Walking barefoot on the ground, grass, stones, pebbles, sand, snow, special rug: benefit or harm to the child and adults

Walking barefoot on the ground, grass, stones, pebbles, sand, snow, special rug: benefit or harm to the child and adults

The kid for the first time at the sea, and the question immediately arises before the parents: how to run the child along the sand or pebbles of the sea coast - is slippers are needed or better if the baby will step back in the foot? Or did you go to the forest, where you can run around the grass, but will it hurt?

You will receive answers to these and many other questions by reading our article.

Walking barefoot on the ground: benefit or harm to the child and adults?

  • According to kinesitherapists who are engaged in problems of joint mobility, vertebrates etc., there are much more reflexogenic zones on our feet than in other areas of the skin, since mechano-and thermoreceptors concentrate here.
  • In addition, it is proved that walking barefoot on the ground is one of the types stop massagewho raises immunity, evens out hormonal background and normalizes the work of internal organs. Therefore, both for adults and children, walking barefoot is one of the factors of hardening, since due to the reaction of thermoreceptors to temperature changes, the vessels are expanded and narrowed, which leads to an increase in lymph flow. Namely, the lymphatic system belongs to the main role in the work of immunity.
  • The effect on certain active points of the foot also leads to normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract, pressure and even helps to reduce weight and relieve voltage. Another positive point is to reduce the risk that the sciatic nerve will occur.
  • The main thing is the gradual teaching of the body to walk barefoot. Experts advise first walk on a flat surface no more than 10 minutes. so as not to create a large load on the nervous system. For example, select a track covered with soft dust to start classes. You can start on summer cottages in the daytime.

It is better not to use the evening and morning for the practice of walking barefoot, since the soil at this time is colder, moreover, often covered with dew, which can lead to colds.

  • Temperature drops can be organized artificially, alternating walking on the ground with lowering the legs into the water. After to avoid the risk of a fungal disease, you need to wash your legs, you can do this by adding citrus, pink, medicinal herbs to the water.
  • Experts believe that children are useful for walking barefoot on the ground to the same extent as the development of fine motor skills. This affects the intellectual development of the child, is the prevention of flat feet. Moderate walking barefoot on a flat surface and pregnant women is useful, as it relieves tension.
  • Contraindicing walking barefoot on the ground With diabetes, to avoid the risk of skin damage, which is dangerous with this disease. Also, barefoot walks are also not recommended for kidney problems, rheumatism and pelvic diseases in order to avoid possible temperature drops.

Walking barefoot on the grass: benefit or harm to the child and adults?

  • Walking barefoot on the grass is as useful as on the ground. The grass belongs to soft coatings, on which it is convenient to start the process of teaching the body to this type of hardening procedures. A hardened person can walk, including on the morning dew on it, but this should be avoided.
  • By the way, dew is an irritant, which gradually forms a conditioned reflex, consisting in the fact that the body begins to produce heat, which is one of the elements of hardening. The stimulation of active points on the foot is also imposed on the contrast of temperatures, which gives an even greater effect.
  • Among the arguments in the benefit of walking on the grass barefoot - a soft temperature difference, which is important for children, the same soft relief, with which the nerve endings are stimulated, in many located on the feet. The ligaments and muscles are strengthened, which is especially relevant at the time when the child’s leg is formed. The same applies to the formation of posture and gait. It should also be noted a positive impact on the coordination of the baby’s actions and the degree of his attention, which is due to the need for constant control over the relief.
  • The negative points include the possibility of injury, infection with parasites or fungal disease. The grass can be invisible in the grass or bees, ticks and other insects that can bite a person.
On the grass
On the grass
  • In general, grass is a soft natural material that is favorable in order to walk barefoot on it - this, in addition, increases the emotional mood of a person.
  • It is best to choose in order to walk barefoot, park lawns or summer cottagesWhere the risks are minimal. Walking on the grass can also be alternated with walking on sand or stones, if the goal is the effect of reflexology.

Walking barefoot on stones: benefit or harm to the child and adults?

  • Different options for walking barefoot on the surface consisting of stones are possible. It can be like overcoming high boulders, and walking along small pebbles. In both cases, the massage effect of the legs will be provided, and stimulation of the nerve endings with such walking positively affects the state of hearing and vision, improves the operation of the thyroid gland, digestive system. In some cases, walking barefoot on stones even partially relieves toothache.
  • Of all types of surfaces, it is the stones that most contribute to the stimulation of blood circulation in the legs, which is prevention of thrombophlebitis and a factor serving as an improvement in the state of the ligaments. In addition, the stones of the skin, which reduces the overall sensitivity of the body to hypothermia, thickens from contact with stones.
  • At the same time, walking on the stones barefoot It is the most risky, with inaccurate walking there is a high risk of dislocations, and sometimes fractures. In addition, stones with sharp edges can fall under the feet, and then you can cut the foot.
  • For healing walking, you can create a path with your own hands, laying it out with small stones, taking them away so that there are no sharp edges. "Stone" areas can be alternated with sand.

Walking barefoot on pebbles: benefit or harm to the child and adults?

  • The most suitable for walking is barefoot. round -shaped pebbles, which, as massages of the feet, and helps to strengthen the joints.
  • If a go, blood circulation improves, the best outflow of lymph in the legs occurs. This walk can be compared with the effect of walking along small stones with smooth, without sharp faces, surface. At the same time, walking around the pebbles, it is necessary to be careful, so chips with sharp edges can on it, capable of injuring the foot.
On pebbles
On pebbles
  • On pebbles, you can walk not only on the sea coast. You can arrange a “pebble beach” at home if you put pebbles on the bottom of the bath, a small pool or, in extreme cases, a pelvis. Perhaps simple massage the feet, stepping over dry pebbles, but it will be a much greater effect if you have a pebble with water, if you wish, adding salt there to create the effect of "sea water". You can also add soda, all together will act as a cleansing disinfectant for the legs.
  • Many experts argue that pebbles as a healing element is more useful than other natural surfaces, including Stones. It has mainly rounded edges, which reduces the risk of injury. And in the case of flat feet, orthopedists are advised to perform the following exercise every day: fill the box with pebbles and stomp in it, massaging the feet for 15 minutes. Both adults and children can benefit from this procedure.

Walking barefoot on sand: benefit or harm to the child and adults?

  • An equally useful exercise for the feet is considered to be barefoot on sand. The specificity of this type of movement is that all joints of the foot are free, since they are not embarrassed by shoes, and sand, having a viscous surface, forces the muscles of the leg to active work.
  • Small grains of sand in many irritate the receptors of the sole, stimulating the work of many organs, including The brain that interacts much worse with the foot when it is in shoes, and not free. So the signals from the brain in the foot and vice versa go much faster, which affects the more confident step, the correct position of the joints, the reduction of muscles involved when walking, on the position of the spine and on the general coordination of movements.
  • Very effective for walking barefoot sea \u200b\u200bor river sand. The main thing is to be attentive so as not to step on the fragments of glasses, sharp sticks and other wounding objects that may be in the lower layers of sand.
Such walking is very useful
Such walking is very useful
  • The softer the sand, the more the leg grieves into it, and if you try to go quickly, then a fairly strong load will be on the tendons - such walking is comparable in effectiveness with the run.
  • It will bring significant benefits heated or river sand (It is permissible that the leg is hotly stepping on him) - such walking is recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the joints. It increases their mobility, reduces inflammation, reduces pain when walking. Hot sand for walking is no less useful for those who have problems with respiratory, urinary systems, as well as women in the presence of gynecological diseases.
  • A certain effect has and cool sand - Walking on it reduces weakness and tremor of the hands if they are a consequence of chronic stress. At sea, you can use wet sand to prevent fungal diseases: if you periodically burst into it with your fingers, then the nail plates become stronger and less susceptible to the fungus.
  • It is useful to walk on sand and for the skin, as it reduces the likelihood of corns on the feet and cracks on the heels. It is very good to alternate walking on dry and wet sand. In the first case, the surface contributes to the depreciation of the limb, involving great efforts due to its softness and instability, in the second - the tread is more stable, the muscles are less, which reduces the risks of possible stretching or falling.

Children are especially recommended for walking on the sand, since it, like grass, is a sufficiently soft coating, and at the same time creates the necessary load for muscles. To accustom the baby to walk on sand in the summer, when he warms up, starting from 10-15 minutes.

Walking barefoot in the snow: benefit or harm to the child and adults?

  • Many people today practice short -lived walking in the snow, getting pleasure from it. But not only psychological, but also a healing effect: Improving blood circulation, the activation of biologically active points located on the feet, a decrease in pain in the muscles that are tired in a day.
  • That's why barefoot walking in the snow Sometimes (depending on the state of a person) is recommended to those who suffer from osteochondrosis, recovered after an injury associated with the musculoskeletal system, and even in the postoperative period.
  • In addition, the low temperature that affects the foot contributes to stimulation of the cardiovascular system, accelerating and improving the outflow of venous blood. If we talk about the psychological state, it is proved that low temperatures in a dosed amount affect the fact that endorphins and serotonin begin to be produced in a larger amount, and therefore a similar effect is positive in neurosis and depressive states.
  • Scientists have found that when cooling of the foot up to 0 ° The maximum therapeutic effect is observed, so you should not run along the snow in 20-30-tygradic frosts, especially without preparation.

Walking barefoot on a special rug: benefit or harm to the child and adults?

  • If the goal is to spend massage of the lower extremitiesTo activate the necessary biologically active points, you can use a special massage rug.
  • If you do it regularly, the body's blood supply improves, pain in the legs and spine is reduced, and general well -being improves. People become less prone to fatigue and insomnia.
It is especially useful for children to walk on the rug
It is especially useful for children to walk on the rug

Recommendations for walking on a massage rug are:

  1. The need to reduce the total tension of the body.
  2. Clubfoot.
  3. Starting from year -old age - with the aim of preventing flat feet, as well as so that the foot is formed correctly.
  4. With hypertonicity, dystonia - in order to relieve muscle tension.

The choice of the material of the orthopedic massage rug is quite wide, but the main condition for quality is the availability of documents confirming its hygienic registration.

  • Most often, silicone massage mats are used for preventive purposes for the threat of flat feet, as well as to strengthen the body as a whole. It contributes to this the uneven surface of the rug simulating the scattering of pebbles or grass cover.
  • There are also rugs with acupuncture exposure, the edges of the surface of which are similar to small needles. Their positive effects are in removing muscle tension, improving blood circulation. Stimulation of endorphine production during massage on such a rug helps to accelerate metabolism and strengthen immunity.
  • Puzzles rugs They have different rigidity and, despite the fact that they are children's, can also be used for adults. They are good with beginning flat feet.
  • On the mats-semi-seals With protruding spikes of minor stiffness, the vestibular apparatus can be additionally trained, since the semicircular surface teaches to maintain balance and improves coordination of movements.

Temporary contraindications for the use of massage rugs are the presence of injuries or cuts on the foot or fungal diseases.

There is a general rule for all special orthopedic rugs: the younger the child, the softer the surface of the massager should be.

  • In addition, when choosing the material of the product for children, it should be taken into account the need for its frequent washing. Before starting the rug, it is better to consult a orthopedic doctor.

How to accustom a child to walk barefoot?

  • Regardless of which coating is used - a natural or special rug, you need to start with getting used to it. How to accustom a child to walk barefoot? Let the child stand calmly and walks with the straightened back.
  • Next stage - alternating walking on heels and socks with different speeds, rolling the legs from the heel. Then you can start running and jumping.
  • You should not go barefoot more than half an hour. Better let the child take a break, during which he sitting can bend and unbend his legs, connect the feet, slide them in a circle on the chosen surface.

What is the best way to walk at home: barefoot or in shoes?

  • Not all floors in our homes and apartments are warm, so their temperature is low. That's why walking barefoot on parquet, linoleum or other flooring, including carpets, is not recommended either adults or children. It is better to walk in socks or slippers at home, and to the kids whose leg is just formed, or having orthopedic problems, they should select high -quality home -made shoes from natural materials, which has reliable fasteners, a high back and an arch.
  • If the child’s feet develop normally, you can periodically allow him to walk around the house barefoot in the summer. It is good if the flooring in different rooms will be different - this will be an additional foot massage. The exception is the bathroom - in it barefoot is possible only if the floors are in it with heating.

What can be concluded from all of the above? Of course, walking barefoot is useful if natural surfaces with natural relief changes are used for this. This strengthens the feet, muscles, promotes general healing. In addition, in this way, a person is in harmony with nature, therefore, his emotional state improves. Walking barefoot on even flooring does not have such an effect, and therefore does not bring benefits to the body.

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