How to pray at home, in the church, in front of the icon, the relics, so that God hears us and helps: Orthodox church rules. Is it possible and how to pray correctly in your own words? What main prayers should you know and read to the Orthodox Christian: list, words

How to pray at home, in the church, in front of the icon, the relics, so that God hears us and helps: Orthodox church rules. Is it possible and how to pray correctly in your own words? What main prayers should you know and read to the Orthodox Christian: list, words

The rules of prayer and the words of prayer.

Today there are no people in the world who would not know the meaning of the word “prayer”. For some, these are just words, and for someone a much more is a conversation with God, the opportunity to thank Him, ask for help or protection in righteous affairs. But do you know how to treat God and saints in different places correctly? Today we will talk about that.

How to pray at home, in a church, in front of an icon, relics, so that God hears us and helps: Orthodox church rules

Each of us prayed to God at least once in his life - maybe it was in the church, or maybe prayer was a request for help in a difficult situation and was expressed in his own words. Even the most persistent and strong personalities sometimes turn to God. And for this appeal to be heard, one should adhere to the Orthodox church rules, which will be discussed further.

So, the first question that worries everyone: “How to pray at home?” You can and even need to pray at home, but there are prescribed church rules that should be followed:

  1. Preparation for prayer:
  • Before prayer, you should wash yourself, comb and dress in clean clothes
  • Go to the icon with reverence, without shaking and not waving his hands
  • To become straight, rely on both legs at the same time, do not shift, do not knead your arms and legs (stand almost quietly), prayer on your knees is allowed
  • It is necessary to mentally and morally tune in to a prayer, drive away all distracting thoughts, focus only on what you are going to do and why
  1. Prayer at home:
  • If you do not know a prayer by heart, you can read it from a prayer book
  • If you have never prayed at home before, just read the “Our Father” and you can further ask your words/thank God for some business
  • It is better to read a prayer out loud and slowly, with reverence, letting every word "through"
  • If you are distracted by some suddenly appeared thoughts, ideas or desires to do anything right at that moment, you should not interrupt the prayer, try to drive away thoughts and focus on prayer
  • And, of course, before pronouncing prayer, after its completion, if necessary, then during its reading, you should be overshadowed by the Cross with the Cross
  1. Completion of prayer at home:
  • After you pray, you can do absolutely any business - whether it is cooking, cleaning or receiving guests.
  • Usually at home morning and evening prayers are read, as well as prayers before and after eating. Prayers of the house are also allowed in "emergency situations", when it overcomes fear for relatives and friends or there are heavy ailments.
  • If you don’t have icons at home, you can pray in front of the window that goes to the eastern side or in any place convenient for you, presenting the image of the one to whom the prayer is addressed.
Prayer at home
Prayer at home or in church

The next equally important question: "How to pray in the church correctly?":

  • There are two types of prayers in the church - collective (general) and individual (independent)
  • Church (general) prayers are performed simultaneously by groups of acquaintances and strangers under the leadership of the priest or priest. He reads a prayer, and all those present carefully listen to it and repeat it mentally. It is believed that such prayers are stronger than single - when one is distracted, the rest will continue the prayer and the abstract can easily join it, again becoming part of the stream
  • Individual (single) prayers are made by parishioners during the lack of service. In such cases, the prayer selects the icon and puts a candle in front of it. Then you should read the “our father” and the prayer to the one whose image is on the icon. In the church, prayer is not allowed aloud in full voice. You can only pray in a quiet whisper or mentally.

The church is not allowed:

  • Individual prayer aloud
  • Prayer with your back to the iconostasis
  • Prayer sitting (except for cases of extreme fatigue, disability or serious illness, because of which a person cannot stand)

It is worth noting that in prayer in the Church, as in the prayer of the house, it is customary to overshadow itself with the Cross before prayer and after it. In addition, when visiting the Church, the sign of the cross is performed before entering the church and after leaving it.

Prayer in front of the icon.Before the icon you can pray both at home and in the church. The main rule is the rule - prayer is pronounced to the saint before whose icon you are facing. This rule cannot be violated. If you do not know where the icon you need is located in the church, you can clarify this with ministers and nuns.

Prayers to the relics. In some churches there are relics of saints, they can be applied to any day through special glass sarcophagi, and for large holidays - it is allowed to apply to the relics themselves. In addition, it is believed that the relics of the saints have very great power, so it is customary to turn to them for help and in prayers.

Prayer before the relics and icons
Prayer before the relics and icons

It is no secret that to attach to the relics and read the prayer completely, few have succeeded, because, as usual, the line creates a huge onslaught on the one who is in front of the relics. Therefore, it is customary to do this:

  • First, in the church they light a candle and pray in front of the icon of the saint, to which they want to apply to the relics
  • They go to apply to the relics, and at the time of the application itself they express their request or gratitude in a few words. This is done in a whisper or mentally.

The appendix to the relics is considered one of the most ancient rituals in Christianity and bears great importance for true believers.

What main prayers should you know and read to the Orthodox Christian?

As we previously mentioned, in prayers a person can ask for help, thank for help, ask for forgiveness or praise the Lord. It is on this principle (as intended) that prayers are classified:

  • Prayers of praise are prayers in which people praise God, while not asking for anything for themselves. Such prayers include glory
  • Prayers of thanksgiving are prayers in which people thank God for help in affairs, for protection in important matters that have been coordinated
  • Prayers of petitions are prayers in which people ask for help in the affairs of the worldly, ask for protection for themselves and loved ones, ask for a imminent recovery, etc.
  • Pimit prayers are prayers in which people repent of the deeds spoken by words
The main prayers
The main prayers

It is believed that every Orthodox Christian should always remember the words 5 prayers:

  • "Our Father" - the prayer of the Lord
  • "Symbol of faith"
  • "Heavenly King" - prayer to the Holy Spirit
  • "The Virgin, Virgo, Rejoice" - the prayer of the Mother of God
  • "Worthy of eating" - the prayer of the Mother of God

Prayer "Our Father": Words

It is believed that Jesus Christ himself read this prayer, and then handed it to his disciples. “Our Father” - “universal” prayer - it can be read in all cases. Usually, home prayers, appeals to God, but they ask for help and protection begin with it.

Our Father
Our Father

This is the first prayer that the children should teach. Usually, “Our Father” has been familiar from childhood, and almost everyone can reproduce it by heart. Such a prayer can be read mentally for their protection in dangerous situations, they also read it over sick and little children so that they sleep well.

Prayer "living in help": words

One of the strongest prayers is considered “living in help”. According to legend, King David wrote it, she is very old, and therefore strong. This is a prayer-renewal and prayer-assistant. It protects against attacks, wounds, disasters, from evil spirits and its influence. In addition, they recommend reading “living in help” to those who go for an important business - on a long journey, on the exam, before moving to a new place.

Live in help
Living in help

It is believed that if you sew a sheet with the words of this prayer into the belt of clothing (and it is better to embroider them on the belt at all), then luck is waiting for a person who dressed such an outfit.

Prayer "Symbol": Words

Surprisingly, the prayer “Symbol of Faith” is virtually not a prayer. This fact is recognized by the church, but still the “symbol of faith” is always included in the prayer book. Why?

Symbol of faith
Symbol of faith

At its core, this prayer is a collection of the dogm of the Christian faith. They are necessarily read on evening and morning prayers, as well as singing the faithful in the liturgy. In addition, reading the “Symbol of Faith” Christians repeat the truth of their faith over and over again.

Prayer for neighbors: words

It often happens that our relatives, friends or friends need help. In this case, you can read Jesus prayer for neighbors.

  • In addition, if a person is baptized, you can pray in home prayer for him, pray in the church and put candles for health, order notes of health for him, in special cases (when a person is very necessary for help), you can order a fortieth all about health.
  • For baptized relatives, loved ones and friends, it is customary to pray in the morning prayer rule, at its very end.
  • Please note: you can’t put candles in the church for unbaptized people, you can’t order notes and a forty -release of health. If an unbaptized person needs help, you can pray for him in home prayer in your own words without putting a candle.
Prayer for neighbors
Prayer for neighbors

Prayer for the deceased: words

There are events that are not subject to anyone. One of these events is death. She to bring grief, sadness and tears to the family where a person leaves life. Everyone surrounds and sincerely want the deceased to get into paradise. It is in such cases that prayers are used for the deceased. Such prayers can be read:

  1. At home
  2. In the church:
  • Order a requiem
  • Submit a note for commemoration at the liturgy
  • Order a magpie about the repose of the soul of the deceased
The words of prayer
The words of prayer

It is believed that after the death of a person a terrible court awaits, on which they will ask about all his sins. The deceased himself will no longer be able to alleviate his suffering and his fate in the Last Judgment. But his relatives and relatives can ask him for prayers, distribute alms, order forty -skills. All this helps the soul go to heaven.

Important: in no case should you pray, put candles for the repose of the soul and order magpies for a person who has committed suicide. In addition, this should not be done for the unbaptized.

Prayer for enemies: words

Each of us has enemies. Whether we want it or not, but there are people who envy us who do not like by virtue of our faith, personal qualities or actions. What to do in such a situation and how to protect yourself from a negative impact?

  • That's right, choose a prayer for the enemy and read it. Usually this is enough for a person to cool to you and stop taking some negative actions, speak out, etc.
  • In prayers, there are sections dedicated to this particular issue. But there are times when one home prayer is not enough

If you know that a person negatively treats you and constantly creates problems on this basis, then you should go to church.

Prayer from enemies
Prayer from enemies

In the church, you need to do the following:

  • Pray for the health of your enemy
  • Put a candle for him for health
  • In difficult cases, you can order a magpie for health for this person (but only on condition that you know exactly that the enemy is baptized)

In addition, every time you pray for your enemy, ask the Lord patience for yourself to withstand it.

Family prayer: words

Believers Christians believe that the family is a continuation of the church. That is why in many families it is customary to pray together.

  • In the houses where they pray for families, there is the so -called “red corner” where icons are placed. Usually for him they choose a room in which everyone can fit for prayer in such a way as to see the icons. Icons, in turn, are placed in the eastern corner of the room. As usual, the father of the family reads prayer, the rest mentally repeat it
  • If there is no such corner in the house, it's okay. Family prayer can be pronounced together before meals or after eating
Family prayer
Family prayer
  • All family members participate in family prayer, except for the smallest children. Older children are allowed to repeat the words of prayer for their father
  • Family prayers are a very strong amulet for the family. In such prayers, you can ask for the whole family at once or for one. In families where it is customary to pray together, real Christians grow up who are able to convey their faith in children.
  • In addition, there are cases when such prayers helped the patients recover, and the family couples who have not been able to get children, find the happiness of parenthood for a long time.

Is it possible and how to pray correctly in your own words?

As we previously said, you can pray in your own words. But this does not mean that you just went to church, light the candle and asked or thanked God for something. No.

For prayers in your own words, there are also rules:

  • You can pray in your own words in the morning and evening rules between prayers
  • Before praying in your own words, you should read "our Father"
  • Prayer in your own words still provides for the sign of the Cross
  • Only in their own words they pray for the unbaptized and people of another faith (only in cases of emergency)
  • In your own words, you can pray in home prayers and in the church, while you should adhere to the rules
  • You can’t pray in your own words, as well as pronounce the usual prayer, and at the same time ask for punishment for someone

Is it possible to read prayers in modern Russian?

Opinions diverge on this score. Some clergymen say that prayers should only be read in the church language, others - that there is no difference. Usually a person turns to God in a language that is understandable to himself, asks for anything that understands him. Therefore, if you have not learned “our father” in the church language or turn to the saints in your own language, understandable to you, there is nothing wrong with this. It is not for nothing that they say - "God understands every language."

Is it possible to read prayers during menstruation?

In the Middle Ages, it was forbidden for girls and women during menstruation to visit the church. But the origins of this issue have its own story, which confirms the opinion of many - during menstruation, you can pray and visit the church.

Today to visit the church and pray at home in front of the icons during menstruation is allowed. But when visiting the church, some restrictions are still valid:

  • During this period, you cannot take communion
  • You can not apply to the relics, icons and the uprest cross that the priest gives
  • It is forbidden to use prosphora and holy water
Woman prayer during menstruation
Woman prayer during menstruation

In addition, if a girl feels bad in this special period, it is still better to refuse a visit to the church

Is it possible to read prayers from a computer, an electronic phone?

Modern technologies burst into all spheres of life, and religion is no exception. You can read prayers from the screens of electronic media, but not desirable. If you have no other choice, you can also read from the tablet/phone/monitor screen. The main thing in prayer is not a source of texts, but a spiritual mood. But keep in mind that read prayers in churches from the phone is not customary. Servants or nuns can make a remark to you.

Is it possible to read a prayer for a piece of paper?

From a leaflet of prayer, you can read in several cases:

  • If you pray at home or in the church and you still do not know the text of the prayer
  • If you are in the church, then the “cheat sheet” should be on a clean sheet, you should not rustle it or crush it. According to generally accepted rules, in the church it is allowed to read prayer from the prayer

Is it possible to read prayers in transport?

You can pray in transport. It is advisable to do this standing, but if there is no way to get up (for example, a complete transport), reading prayers sitting is allowed.

Is it possible to read a prayer to yourself, in a whisper?

Prayers are read aloud in rare cases, therefore the commission of prayer in a whisper or mentally is considered quite normal.In addition, on the general (church) prayer, it is not even customary to whisper. You listen to the prayer that the father reads, you can mentally repeat the words, but in no case out loud. Family prayers or independent domestic prayers are read aloud when you pray alone.

Is it possible to read prayers after eating?

Orthodox Christians have a good family tradition - prayers before and after eating.

  • Pronounce a prayer after eating is permissible only if you pronounced a prayer and before meals
  • There are special prayers in prayers before and after eating. Their reading is allowed both sitting and standing
  • Small children during prayers are baptized by parents. Before the end of prayer, the meal is prohibited


Rules for reading prayers
Rules for reading prayers

The ritual itself can occur in several ways:

  • Someone one reads a prayer, the rest mentally repeat it
  • All together read prayer aloud
  • Everyone mentally reads prayer and baptized

Is it possible to read prayers sitting at home?

You can pray at home in several ways, we examined them above. According to the rules, you can only pray standing on your feet or on your knees. In a sitting position, it is allowed to pray at home in several cases:

  • Disability or illness that does not allow a person to pray standing. Lying patients are allowed to pray in any position that is convenient for them
  • Extreme degree of fatigue or exhaustion
  • Sitting you can pray at the table before and after eating

Is it possible to read the prayer at home only in the morning or only in the evening?

Reading prayers in the morning and evening is called morning and evening rules. It is possible to pray only in the evening or only in the morning, of course, but if possible it is better to do this in the morning and in the evening. In addition, if you feel the need for prayer, but you do not have a prayer book, read “Our Father” 3 times.

Can a Muslim read our prayer?

The Orthodox Church does not encourage such experiments in faith. Most often, the priests answer this question with decisive “no”. But there are such priests who are trying to delve into the essence of the problem - and if the need to read the prayer “Our Father” comes from the depths of the soul of a Muslim or Muslim, then in rare cases they give permission to read this particular prayer.

Is it possible to read a prayer for detention for pregnant women?

Prayer for detention is considered a very powerful amulet, but at the same time, not all clergymen recognize her as a prayer. Usually it is read at home in front of a lit candles.

Prayer for pregnant women
Prayer for pregnant women

According to most priests, pregnant women should not read this prayer. If pregnant women have a need or they are worried about the health of their baby, they are recommended to read special prayers for bearing a child, for a healthy child and to preserve the child with Mother Matrona.

Can I read a few prayers in a row?

Several prayers in a row are allowed to read in the morning and evening rule, as well as those people who feel in this need. If you only take the first steps to God, it is better to turn to Him with one prayer in complete concentration than a dozen prayers with porridge in your head. It is also permissible after reading “Our Father” to pray in your own words, to ask or thank God for protection and help.

Can the laity read the Jesus prayer?

There is an opinion that Jesus can be pronounced prayer to the layers. The ban on the words “Lord Jesus Christ, the blue of God, have mercy on me, sinful” for the laity for a long time for a long time - the monks turned to God with such a prayer, and worldly people often heard this appeal in the church language and could not repeat it and could not repeat it . So there was an imaginary ban on this prayer. In fact, every Christian can pronounce this prayer, it heals and cleanses the mind. You can repeat it 3 times in a row or by the method of the whole.

Is it possible to read prayers not before the icon?

You can not pray before the icon. The church does not prohibit pronouncing prayers at the table (prayers before and after eating), prayers for protection and intercession in critical situations, prayers for recovery and healing can also be read over the sick. Indeed, in prayer it is not the main presence of the icon in front of the praying, the main thing is the mental mood and readiness for prayer.

Can pregnant women read the prayer for the deceased?

To date, a visit to the Church is not considered a pregnant woman. It is also not forbidden to order a magpie about health, its relatives and loved ones. You can submit notes about the repose of the souls of dead relatives.

But in most cases, the priests still do not recommend pregnant women to read prayers for the deceased. This is especially true for the first 40 days after the death of close relatives. In addition, it is forbidden to order a magpie about the repose of acquaintances or friends to pregnant women.

Is it possible to read a prayer not to a baptized person?

If an unbaptized person experiences a craving for Orthodoxy, he can read Orthodox prayers. In addition, in the church he will be recommended to read the gospel and think about further baptism.

Is it possible to read prayers without a candle?

The presence of a candle when reading a prayer is desirable and pious, but its presence is not a prerequisite for prayer. Since there are moments of urgent need for prayer, but there are no candles at hand - prayer without it is allowed.

Prayer rules
Prayer rules

As you can see, the rules for reading prayers exist, but for the most part they are optional. Remember, when pronouncing prayer, the most important is not a place, and not a way, but your spiritual mood and sincerity.

Video: How to read morning and evening prayers correctly?

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  1. Hello everybody! The new 2021 year is not around the mountains. Do you know that from January 1, 2021 a real paradise on Earth will come? God extended difficult earthly life from October 2, 2020 to January 1, 2021. 2020 was the anniversary, leap and Novocilular year. As written in the Holy Scriptures, Jesus will come to Earth a second time, and order on the planet will immediately restore. In winter, there was very little snow, the sunset and sunrise of the sun were red, the coronavirus appeared, the red moon in the evening, frequent rains, abnormal heat and much more - these are signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ. All people should bring God the fruit of good and evil, which Adam and Eve did not bring to Eden. Jesus also died for the sins of all people. We degenerate to dust or resurrect into heaven. From January 1, 2021, pathogenic bacteria will not cause diseases, the strong will not offend the weak, the water will not be able to drown, the fire will not be able to burn, the earth will not be able to absorb with its abysses. It will also grow for free in abundance: fruits, vegetables and berries. Moreover, even in the north we will eat bananas, coconuts, strawberries and even potatoes that you will not have to plant. Our Earth will turn into a real paradise! Animals will eat fruits, vegetables and berries. Nobody will die, but they will be born less often. The Bible is known for the exact number of resurrected people - 144 thousand. Perhaps after billions of years, there will be life on other planets and even stars, since the universe is endless. This is accurate data, paradise will certainly come on Earth! In the meantime, I wish prosperity and prosperity! Let the new 2021 year bring a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and wealth for all people and animals! And the Almighty Good God will help in this.

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