Beef broth: how to cook properly from beef tongue, bones, hearts, slices, ribs? How much is the beef broth cooked, when to salt, how to lighten, how much to store in the refrigerator?

Beef broth: how to cook properly from beef tongue, bones, hearts, slices, ribs? How much is the beef broth cooked, when to salt, how to lighten, how much to store in the refrigerator?

The broth made of beef is a tasty and nutritious dish. You can cook clean transparent broth using some secrets of cooking. Recipes of broth from different parts of meat are presented in this article.

Beef broth: benefit and harm

Beef broth - a useful dish Because beef meat Saturated with useful trace elements and amino acids. With confidence we can say that such a broth Much more useful than Kurin And dozens of pork times.

The benefits of beef broth are difficult to overestimate, because even those people who suffer from weakness after serious illness are recommended every day eat beef broth. The unique quality of beef broth is to remove various toxic substances from the body that have accumulated over a long period of time.

The benefits of the broth:

  • Saturate the human body with rare trace elements. Their row includes selenium, riboflavin and vitamin in 12.
  • The stock of trace elements located in beef is capable of it is favorable to influence the work of the human cardiovascular system.
  • Beef broth low -calorie and that is why it it is allowed to include almost all diets.
  • In beef broth there are a lot of protein, which differs in that it is easily absorbed by the human body.
  • Many are aware of the fact that beef and broth from this meat capable of increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood due to the saturation of the body with iron.
  • Beef broth improves human blood quality, improves blood flow and hematopoiesis.
  • Bouillon able to regain vitality People in the event that a person suffers from anemia or chronic fatigue.
  • Lean beef broth, it is very easily perceived by the digestive system And does not load the tract.
Beef broth - a delicious and healthy dish for children and adults

Damage to the broth:

Such a broth is practically it has no contraindications for use and use. Carefully should be attributed to only one feature of the broth - to the broth welded on the bone. Numerous studies have shown that the bones of cattle are capable of accumulate harmful salts.

That is why cook broth for children, for pregnant women and people aged beef without bone pulp.

"Sugar" beef bone - ideal for the preparation of healthy broth

How much is the beef broth cooked?

There are two main methods of brewing beef meat. In each case, you must focus on what result you want to get: tasty meat or delicious broth.

If you are interested in meat - It follows boil into boiling water And cook for about two hours. If you are interested Pure broth With a pleasant saturated taste - the meat is dipped in cold water And put on fire.

Cook the meat for the broth based on its size and quantity. On the half a kilo of pulp It should be used approximately a liter of pure water. Such a piece should languish in the water for about an hour on low heat, if the meat after an hour still let blood when you stick a knife, cook another half an hour.

From beef you can cook clean transparent broth

But this applies only fresh meat, after all frozen beef is more complicated in preparation. In order to get a broth from a frozen piece of meat - it should be boiled for at least an hour and a half, and preferably two.

Throughout the cooking on the surface of the broth will appear lush white foam. Such foam requires mandatory removal. In addition, after making the broth, it should be Be sure to strain From the "rags" through a culinary strainer or gauze.

Straining the broth through a culinary strainer

When to salt beef broth when cooking?

When you cook a piece of beef, you should know exactly what you want to get in the end: tasty meat or delicious broth. If a meat - Salt the broth At the beginning of cookingSo it is saturated with the necessary amount of salt and will have a pleasant taste. If a bouillon - Salt follows add at the end.

The fact is that in the process of cooking the broth water will gradually evaporate. This cannot be avoided, but given the fact that beef will cook for a long time, there will be a lot of broth to evaporate. Having salt it at the beginning of cooking, each cook risks getting an overlapped dish in the end.

A universal way to add salt is to add a pinch at the beginning of cooking and a pinch at the end. So you do not spoil the meat and the broth itself.

At what point should be salty from beef?

Tasty beef broth: how to cook from beef bones correctly

It turns out very tasty and nutritious broth, welded not from the pulp of beef, but from bones. Such a broth is not inferior to its taste of meat and so Useful for health.

Its distinctive quality is that it should be cooked much less than meat. Such broth will become the basis for making delicious first dishes, borsch, stew and sauces.

For cooking, it is required:

  • Pure water - 2 liters
  • "Sugar" bones - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 1 pc (medium)
  • Onion - 1 pc (medium)
  • Spices to taste


  • The bones are thoroughly washed under running water
  • The bones are folded in a pan and poured with cold water.
  • The pan is placed on a large fire, which decreases only after boiling.
  • Two peeled carrots and onions cut in half should also be sent to the water.
  • Cook such broth for about forty minutes, but no more than an hour.
  • Salt the broth should be ten minutes before the end of cooking.
  • If desired, you can also lower the parsley in the broth and remove it at the end of cooking along with vegetables and bones.
  • The finished broth is necessarily filtered through gauze or culinary sieve.
  • During the cooking on the surface of the broth, a lush foam of gray color will constantly form. It must be removed.
Beef broth boiled on bones

Delicious beef broth: how to cook correctly?

You can cook delicious beef broth not only from pulp and bones. Tasty and rich also turns out a broth welded from the heart. Such a broth differs only in that it turns out more fat and hearty.

You will need:

  • The heart is one, weighing about 700 g
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Parsley bundle (carefully washed with running water)
  • Carrots - 1 pc (large)
  • Onion - 1 pc (large)
  • Spices to taste
Beef heart is the basis for making delicious and oily broth


  • The heart should be washed with running water
  • A one and a half liters of purified water are poured into the pan
  • In cold water, lower the heart and put a fire pot of fire.
  • A carrot with a bulb, a bunch of parsley is also sent to the pan, also sent to the pan.
  • The broth is cooked from the heart for a relatively long time. Cook it for about two and a half hours.
  • Throughout the cooking, it is necessary to remove the foam from the surface of the broth, since harmful substances are collected in it.
  • Salt the broth should be twice: a pinch of salt at the beginning of cooking and a pinch at the end.
  • After cooking, all ingredients are removed from the pan.
  • The broth should be filtered through gauze or culinary strainer.
  • Most often, such a broth is served along with a half of the chicken egg and chopped herbs.
The broth, welded from the heart, is saturated and fatigue

How to cook delicious bossy tongue broth?

Beeing tongue is considered a delicious type of meat. The fact is that it can not always be bought in the store, its cost is high, and working with this meat is painstaking.

You will need:

  • Beef tongue - one kilogram - 2 liters of water
  • Carrots - 1 pc (medium)
  • Onion - 1 pc (medium)
  • A bunch of dill
  • Bay leaf
  • Pepper peas (several peas) and salt to taste
Beef tongue - the basis for making delicious broth


  • The cook of the tongue primarily involves its thorough washing under running water.
  • To cook delicious and pure broth, it is best to use a fresh chilled tongue, a broth from a frozen tongue will turn out to be a muddy.
  • Very often, a frozen language broth has an unusual specific taste. This is due to the fact that the meat can be subjected to numerous freezing.
  • Water is collected in the pan and put on fire until boiling. The tongue is dipped in boiling water.
  • The language is notable for the fact that it should not be cooked for a long time. A couple of minutes of strong boiling water - quite enough.
  • After taken out of boiling water, the tongue quickly drops into cold water. The water in which the tongue was cooked is poured.
  • After staying in cold water, it will be easy to remove the skin from the tongue. She should be removed very easily.
  • Again, put water on fire and wait for boiling. We lower the peeled tongue into the water and cook the clean broth for about an hour and a half.
  • The broth is filtered through gauze, the meat is cut portioned.
Brown broth boiled from beef tongue - a delicious delicious dish

Delicious beef broth: recipe

You can cook delicious broth for borsch or meat soup from beef shanks. Such a broth is very saturated and fatty enough.

You will need:

  • Sail - 1 kg (approximately)
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Carrots - 1 pc (large)
  • Onion - 1 pc (large)
  • Pepper peas
  • Salt to taste
  • Lavka sheet
Beef shank - the basis for the preparation of delicious saturated broth


  • Before cooking, the steering wheel should be thoroughly washed with running water.
  • After that, the steering wheel is placed in the water on the fire and cook ten minutes over high heat.
  • The first broth with all the rags should be poured. The next broth should be put in clean water.
  • Vegetables and spices (salt at the end) should be added to the shank.
  • Cook the broth from the shank for a long time - two, or even three hours.
  • Salt the broth should be half an hour before the end of cooking.
  • To enhance the aroma to the broth, add a bunch of your favorite greens.
  • The finished broth should be filtered through a culinary strainer.
How to cook beef broth?

Tasty broth from beef ribs: how to cook right?

Beef ribs can serve as the basis for the preparation of fat broth with a pleasant saturated taste. The meat from ribs is easily cleaned and added to the finished dish.

You will need:

  • Beef ribs - 1 kg
  • Pure water - 2 liters
  • Onion - 1 pc (large)
  • A bunch of parsley
  • Garlic clove
  • Spices to taste
Beef ribs - the basis for the preparation of saturated fat broth


  • Ribs should be thoroughly washed with running water
  • They are poured with cold water and boiled until boiling, hold for five minutes in boiling water and only then drain the first broth.
  • The ribs are again poured with water, onion, greens and garlic are added to them.
  • The broth holds over high heat until boiling and then languishes an hour and a half over low heat.
  • After an hour and a half, the ribs are removed along with the rest of the ingredients, the broth should be filtered from scale and extra pieces of bone tissue.
Bossy broth

Tasty, transparent broth beef in a slow cooker: Recipe

Multicar is a modern kitchen technique that allows you to prepare a delicious dish without unnecessary time and labor costs. You can cook the broth from any meat, but the cleanest and most transparent is obtained from the pulp.

You will need:

  • Beef pulp - 700 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc (large)
  • Onion - 1 pc (large)
  • Bay leaf
  • Pepper peas, salt and a bunch of parsley


  • The meat should be thoroughly cleaned of films and veins
  • The meat is thoroughly washed with running water
  • The meat is poured with cold water in the bowl and it costs half an hour. During this time, it will release excess blood, which will allow the broth to become transparent.
  • After that, the meat is placed in a multicooker bowl and poured with cold water.
  • In the slow cooker, you should enable the "soup" or "cooking" mode for half an hour.
  • After the “extinguishing” mode turns on for two hours.
  • Periodically, you should open the lid and remove the appearance from the broth, since it contains harmful substances.
  • After cooking, drain the broth and strain it through several layers of gauze for transparency.
The slow cooker allows you to cook delicious saturated broth

Why is the beef broth muddy and dark, how to lighten?

Many noticed that when cooking beef on the surface of the broth, many discharge, foam, rags and pieces of bone tissue remains. In addition, the color of the beef broth is much darker than Kurin.

This is because the beef contains a large amount of protein. This protein has the property curtain when cooking. This happens especially intensively when the meat is immediately poured with hot water.

That is why the beef broth is recommended to be poured with cold water and use vegetables when cookingcapable of lightening it a little. A prerequisite for cooking beef broth - regular removal of foam. This foam concentrates all the most harmful substances that may be contained in cheese.

How to lighten the beef broth:

  • Put meat only in cold water
  • Soak raw meat in cold water before cooking
  • Add carrots and onions to the broth that lighten the broth
  • Take off even a small foam from the surface
  • Filter the broth after cooking
How to cook a clean transparent beef broth?

Is it possible and how to freeze the beef broth?

Ready beef broth can be frozen in order to use it in the future preparation. It is much more useful than cooking a broth from frozen beef meat. The fact is that when freezing, the meat loses almost half of its beneficial properties, which does not happen to the already finished broth.

Boiled broth from any part of meat it is necessary to strainpreferably twice. After that it spreads on ice molds - It is so convenient to use the broth to make sauce. If you have a large amount of broth, this can be frozen in plastic bottles or containers.

Broth spilled in molds and frozen

How much can a beef broth be stored in the refrigerator?

The boiled broth from beef requires its use in the first two days. If you want to store it in the refrigerator, you should know that the maximum time of the broth is at a temperature of minus sixteen degrees - five days.

If it will be stored longer, he or the silt will simply lose all his reserve of useful trace elements.

How many calories are in beef broth?

Beef broth without frying and oil is a very lean and low -calorie dish that is useful to every person.

The name of the dish Squirrels in grams Fat in grams Carbohydrates in grams Number of calories per 100 grams
The broth is beef 0.6 0.2 0 4

Video: “Beef broth. Recipe"

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