How and how much to cook the tongue of beef, pork, ram, sea, deer, the tongue of the moose until cooked in a double boiler, slow cooker, hasteoper and pot?

How and how much to cook the tongue of beef, pork, ram, sea, deer, the tongue of the moose until cooked in a double boiler, slow cooker, hasteoper and pot?

In this article I would like to talk about how to prepare such a delicacy as a language. Before adding it to any dish, you must correctly boil this product.

Everyone knows that the language is considered a delicacy. In addition to the fact that it is very delicate and tasty, it is a real storehouse of nutrients - iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, sodium, manganese, cobalt, vitamins. And this product is absorbed excellently, since it contains a minimum of connective tissue. But in order to fully enjoy the delicacy, it is important to prepare it correctly.

How much to cook a lamb language?

Barani language has quite specific smell and taste, so it is not served as often as other types of this delicacy. However, subject to all the nuances of the preparatory stage, the dish may taste everyone. It is enough to rinse the tongue thoroughly and process with a brush.

As for boiling, then after the water boils, the fire is reduced. The tongue is cooked over low heat for about two hours - After that, the skin is better removed. You can add pepper and bay leaf.

Important: as for a variety of seasonings, it is not worth experimenting with them, otherwise the taste of the language itself will disappear.

Barani Language with proper preparation is very tasty
Barani Language with proper preparation is very tasty

How much to cook the sea?

The marine language is quite juicy, delicate and nutritious. However, in order for all these properties to remain unchanged, it is necessary boil in a pan for half an hour or at least 20 minutes.

If you have a double boiler or multicooker, the conditions of cooking will not change particularly. In the first case of the preparation of the sea, it will take half an hour, and in the second it will be necessary to focus on the instructions of the device.

How much is a language to cook a language?

The tongue should be lowered into already boiling water simultaneously with vegetables and spices to taste. Carefully monitor the readiness of vegetables - as soon as they get well, they should be removed, but the tongue needs to be left in the water.

The cooks recommend keeping the delicacious water in boiling water for at least two hours -Only in this case it will turn out really juicy. In this case, the fire should be as weak as possible.

The tongue is juicy, if you cook it for two hours
The tongue is juicy, if you cook it for two hours

How long and how long to cook a pork language to be soft?

Pork tongue itself is quite soft, but you can cook it in such a way that it simply melts in your mouth. For this, the first thing is important rinse the product under running water.

Important: in no case should you clean the tongue at this stage - meat can withdraw with a film.

Now the meat is soaked for half an hour - this is the secret of its softness. In water without adding salt you need to cook such a language on average from 1.5 to 3.5 hours. Much depends on the size of the delicacy.

Experts say that water should not be very seething, otherwise it will affect the taste characteristics. It is also recommended for removing unpleasant odor and harmful substances first to boil the tongue in one water for about 15 minutes, then rinse well and boil it into another to a state of readiness.

Half an hour before the readiness state, you need to add celery, bay leaf, onions and carrots to the water. As soon as everything cooks, hold the meat for some time under cold water.

Pork tongue must be boiled for a long time
Pork tongue must be boiled for a long time

How long and how long should I cook beef tongue tasty?

As in the case of a pork tongue, beef needs to be soaked for 30 minutes. Only then it is worth starting to boil, which occupies on average from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the size of the product. It is advisable to hold it in one water for about 15 minutes, and only then bring it to readiness to another.

Important: it is extremely important not to digest the meat, otherwise it will fall apart before our eyes.

How much to cook the language of moose?

The tongue of the moose is well washed, after which it lowers into already boiling water. After the water boils again, it must be drained, and the meat itself is thoroughly washed.

Now the product is poured with cold water. In it it should be boiled on low heat for about 2 hours. However, time can be increased to 2.5 hours - this is how much softness can be achieved.

Literally half an hour before a state of readiness, spices and roots are added to the broth. Half an hour later, the tongue gets from boiling water and is cooled by another water.

The elk of the tongue should first need to be lowered into boiling water
The elk of the tongue should first need to be lowered into boiling water

How much to cook in a double boiler?

The double boiler prefers many cooks, since the language prepared in this way retains the maximum of useful substances. It is recommended to use a bag made of food foil.

Important: foil should be sprinkled with spices - so they are best absorbed into the product. In these spices, pieces of meat are collapsed about a thickness of about a centimeter.

In the foil in which the tongue will be prepared, spices should be added
In the foil in which the tongue will be prepared, spices should be added

Improval bags are neatly laid out on a double boiler. The timer should be set for 1.5 hours.

After the specified time, the tongue gets, the peel is cleaned, grated cheese is added, the bags are again twisted. Thereafter preparing them in a double boiler costs another 5 minutes.

How much to cook the language in the pressure cooker?

The pressure cooker should contain about 2 liters of water for the preparation of the tongue. The time for which it is finalized is 30 minutes.

How long does it take to cook languages \u200b\u200bin the pan?

In an ordinary pan, the tongue is prepared quite often. But before it must be soaked for half an hour in cold water “So he can clean himself well.” After that, the tongue is cleaned with a knife from blood, fat and mucus, and then washed again.

Next, you can pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil. Only in boiling water can I place meat.

In the pan, tongues cook quite often
In the pan, tongues cook quite often

Important: keep in mind that heat treatment affects the size of the product - it increases. This means that a large piece is best cut into two parts.

As soon as the water begins to boil again, the foam should be removed. Then the meat is boiled for another 15 minutes.

Next, the used water should be drained, and the tongue is transferred to a new one. In it, the product is cooked until cooked. On average, this is time is from 2 to 4 hoursWhat is easy to determine by piercing the pulp with a fork. If the secreted juice is transparent, then fire can be turned off.

Now the tongue is transferred to cold water, after which you can remove the skin from it. Then he again shifts into the broth, salt, moves. Onions, carrots, bay leaf are also added. B the Ulon is again brought to a boil, after which it holds on fire for another 15 minutes.

Onions, carrots and bay leaf should be added to the pan with the tongue
Onions, carrots and bay leaf should be added to the pan with the tongue

How much do you need to cook the tongue in a slow cooker?

A multicooker is a fairly frequent item in the kitchen, and with the help of it it is quite possible to prepare a delicious and nutritious language. For this Onions, carrots are added to the bowl with itwhich will give the dish an amazing aroma.

The “extinguishing” mode should be turned on. On average it will take 2.5 hoursHowever, it all depends on the size of the language. About 15 minutes before the end of cooking, it is advisable to add salt, garlic and roots to taste.

The multicooker allows the tongue to maintain maximum useful properties
The multicooker allows the tongue to maintain maximum useful properties

How to cook beef tongue for slicing

To prepare a salty cut from beef tongue, you must first soak it in cold water for half an hour, then clean it. Then the meat is well dried, rubbed with salt and spices, laid out in a bag and it is left in this form for 10-12 hours.

Important: 10-12 hours the meat must lie at room temperature. But then it can already be removed for 6-7 hours in the refrigerator. A package with meat is worth shaking from time to time.

Then the tongue is transferred to a pan with water, where you need to add salt and roots to taste. The meat is cooked on average 2-4 hours.

The final stage is pouring meat with cold water and warming in the new another 15 minutes.

Beeing tongue slices will become a awkward decoration of any table
Beeing tongue slices will become a awkward decoration of any table

Some housewives are scared by the fact that the language belongs to the delicacies of the first class, which means that it is probably complicated in preparation. In fact, the preparation of such a product can do any, even a novice cook. It is only important to adhere to certain rules in order not to be disappointed in the taste of the language.

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