“What are you fond of” - what to answer the question: examples, original phrases

“What are you fond of” - what to answer the question: examples, original phrases

Examples of answers to the question "what you are fond of." Who and why can ask this question?

The question “what you are fond of” is usually asked at the very beginning of the acquaintance, when they want to know a person closer, to understand what he lives, breathes and without which he cannot live at all. This is if the conversation is in a positive way, then on the question is "what you are fond of," We must answer. Below we will give many examples that we can answer the question so that it sounds beautiful, and it was true.

Should I answer the question “what are you fond of”?

It happens that you are lost that answer the question “what you are fond of” because Your interlocutor is not particularly interested in your answer. Before coming up with what to answer the question, try to analyze for what purpose your interlocutor asked him. The reasons can be different:

  • Sometimes the question is just asked not to be silent. Perhaps you involuntarily ended up in the society of a person who, it seems, has nothing to communicate with you. And to smooth out an awkward pause, He asks to tell you at least something. In this case, we advise you to quickly switch from your hobbies, to discuss those interesting to your opponent. Show your sincere interest in a person, this is one of the best ways to make a pleasant impression.
Question what you are fond of, how to smooth out an awkward silence
Question what you are fond of, how to smooth out an awkward silence
  • Often the question "what you are fond of", people ask to tell about your own hobbies. And as soon as you start to speak, well, I like the fish ... They immediately interrupt you and begin to tell you, do you know what beautiful goal he scored the sapwood in the last match? Or my friends and I played so steeply yesterday in Dota last night ... It is unlikely that this, slightly infantile, personality is sincerely interested in your hobbies.
  • There is also a very sad case when you do not know what to answer. Because he is set with such an arrogant face that he reads: "Yes, what is normal, such a dumbass as you can be interested." Most likely, you are dealing with arrogant and narcissistic daffodil. If you want to build relationships with him, do not try to fade, and answer in the same spirit. Proudly raising your head, say: “I am fond of only high art - theater! I collect a collection of the most unique indoor plants. I am a music lover, and I listen only to high -quality music. ” But whether it is worth dealing with such a toxic person - the question is controversial.
Do not become a pawn in the game of arrogant daffodils, declare the Queen's rights.
Do not become a pawn in the game of arrogant daffodils, declare the queen's rights

Often, fortunately, it happens that a person, asking a question, is sincerely interested in you. As you can answer it in an original way, we will tell you below.

How to answer the question “what are you fond of” in an original way?

Below a few examples of how to answer the question “what you are fond of” to make a pleasant impression on the interlocutor:

  • I am fond of mine work. And I think that good work should be pleasure. And we must tell a few words about your profession.
  • I i collect good impressions. I love to be in interesting places. And tell about your last travels or events where you were.
  • I am fond of music or dancing (choose the right one), because this is another language that you can express your emotions.
  • I am fond of eastern culture. Just sitting and watching how amazing our world is in a blade of grass or a drop of rain is wonderful.
  • I like fiction. Sometimes fantasy predicts the future. And sometimes it helps to better understand the present.
  • I love horror films. They help to understand fears and cope with them. They say that any human evil is a product of fear.
  • I love theatre. In his atmosphere there is some kind of power that cannot be expressed in words. This is probably the charisma of the actors.
  • I am fond of communication with children. They are sincere and know how to live here and now.
  • I like to engage in self -education and visit interesting Trainings about anything. Communication with smart people gives me pleasure.
  • I'm interested in culinary, design and needlework. Creating homemade comfort is also art and creativity.
  • I love mathematics And other exact sciences. Even poems can be expressed in numbers, because they have their own rhythm. And emotions can be explained as a combination of chemicals - hormones.
  • I am a humanitarian and love read the classics. There are writers who knew how to see our lives, as if through and through, more clearly and brighter than others.
Walking to the mountains is interesting, but difficult
Walking to the mountains is interesting, but difficult

“What are you fond of” - what to answer to seem like a philosophical nature?

Some say that people with a philosophical warehouse of the mind are "not from this world." Others choose exceptionally uniformity people in their circle, considering them smart and unusual. The answer to the question is “fond of”, these people are always interesting and unexpected. For example:

  • I am looking for a person like a diogenes, who looked in the face with a lantern. How many years have passed, and to meet a person who will understand you is still difficult.
  • I'm trying to go beyond the matrixTo understand how she works.
  • I am fond of the search and destruction of stereotypes. Does all gypsies really steal, male logic is something different from the female, and a lot of money causes star disease? In my opinion, stereotypes are evil.
  • Now I am fond of quantum mechanics. Surprisingly, it turns out that events depend on the observer. That is, when we pay attention to something, this happens. It seems that science proves magic.
  • I am fond of the restoration of harmony. The Bible says that when the Babylonian tower fell, people stopped understanding each other. I am trying to find something in common between physicists and lyrics, children and adults, informal youth and grandmothers on a bench. I believe that people should understand each other.
Philosophical hobbies
Philosophical hobbies

How to answer the question “what are you fond of” to look like a purposeful person?

On interviews, they often ask the question - “What are you fond of”? What to answer to look like an initiative person who knows how to earn money we will describe below.

  • I am constantly looking for new opportunities to cooperate with people. And I want this cooperation to be profitable for everyone. Our life needs to be done better, more convenient and easier.
  • My hobbies have a different vector. But I am constantly looking for where to adapt my energy. I can’t sit still and do nothing.
  • I am fond of planning my time. How to make it possible to get maximum benefits from a free hour or free day?
  • Complex integral schemes constantly spin in my head, which help to solve what is better to do.

In business, the ability to work in a team and leadership qualities are important. How to answer the question - “What are you fond of” to look like a leader? Try to focus on his main qualities: a leader is not the one who knows how to work better than others. A leader is one who knows how to lead. It is better to find qualities in other people, and give tasks that people will cope best.

  • I am fond of sports command games: football, basketball, volleyball. I love the team game both in business and in sports.
  • I like people. And I am fond of establishing relations with them. It is not always simple and smooth, because I always have my own opinion in which it is difficult to dissuade me.
  • I am fond of the development of my talent of belief. It would seem that the truth is one and it is so easy to see. But sometimes you need a lot of effort and patience to convey the truth to a person.
  • I am a very led person. I am fond of what other people around me are doing. I think that every person in the team should be able to do any work. And the director of the enterprise, if necessary, must do the work of the cleaner.
The leader must be able to do any work
The leader must be able to do any work

How do you not answer the question “what are you fond of”?

Some guys say that they ask a question - “what you are interested in” the girl on the first date. And this is a reliable way to distinguish a stupid and near Madame from a smart and interesting person.

Stupid girls answer the question something like this:

Hobbies? Why get a pretty girl to get carried away with something?

No, a beautiful girl is, of course, good. But the girl is useful to engage in self -development. And not just consider yourself a born princess.

I love to meet friends and gossip with them.

Meetings with friends are also positive. But high minds are discussing ideas, average minds discuss problems and affairs, and only the lowest minds discuss only other people.

I am fond of sports, run after beer in the morning.

We do not see anything criminal in alcohol in moderate quantities. But to make a cult and the meaning of life from alcohol is a sign of a low mind.

I am passionate about the search for a real man. Men should give women everything so that they do not need anything.

Men should if they took a bank loan. To be close to a responsible man, you need to be the woman for whom you want to try. This means to engage in yourself. And not hunting for men.

Infantile girl is unlikely to interest a serious man
Infantile girl is unlikely to interest a serious man

“What are you fond of” - what to answer the girl’s question?

This question is often asked when meeting. How to like it, how to make a good impression. On the one hand, you can simply honestly talk about your hobbies, for example, I love videos, tourism and chess. You may have something in common with him. On the other hand, you can also be a little generated, answering the question of what you are fond of.

  • Now I am passionate about you.
  • I am fond of men with a deep and piercing look like yours.
  • I would like to learn self -defense techniques, maybe you will teach?
  • I am fond of communication with interesting people. Let's go for a walk somewhere with you.

It would seem that men from Mars, women from Venus. But men are interested in the female world no less than male women. And if you have purely female hobbies, do not hesitate to tell him about it. A worthy man will probably appreciate if you answer the question truthfully.

“What are you fond of” - what to answer the girl’s question:

  • I like to draw on my nails, I make familiar manicure.
  • I am fond of colorism and hairdressing. However, some men also like this activity.
  • I like to engage in sewing and design. I remodel my clothes myself.
  • I am fond of breeding indoor plants or growing flowers in a flowerbed. I love that it is beautiful in my house.
  • I love homemade pastries, make cakes, pies and cakes. Any man will probably like this very much.

The only thing is not to deceive, telling about your hobbies, so as not to get into an awkward situation.

Do not deceive, talking about your hobbies
Do not deceive, talking about your hobbies

Hobbies that you should not talk about a man about

Hobbies that a man should not be told about:

No need to talk about the ability to earn money and your income. To the question “what you are fond of”, a girl, it is hardly worth answering that she is passionate about making money. Why? Because in this way you can attract men who will not be very pleasant to you from the category of Mamenki Sons and Alfons. These men behave so not from evil, but due to the fact that they are simply uninitiated and do not strive to fulfill traditional male roles. But a chef man about his ability to earn just talk at an interview.

Questions from the category: how much do you earn, what income your hobby brings you and what you live on are generally incorrect. It is better to answer something like that: there are enough tights and cosmetics, without voicing specific amounts.

It is unlikely that Alphonse is a man of your dreams
It is unlikely that Alphonse is a man of your dreams

You should not tell a man immediately about his hobbies, which are considered courageous and even heroic. For example, that you decided to be a lifeguard on the beach or as part of a rescue detachment help to look for missing children. If you really have such hobbies, then the man should be matching, no less heroic.

And to talk about what you are engaged in helping people, charity, help animals with caution, because alcoholics, drug addicts and the same Alfons are very fond of “savior”.

Alcoholics are very fond of sacrificial ladies
Alcoholics are very fond of sacrificial ladies

No need to tell him about his everyday problems and allow him to control your life to the smallest detail. No, if you live with a man, then household conversations about buckwheat and washing of linen are normal. It is not normal when he begins to negotiate with you, how much money you will spend on buckwheat and sugar on a first date. A normal man will not say this. It’s not normal when he tells you, get married to me, and then he asks you, and how we will celebrate the wedding: whom we will call, in which cafe we \u200b\u200bwill celebrate. At the same time, he is not going to solve anything. It is not very normal if he begins to tell that his ex-girlfriend divorced his sneakers, for food or some other ordinary everyday things. It is better to translate communication with such a subject from a romantic to a purely friendly channel.

Video: Be careful if you hear these 10 phrases on a date

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