Armenian names for women for girls: List

Armenian names for women for girls: List

We choose a beautiful, rare, modern Armenian female name: ratings and lists.

In this article we will talk about Armenian female names, we will give a complete list of names, as well as inspiring beautiful, rare and popular names.

Armenian female names: List

Choose a name for your daughter and do you have Armenian roots? Consider one of the beautiful Armenian female names that we brought in a convenient table.

Armenian girl
Armenian girl
Agapi - in the Russian meaning the name "love" means endless hope and bright love Waxes - a derivative on behalf of Zlata, means gold, jewelry Ovsanna - a guest, a stranger, also a hospitable mistress
Agnes - clean, delicate, modest, chaste, sensual Osinar - born in order to be rich, golden Paradzdzha - the one who looks like a deity
Hell is a derivative of the German name Adele, a noble lady Gayan - a glorious house, good mistress, friendly family Pailun - radiant, bearing light
Azatui - free wind, freedom, freedom -loving Goar - the heart of the pearl Paitsar - bright, radiant
Azganush - the name consists of two words "AZG", which means genus, and "Anush", which means sweetness Goerine - a radiant pearl Repsim - the highest praise for the family
Aziz is a derivative of the word "Aziz", which means - the most beloved, dear to the heart, selected Egin - striving for the sun Satenik - amber, beautiful like a doe
Aznivve - true, honest Eraei - a derivative of the words "unit" (dream) and "ui" (end, ending), awakening, clear sleep Sate - true for the hero
Aida - remuneration from above Erani - a derivative of Beatrice, blessed Seda - tender as fluff
Alvard - beautiful red kind, derivative of the words "al" and "vadr" Ermine - in honor of Germany Siran is the power of love
Alvina - snow -white, blonde, blonde, derivative of Albina Zhanna - from the Jewish name "The mercy of God" Siranush is a great power of love
Alice is a derivative of English alisa, a name common in many languages Zarui - the priestess of their temple of fire Sirvard is a gentle, beloved, beautiful rose
Almast - in honor of diamond, diamond Zara - Fiery, Priestess of the Temple of Fire Sirun - Incredible Beauty
Amalia - untouched, clean, unsuccessful Zepuri - sea breeze Spandaramete - in honor of the goddess of the afterlife
Anat - a pulsating heart derived from Artemis Imastui - smart, wise SRPUI - Holy Soul
Anush - morning dawn, voluptuousness, morning wind Ishkhanui - majestic, princess SRBUI - pure and holy
Araksia - holy patrol, holy guard Karina - happy, jerking Seda is beautiful like a forest fairy
Arevik - sunny, magnificent Lusina - Lunar Night, Moon Tatevik - in honor of the path that the ancestors passed
Arpenik - Protection of the Holy Forces Lyusaber - radiant, bearing light, derivative of Luciferin Tagui - majestic queen
Aru - sunlight Lysers - the radiance of God, a light face Urartu - in honor of the ancient state in the Armenian Highlands
Astchik - starry sky, fateful star Mane - the goddess of Armenia Ustian - a derivative on behalf of Ustinya
Atanasia is immortal Manushak - in honor of the violet flower Femi - creating love
Ahavni - light bird, dove Manyak - precious necklace Hnazand - beloved, faithful, that very
Ahburik - dear, fontanel Megranush - honey, sweet, spicy Tsakh - in honor of the beautiful flower
Ahgul - a derivative of the words "AG" and "GUL", a snow -white rose Melania - sign meeting Cytsan - rainbow, bright
Ashhen - reading, heavenly Margarita is pearl Tsovinar - Queen of the Seas
Bella - ruddy, beauty Nana - in honor of mother, mom Tsovik - a derivative on behalf of Marina, also sea
Burech - shining crystal Nazik - in honor of the goddess Elpis, hope Chinara - tall, noble, able to protect, great support
Borean - precious crystal Nazi - good news, hope Shamiram - a derivative on behalf of Semiramis
Ward - Rose Naira - radiant, freedom -loving, radiant Shagan - brief, magnificent, pious
Vardui is a beautiful rose Nana - in honor of the goddess Athena, home SCHER - indescribable beauty
Vardush - Tender Rose Narina is a beloved woman, wife Shogik is a beauty
Varsen - with luxurious braids Narina - the brightest, radiant Shogakat - in honor of hope
Varsenik - possessing long braids Nuna is the one that praises Shushan - derivative on behalf of Lilia
Vormizdukht - a daughter born at Wormsizer Nunufar - in honor of the jacket flower Shushannik - derivative on behalf of Susann

Beautiful female Armenian names

In this section, we will give ten beautiful Armenian female names, according to Armenians.

  1. Aru;
  2. Amalia;
  3. Bang;
  4. Carine;
  5. Lusina;
  6. Mana;
  7. Nunufar;
  8. Femoi;
  9. Chinara;
  10. Shushannik.

Armenian names of women's modern

Want to call your daughter a modern name, and that he has Armenian roots? In this section, we will talk about modern Armenian female names.

Armenian names of women's modern
Armenian names of women's modern

In recent years, such female names are relevant in Armenia:

  1. Mana;
  2. Ani;
  3. Milena;
  4. Anat;
  5. Helen;
  6. Anna;
  7. Nra;
  8. Mariam;
  9. Gayans;
  10. Lilith.

Popular female Armenian names

In this section, we will give a list of popular Armenian female names.

Adrian Laura Nare
Alla Liana Narina
Anat Lika Natalie
Angelina Lily Nellie
Angela Lilith Rita
Ani Lily Ruzanna
Anna Lina Sarah
Anush Leah Svetlana
AREVIC Lydia Seda
Ariana Liana Sona
Arina Lia Sophie
Armine Lusin Sofia
Arpi Lucy Susanna
Asmik Manet Suzanne
Astchik Margarita Suzy
Victoria Mariam Tamara
Gayan Marianne Tatev
Goer Marina Eva
Diana Marie Helen
Eve Mary Elina
Eva Milena Emily
Karina Monica Emma
Karina Nana Yana

Rare Armenian female names

And in conclusion, we give ten rare Armenian female names:

  1. Annman;
  2. Aramui;
  3. Biaina;
  4. Gretel;
  5. Dshhui;
  6. Eraces;
  7. Zarui;
  8. Esmine;
  9. Fat;
  10. Lucine.

Looking for beautiful female names? You may like our articles:

Video: Top 10 Armenian female names

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