The phrase "Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! ”: Origin, meaning

The phrase

“Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! " - What does this expression mean? Look for answers in the article.

Sustainable combinations have existed in the history of the language for a long time. Already in the eighteenth century, examples of phraseologisms with an explanation could be found in the collections of idioms, winged expressions, aphorisms, proverbs, although the lexical composition of the language was then not yet studied so tightly.

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The phrase "Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! " appeared for a long time. More details are described in this article. Read further.

What does the phrase "who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! ”: A brief meaning, meaning

“Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself!
“Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! "

Very often, people reproach others in all mortal sins, forgetting that they themselves have all the same vices. Only to a greater extent. However, in his eye, often there is no one to see the logs, and in someone else - the sorrinka is visible. What does the phrase mean “Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! "? Here is a short meaning, meaning:

  • Those personalities who discuss everyone, consider themselves well -educated, in all “right”.
  • In fact, they are insignificant. After all, every educated person understands that improvement should always start with himself.
  • The one who disdain this, but only indicates to others their shortcomings, is not much different from them. On the contrary, it is doubly worse.

This phrase is often said in response to ridicule, indicating that the “critic” is not perfect.

The phrase "Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! " - origin, who is the author: Gogol "Examiner"

Phrase “Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! " Appears in the work in this context:

  • "Here! Watch how the mayor is fooled ... Not only do you go to the laughing stock - there is a clicoper, a paper man, it will insert you into a comedy, that’s what a shame! The rank, the title will not spare the title, and they will rock their teeth and beat in their hands. What are you laughing? You laugh at you! .. Eh, you ... ".

What is the origin, who is the author? This is said by mayor officials from the work Gogol's "Examiner". The character as if calling for his opponents to understand that before lifting him to laugh, they would have to look at themselves and realize that they themselves are even more “nothing” than him. Of course, the mayor understands all the bitterness of the situation. The "pseudo -dopriki" and "pseudo -monk" do not even have the mind to understand that they ridiculed their own shortcomings.

By the way, mild irony over the shortcomings of society N.V. Gogol partially gathered from "Undergrowth" Fonvizin. However, he gave this topic to his unique notes, revealed new facets and gave this unique vision to this world. That's why "Examiner" (like “undergrowth”) - these are truly “social” comedies that cause laughter through tears and make you think that many problems illuminated there are present today.

How is the phrase “who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! ”: In a direct or figurative meaning?

“Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself!
“Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! "

The main significance of this literary quote is portable. It can be used in relation to people who do not see their own flaws, but actively criticize, condemn or ridicule other people's failures and mistakes. Directly phrase “Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! " Almost not used.

It is paradoxical that “inattention” in this case is selective. Such “evil tongues” are always ready to grind over someone's petty inaccuracy. But they do not consider their grandiose, shameful mistake. And sometimes they even try to classify it as an advantage.


  • Here you are laughing at the fact that Nadia works as a cleaner. Although one of you could not even finish vocational schools, the other at the age of 30 sits on the mother’s neck, and the third in the 25th word “cow” writes through “A”. It turns out, who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! At least she does not hesitate to earn money for her own, honest labor. But it does not wait for a rich “daddy” who will take her to Nice and will feed her with langusts.
  • Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! - Maxim retorted - After all, I was mistaken once, and you are mistaken throughout my life. In other words, your whole life is one big mistake. It is only a pity that you do not have enough mind to understand this.
  • Reading the ironic works of the classics, many representatives of the Famusian society laughed until you drop. It's a shame that they did not understand the fact that the writers depicted their life and point of view. It turns out that the principle “Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! " It works in the very highest degree.

There is another meaning of the phrase, but not so, but similar. Read further.

“You need to be able to laugh at yourself”: Who said?

All the importance of self -irony "You need to be able to laugh at yourself"the great Russian writer emphasized Maksim Gorky. He has the following words:

  • "Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself, because self -criticism is also necessary as washing in the morning".

However, he is not the only one to whom this thought occurred. Suppose, let's Rafael Sabatini, author of the work "Odyssey of Captain Blade", spoke:

  • “If a person does not laugh at himself, he can just go crazy. But few people understand this. That is why there are so many insane in the world ".

Below you will find an essay on this topic. Read further.

"Who knows how to laugh at himself, is invincible": an essay-reasoning

“Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself!
“Who are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself! "

The ability to notice comic in their actions and optimistically perceive their flaws is necessary not only for their own psychological unloading. A person who knows how to laugh at himself becomes invulnerable to the cobbles and the intrigues of the offenders. After all, he, as a chess player, can “calculate the situation in advance” and will not give provocateurs and opponents a single chance. Such situations can be seen not only in classical literature, but also in modern cinema. Here is an essay-building on the topic: "" He who knows how to laugh at himself is invincible ":

It is worth recalling a biographical film "Eighth mile" With the participation of the rapper Eminem. The main character, Jimmy Rabbit, participates in the district competition of beginner rap artists. The one who is able to ironically and in a poetic form to ridicule his opponent will win. At first, the guy suffers a fiasco. But then, after a while, he recalls the need for self -irony.

A few days later, he comes already “prepared” and so masterfully “laid out” on the stage in the form of rhyme information about all his minuses and life failures that the enemy becomes simply nothing to add. The opponent leaves the stage, nor saying a single word into the microphone. Accordingly, Jimmy wins.

Indeed, a person who is not afraid to openly declare his cons is worthy of respect. After all, people are accustomed to hyperbolicize their advantages and hide flaws. Only one who has great willpower can laugh at himself. And not just a sense of humor.

That is why among comedic artists the most truly brilliant: Andrei Mironov, Anatoly Papanov, George Vitsin, Yuri Nikulin, etc. All these people are winners. All because they were not afraid to look funny. Of course, the role is one thing, and life is completely different. But each character has real prototypes. “Panties”, “baldbes”, “experienced” - they existed and exist.

For this, comedic actors went on stage - to show public shortcomings. But the goal was not only to laugh people, but also to make them think about whether everything in their life is right and whether it was time to change something.

If we talk about the ability to laugh at himself an “ordinary” person, there are also many advantages.

The first:

  • The principle of Jimmy is a rabbit. " When people see the one who can make fun of themselves, they immediately disappear the desire to do this. In other words, offenders are simply speechless, and they have nothing more to operate. After all, no one knows more about a person than himself.


  • This is self -confidence. Laughing over himself is not devoid of complexes. But he does not drive himself “into the shell” from their awareness. He refers to his shortcomings as a "joke of nature", as the "irony of fate." Therefore, it is almost impossible to make him feel awkward.


  • Such a person is really omnipotent. He is not scared by life failures and his own external imperfections, he does not perceive the black strip as a tragedy, does not fall into depression, does not try to reduce his life.

A person who knows how to laugh at himself breathes full breasts and enjoys every moment. He understands that there will be no other life. Therefore, it makes no sense to reproach yourself for mistakes or get upset about external physical flaws for years.

In other words, only one who has accepted himself may laugh at himself. That's why this is really important.

Video: What are you laughing? You laugh at yourself!

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