Skin hyperpigmentation: causes and treatment

Skin hyperpigmentation: causes and treatment

At an attractive person, the skin is smooth, even and elastic. This will first of all tell us about his good health - and not only skin, but also internal organs.

The skin can have a healthy look at a rather mature age - of course, with proper care of it. However, not everyone was lucky in this life with good skin. There are many people who, due to hyperpigmentation, have health problems and even personal life.

What is hyperpigmentation?

  1. Pigmented spots Those segments of the skin are called, which have become darker than the rest of the skin. The culprit of hyperpigmentation is the melanin pigment capable of produced and unnecessarily accumulated inside individual sections of the basal layer in the epidermis.
  2. Melanin has barrier properties, thanks to which free radicals do not have the opportunity to penetrate the skin. But harmful factors can “dispose” melanin so much that he begins intensively accumulate Due to the violation of the course of its natural disposal. That is how the principle of occurrence of hyperpigmentation in a person works.
  3. If for darkened skin areas More serious diseases are not hidden, then an aesthetic problem can be easily solved in cosmetic clinics. On a sweet girl’s face, sunny freckles look more attractive.
  4. But because of the dark spots spreading across the face, hands and neck, it is unlikely that a person will be able to cause sympathy among others. It was then that professionals from cosmetology come to the rescue.
Pigmentation process
Pigmentation process

At what age is hyperpigmentation manifested?

  • If speak about fresh, then they can begin to appear already in early childhood. But these harmless sun spots do not pose any threat - neither for health, nor for the aesthetic appearance of a child or an adult.
  • But freckles can be called ordinary pigmentation, but the prefix hyper- in this diagnosis most often appears in people who have reached 45-year-old age line. And then hyperpigmentation is said that it is age -related. It cannot disappear on its own, like freckles in a winter season. In addition, these dark signs on the skin can indicate the onset of the disease, and it is possible that even oncological.

According to statistical data, approximately 70% of people living on Earth showed hyperpigmentation of the skin - to a greater or lesser extent.

Varieties of hyperpigmentation

Dark spots on the skin can be in the form:

  • Freckles. Usually they arise from exposure to sunlight on open areas of the skin.
  • Melasm. Manifest in the form large shapeless spots, mainly in women who bear the child and nursing mothers. The culprit of hyperpigmentation during pregnancy can be a hormonal failure in the body. At this time, it is better to take care of the sun, since due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, spots can increase in size.
  • Lentigo. This name was given age -related spots. Most often, they begin to appear in the prelimacteric period. They differ in a dense pigment. In their size, spots can vary greatly: they are both small (about 2 mm) and large enough (up to 2 cm).
  • Achromia. Unlike other species, such spots are white. They are of different sizes, and often accompany such a disease as vitiligo.
Active pigmentation
Active pigmentation

Why does hyperpigmentation appear?

The skin with full right can be called "litmus paper" of human health. And if any deviations arise on its surface, then in this case we can safely talk about internal deviations.

Pigment spots may appear due to such factors:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is precisely because of the sun that photography of the skin most often occurs, and, as a result, its hyperpigmentation. Ultraviolet can make cells in the deep layers of dermis, and from these small, invisible to the eye of the mutants, malignant tumors can subsequently develop. Due to the aggressive effect on the unprotected areas of the skin of UV rays, Melanin begins to produce in huge quantities-which is very harmful to the health of cells.
The appearance of hyperpigmentation can be for various reasons
The appearance of hyperpigmentation can be for various reasons
  • Genetic factor. Scientists have found that melasm is often transmitted by inheritance (among the cases studied, this is approximately 30%). Therefore, if a person knows that his father or mother ever had such a skin disease, then it is necessary to take measures to protect his skin from his youth.
  • Hormonal disorders. The skin directly depends on hormones, so it immediately reacts to if the body is internally rebuilt. Due to the cascading reaction of estrogen, progesterone and the hormones of the pituitary gland, which the solar radiation acted, the same melanin begins to be intensively developed. And, as a result of the overall work of hormones and ultraviolet radiation - hyperpigmentation. This can be clearly expressed in adolescence or during ovulation, menopause, bearing a child or its feeding.
  • Trauma of the skin. The affected place is most sensitive to solar radiation, and therefore quickly acquires a dark shade. It may well happen that due to infectious skin diseases, burns or even acne, post-traumatic hyperpigmentation may occur.
  • Age. Together with a person, his skin also ages. Negative factors more powerfully affect the already poorly protected aging skin, giving “green light” of hyperpigmentation.
  • Deficiency of vitamins. If vitamins A and B12 Present in the body in too small quantities, the skin in some areas may darken.
  • Intoxication. Some drugs, alcohol, smoking and harmful working conditions can lead to the appearance of dark spots on the body.
  • Stress and neurosis. Nervous diseases can be so exhausted by the body that it almost loses its protective functions. And then pigment spots are often manifested on the skin, which disappear after careful treatment.
  • If you are affected by some serious disease: the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, liver, or gall bladder. In this case, melanin can accumulate due to impaired lipid exchange. Sick kidneys or liver can lead to the fact that human skin becomes brownish-yellow.

Skin hyperpigmentation: treatment

In most cases, a cosmetologist can easily cope with the skin spots: there are injectable and hardware techniques for this.

Dermatology now has such drugs from hyperpigmentation:

  • Middle chemical peeling. This method is the most effective due to the action in the deep layer of the skin of glycolic acid that can update tissue. Superficial peeling can easily cope with surface pigmentation. Chemical peeling is almond, salicylic, milk, glycol, etc. During the procedures, unpleasant sensations do not occur, and the recovery period is not required later.
  • Biorevitalization. Injections with hyaluronic acid are able to restore the water-lipid balance of the skin and naturally remove excessively accumulated pigment from the body.
  • Mesotherapy. In this method, the main advantage is that a vitamin-mineral amino acid cocktail is selected specifically for a particular person. The whitening complex should be filled with vitamin C, glutation, alpha-linoleic acid, etc. So that the effect of mesotherapy is long, the procedures should be carried out 5-8 times.
  • IPL photography. This modern technology uses a high -intensity luminous flux. With the help of a laser, the synthesis of collagen is activated, while the cells are accelerated. Due to this, a person gets rid of age spots. But if it is not possible to completely remove them completely, then, at least, they can be made much lighter. Cosmetologists recommend this procedure to conduct people with significant age -related skin changes. Photography can be carried out over 30 years of age.
It is important to conduct diagnostics in time
It is important to conduct diagnostics in time

Preventive means to prevent hyperpigmentation

  • According to cosmetologists, the best prevention from age spots is protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Sunscreen cosmetics is required not only on the seashore, but also in the city.
  • Before going out into the street in the summer hot season, the remedy on which the 15th index is affixed.
  • You can protect your skin using creams, spray, tonal base with the content of panthenol, vitamin E, thermal water, hyaluronic acid and various extracts from medicinal herbs.
  • With constant care, the skin will maintain smoothness, youth and health for a long time, and sunburns will not lead to the appearance of early hyperpigmentation.

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