How to choose the color and size of the goods, several colors and sizes of one thing, buy the same product of different colors and sizes with one package on Aliexpress?

How to choose the color and size of the goods, several colors and sizes of one thing, buy the same product of different colors and sizes with one package on Aliexpress?

In this article, we will consider how to choose the size and color of the goods on Aliexpress. And we will also tell you how to arrange several colors and sizes with one package or even all together.

The main minus of orders for Aliexpress- This is a long delivery. Especially if you need several things at once, and other parcels have not yet pulled up. Therefore, it is more profitable to purchase some group of goods in different color or dimensional category with one package. We will tell you in this material how to do it correctly.

How to choose a color for aliexpress?

When you chose the product you are interested in for Aliexpress, checked the seller’s rating and read many positive reviews, then go directly to payment. And before placing an order, you need to select all the purchase parameters. After all, otherwise he will not go to the basket.

  • We want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that it is not always the possibility of choosing color on the product page. It is, the goods are in one design. And be very attentive. Learn the description thoroughly and check the goods according to reviews. The Chinese are a little in this matter either stupid or too smart. They can put a photo of a wine mini-dress, and send a carrot T-shirt.
  • Therefore, always check all the nuances of the goods on Aliexpress. That is color and its size. By the way, it is better to do this in English, do not trust a blindly automatic translator. Although this more applies only to unusual colors. The dimensions are also thoroughly measured in reality. Take and attach a ruler or centimeter, how much the product will be released in kind.
  • Choose the color of the product for Aliexpresssimple enough - press on the corresponding small window in the characteristics of the purchase. That is, information is visible to the right of the photo. The line about the color category is under the price of the goods, which is highlighted by orange. It, as a rule, is slightly font, so notice it even at the first visit to the site.
How to choose a color for aliexpress
How to choose a color for aliexpress
  • The photo shows several options for the dress. Click on a small square with the desired color. He must put on an orange frame. At the same time, the transfer to another photo should be transferred. That is, a large image of a thing will appear in the color necessary for you.
But we chose the color of the dress
But we chose the color of the dress

Please note: sometimes the color can be in a muddy image, as if under a gray film. You cannot choose it. This means that this color is no longer available.

BUT If there is no color panel for Aliexpress?

  • It happens that a thing is sold in one color scheme. For example, as a situation with a dress below. Remember that you need to choose a color in any case. More precisely, it is enough just to put a checkmark in the appropriate square, which is opposite the inscription "Color". Otherwise, payment and purchase will not happen.
There is only one color option
There is only one color option
  • Be sure to study the description of the color and style of the product. Sometimes the seller offers the choice of model of the photo number. Then when making a purchase for Aliexpress, you need to specify the required number. Or he is just waiting for your wishes in the comments regarding color.
  • But our advice - try to bypass such purchases. Nevertheless, there will be fewer misunderstandings upon receipt of goods.

How to choose the size for Aliexpress?

Now proceed to the design of other parameters of the goods on Aliexpress. Sometimes this step is not, since the goods are offered in a single size. Be careful - Chinese dimensions are slightly different from our measures. Basically, they are small. Therefore, from their measurements in the description, remove a couple of centimeters.

  • Separate a little lower than the image to the main information to read the characteristics of the product and find your size. In this case, the seller put a table with measurements. Do not get too far, it is in front of sightseeing photos.
Doster size table
Doster size table
  • So we went to the page of another T -shirt and the table with sizes has changed a bit.
Another example of sizes, but already for jackets
Another example of sizes, but already for a T -shirt
  • This is how the dimensional table of jeans looks.
Make jeans measurements correctly
Make jeans measurements correctly
  • But the size of the shoes for Aliexpress. In this case, we are on the page with sneakers. Please note that the dimensions are checked from a long foot. And among the Chinese it is measured in millimeters. Sometimes the dimensions can be in such a size format as 7, 7.5, 8, etc. To view sizes, also fall below the main information, after the characteristics of the goods.
An example of shoes
An example of shoes
  • When you have decided on the correct size of the goods on AliexpressThen choose it on a selective panel. A string with an alleged size is immediately under the color characteristic. Therefore, after choosing the desired color, proceed to the choice of size.
Choose the desired size
Choose the desired size

Important: the size of the product is not always the size and color of the goods. That is, the desired color thing is small in size, but only a blue or green version is suitable for you. By choosing color, the desired size may be closed. Therefore, take into account this before the purchase.

  • And sometimes the size is shown in a slightly different format. Here, for example, in the case of this dress. American measurements are used, so carefully read the description with measurements.
Another example with other sizes
Another example with other sizes

Important: sometimes on the page when you bring the mouse to the desired size, a small window will be displayed, which will show a table with measurements. And in red, it will highlight a strip with your option.

How to choose several colors of the same thing for Aliexpress?

Most often it is so convenient to take small wardrobe items, for example, gloves, underwear or files and gel varnishes. In general, goods that are widely used in everyday life. Agree, not a single fashionista will want five colors of the dress of one style. But cases and needs are different.

  • You can choose a thing in different colors of any style or type. That is, whether it is a dress or down jacket is not particularly important. Perhaps two options for buying goods in different colors.
  • You go to the page, choose the size and the desired color. But do not go to the purchase, but send the order to the basket. Then you again go to the product of interest and repeat a similar situation with another color. That is, the algorithm of action is clear.
  • In conclusion, go to the basket and pay for all the goods.
The choice of several colors
The choice of several colors
  • Not always, but often the Chinese send everything with one package. If the product is of the same plan, but just in different colors. But you can apply with such a request to the seller for Aliexpress. How to do this, we will consider just in the second case.

Important: often shops in the Chinese market offer a discount for the purchase of several units. With such a wholesale design, not everyone will make concessions to you. Therefore, use another method.

  • To quickly and simply order the goods on Aliexpress different colors, just choose the right amount and send everything to the status of purchases. That is, you click on the inscription " buy now".
  • When you find yourself in the basket, press "Buy from this seller" or "checkout", if you have only one purchase. You will be redirected to a page with your data.
  • Check the address and compare the correspondence of the price. Be sure to do this, because there were cases when the store sketched extra money, it is not clear why almost when paying.
  • And now pay attention to where the line is located "Leave the comment to the seller". Here is a window and ask you to put it not 5 identical varnishes, but five different colors. And list every color.
How to write a commentary on the seller when placing an order
How to write a commentary on the seller when placing an order
  • Just write the names correctly as indicated on the product page.
  • Better yet, contact the seller in advance. And specify this aspect with him. If you don’t know how to do this, go down a little and look at the column on the left. After the rating of the store there is always an inscription "Contact the seller" and "to write a message". So follow the last inscription. After an approving answer, you can make an order.
How to write a message to the seller
How to write a message to the seller

Important: to protect yourself from unnecessary misunderstandings, write immediately in English. If you do not know, use the translator. But write only by meaning what and what color is needed.

  • Sometimes the seller s Aliexpress He himself offers the choice of different colors. For you it will also be a convenient and simple option. But this is suitable when the color scheme does not matter. Since the seller will put a random set. And there is no guarantee that all things will be of different colors. It is possible that repetitions will come across. After all, the store will send what is the corresponding size.
  • By the way, if you need a big purchase, then look at the purchase of a whole lot. For example, in the case of data gel varnishes. You can buy 240 pcs with one package at once. True, the price of them is rather big.
You can buy a lot of colors at once
You can buy a lot of colors at once

How to order different sizes of one thing for Aliexpress?

Decide on the right size! Read the description of the goods and customer reviews on the site Aliexpress. We provided a small part of the information about Chinese sizes above, but even they need to be checked. This is the snake of Chinese inexpensive stores. Often there are errors with the size of a thing. Moreover, the reason sometimes lies in our inattention.

  • To buy a product of the same color, but in different sizes, you should use one of the above steps. That is, you choose the color and size of the thing and send everything to the basket. After paying them with one click " Checkout».
  • To guarantee, contact the seller about the service of one package. You can also immediately ask for different sizes when registering. But this is a little more complicated than with flowers. Therefore, be sure to talk with the seller before placing an order!
How to order one package of different sizes
How to order one package of different sizes

How to buy several products of different colors and sizes with one package with Aliexpress?

  • If you want one seller with Aliexpress Order several colors and sizes of one thing, then use any of the proposed options. But only after the approval of the seller. After all, in fact, this comes out different parcels.
  • This refers to wholesale parties to some extent, so consult with all the nuances with the sold side. If they go to the meeting, then the availability of goods should be in the warehouse. Only then will you get everything with one package.
An example of placing an order of different colors and size
An example of placing an order of different colors and size

IMPORTANT: to order several goods in one package, which differ in size or color, you can only at one store. After all, they are intermediaries between the factory and customers, but are in no way interconnected.

Video: How to arrange one package with several colors or the size of the goods on Aliexpress?

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