How quickly and easy to clean pork and beef tongue before cooking and after cooking: tips, video. When is it better to remove the skin from beef and pork tongue: before or after cooking?

How quickly and easy to clean pork and beef tongue before cooking and after cooking: tips, video. When is it better to remove the skin from beef and pork tongue: before or after cooking?

Peel the pork and beef tongue from the skin: tips and recommendations.

It is not possible to accurately determine from what time dishes from the language are considered to be a delicacy. However, the fact that in the distant Middle Ages were forbidden peasants to keep their tongues from the scored heads, is known for certain. Such food was intended only for the Lord's tables.

Nowadays, the language is still considered a delicacy.
Its preparation is not difficult. But it is not always possible to clear the tongue from thick protective skin with high quality and quickly. We will talk about how to do this correctly in the proposed article.

When is it better to remove the skin from beef and pork tongue: before or after cooking?

Any experienced mistress knows that removing a dense skin from a raw tongue is a very laborious process. The skin has to be cut, grabbing tidbits of meat.

After the correct preliminary heat treatment of offal, the skin is removed from them without loss and with ease - like a peel from ripe tangerine.

This is how the skin is removed with proper heat treatment

How to remove the skin and film from raw beef and pork tongue before cooking?

Stages of preparing a raw product for purification

Before boiling the product, it must be first cleaned:

  • Thoroughly rinse the tongue in running water
  • We keep in a bowl with cold water, at least an hour
  • After the allotted time, we scatter all the existing traces of contaminants with a knife: blood, mucus, dirt, fatty remains
  1. If the tongue is intended for salads or other cold snacks, then boil with the skin.
  2. To fry, put out or prepare offal, for a recipe that does not require cooking, we take the following steps:
  • Raw delicacy is washed, cleaned
  • In boiling water, boil a couple of minutes
  • We pull out and put in dishes with ice water
  • Remove the surface layer using a knife
  • If you fail to remove the entire skin at once, we repeat the manipulation until the product is completely cleaned

Next, we use the language for pickling, salting, extinguishing or other culinary purposes, given that the meat is almost raw.

How to quickly and easily clean the beef and pork tongue after cooking for salad, slices: tips, video

The most important requirement for the successful cleaning of offal from the skin is long -term heat treatment.

At the same time, an overly digested product loses its taste.

  • We check the readiness, piercing the meat with a fork - there should not be a sucker in the stirring juice, the product should be soft.
  • The hot tongue is cleaned under a stream of cold water. To do this, push the skin at the base of the language and remove it. If readiness is determined correctly, this is done very easily.
  • If necessary, we clean up small pieces on a cutting board.
  • If it is not possible to clean the skin, make small cuts along the entire surface, and remove in parts. This situation suggests that the language was poorly welded.

Video: How to cook and clean a pork tongue?

Video: beef tongue. How to cook and clean in 1 minute delicious?

How to clean pork and beef raw tongue for hot smoking?

A complex, but sometimes necessary method

To make the tongue juicy and fragrant, it is not boiled before smoking.
The process of cleansing the damp language is time -consuming, so gain patience in advance.


  • Wash the raw product, without soaking
  • We send to the freezer to a light freezing of the upper layer
  • With a sharp knife, pick up the frozen skin, trying not to touch the meat
  • We slowly spin the suitable skin, separating from the pulp. We work clearly in a spiral - not along and across. This will remove the skin without a gust. Having violated the spiral slice, you will have to start work first

Since cleansing the language from the skin requires a lot of time, prepare it in advance if you have any celebration. A boiled delicacy in the refrigerator can be stored for more than 2 days. This will give you the opportunity to prepare a delicious dish without nervous on the day of reception of guests, if in the process of cleansing the tongue, something went wrong.

Video: How to cook, clean and serve your tongue correctly?

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