Nelly, Nella and Nelya name: are it different names or not?

Nelly, Nella and Nelya name: are it different names or not?

Nelly, Nella and Nelya - is this one name or different?

In this article, we will talk about the difference between Nelli, Nellya and Nelia, how to write other subtleties of these names correctly.

Nelly, Nella and Nelya name: are it different names or not?

So, let's figure out the names of Nelli, Nellya and Nelya are different, or is it a derivative of one of the names? First, pay attention to the end of the names. Nelli has the end of “and”, but Nellya and Nelya have the end of the “I”. Therefore, you can immediately separate the name Nelli from the names of Nelly and Nelya.

We will look for information about the origin of the abbreviated names of Nelly. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our article « Female name Elena - which means: description of the name». In it you will find two foreign derivatives on behalf of Eleanor and Helen, which are very common in England, Germany and other European countries. And the name Nelli is a diminutive derivative of these three beautiful names.

Plautila Nelli, who lived from 1524 to 1588 in Italy
Plautila Nelli, who lived from 1524 to 1588 in Italy

With the name Nelli figured out, two names of Nelly and Nelya were left. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our article « Nella's female name - which means: description of the name».

Nelly's name is an independent unit that has roots that go deeper. And, despite the fact that sometimes due to close linguistic similarities with a diminutive derivative of Nelly, they believe that the name Nella is another derivative of Elena, Eleanor and Helen, but this is a mistake. If you consider history, then you can find the beautiful and famous carriers named after Nelle in ancient cultures.

Holy Martyr Neonille (briefly Nelya)
Holy Martyr Neonille (briefly Nelya)

And in conclusion, we will consider the third name - Nelya. If you study the spelling of the names, then you can replace that the spelling of Nelly and Nelya is the same, with the exception of the double letter “L” in the first case. We again turn to the origins of history, and we find that the name Nelya is a diminutive derivative of the Ninel name, which over time has become an independent name. Today, parents can record a name in the ninel birth certificate, but in everyday life they will affectionately call Nelya, and they can immediately write down their daughter as Nelya, but in this case to call her Ninel is not correct.

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