How will Humus help with weight loss? Humus when losing weight - can I or not?

How will Humus help with weight loss? Humus when losing weight - can I or not?

Humus is called the popular Israeli snack, which is also loved by Cypriots, Turks, Jordanians. This dietary useful paste includes sesame chickpeas, as well as different spices.

Together with Khumus, they eat Pete, Lavash and vegetables - at lunch or dinner, it is also perfectly suitable as a snack. Humus is sometimes called a “protein bomb”, since it is even more proteins than in meat (as well as nutrients and vitamins), and calorie content is very small.

Is Humus useful when losing weight: Humus composition

  • They put it in Humus chick, olive oil, lemon juice and sesame seed (tahini).
  • In this useful dish there are plant fats and proteins, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, fiber, vitamins: A, B, C, E.
  • If you take 100 grams of the product and calculate calories in them, it turns out that they contain 165 kcal. Of course, the calorie content of Humus is obviously minimal, when losing weight, such a product will be extremely useful.

Why is Humus worth eating when losing weight?

  • There is a lot in this product leucitis, from which the muscles increase, substances exchange better, and even fat is burned.
  • At Humus low glycemic index, Because of which blood sugar is aligned.
  • Nut in its composition has soluble fiber - The intestines begins to work well from it, and there is no strong bloating, which is usually caused by other legumes, from chickpeas does not happen.
  • Humus has one very interesting property: having eaten several spoons, he no longer pulls to a sweet man.
  • Since the humus contains vegetable protein, they can be quickly saturated, and then for quite some time not to experience feelings of hunger.
  • Olive oil Helps to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body.
  • And as a bonus to the effect of losing weight from Humus: in a lemon juice that is in a hummus, there is a lot of vitamin C, which is a preventive agent from colds. The overseas appetizer is full of trace elements that contribute to the improved blood supply to the brain; The nervous system under their influence is also normalized.
Useful Humus
Useful Humus

Side effects of humus use when losing weight

  • Eating humus when losing weight, you should be careful. Excessive and frequent portions can lead to diarrhea and flatulence.
  • Eat this delicious and healthy Jewish national dish a little - then the effect of losing weight will soon become noticeable for you, and you will not cause harm to your body.

How to cook Humus to lose weight: recipe

We suggest you cook Humus according to an old recipe that will help you lose weight 100%

  1. Soak 300 g of dry chickpeas for the whole night (the water should be cold). After washing, pour it again, but already for cooking (cold water needs to be poured so much so that it covers chickpeas). Put on fire and add soda (it will need 1/2 tsp).
  2. After 50 min. Groding add salt to taste and turn off the fire under a pan with chickpeas. Do not pour water from the cooked chickpeas - with further preparation it will need 100 ml. Clue from the total amount, 425 g discarded to a colander, and put in a blender.
  3. Clean one garlic tooth, and squeeze the juice from one lemon. From chickpeas, chickpeas (you had to leave it 100 ml), garlic teeth, one teaspoon of cumin, 60 ml of olive oil, a pinch of ground black pepper (to taste) with the help of a blender make mashed potatoes. Add 60 g of sesame paste (tahini) to it and mix everything well.
  4. Put Humus in a plate, and in the middle of a pureed chickpeas, make a hole. Separately, make a salad: 125 g of tomato and cut one red onion in the form of cubes, add a slightly chopped cilantro, sprinkle 1/2 tsp on top. Papriki, add, pin, pour 40 g of olive oil and mix. Put the chopped salad on top on Humus. A healthy dish is ready!
What is Humus with
What is Humus with

Enjoy the exquisite taste of a real humus, and without any problems, drop extra pounds!

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Video: On the influence of Humus on weight loss

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