The female name is Nellya, Nelli: meaning, secret, origin, character, fate, fate, patron saint of name, name day, talismans, compatibility with male names, brief and complete name of the girl, suitable zodiac sign, profession: description

The female name is Nellya, Nelli: meaning, secret, origin, character, fate, fate, patron saint of name, name day, talismans, compatibility with male names, brief and complete name of the girl, suitable zodiac sign, profession: description

The origin, character, fate, description, marriage of women named Nelli, Nella.

Now the name of Nella is not very common, as it was usually used about 50-60 years ago. It was then that the peak of the popularity of this name was. In this article we will talk about its origin and meaning.

Description, decoding, meaning, nationality, interpretation of the name Nella

There are a lot of legends and stories around this name, just like around its origin. It is worth noting that translated from Greek, Nella is a derivative of the words Neos, which translates as new, young. That is why, according to one version, the name translates as forever young, lively and fresh. But some sources argue that this name is translated at all.

It is believed that Nelli is an abbreviated name from Eleanor. This is the name of Russian, Greek or Catholic origin. According to many, Eleanor refers to Jewish names, but in fact this is not so. It is believed that Nellya or Nelli is an Eleanor and Elena, or possibly Helena, abbreviated from the English names.

Nelly Uvarova
Nelly Uvarova

Nelly's childhood, brief and full name of the girl

The girls who bear this name are very peculiar and unusual. Since childhood, these are curious children who stick their nose everywhere. They are very unpredictable, you will not get bored with them. Their parents can only regret, because such a huge amount of stubbornness, as well as curiosity, still need to be looked for.

We have a full name - Nella, Nelly. The documents are written down. Although in fact it is abbreviated from Eleanor, Elena, Helena.


  • It is quite difficult with them to a certain age, in particular up to 3 years. The child is characteristic of mood swings, as well as increased emotionality. Usually, parents who give the child such a name want to give him a good education, as well as to educate a sense of style.
  • Nelly is not alien to good manners, it is also endowed with a good taste and sense of style. That is why she is always well dressed, her clothes hide the flaws of the figure and emphasizes advantages. It is usually impulsive, emotional, which leads to frequent quarrels. In a fit of emotions, she can quarrel with everyone around. But such people quickly depart, do not conceal anger at a particular person for a long time, therefore, it is Nelli since childhood that there are a lot of friends.
  • Parents of such girls first of all need to correctly direct the child and indicate a specific area of \u200b\u200bactivity. Emotionality, temper, as well as the child’s curiosity must be used correctly. It is best that the girl devotes herself to training, which is why good doctors make such people.
Nelly Ermolaev
Nelly Ermolaev

How affectionately the name of the girl Nella: Options

It can be called abbreviated and affectionately as follows: absurdity, nonhlyushka, nonsense, non -humal, nonsense, nonhogusha, nelusha, nelchik.

Nella's female name: character, fate, profession


  • Most often, such a woman has a few ill -wishers, and a large number of friends. This is due to the fact that she does not mind meeting guests at home, always not averse to maintain a conversation about fashion, social life, and theater. This woman usually always has some kind of hobby.

  • Most often, she is engaged in art or some kind of work. This is a creative person who most often chooses an unusual and non -standard work. It is worth noting that Nelli is very good teachers, artists, theater figures and doctors.
  • However, because of their stubbornness, excessive emotionality, among adult ladies, a small number of those who became a boss or leader. This is due to frequent quarrels with the leadership.
Nelly Kobzon
Nelly Kobzon

NELLLA WEEN NAME: Compatibility with Men's Names, Family, Love, Relations, Marriage

As for the family, Nella is quite jealous. She needs a man who can repay excessive emotionality with his coldness.


  • It should be an experienced, confident, temperamental man, preferably older. In this case, the marriage will develop. However, as practice shows, usually the partners in Nelly are quite difficult, so they only dream of peace. As for family and household duties, this woman does not like to cook.
  • Usually, all households and household work is performed by mom, mother -in -law or maintenance personnel, if Nelli is sufficiently provided. This woman does not need to be taught to good manners, she knows how to talk, even with people of high society.
  • As for fate, she usually chooses wealthy men. However, the husband should not wait for peace of mind, because very often their house turns into secular gatherings. This woman really often invites guests to her. That is why the chosen one should come to terms with this quality of his wife.

It converges well with men named Felix and Ernst.

Nelly Uvarova
Nelly Uvarova

When the Angel's Day, the name of the female name Nelle according to the church calendar: Dates

As for the birthday, name day, then, unfortunately, it is not. This is due to the fact that the origin of this name is reliable. According to some reports, this is diminutive from Ninel.

Nelly does not have a patron saint, because this name is considered abbreviated from Eleanor or Elena. That is why you can celebrate name day when they are celebrated by Elena or Eleanor. This is usually June 3 and November 12.

Theater actress
Theater actress


As for diseases, it is worth being careful enough. The fact is that usually such children up to nine months old are quite calm, eat a lot and sleep well. However, after 9 months, Nelli usually become moody.

Features of Nelly's health:

  1. In the kindergarten, the child can often suffer from tonsillitis, bronchitis, so the child needs to be protected from drafts and hypothermia. It is quite sociable, often conflicts with peers, but in the garden and at school it always tries to stand out and be a leader among the rest.
  2. As for diseases in adulthood, first Nelly usually suffers from fibroma and other gynecological ailments. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly be under the control of the doctor.
  3. In adolescence, nellts often lag behind in growth, and can be very complex about this. Therefore, parents need to be careful about how quickly the daughter is growing.
  4. If any problems are noticeable, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. Nella has a negative one to sports since childhood. She does not like outdoor games, sports. That is why it is necessary to instill a love of walks from early childhood. Starting from preschool age, you can arrange a girl in a school of rhythmic gymnastics.
Nelly Furtado
Nelly Furtado

What patronymic, zodiac sign, talisman stone, wood, flower, numerology, plant, animal, approaches the female name of the girl Nella

You can find out more about the talisman, the patron saint in the table. The sign of the zodiac, which is most suitable for Nelly, are twins.

Stone-Galisman Topaz
Planet-patron Mars and Saturn
Patronizing elements Water and Earth
Animal symbol of the carrier of the name Amalia Dragonfly
Plant symbol Freesia
The best zodiac Gemini and Capricorn
Nelly's number 3
Happy day Wednesday
The perfect season Spring

In general, the choice of profession largely depends on how much parents instilled love for something specific. This is most often something related to theater and creativity. Most often, these women really are creative, and can create real masterpieces. This applies not only to art, but also to design work. Often they achieve success as a stylist or fashion designer.

What celebrities, famous women were named Nella?

List of celebrities named Nella, Nelli:

  1. Nellie - Elizabeth Kingston - Duchess.
  2. Nelly Zachs - German poetess, Nobel laureate.
  3. Nelly millet - Leading actress of the Moscow Theater named after Mossovet.
  4. Nelly Nechvolodov - The artist -model in the field of high fashion.
  5. Nelly Vladimirovna Kim - Honored Master of Sports, champion of the Olympic Games.
Nelly Kobzon
Nelly Kobzon

Nella: The meaning in Orthodoxy, what name will be given at the baptism of the female name Nelly, Nelly?

There is no such name in Orthodoxy, so the patron is absent. With the baptism of Nelly, no one gives. Usually, Elena is recorded or different from what is in the documents.

Despite the unusual and rarity of this name, he has a lot of fans. In addition, there are a lot of creative personalities among Nallochok, and celebrities prove it.

Video: The Secret of Nella

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