And there is no difference on what to wear it, what material it is and what is its price. The main thing is faith in God.

A cross is a sign that a person honors and believes in God. For a believing Christian, this is a sacred, not a product of luxury. The underwear is presented to people in the sacrament of baptism and protects throughout life. The symbol of crucifixion on the cross is a sign of fidelity to the Almighty and Orthodox faith. In life, he helps a person in difficult situations, failures and troubles in life, supports a person’s spirit, protects from demons and dark magic. When Jesus Christ defeated death, the cross became the emblem of the victory of good over evil.

When buying a breast Orthodox Cross in a regular jewelry store, it will definitely need to be consecrated in the temple. Many entrepreneurs selling such products argue that their products are already illuminated and prove this by writing on a label. It is not true! Such products are covered in the temple on the altar, and not at the production factory.

When choosing a cross cross, pay attention to what crucifixion is there. It is important. There are two of them:

  • The Crosses are Orthodox. They have an ancient story. Basically, they exist eight -pointed. What will be crucified on such a cross in 692 in the Tula Cathedral, and it looks like this: Jesus Christ revealed his arms for everyone, trying to protect them from troubles. Even on such a cross there is an inscription "Save and save."
  • The Catholic cross looks different: On the shrine, the torments of Christ are expressed. The legs are folded on each other and nailed with a nail, hands sag in the elbows, and on the head of the thorns. The Catholics offer human torment, not thinking about the divine hypostasis.
The Orthodox Cross is the strongest amulet of a person.
The religious cross is the strongest amulet of man.

Orthodox cross: is it allowed to give a cross as a gift or not?

Very often there is a desire to make a pleasant person, to give a good and special present. You begin to think about a gift, what is better to give? Icon or a pectoral of the Orthodox cross? In everyday life there is a sign that giving a cross is a bad sign. If you believe such superstition, then such a present can bring a person a lot of problems and misfortunes.

Is it possible to give an Orthodox cross as a gift or not?

Priests of the Orthodox Church are not against such gifts, only if you are not other faith.

  • If a cross or body is given to a rather close person, then this is a gesture of goodwill with better wishes. With this gift you wish this person all the best, and to find a blessing of God. If you received a similar gift as a gift, this means that you are quite expensive to a given person.
  • When you want to hand such a present to your spouse or spouse, it means that you are very attached to this person and thereby symbolize the purity of your motives for him.
  • To give an Orthodox cross to someone younger than yourself means the desire to share with him your life experience, wisdom and skills. As a result of this, the Orthodox clergy approve such a gift to the godson from the godfather or from the godfather.
  • There is still such a custom: if your godfather has lost a pectoral cross, then godparents should buy and give him a new one, and it is not particularly important at what age is the godson, whether he is a child, or an adult.
A gift in the form of an Orthodox cross symbolizes the kindest motives for a person.
A gift in the form of a pectoral cross symbolizes the kindest motive for a person.

What holidays is it better to give Orthodox crosses?

To present such a present to a person, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the Orthodox cross is not just a decoration, it symbolizes faith, and it must be given on a religious holiday, for example:

  • On the holiday of the crosses.
  • On the day of the guardian angel.
  • For large Orthodox holidays.

There are no recommendations about such presentations, and the temple does not mind if these gifts are presented on everyday days or on a birthday. It is important that such a present is appropriate and donated with good intentions.

Is it possible to give your own Orthodox cross?

There is no clear solution to such a question. If a person is a believer in truth, then a pectoral Orthodox cross is quite expensive for him. The attitude to this sign of faith should be quite reverent.

A believer is sure that the Orthodox cross always helped him in difficult times, so he can help another person who needs him more now than you.

It may be that you cannot fully decide on the decision to give your cross or not. Visit the temple before the decision is made, listen to what your inner voice will tell you, ask the priest how best to do.

Cross parents must give the Orthodox cross.
Cross parents should give the breast cross.

Orthodox cross: how to wear it - rules and signs

Is it allowed to put on the Orthodox breast cross of the deceased man?

The priests assure that the religious Orthodox cross, transmitted to you by inheritance from a deceased person, is not only possible, but even need to be worn, having previously consecrated it again. But if you do not want to wear it, then it is necessary to store it. Take out in the box, or put it on the icon.

No need to carry him to the grave of a deceased person, there he will definitely be taken by strangers. If you got a cross by inheritance, and you constantly think that it will bring only negative, believe me, it will be so. Keep a cross without unnecessary fears. This is an invaluable memory of a person and a strong amulet.

Is it possible to swim in the sea or go to a bathhouse with an Orthodox cross?

Most clergymen insist that the cross should always be on the body. But if the cross is a temperature difference or a long stay in water, then it is better to remove it for a while. Wooden Orthodox crosses can swell from long stay in the water, and then cracks will appear on them, and precious metals can fade. At high temperatures - many products are covered with spots and can painfully burn. So that this does not happen, you can moisten the cross with cool water or remove for a short period of time, the priests allow to preserve the product.

Take care of your Orthodox cross, and it will save you.
Take care of your Orthodox cross, and it will save you.

Do the Orthodox cross with other jewelry dress?

Having on the chest of the Orthodox cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ or with the inscription “Save and Save” you do not need to wear other pendants or pendants with him. It looks ridiculous. No need to wear a cross together and a symbol of your zodiac sign. Astrology and religion are different poles. It is also not entirely ethical to wear with the face of the holy letter of your name, it looks very rude. It is permissible to wear pendants or pendants with crosses, which do not carry any semantic significance. You can, for example, wear a small diamond on a thin chain with a cross.

What is the best way to wear an Orthodox cross?

It all depends mainly on the financial situation of a person and on his taste. Want to put on a chain - dress. The main thing is that you do not need to wear an Orthodox cross on a bulky, rough chain with complex weaving. Do not show everyone and demonstrate their well -being. Spiritual values \u200b\u200band material condition do not need to be connected together. Buy for children under 5 years old buy a lace for a cross. So it will be more convenient for him than with a chain and it is unlikely that he will lose it. The laces are much stronger than chains, and practically do not break. If you still decided to wear a chest Orthodox cross on the chain, then remember that it should be from the same metal as the cross itself.

Decorative crosses: how to wear?

At the moment, there are not only religious Orthodox crosses, but also decorative jewelry. There is no crucifixion of Christ on them and is not written “Save and save”. They are decorated with precious stones. There are no rules for wearing such jewelry. With such a symbol, there are not only pendants, but also earrings. Believers claim that this does not apply to blasphemy, but strongly recommend not to confuse a serious symbol of faith and simple design jewelry.

Do two Orthodox crosses wear at the same time?

At baptism, the priest is dressed in a sanctified Orthodox cross, which remains with a person forever. It may happen that they can give him another one. You can wear and wear two consecrated crosses both jointly and in turn, the church has nothing against this. The main thing is that he be one faith.

Two Orthodox Crosses can be worn together.
Two crosses can be worn together.

Does the church allow the Orthodox cross of a stranger?

There is an opinion in society that wearing someone else's Orthodox cross is prohibited. The cross is a kind of vessel that absorbs the entire energy of its owner. And if a person does not develop very successfully, then it is better not to wear the cross of this person.

Is it forbidden to wear an Orthodox cross in sight, over clothes?

This statement is certainly correct. The Orthodox cross must be worn on the body, so it is called - the underwear or breastplate of the Orthodox cross. The religion, faith and protection that the priest gives your cross when sanctifies it should protect only you. No need to wear it over clothes or wear clothes with a deep neckline, because the cross is a protection, and not the decoration that needs to be put on public display. No need to show it once again to strangers.

Believers believe that many people have a bad eye. If they want to make you badly, then through such a strong object as a cross, they may succeed. Now you can meet many people who wear a chest cross on the bracelet, attach to earrings. The church refers to this negatively. If you are a believer of the Orthodox Church, then be kind to honor its laws and traditions.

Do not wear an Orthodox cross in sight.
Do not wear an Orthodox cross in sight.

Is it possible or impossible to raise someone else's Orthodox cross on the street?

There is still no specific answer to such a question. Most people believe that when you raise the cross on the street, you take over the fate of the person who has lost it. The church considers differently. The clergy believe that you did the right thing when, raised someone else's Orthodox cross from the ground, because it could be trampled into the mud, and you did not allow it to happen. In such a situation, you can visit the temple, where the clergyman will illuminate it again, and what to do with him in the future only you can decide. You can wear it yourself or leave it in the temple, where the priest will give him a needy person.

Is it necessary or not to illuminate the badge of the Orthodox cross?

Orthodox priests believe that in the world in which we now live people are cruel. Believers Christians try to illuminate things that are very expensive for them. The badge of the Orthodox cross for a person is the strongest amulet and therefore it is better to consecrate it. You need to do this in the church. This is necessary:

  • Visit the church and ask the priest to illuminate your cross. You can go and illuminate on any day, the doors of the church are open to people every day.
  • It happens that once the father can illuminate several crosses at once, and if yours similar to most of them, then try to mark it for a while, for example, tie any ribbon on it.
  • You can be present when lighting. Distract from thoughts, problems, read a prayer, cleanse. The priest sprinkles your cross with holy water, read the corresponding psalm and that’s it, your thing will become cleansed and saint.
  • In the end, do not forget to thank the father and ask him for blessings.

Video: How to wear an Orthodox cross correctly? What does he look like?


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