What to answer the word “happens”: a selection of beautiful, daring, witty, cool phrases, in rhyme

What to answer the word “happens”: a selection of beautiful, daring, witty, cool phrases, in rhyme

You can answer the word "happens" witty, cool and beautiful. You can also say in rhyme.

Each person should be able to support the dialogue with a continuation of the conversation or some answer. "It happens" - A typical, stingy and indifferent answer. This phrase (in most cases) shows that a person is practically uninteresting in the topic of conversation. That is why you often want to give a fairly beautiful continuation of such a conversation. The options can be different: including allegories, comic and poetic.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to answer the words" Good morning "," Good afternoon "?". You will find interesting options, cool, original answers.

From this article you will learn how to answer a word "happens". You will also find out why it is better not to respond to this word form to a long story of a person. Read further.

We answer the word "happens": a selection of beautiful phrases

We answer the word
We answer the word "it"

Many people are annoying when they respond with a word "happens". Imagine, a person tells some mystical, emotional or exciting story, but eventually hears dry from the interlocutor "happens". Agree that is not quite pleasant. Therefore, you need to be prepared for such a turn of events and have in your vocabulary a couple of suitable phrases. We answer the word "happens." Here is a selection of beautiful phrases:

  • - And in your heart it melts
  • - Love will come to someone who does not meet it
  • - And my heart takes off the bird
  • - And again the soul in the abyss of grief disappears
  • -The wind is silent ... as if he knows something
  • - a Christian sings all God
  • - in whom there is a Most High, that enemies forgive
  • “Is it, spring is welcoming us with affection?”
  • - The bottomlessness of the sky is depressing me
  • - Really, does life bring us longing?
  • - And he cuts the banner! He calls for the battle!
  • - From passion, the body is exhausted again
  • - And outside the window everything is howled
  • - Ray of Pravda again tears the darkness
  • - A heart blazes for you with love
  • - Your beauty is overshadowed

After the indifference of the interlocutor, I want to shake him in order to show interest in the conversation. With the help of such answers, it will work to do this. Below are still options. Read further.

How to answer the word "happens": options for impudent answers

If you tell something to your friend, and he answers you "happens", do not be angry. Say something like: it happens that the pigs hiccups, sometimes the sparrow barks loudly, it happens - the system freezes, but what I said does not happen. You can answer bold. Here are examples of such answers to this word with indifferent meaning:

  • It happens - this is when it passes. And in the case of you, this happens constantly.
  • “Does that mean you don't care?” Or is there another sacred meaning?
  • - Yeah, they cut the kidneys, and then they said “sew back”. Yes Yes. Usually business.
  • - For such jokes between the teeth there are intervals.
  • - For such a “happens” bruise under the eye arises?
  • - So I put you in a hole for this, sprinkle you with a land and also say: "It's okay, it happens."
  • This is like you. And such as me (and other normal people) should not happen.
  • -In you, buddy, something is rotting. This is probably the soul. You turned from a comrade into a bastard.
  • - Whoever is rude to me, he immediately died.
  • - Who is smart too much is resting now.
  • - What, I got already? Well, how? Enough?
  • - You mind, buddy, is not enough.
  • - A little infuriates. But does not hurt.
  • - Look. Hook arrives on you on the left!
  • - I look, Schegol does not stop at all!
  • -To know, someone is already blazing?
  • - He will not forgive, kill and bury!
  • - How do you, bastard, have enough arrogance?
  • - I torn me out of anger!
  • - Who's whining and calling us here?
  • - Another such word, and the priest is funeral!
We answer the word
We answer the word "it"

Here are a couple more answers: it happens - the bun runs, - the hedgehog sighs, - the plane flies away etc. Below are even more phrases. Read further.

What to answer the word "happens": witty phrases

Sometimes situations arise when in the process of verbal skirmish, the reputation of one of the interlocutors changes depending on whether he managed to answer witty or not. Sometimes I want to find a suitable answer to someone’s address right on the move. What to answer the word "happens"? Here are witty phrases:

  • It happens - where does it happen? On Mars? Well, yes, you are from there. You better know.
  • It happens, ”thought the dog, making a“ viscous ”with a master's pillow.
  • - Oh, you already had this? And when has passed?
  • - The hussar undresses the beauty.
  • - From your answer, the dam breaks.
  • - Spring sings, calls for intercourse.
  • - As I look at you - it breaks at the laughter!
  • - Wow, sclerosis. Reply forgets.
  • - Cook things! The train is arriving!
  • - He eats so much - and does not overeat?
  • - Conscience calls for prudence!
  • - Whoever has to, always forgets.

Select a couple of answers and learn them by heart. Now you know how to shine with your wit towards your interlocutor. But you can answer coolly. Read further.

Cool phrases in response to the word "happens": options

It is important to constantly practice the ability to give witty or cool answers. Not every person can come up with something. Therefore, you can learn a couple of standard phrases and then develop the topic, replenishing your vocabulary. Here are options for cool phrases in response to the word "happens":

  • It happens - from your words, Shaverm stuck in a throat.
  • It happens - who is the first to dance, that dance floor is blown up.
  • - The title "fool" does not call you?
  • - You have been looking at the “adult” site for a long time.
  • - As the snow goes, everything rotten pops up.
  • - Nobody instills you from rabies?
  • - Try the checkers. Very developing!
  • - Are you the one who glues a “cube - chubik” or collects?
  • - The wife calls you home! Run, horned, immediately under the "heel"! Do not forget that you are the best friend to me!
  • - For people like you, shameing.
  • - Yeah, cut the kidneys, a standard procedure (or "oar on the bastard, a common thing").
  • - Where? On Mars? What planet are you, baby?
  • - You are a textbook example of the personification of nonsense (and stronger will be more eloquent and intelligible).
  • - “It happens” - in the sense of “do not care” or is there a more sacred meaning here?
  • - Calm as Buddha, Corvalola swallowed?
  • “Why am I not surprised that you were not hooked.” As they say there: "Only cockroaches will survive the end of the world."

The answer in rhyme will be more interesting. Read further.

How to answer the word "happens" in rhyme: options

We answer the word
We answer the word "it"

Often it may be that you know several phrases that are suitable answers to certain phrases. But they were forgotten. Therefore, you need to have these phrases at hand in order to read them and write or write if necessary.

The answers in the rhyme are easier to memorize, and they are better remembered. Here are a few options on how to answer a word "It happens" In rhyme:

  • It happens - a sparkle of a bundle is threaded in a needle
  • - the wave "sways", not "swaying"
  • - Nobody calls you strength
  • - Only a weak spirit of grief flies
  • - Only a fool is drinking alcohol
  • - Dog bones over the house burrow
  • -Someone is a meal, someone drinks
  • - Really in May the snow covers all the earth?
  • “Your dark lord calls you!”
  • “Tell me, Jim Carey plays great?”

Here are more words in rhyme by the word "happens". Choose any of them and write lines:

Rhyme for the word
Rhyme for the word "happens"

Why is it impossible to use the answer “happens” or emoticons as a reaction to a long story?

Often, when a person “spreads with a thought in the tree”, he thinks that his story is interested in someone. That is why a brief answer or smile can create the impression that the story was not interesting. And the interlocutor only pretends to listen - in fact, thinks about something else. And then, and even wants to leave. But he does not do this out of politeness. Why is it still impossible to use the answer "happens" Or emoticons as a reaction to a long story?

  • Nobody likes indifference.
  • When a person see a message in his mailbox "happens" Or only a smiley in response to a long letter, he perceives it as words: "Well, yes, write, write, I don't care".
  • Therefore, in order not to offend a person, you should always listen to him and ask leading questions in the essence of the narrative. In this case, the second participant in the dialogue will understand that his thoughts cause you a certain reaction, you really follow the events.

If the topic is not interesting, you do not need to take time from a person on a story, and then put a smiley. It is better to cut it off using a pause and ask to change the topic. It can be initially noted that the subject of the conversation, to put it mildly, is not in your taste and not in your competence.

The same situation with words "clearly understood". Throwing them, the interlocutor gives the impression of indifferent - that even out of the corner of his ear he does not want to listen to the narrative. That is why many are even offended by such short phrases.

Video: Very wisely said. The verse "happens" - Larisa Dyachenko

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