The longest bridge above the water in Russia and Europe is the Crimean bridge: general characteristics, background, choice of name, environmental impact, interesting facts

The longest bridge above the water in Russia and Europe is the Crimean bridge: general characteristics, background, choice of name, environmental impact, interesting facts

In this article, we propose to take a look at the new Russian structure, which rightfully intercepted the title of the longest bridge in Europe.

The bridge greatly simplifies and reduces the path of movement through a certain section of land or reservoir. There are different classification and certain records in one form or another. But knowledge, technology and achievements in construction never stand still. And more recently, they completed the longest bridge in Europe that is located above the water. Therefore, we go to look closer to this structure.

The Crimean bridge is the longest bridge in Russia and all of Europe: general characteristics

The record holder captured the entire Kerch Strait. Well, more precisely, it begins on the territory of the Taman Peninsula, envelops the Tuzlinsky braid and the island itself, passes the fairway, crosses Cape Av-Berun and ends in the territory of the city of Kerch. And this greatly simplifies travel from Russia to Crimea itself.

  • The loud date sounded even earlier for the entire six months of the planned period - May 16, 2018. Recall that it was calculated only in December 2019 to open it.
    • Although only the automobile part has started to function normally. And then, only for cars weighing up to 3.5 tons. The opening of freight movement is planned for October for a month.
    • But trains will be able to travel no earlier than the set time. By the way, in the idea there will be an opportunity to transport about 15 million passengers per year.
  • By the way, this is the latest construction with all high -tech calculations and buildings. The bridge is combined and combines the road and railway tracks.
  • Its total length is 19 km. It simply crossed the former leader of Russia in Vladivostok (3100 m) and as much as two meters longer than the anniversary record holder in Europe Vasco da Gama (17 km).
The Crimean bridge rightfully took a leading place not only in Russia, but throughout Europe
The Crimean bridge rightfully took a leading place not only in Russia, but throughout Europe
  • In addition, the railway part itself will stretch at 18.1 km and will become a section of the Vyshestelievskaya - Bagerovo line. But the road is a little inferior - up to 16.9 km. But on the other hand, it is a continuation of the A-290 motorway, which connects Kerch itself with Novorossiysk. The Tavrida R-260, which surrounds three important cities: Simferopol, Sevastopol and Kerch, also adjoins the bridge.
  • The length of the overpass of the Crimean bridge varies from 53 to 68 m. The arches located on both sides are quite noticeable on it. They are located on the site near the Kerch-Senikel Canal. Their length is 226 m, height is 34 m, and the width is 184 m.
  • The road part of the Crimean bridge is presented in the form of a 4-lane high-speed road. The largest permitted speed of cars is 75 km/h. But very often violations of the rules of the road in the direction of speeding are recorded.
  • About 40 thousand cars pass through this bridge every day. On August 13, 2018, a record was recorded - 43,859 cars drove through the Crimean post in 24 hours. It is worth noting that 18 thousand of them moved towards the Crimean peninsula.
  • It is planned that the railway part will become a modern two -way road 2 category. The railway is designed to move freight and passenger trains with a total weight of not more than 7.1 tons. Their permissible speed by rail of the Crimean bridge will be up to 80 and 125 km/h, respectively.
  • At first, about 47 trains on each path will drive along it for a day. To date, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to form an air contact network to fix the railway electricity.
The car track for cars has already been launched, but soon to pull up and trains
The car route for cars has already been launched, but the trains will be pulled up soon

The background of the longest bridge of the Crimean peninsula

Not one state planned to join the peninsula to their lands. And history shows very interesting facts and even attempts to advance in construction, but technicism has not yet stepped so far in those days.

  • Back in 1047, Prince Gleb, also Vladimirovich, voiced the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining both banks of the Kerch Strait. He could even calculate the total length for the future object - 30 km, but, unfortunately, in the 12th century there were no technologies for such construction.
  • To the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a bridge through the Kerch Strait returned in 1871. After building the world's first telegraph, the British really needed a direct railway path. But this time, construction work was unbearable.
  • After that, Nikolai 2 was thinking over the structure of the object, already at the beginning of the 20th century. But here, things were more important for history: the first revolution, the Russian-Chinese war, and then the First World War.
  • In practice, only the Nazis in 1943 - 1944 were able to implement the structure of the future Crimean bridge. It was they who built, or rather, built the first cable car. It was intended for the supply of weapons to the territory of the Caucasus. All the materials necessary for construction have already been prepared, but no work began to begin.
  • After that, a year later, the USSR troops partially built a bridge of materials prepared by German troops. After a month later, work was transported through the Crimean bridge.
  • Due to the severe frosts of 1945, the unfinished structure received to such an extent severe damage that it was easier to make it out than to correct the problems. According to legend, it was that winter that Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin rode along the bridge.
  • After a few years, there were also many attempts to resume the construction of the bridge, but rather sluggish. For a long time, only ships connected the coast of the Crimean and Taman peninsulas.
  • After high -profile events with Ukraine, the President of the Russian Federation in the early spring of 2014 set the task of simplifying a detour to get into the Crimea. And a year later, the embodiment of plans began actively.
They tried to build a bridge to the Crimean peninsula since distant princely times
They tried to build a bridge to the Crimean peninsula since distant princely times
The modern bridge is even equipped with illumination
The modern bridge is even equipped with illumination

Why the longest bridge was called Crimean: choice options

A certain period of time after the accession of the Crimean peninsula to the Russian Federation was without an official name. More precisely, in the idea, the name of the bridge was scrolled differently-through the Kerch Strait, the Crimean or Kerch bridge.

  • To come to a common denominator, V.V. Putin proposed a vote. It took place online and lasted a month. According to its results, 3 options turned out to be the leaders:
    • reunion bridge;
    • Kerch bridge;
    • Crimean bridge.
  • The last candidate gained the most votes - 65%. After that, it was officially announced that this name would be displayed on road information signs, as well as on all types of maps of Russia and the whole world.
The name of the bridge was chosen online
The name of the bridge was chosen online
This inscription meets and escorts passing
This inscription meets and escorts passing

How does the longest bridge of Russia affect the environment?

The exploitation of such convenient beauty fully affects ecology and all natural areas. But in order to avoid deplorable consequences, even such trifles were thought out.

  • To reduce the environmental danger to the populations of birds in some areas, there are specially constructed nests, feeders and artificial rafts.
  • Before starting construction work, a geoecological study was conducted in this area, according to the results of which it was decided to transfer rare plants to neighboring zones by transplanting or sowing their seeds.
    • This was carried out by exclusively high -class specialists who have many years of experience.
  • The environmental development of the Crimean bridge also included the formation of the fishing of sturgeon fish. Grown sturgeons of sturgeons were placed directly into the Kerch Bay.
  • In this part of the water area, the total number of dolphins also increased. Experts assure that this happened due to the hunting of dolphins for Loban and Singil.
  • If you believe the information center for the construction, we can conclude that the total amount of fish in the Krymsky bridge was more than 12 times. This happened by increasing the feed base. Indeed, a variety of seaweeds actively multiply on the stilts of the bridge.
  • Before starting construction work, experts carefully cleaned the surrounding area. On the territory of about 200 hectares of land and the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Kerch Strait, the sappers found more than 800 shells of the Second World War. And this good will affect all living things in the world.
  • Ecologists transplanted more than 200 species of plants and relocated 116 rare animals, providing them with the necessary conditions.
  • More than 3 thousand items of the period of antiquity, the Middle Ages, Renaissance and the Bronze Age excavated archaeologists. All of them were transferred to the Taman Museum.
The Crimean bridge was built taking into account even the slightest details so as not to harm the ecology and the living world
The Crimean bridge was built taking into account even the slightest details so as not to harm the ecology and the living world
With the construction of the bridge, the amount of fish has grown by almost 12 times
With the construction of the bridge, the amount of fish has grown by almost 12 times

The longest bridge above the water in Europe: interesting facts

This bridge did not just realize a centuries -old idea, but absorbed all the high and modern stages and possibilities of construction. But this is not all, he has a few more interesting facts around him.

  • For an increased level of security, the Crimean bridge envelops the unsafe zones of tectonic faults of the Kerch Strait.
  • The design of the bridge consists of 8,000 piles that deepen into the soil up to 14 m on land and 80 m in the sea, as well as from 575 supports. More than 400 tons of metal structures are spent on the construction of each of them.
  • The construction of the bridge needed such an amount of steel from which the Eiffel Tower could be built immediately. True, in the amount of 33 pieces, and each of which would weigh 10 thousand tons.
  • The length of the arches is about 500 m, and the weight is 12.6 thousand tons. There are almost 2 times more than the height of the famous Eiffel Tower for lovers.
  • The sea ships pass through special spans of the Crimean bridge, which have a width of 226 m and a height of 34 m. Each of the ship arches has a mass of 11 thousand tons.
Under the bridge they will be able to swim the vessel calmly
Under the bridge they will be able to swim the vessel calmly
  • The bridge has the ability to withstand earthquakes by force 8.2 points. And all thanks to the special shock-transmitters installed in it, which resemble huge shock absorbers for cars. The structure of the bridge includes 760 pieces of such components.
  • More than 14 thousand people who work under any weather conditions, including a storm, take part in the construction works of the Crimean bridge.
  • On the territory of the road part of the bridge, the construction of 2 stationary traffic police posts is provided.
  • The permissible speed of movement on the road will be up to 120 km/h. And this will make it possible to get, for example, from the bridge to Sevastopol in just 2.5 - 3 hours. In general, there will be no more than 20 minutes between cities.
  • The bridge has its own living amulet - a cat named Bridge. He settled on the bridge during the preparation for construction work and does not leave his home before these days.
  • The total price of the Crimean bridge amounted to 228.6 billion rubles or almost 4 billion American dollars. Therefore, you can also call it the most expensive. For example, the longest Chinese bridge in the world spent only 1.6 billion dollars.
Such a bridge can also be called the most expensive
Such a bridge can also be called the most expensive
And this is the bridge during construction
And this is the bridge during construction

The Crimean bridge is a real miracle of modern engineering. He amazes with his appearance only at one glance at him.

Video: Opening the longest bridge above the water in Russia - Crimean

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