How beautiful and original, in rhyme, answer the word “so far”: options for witty and daring answers

How beautiful and original, in rhyme, answer the word “so far”: options for witty and daring answers

What to answer "for now"? Look for an answer in the article.

In Russian colloquial and written speech, farewell to the interlocutor is far from the last place. Everyone knows that with official communication, conversation with unfamiliar, senior or higher persons, the option is used "goodbye".

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "How to react and beautifully answer the words" I love you "?". You will find phrases and find out if it is possible to keep silent.

Often people use a simpler farewell - this "bye". It is common between peers and among young people. How to answer such a farewell option? What to say witty or in a impudent version? Look for answers in this article below. Read further.

How to answer a person to "for now?": Options

Answers "so far"

It was said above that in the case of peers, friends and a short word is used as a “own option” "bye". How can you answer such a farewell in addition to repeating the word "bye"? Here are the options:

  • Okay, come
  • Stay to stay
  • And you Pokudova
  • Come on, good luck
  • Sitter (call)
  • It was nice to talk (see)
  • Goodbye! (it is quite possible to respond with a more official option to less official)
  • See you soon!
  • ADIE (or Chao)
  • Bye Bye
  • ARIVIDERCHI, baby!
  • Goodbai!
  • Bye Bye!
  • So far, while the “wet hand” is, while the “share is not easy”, while the “doll from the attic”, while the “bald head”, while “two tops” from the pot ”
Here's what you can answer
Here's what you can answer "for now"
Here's what you can answer
Here's what you can answer "for now"

There can be many options, it all depends on the proximity of friends. And also from the vocabulary accepted in this company. A fairly large number of young people use slang analogs of words "bye"But for adults, this, of course, is unacceptable.

The girl replies “So far, for now”: what to tell her in response?

The girl answers
The girl answers "So far"

Female flirtatious option "Bye Bye" Often requires the same playful answer. What can she tell me? It is quite possible to choose from these phrases:

  • Bye Baby
  • So far, baby
  • Goodbye, princess
  • So far, my lovely
  • Goodbye, excellent creation
  • See you in dreams (in hell, in paradise)
  • Do not shut me here, but envelop your love
  • Pokakaki will not lead to proximity

At the same time, it is important to understand how much a girl is able to perceive jokes.

"Hello, for now": What to answer?

It happens that a person sees a friend on the street. His eyes shine. He is looking forward to the joy of the upcoming meeting and conversation. But a friend, obviously, has completely different plans. He suddenly passes by, throwing "Hey" banal "bye". Of course, this cannot remain unpunished. It should be indicated to such a person that he acts incorrectly:

  • Hey, “for now”, and where is the outstretched hand?
  • Where are you in such a hurry? Have you forgotten a million and forgot to cash?
  • Are you in a hurry to where you were raised? I did not know that they are now distributing a free carrot in the monkey aviary. Afraid of being late, right?
  • So, do not hello (look indifferently after the departing acquaintance), in the same way you can mournfully pronounce "did not grow together", "did not work", "the program performed an unacceptable operation and will be closed."
  • Do not sit down, it doesn't suit you.
  • I look, already “hello” with “for now” confusing, I completely beat off.
  • Who is “for now”, and to whom “hello”.
  • Well, hello and goodbye.

As a rule, the answer "bye" on word "Hey" - This is an indicator that a person is not just not interested in communication. He avoids him and wants to leave his acquaintance as soon as possible, who was in sight. Of course, run after him shouts: "Come back, let's talk" - Not always appropriate.

What can be answered if they said the word "so far" is rude: options

Often people "sew" others with a word "bye". They seem to say “That's it, I went. The conversation is over ". An unpleasant display remains in the soul after that. That is why such a person really wants to answer with dignity. This is real. What can be answered if they said the word "Bye" - Rough? Here are the options:

  • I'll give you "for now"! Well, come here, I will hope!
  • So far, to the new bruise.
  • Bye! I also do not see a man here.
  • Your "bye" did not rest even on my sides.
  • "So far," you will say from the blow of Tesak.
  • Bye! You painfully became like Prusak.

The more a person announces, the more offensive the options can. This is already a classic. It all depends on the relationship. It makes no sense to be rude to the word "bye" A person who sincerely said goodbye and went about his business, and it makes sense when a person says goodbye, without completing the conversation, he was hammered, and then he “fuel” and wants to hide - and so on.

What to answer when the guy says “so far”: options

Imagine that a date (or just a meeting with a male friend) was successful. He says "Bye". What can you answer? It all depends on the proximity with this guy, his status in relation to you. What to answer when the guy says "Bye". Here are the options:

  • Bye sweet
  • Good bye honey
  • Goodbye, my love
  • For now (Zay, Kis and other "animals")
  • Bye Bye! I'll be waiting for your call
  • Goodbye to the best man in the world! Sweet Dreams!

Of course, if this is far from “crashes” (in the youth language), not a potential lover and not an object of sympathy, then on "bye" You can answer simply - "bye". It will be courteously, appropriate and completely in the order of things.

How to answer the message "I have not yet given birth": options for witty, funny answers

The message
The message "has not yet given birth"

This joke has been known from time immemorial, but still remains relevant. There are 2 people. One asks: "How are you?"and the other answers "Have not given birth yet". After that, an awkward pause hangs in the air. How can it be diluted? How to answer a message "Have not given birth yet"? Options of witty, funny answers:

  • Of course! Well, how will you give birth to something? You are Anton.
  • Strange, Seryog. I thought your oxanka would give birth. But if you really want. That's okay.
  • And when will you give birth? What month? And give birth soon?
  • Who are you waiting for? Boy or girl?
  • Кто отец? Really, Sveta? In, well done woman! I always believed in her! Tell me, Pash, it’s cool that I introduced you to you.
  • What to hesitate? Well, come on already, give birth.
  • Why don't you give birth? For the tenth month has gone!
  • Well, as you give birth, call. I went.
  • And what will you give birth? A pack of bucks or a bottle of port?

This is only a small part of possible options. As you can see, answer "have not given birth yet" It is not a dead end of the conversation. On the contrary, communication can be made much more funny and interesting. You can even come up with an answer yourself. It is simple, but if you think about it, you will select a few phrases in reserve.

She answers me “Live yet”: what to answer in an original way?

"Okay, live" - The expression indicating that the person who held the resentment or made claims has cooled a little and lets his victim out of sight. But this does not mean at all that the question is closed.

It is possible that this person simply took the Time out, and then it will take up the matter with double energy. However, sometimes "Okay, live" It is a synonym for the word "I forgive you". But "Live yet" - It means that a person, nevertheless, is not going to let go of the situation. He simply endures the solution of the issue and trial with another person for later. What to answer in an original way to "Live yet", if he says this, the girl answers? Here are the options:

  • Well, I just live. And then, when you marry me, there will be no life.
  • And for the sake of whom should I live? For you, or what?
  • And with whom should I live? With you, or what?
  • And I, in your opinion, what am I doing?
  • Live yet? How can you be without a beer?
  • You are all so formidable. Directly like my collectors.

Of course, the phrase "Live yet" in 99% Girls are pronounced not in aggressive (unlike guys), but in a humorous and flirty form, quite often in relation to the guys they like.

In some cases, this even means "You think that you do not have a girlfriend, but I know how everything is in reality" or "You think you don't have a girlfriend, but you just think so" or “Okay, the age of yourself with the illusions that you are free. I just have no time to deal with you yet. But then, when I get rid of business, I will definitely catch up and dig the whole brain with a teaspoon ”.

What to answer to the phrase "for now": bold and rude

The phrase
The phrase "so far"

Often you need to besiege the one who dared to say goodbye when you are not interested in this. Alas, for this you will have to give a little. But what to do? Otherwise, a person simply will not react to you and you will not get what you want. What to answer the phrase "Bye" -bold and rude? Here are the options:

  • This is “for now”, but I have “so for sure” and “right now”.
  • There are intervals for such performance between the teeth.
  • Did you say this to whom? Well, come here, a victim of abortion!
  • You are not yet “for now”, then you are “for now”, when I say “for now”.
  • Wall you up for the "time" sides. Yes, only they were not raised me.
  • While you say “for now”, we will instruct you horns.
  • What "for now"? Wait? And money? You honestly earned them with an ancient profession. Come here, here is your weed.
  • You poke at home (a very hackneyed version from a “bearded” school childhood, not very witty).

Of course, you should figure out if a person says sincerely or hastily says "bye"to get away from the conversation. Depending on this factor, the attitude to the person will differ.

How beautifully you can answer the answer “so far” in rhyme: options

In addition to threatening response options to this replica, you can try more refined, funny and funny options. How beautifully you can answer the answer "Bye" In rhyme? Here are the options:

  • You say to me "bye." Goodbye, meel! Listen to dad and mother, grow big and eat porridge.
  • You only quit "for now." You hide pens in the Slaxes. It would be better if you told me “goodbye” in the bucks.
  • Well, right, bye! With God, a bald head. Run on your deeds. Cute, slender, two legs.
  • Pokakakuka - Pitakuleschka for Anton and for Yulechka.
  • Do you say to me "for now"? There are two snowballs on the back of the head. Now run, shoot. The third so as not to fly.
  • What did you say "for now"? Naked and without a shoe. Well, where will you go like that? Look around, a lousy is a nuclear!
  • We rest “bye” again with hands on the sides. Okay, we will not pull. MCHI is free - to the world, to people. You fly away with a raven. Just don't forget us.

A short form of forgiveness "bye" It is far from always a derring, humiliation or insult. Often enough "bye" - it's simple "goodbye", just in a more compressed and simple, friendly form, which is often used by children and adults who are friends or peers.

“He is sick until it becomes better”: what to answer?

For friends and friends, it is completely normal to visit the one who, for some reason, was in the hospital. However, a person can transfer the ailment at home. The result does not change. Almost any ailment lasts in periods: at first it only brews in a person, then develops and reaches its climax. And then slowly goes on decline. And in particularly sad cases, leads to death.

What to say if the door instead of a sick friend was opened by his relative to the question: "How is Vitya or Vadim?" he replied "He is sick until it gets better?". Of course, you should not speak "I thought so" Or, which is worse "Yes, I did not hope that he would recover". Even in very running cases, support is important. What to say? It should be said:

  • Let him recover. We are all very worried about him and believe in him.
  • He will definitely get better, I believe in it. It just takes time.
  • He will certainly recover. Can we be for him? Or it is better to go later.
  • He will definitely drop the disease. If we can’t, we can leave him hotels?

This phrase "Sick until it becomes better", as a rule, does not carry a positive or negative context. This is a neutral phrase, it denotes a statement of fact. A person continues to hurt in this period of time. The condition is stable - no improvements are observed yet. But no one talks about deterioration. And this is already pleasing.  

 What to answer instead of “so far”: options

Often, people catch themselves thinking that the battered word "bye" For a long time, everyone has been tired. The choice of the option of the zamen depends on the case and environment. What to answer instead "Bye"?In more official cases, we can say “See you!”, “See you soon!”, “Until a quick date.” In the informal sphere, options are more suitable: “Come on, good luck”, “See you, call you”, “Adye”, “Chao” etc. Here are another options:

Here's what you can answer instead of
Here's what you can answer instead of "so far"

Video: How beautifully to answer any question - Dmitry Nagiev

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