How and how much time to cook condensed milk in an iron bank to caramel and brown color in a pan, multicooker, pressure cooker, oven, microwave at home? How to make a boiled condensed milk from a conventional condensed milk: instruction

How and how much time to cook condensed milk in an iron bank to caramel and brown color in a pan, multicooker, pressure cooker, oven, microwave at home? How to make a boiled condensed milk from a conventional condensed milk: instruction

Boiled condensed milk: cooking options.

Varenka is sold in any supermarket and is an indispensable delicacy for lovers of sweet dishes. But it does not always satisfy the miserable taste of gourmets of the sweet tooth with their quality. The best option is to cook condensed milk yourself. At home, condensed boots can be prepared to your liking: a thick go liquid, dark or light. We will talk about how to do this correctly.

How and how much time to cook condensed milk in an iron bank to brown and caramel color in a pan?

The traditional way

The condensed milk is cooked is very simple if you use some tricks of cooking and take into account the specifics of the milk itself. The readiness time of the product depends on the fat content of milk, the desired density and color of the finished product.

  • To obtain a dairy tint and not too thick consistency, cook:
  1. With 8% fat content of milk-1.5-2 hours
  2. Higher concentration milk-2-2.5 hours
  • Thick and dark boys requires longer heat treatment:
  1. For the first version of the product used-2-2.5 hours
  2. For the second-about 4 hours

The most common cooking method:

  1. We put jars in deep dishes, having previously cleared them of a paper label
  2. Pour cold water so that it completely covers the cans
  3. We heat to a boil
  4. Then we cook over medium heat, given the above recommendations from 1.5 to 2.5 hours
  5. Be sure to ensure that the container is constantly covered with water
  6. If the liquid boiled, pour boiling water
  7. After readiness, we deliver the water carefully
  8. Let the finished product cool at least an hour, without taking out of the pan

Video: How to cook condensed milk in a bank?

Is it possible, how and how much time to cook condensed milk in an iron bank to brown and caramel color in a slow cooker?

  1. Bank with condensed milk is placed in a multicooker bowl
  2. Pour water, covering her containers with condensed milk at least 3 cm from above
  3. Turn on the function "Boiling"
  4. After boiling the liquid (about 5-10 minutes), we transfer to the “Extinguishing” function
  5. Installed cooking time-2-2.5 hours
  6. After the multicooker signal, about readiness, open the lid
  7. Let us cool without taking out 2 hours from the bowl
  8. Open the bank after cooling completely

Video: boiled condensed milk in Redmond RMC-IH300

How and how much time to cook condensed milk in an iron bank to brown and caramel color in the oven?

In the oven, boar is prepared in a water bath:

  1. Pour into refractory containers of water
  2. We place a jar with condensed milk, so that the water covers it
  3. We send everything together to the oven
  4. Cook for 2 hours, at a temperature of 200 degrees
  5. Before opening, the finished product should cool well

How and how much time to cook condensed milk in an iron bank to brown and caramel color in the pressure cooker?

Ambolistine allows you to cook your favorite treat in 10 minutes.
Stages of cooking:

  1. We determine the bank in the prepared pan from the pressure cooker
  2. Fill the container with completely water
  3. Close the pressure cooker
  4. Cook for 10-15 minutes
  5. We periodically glance so that the liquid does not boil. Pour boiling water if necessary
  6. After the set time, we do not remove the lid, until it cools out about 2 hours

Video: Recipe. How to cook a boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker quickly? Only 13 minutes!

Is it possible, how and how much time to cook condensed milk in an iron bank to brown and caramel in the microwave?

We use a microwave oven

Modern electronic home assistants significantly reduce the process of cooking condensed milk. The time spent on the preparation in question with the help of the microwave will be no more than half an hour.


  1. Since you can’t cook condensed milk directly in a tin bank, we pour it into any suitable dishes for a microwave, except plastic and of course metallic
  2. Cover with a lid
  3. Put in the oven for 2 minutes (power 700 W)
  4. Get out, mix
  5. Send again to the microwave, taking out every 2 minutes and mixing
  6. Together, for readiness, about 8-10 calls are required, depending on the abilities of the microwave and the desired result (thick or liquid, dark or light)

Is it possible and how to cook condensed milk in soft packaging?

Is soft packaging for boys at home?
  • You can try to cook your favorite treat packaged in soft containers, but it’s better not to take risks
  • Without knowing the strength of the package, you can cook together with condensed milk, which will melt during cooking
  • Therefore, it is better to prepare it in the microwave or pour it into a glass container and cook

Is it possible and how to cook condensed milk in a glass jar?

The best cooking option

The preparation of boiled condensed milk in glass containers is not only possible, but also has several advantages over cooking a product in a tin bank:

  • A tin capacity as a result of heating forms harmful oxides unsafe for human health.
  • Hot temperature destroys the tin coating of the container. The distinguished harmful substances are connected to milk, turning it not entirely into a safe product.

Therefore, we consider the option of making boiling in a glass jar:

  1. In a deep pan, put a glass container with a condensed
  2. We cover not cover the lid so that water does not fall. A dense cover can lead to cracking a glass jar
  3. Pour water into a pan, to the level of condensed milk in banks
  4. We bring to boiling
  5. We reduce the fire to medium
  6. Cook for 3-4 hours, periodically pouring hot water, in the case of boiling
  7. Cool without taking out of the water

Is it possible and how to cook condensed milk in an open bank?

This option is permissible, subject to two conditions:

  1. We constantly stir the milk so that the crust does not form
  2. We pour so much water so that when boiling, it does not fall into the prepared sweetness

Is it possible and how to cook condensed milk without a can?

Additional, not very common option

Consider a little popular (due to duration), but if necessary, a possible way:

  1. Pour the purchased product into a ceramic pot
  2. Put in a larger volume container with water
  3. Cook at an average temperature, periodically stirring about 5 hours (in some cases 7-8 hours)

Without a can, you can make boys with your own hands from whole (dry) milk. This option is proposed in a small film.

Video: condensed carrier Varenka (caramel)

Consider the preparation that the taste and quality of the finished sweets are due to the characteristic of the original product. The naturalness of the bought preservative is confirmed by the following requirements:

  1. Components: sugar and milk
  2. Non -expired date of suitability
  3. Marking number 76
  4. GOST quality standard
  5. Not damaged containers

Video: Boiled condensed milk at home a recipe in a bank. How much to cook boiled condensed milk?

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