What delicious to cook in blue? Recipes of pies, pies, muffins, muffins, dumplings and cake with blueberries

What delicious to cook in blue? Recipes of pies, pies, muffins, muffins, dumplings and cake with blueberries

If you like to cook, then this article is for you.

Blueberries - the berry is delicious, possessing beneficial properties. It is often used in cooking. It is good and as a filling for dumplings, pies, and as an ingredient for casseroles, charlotte, muffins and even for cakes. It is used fresh and a delicious jam is cooked from it. Here you will find many recipes and tips on the use of blueberries.

Boin dumplings recipe

Dumplings with blueberries
Dumplings with blueberries

The taste of dumplings is affected not only by the filling, but also by the dough. According to our recipe, it turns out to be soft, lush. So, for 4 servings, we take:

  • 2 eggs
  • 0.5 l of milk
  • third tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp. soda
  • 0.5 tsp. vinegar
  • 2 cups of flour approximately, you may have to add more
  • 0.5 kg of blueberries
  • 6 tbsp. Sahara


  • Beat a mixture of eggs and milk, lower soda, vinegar, salt, and then flour into a container. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic.
  • Next, place it on the kitchen board and subtly roll it to a thickness of 0.5 mm
  • Put a pot of water on the burner
  • Cut circles from the dough with a glass
  • Put each blueberries, sprinkle it with sugar, form dumplings
  • Meanwhile, the water has already boiled, which means that you can lower dumplings into it, but first sun
  • When, having boiled 7 minutes, they will come up, you will see that their volume has increased very much
  • Now you need to take them out, grease them with oil and serve hot

This recipe differs from the previous one in that the dough is knead not in milk, but on kefir. It turns out to be gentle, but strong, dumplings are not revealed during cooking. He will need:

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • kefir - 1 cup
  • salt, soda-a little bit
  • flour - approximately 0.5 kg


  • To prepare the filling, you need blueberries (one and a half glasses), starch (1 tbsp), sugar (3 tbsp)
  • Mix eggs, sugar and salt, connect kefir to them, add flour in parts. We knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Rolling it thinly, cut the circles
  • Sprinkle blueberries with sugar, add starch, put a little on the circles, pinch the edges. After 5-7 minutes they are ready
Cooking dumplings with blueberries
Cooking dumplings with blueberries

IMPORTANT: Using berries from the freezer, take them out before cooking. They should not completely defrost and turn into mashed potatoes.

This recipe can be called festive, because the dumplings prepared on it are served in a chocolate fill. The dough is ordinary, in its composition:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 0.5 cups of chilled water
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 tsp. Salt

The filling is non -standard: in addition to 100 g of blueberries, you need another 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. starch, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 1 egg.

The dough is kneaded and left on the table for 0.5 hours. During this time, you need to prepare the filling:

  • sprinkle berries with starch and sugar
  • beat the cottage cheese with sugar
  • add yolk to cottage cheese, mix
  • drain juice with a plate with blueberries
  • combine blueberries with cottage cheese, gently mix


  • Further, grease the dough circles with protein, then place the filling on them, blind, boil. It remains to melt 100 g of chocolate from 1 tbsp. oils in the microwave or steam and pour this yummy dumplings
  • Surely everyone will like custard dumplings. For the test, you need flour (3 cups), water (1.5 tbsp.), Butter (70 g), salt (1 tsp), and for the filling of blueberries - about 700 g
  • The flour is poured into a spacious dishes, cut the butter there in small pieces, add salt, then pour a little boiling water and everything is kneaded so that the dough becomes homogeneous
  • The board is sprinkled with flour, the dough is laid out on it, knead further to elasticity. Then placed it for half an hour in the refrigerator, and then roll out, cut out circles, fill it with berries

IMPORTANT: These dumplings are prepared for a couple of minutes 3-4. In the water, they will spread!

Mannik with blueberries, recipe

Mannik with blueberries - simple and tasty
Mannik with blueberries - simple and tasty

Mannik is the same pie, but the main ingredient in it is not flour, but semolina. To cook it with blueberries will be required:

  • mannie cereal - 200 g
  • sugar-100-150 g
  • vanilla sugar - 1 package
  • butter - 50 g or 3 tbsp. vegetable
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • salt --1/2 tsp
  • blueberries - 150 g

Cooking process:

  • Include the oven, setting 180 degrees with
  • Sugar is added to semolina - sand and vanilla, baking powder, salt, mix
  • Introduce the oil into the mixture and rubbed, the eggs are broken, beaten
  • The resulting liquid dough is set aside for 20 minutes
  • During this time, the cereal should swell. Further to the dough add blueberries, mix
  • The workpiece for mannik is poured into a form pre -greased with oil and a mold sprinkled with a mankit and sent to the oven
  • After 35-45 min. Mannik is ready

A magnificent and air mannik is obtained on kefir.

Lush mannik with blueberry on kefir

The products necessary for its preparation:

  • 1 cup 2.5% kefir
  • 1 glass of semolina
  • ? glasses of flour
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g of melted butter
  • ? Ch.L. baking powder
  • 1 vanilla sugar bag
  • a pinch of salt
  • 0.5 kg of blueberries
  • milk chocolate
  • powdered sugar


  • Take a deep bowl, break eggs into it, add sugar and beat everything with a whisk
  • Without stopping the process, pour kefir, then flour is mixed with vanilla sugar, salt, baking powder
  • This dry mix is \u200b\u200balso added to a bowl and continue to whisk
  • Then a semolina, butter is added to the mixture and leave for a while to swell semolina
  • Then the mixture is poured into the mold, sent to a pre -heated oven for 40 minutes
  • After that, taking it out of the form, they give it a little cool, cut into 2 cakes
  • Blueberries are placed in a blender, sugar powder is sent there
  • Grinded, impregnated the resulting mixture of the halves of mannik, connect them, water them with melted chocolate

How to cook muffins with blueberries, recipe

Muffins with blueberries
Muffins with blueberries

Blueberries and fresh, frozen and canned - excellent ingredient for muffins.
For recipe No. 1, you should prepare:

  • about 200 g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 180 ml of milk
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 100 g of oil
  • vanillin
  • salt
  • grams of 6 baking powder
  • blueberries - 0.25 kg

The preparation begins with the inclusion of the oven, but for now it warms up, they make the dough:

  • melt butter
  • prepare a dry mixture of flour, sugar, vanilla powder, baking powder
  • beat eggs, add to them that has already managed to melt, butter, mix
  • they connect these mixtures, while pouring wet into a dry little, constantly working with a whisk, otherwise lumps form
  • the latter is introduced into the dough blueberries, gently mixed, trying to leave the berries whole
  • distribute the dough in silicone or paper molds at 2/3 of the height and bake for 25 minutes.
  • removed from forms after 5-minute cooling

In the second recipe, blueberries prepared in its own juice are used. For the test they take:

  • 150 g of flour
  • 50 g of oil
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 0.5-liter can of canned blueberries, from which all berries and about 160 ml of juice will be used

To decorate the muffins, you need cream (250 g), fresh blueberries (150 g), sugar (1 tbsp).

  • turn on the oven
  • beat the eggs with sugar
  • add juice, eggs to the mass, continue to whip
  • introduce flour with baking powder, continue the process of whipping
  • add berries, mix carefully with a spoon

Now you can lay out in forms and put in the oven.

Muffins with canned blueberries decorated with cream
Muffins with canned blueberries decorated with cream

IMPORTANT: Let the gray shade of dough not scare you, baked, the muffins will become brownish.

After a half -hour stay in the oven, the products are removed, cooled for about 5 minutes, freed from molds and decorated. To do this, beat the cream with sugar, a sprinkle is installed on the confectionery syringe in the shape of a star, squeezed flower on the smooth surface of the muffins, and a berry is placed in the middle of each.

Blueberry pie, recipe with photo step by step

Blueberry pie
Blueberry pie

It’s easy to cook a pie with blueberries, but how appetizing it turns out!

  • 0.5 kg of flour
  • 2 tsp dry yeast
  • 220 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs for dough and 1 for lubrication
  • 50 g of margarine
  • 2 tsp Salt
  • 3 tbsp. sand in the dough and 150 g in the filling
  • 0.5 kg of blueberry for filling

It is better to knead the dough in the bakers, but if it is not, it is possible to manually. Step -by -step cooking process:

  • measure the exact amount of slightly heated milk
  • pour milk into a container of breadups, adding salt to it
  • drive eggs there
  • cut margarine with cubes, slightly flood, add to other products
  • fill the flour, after sifting
  • insert the container into the furnace, set up on the batch mode
  • a pause is used to prepare the fillings: sort out, washed and dried in blueberries, poured with sugar
  • the dough is rolled
  • the shape is lubricated, the cake is laid out in it so that the sides form
  • distribute the filling evenly
  • the edges of the cake are lubricated with a mixture of eggs with water
  • the form is placed in a preheated oven
  • bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees
  • let them cool, give pastries cold

IMPORTANT: Do not use eggs, immediately taking them out of the refrigerator. Before laying them in the dough, hold them for 30 minutes on the table.

Boat Casserole recipe

Boat carriage ingredients
Boat carriage ingredients

Blueberries in baking behave delicately, it gives a casserole to a flawless taste, but does not suppress the rest of the ingredients. The casserole includes:

  • 0.6 kg of cottage cheese
  • 4 tbsp. Sleeping
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 80 g of drain. oils
  • 80 g of the whole almond
  • a bit of vanilla sugar
  • zest and juice 1 lemon
  • 30 g of sugar powder
  • quite a little salt
  • 0.3 kg of blueberries

Cooking sequence:

  • oil, sugar, vanilla beat
  • the yolks are separated from proteins, one at a time is added to the mass, constantly whipping
  • they pour semolina into a container with cottage cheese, add lemon zest and juice
  • combine cottage cheese and egg-oil mixtures and stir
  • almond nuts are crushed to fine crumbs
    Whips are whipped with salt in foam
  • add a little to the main mass of protein and baby
    Lubricate the oil form
  • lay out a large half of the dough, and on top - blueberries
  • close the remaining dough
  • placed in the oven for 0.5 hours.
  • take out, sprinkle sugar powder

If you add cream to the casserole to the casserole, then they will give it special tenderness. Blueberries can be immediately inserted into the mass and mixed.

Banding pie with blueberries

Sand pie with blueberry
Sand pie with blueberry

For a sand pie with blueberries, you need the most ordinary products:

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • margarine - 70 g
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. In the dough and 3 to the filling
  • flour - 4 tbsp.
  • soda -? Ch.L.
  • sour cream 25% - 0.5 l
  • blueberries - 1 cup

preparation technology:

  • egg and sugar are mixed in a bowl with a fork until smooth
  • melted margarine, cool a little, pour into a mixture of eggs with sugar
  • join the soda, then flour, mix to a state of soft oily consistency
  • place the dough in a food film and cooled 0.5 hours in the refrigerator
  • they take out, roll out, put it in shape, making the sides (preferably in detachable)
  • cut the edges
  • pick up with a fork often
  • placed for 7 minutes. In the oven
  • lay out the prepared blueberries on the cake
  • beat sour cream with a portion of sugar
  • lay out the resulting cream on berries
  • bake 0.5 hours.
  • get out, cooled first in the room, and then in the refrigerator for 2 hours, until the sour cream thickens

Recipes of pies with blueberries, photo

Bin pies
Bin pies

What could be tastier than classic pies? Only cakes with blueberries when she is just starting to appear on the market.

There are many recipes for pies with blueberries
There are many recipes for pies with blueberries


  • flour - 0.5 kg
  • milk is a glass
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - Ch.L.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • dry trembling - 2 tsp.
  • margarine - 70 g
Preparation of dough for pies with blueberries
Preparation of dough for pies with blueberries


  • blueberries - 0.5 kg
  • starch - 60 g
  • sugar - 100 g

Having prepared all this, the yeast is dissolved in warm milk, then:

  1. Enter salt, egg, sugar, butter, pre -melted. Make the dough, cover and place in heat for half an hour. In the process, it is crushed and left again for 0.5 hours.
  2. Blueberries are washed, let the water drain. The finished dough is divided into the same balls, which are then rolled into small cakes. They put the filling for each, complement the sugar and starch with a spoonful of sugar
  3. Form pies and sent to the oven for 20-25 minutes
Blueberry pies
Blueberry pies

IMPORTANT: There are no hot cakes from yeast dough. This is very harmful to the stomach.

A delicious cake with blueberries

Cake with blueberry and cream
Cake with blueberry and cream

For this blueberry cake, lemon cakes are baked, for which you need to take:

  • 1 with a quarter glass of flour
  • paul Ch.L. soda and as much baking powder and salt
  • half a glass of sour cream
  • art. spoon of lemon zest
  • a quarter of a glass of lemon juice
  • 0.5 tsp. Vanilla extract
  • 0.5 cups oils
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 eggs

The cake also includes the blueberry sauce, and for it you need to cook:

  • one and a half glasses of blueberries
  • ch.L. starch
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • a quarter of Art. water

In addition to these ingredients, you will need:

  • cream of large fat content - 2 cups
  • blueberries - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar powder - a quarter glass
  • white grated chocolate - 2 glasses

The exact observance of the technology is important:

  1. Take 2 forms in size 20x20 cm, greased with oil, sprinkled with flour, the oven is heated to 180 maximum
  2. Sift flour, add soda, baking powder, salt
    In a bowl for a mixer, beaten oil with sand, put eggs alternately, beat again
  3. In another bowl, whip out sour cream with lemon juice, zest, vanilla, salt
  4. Combine the resulting mixtures. First, flour (1/3 hours), 0.5 hours of sour cream, mix, then add another third of flour and all sour cream, which remained, mix again, then add the remainder of the flour
  5. The dough is placed in forms, baked for about 20 minutes.
  6. Cool cakes for 10 minutes. cut along 2 parts, placed in the refrigerator
  7. Mix the ingredients for blueberry sauce, bring to a boil, withstand 2 minutes on the burner, until it thickens
  8. Cool the sauce, put in the refrigerator
  9. Beat cream with powder mixer, sent after the sauce to the refrigerator
  10. Collect the cake, covering each cake with sauce and cream. The top of the cake is lubricated only with cream and covered with chocolate
  11. Put the berries on top, sprinkle with powder, place for 1 hour in the refrigerator

Charlotte with blueberries, step -by -step recipe

Light, air charlotte with blueberries
Light, air charlotte with blueberries

There are many recipes of charlotte, we will get acquainted with the simplest. For a small portion, you will need:

  • flour 100 g
  • sugar 100 g
  • 3 eggs
  • starch 2 tbsp.
  • vanilla sugar bag
  • a third of a glass of frozen blueberry berry
  • a little vegetable oil to lubricate the shape
  • fresh mint for decorating charlotte

Steping the process of cooking:

  • eggs are broken into dry dishes
  • beat with a mixer first at a small, then at high speed, until a lush foam with bubbles appears
  • mix part of the flour with starch
  • introduce into the mixture, gently mixing, moving from top to bottom
  • add the rest of the flour, starch
  • knee 2 minutes to get a homogeneous dough
  • prepare a form, covering its bottom parchment, lubricating with butter and sprinkled with flour
  • pour the dough
  • add blueberries

A few tips:

  • add blueberries with a spoon or protect your hands with gloves. Blueberries can stain them strongly!
  • optimum temperature for charlotte - 180 degrees
  • bake 1 hour, while the first minutes do not open the oven for 25
  • readiness is checked with a wooden toothpick, while it should not be absolutely dry, normal, when a slightly moist trace remains

How tasty and just cook blueberry jam?

Blueberry jam
Blueberry jam

July-August is time to cook blueberry jam. There are many recipes for this. This is classic jam, where only blueberries and sugar are present, and recipes with additives: from water to alcohol. The most useful jam is where all the vitamins are preserved and it is prepared simply:

  • take 1 kg of berries and 0.5 kg of sugar
  • blueberries are placed in water so that different garbage and spoiled berries surfaces
  • drain this water and wash the berries in a clean
    lay the berries with a layer of small thickness, so that they dry a little
  • pour into a basin, fall asleep sugar
  • withstand 2 hours.
  • when the juice appears, the pelvis is placed on low fire for 20 minutes
  • they remove foams
  • pour into pre -rusted banks
    Sterilize, roll up
To make blueberry jam with tasty berries should be well prepared
To make blueberry jam with tasty berries should be well prepared

Use our recipes and please your loved ones with delicious, vitamin dishes with a miracle berry ink.

Video: How to cook a blueberry pie?

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