How and how much to cook red beans in a pan, slow cooker, an ambulance: instructions. Is it possible and how to cook red beans without soaking?

How and how much to cook red beans in a pan, slow cooker, an ambulance: instructions. Is it possible and how to cook red beans without soaking?

In this article we will find out how long the red beans are cooked, and also how to cook it correctly.

Red beans, regardless of the country, is a popular product. It is not only nutritious, but also very useful. If you study various diets, especially American ones, you can see that many interesting dishes are offered with beans. That's just it requires cooking, and it is necessary to do this correctly. Let's find out how to cook red beans correctly and what this process has features.

How much do you need to cook red beans until cooked?

Red beans
Red beans

It is important to understand that in order to resolve the question of how much to cook red beans, you need to take into account the duration of the storage of the product. The longer this period, the longer it will be necessary to cook. In addition, the speed of cooking largely depends on the availability of processing. If it is, then literally in an hour you will receive a ready -made product. If without it, then you will have to spend about four hours.

Preparation of red beans in a slow cooker usually takes no more than 1.5 hours. At the same time, the steamer copes with the task almost twice as fast. This process takes about 40 minutes. It is always important to check the readiness of beans. To do this, a few pieces are taken, and we must try them. If you find that one of them is not ready, then continue to cook, checking periodically.

How to cook red beans without soaking?

Many housewives are interested in how much to cook red beans, and whether it is possible to do this without prior preparation. As we have already said, if this procedure is not carried out, then the product will be cooked longer, since it will take time to soften.

It is important to understand that soaking not only makes the beans soft, but also removes from them all harmful substances that are often present in legumes. These substances do not allow the seeds to germinate prematurely. And after dissolving inhibitors in water (this is the name of these substances), the seeds become quick -liable.

It is necessary to soak it within seven to eight hours, and therefore it is recommended to leave it overnight. If you forgot to cook beans, and it's time to cook dinner, then use a little cunning.

Soaked beans
Soaked beans

Many experienced housewives, in order to quickly boil an unlocked beans, use the method of changing water. As a rule, it is required to replace water two three times during cooking. Then the preparation will be faster.

  • To get started, rinse the beans to wash off all the superfluous from them. Put them into a pan and pour them with water so that the beans are closed by three centimeters
  • Put on the fire and wait for boiling. It is not required to suck. When the water begins to boil, cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes
  • After that, you can drain the first portion of boiling water and pour it again with cold water
  • Do the same again

When you count three replacements, let the beans boil for about an hour.

In this case, you can do without draining. To do this, add two to three tablespoons of simple water after boiling. The temperature difference will allow the product to boil faster.

Keep in mind that the process will have to be monitored constantly so that the water does not have time to boil, otherwise you will get fried instead of boiled beans.

How and how much to cook red beans in a pan?

Cooking beans in a pan
Cooking beans in a pan

So, if you think how much to cook red beans in the pan, then this period is about 1.5 hours.

  • Put the washed beans in a pan and pour water so that they are closed
  • When the beans begin to boil, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. It will reduce the amount of foam formed
  • Do not make fire strong. Preparation is carried out on the slow. It takes about an hour before receiving a soft product

During the preparation of the beans, do not mix, and also do not close it with a lid.

How and how much to cook red beans in a slow cooker?

In a slow cooker, cooking beans is much easier. As for the question - how much to cook red beans in a slow cooker, as we have already said, it will take about 1.5 hours. We select the mode for cooking - “stew”. Put the washed beans inside the pan and pour water. They are prepared under a closed lid. An hour later, it is recommended to check the product for softness.

How and how much to cook red beans in a pressure cooker?

So, when deciding how much to cook red beans in a pressure cooker, it is worth noting that in this case less time is required than in a slow cooker.

As well as when using any dishes, rinse the beans and put them inside. Remember that more than half of the bowl should not be done. First prepare the product on high heat under a closed lid. When you see the steam came from the valve, reduce the fire to the weak. Cook the product for 10-15 minutes, and then remove the pressure cooker from the stove. It is important not to open it for 20-30 minutes so that all the steam comes out of it.

How to cook red beans: recommendations

Recommendations for cooking beans
Recommendations for cooking beans
  • To soak the beans, choose a large container, because it absorbs the liquid very well and even in the process of upholding it becomes more several times. In addition, during preparation, the size also increases
  • When you extinguish the beans, sometimes they become dark brown. So that such situations do not arise, do not close the beans with a lid
  • If you cook beans in the summer, then be sure to put it up in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate
  • In the process of cooking, all harmful substances “leave” from beans. That is why it is so important to follow the readiness. If you eat undergone product, then problems may arise
  • If you want the beans to remain in the same form as initially, add a little salt at the very beginning. For a loose state, add salt at the end
  • If you constantly stir the beans, then they will be twisted. This should be done if you want to cook a paste or soup-puree

If you are a supporter of melting nutrition, then the red beans will probably enter your diet tightly. It contains many useful substances and retains them even after cooking.

Video: how to cook beans, two methods of cooking beans - with soaking and without

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