How beautiful and original, in the rhyme, answer the word “necessary”: options for witty and daring answers

How beautiful and original, in the rhyme, answer the word “necessary”: options for witty and daring answers

Want to learn how to answer in rhyme to different words - “necessary”, “what is needed”? Read the article, it has options.

Often people tell us gross phrases-someone by chance, while others are deliberately. I also want to answer boldly. But sometimes, when the mood allows, you can reduce the conflict and answer with sarcasm or funny. This attitude to life will add positive to you, and perhaps it will help your opponent look differently at his interlocutor.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "How to react and beautifully answer the words" I love you "?". You will find phrases and find out if it is possible to keep silent.

From this article you will learn how beautifully and original to answer the word “necessary”. It turns out that it is easy to do. Read further.

What is a rhyme?

The rhyme in the poetic world is called harmony in two or more lines. As a rule, they focus on the end of the word. The development of versification as such, led to the emergence of various rhyme styles (simple and more complex).

The rhyme does not occur in an arbitrary place, but at the end of the line. It is dactylic, male and female. Also, the rhyme is assonance, rich and poor. Of course, unlike recognized writers, popular attempts to bargain the words (both successful and unsuccessful) are performed exclusively by belly, without the knowledge of the types of rhymes and their functioning.

How beautiful and original, answer any question in rhyme: Tips

The answer to the rhyme
The answer to the rhyme

The need to respond to rhyme may arise in cases where a banal “prosaic” syllable seems too ordinary and faded. Of course, a successful rhyme can discharge the situation in the event of an awkward situation, it will add a “light” answer, and certainly affects a person’s reputation positively.

There are several categories of people. Some are those who forgot when they took the book for the last time, but, due to successful genetics, natural talent or other factors, they can write ingenious poems and improvise on the go (minority). The latter are those who need time and effort to create a successful rhyme, and there are also people who are generally incapable of poem.

One way or another, these recommendations will concern all three categories. After all, many people want to learn how to rhyme lines on the go and poetically answer uncomfortable questions. What needs to be done in order to gain the ability to ironically answer in rhyme? How beautiful and original, answer any question in rhyme? Here are the tips:

Expand your horizons:

  • Even if a person has not studied the theory of versification and poetic techniques, he can be a good poet.
  • The main thing is to have a good vocabulary, the concept of size and rhythm, and understand what rhyme is.
  • The more a person reads now, or the more actively he read at school age, the more chances he has for successful rhyme.
  • After all, the more extensive the vocabulary, the more rhyme options. And all the less words remain that cannot be found rhyme.

It is important to have a sense of humor:

  • If you just coffee one word with another, or even spontaneously create a quatrain or several - this is wonderful.
  • But in the case of an answer to a question without humor, this will not make sense. You just get a poem. Perhaps it will be good. But in the dialogue this verse will not come in handy.
  • It is important to hook the answer so that it is witty, and not just correct from the point of view of poetry.

Learn to improvise on the go:

  • In the case of the dialogue, you do not have the opportunity to sort out rhymes and lines in your head for two hours, write them on paper, wash and write down new ones.
  • You must answer immediately with a final option. Moreover, such that will amaze everyone.
  • That is why you should learn both prose speed of response and the ability to generate rhymes in a matter of seconds.
  • What will help in this? Of course, reading. Only, in contrast to the general expansion of the horizons, we put off all prose and weedly read poetic classics.
  • If consciousness is not yet adapted to generate rhymes “without hints”, it will be appropriate to adopt the experience of geniuses.
  • The one who reads many poems or listens to many songs, in the subcortex there is always more than a dozen rhymes from there, which are involuntarily recalled.
  • At first, you can use them. And as they expand the horizons, the reserve of rhymes will be replenished.

The ability to rhyme on the go (and even more so, witty to respond to rhyme) it is impossible to learn in 5 minutes. If a person does not have an innate skill to do this (like some), you will have to stock up on patience and books. You must extract rhymes from everywhere, remember them and be able to operate with them. Sooner or later, this skill will appear. Then bring it to automatism - after all, in the dialogue, the opponent will not let you think for a long time.

We answer the word "necessary", the question "what we need" is rude: options for daring answers

We answer the word
We answer the word "necessary", the question "what is necessary"

The question itself "What do you need?" shows that in front of you is a person with a lack of education and education. This is a rather rude, daring formulation. Therefore, there is definitely no sense in “intelligent” with such a person. Especially if it is aggressive. So, we answer the word "Necessary", question "What do you need" rough. Here are options for prosaic impudent answers:

  • What do you need? - What can you offer?
  • What do you need? - Money and phone! Well, come on, quickly (the so -called gopnik can be at a dead end, because he was ahead and used his demand against him).
  • Che? - Over shoulder!
  • What do you need? - I don't need anything, but what do you?

We move on to poetry:

  • What do you need? - Grandmother from Leningrad
  • What do you need? - Cottage in Eldorado
  • What do you need? -Something from Prad
  • What do you need? - Vlad ... or Vlada
  • What do you need? - Where is my lipstick (give it, nasty) - at the same time look at the offender of the male gaze with a playful look
  • What do you need? - Five devils from hell
  • What do you need? - Are you behind the herd?
  • What do you need? - Lambada from you
  • What do you need? - Goking the bastard
  • What do you need? - True, and only the truth
  • What do you need? - Chocolate

Of course, you can generate more than one option. Remember that you need to pronounce impudent answers confidently and with a challenge, and not mumble under your breath. Otherwise, they will not take the proper effect on the offender.

How funny, in the rhyme, answer the word “necessary”, the question “what is necessary”: options for witty answers

In awkward situations, only sound irony and wit are sometimes able to save. That is why an aggressive question "What do you need?", It is quite possible to turn into a joke. How funny, in rhyme, answer these words. Options of witty answers:

  • What do you need? - I won! So where is my reward?
  • What do you need? - You need - you and "Che." Substitute, rather shoulder. Changer in it together. So that you roll into darkness.
  • What do you need? -Five kilos of marmalade, half a kilo of chocolate ... and still a little summer cottage somewhere in Rio de Janeiro.
  • What do you need? - That's it, go home, Esthera.
  • What do you need? - I have coal from Stalingrad.
  • What do you need? - Mascara, highlighter and lipstick.
  • What do you need? “I am Irina Hakamad.”

The answer is highly dependent on who and for what purpose the question is asked. However, the question "what do you need?" And the word "necessary" They themselves negatively characterize the interlocutor. That is why any witty answers will be appropriate. Good luck!

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