Care for adolescence and young skin: tips, the best cosmetics for iherb

Care for adolescence and young skin: tips, the best cosmetics for iherb

In wonderful teenage and youthful age, any girl especially wants to be beautiful. So that even, clean radiant skin attracted the attention of others, the guys looked around delightedly, and the friends frankly envied. Unfortunately, not every girl is given from nature, so you have to make certain efforts to achieve the desired effect.

And those young ladies, who were lucky enough to look stunning without cosmetic procedures, should also not forget that even a beautiful skin needs regular care to remain so many years.

Skin types in adolescence and young age

It is in adolescence that the body occurs hormonal changesthat affect the condition of the skin, sometimes causing changes. This is especially pronounced on chest, shoulders, back And, of course, what is most dramatic on the face. Even dry or normal skin as a result of this can oily and covered with acne.

Therefore, young teenage girls should know what type their skin belongs to:

  • Normal, a rather rare type for teenage skin. It can be determined by the fact that a napkin attached to a clean, without any cosmetics or care products, washed face, will show barely noticeable spots of fat. Usually normal skin is characterized by elasticity, even tone, small pores and a natural light blush. This is due to the proper operation of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the natural provision of the skin with moisture, vitamins and trace elements.
  • Dry The skin is distinguished by peeling, as well as sensitivity, which can manifest in the form of allergies to the wind, sunlight, cosmetics, etc. When testing with a napkin, no fat spots are left on it. This is a thin sensitive skin, which, as a rule, has a pale hue. It is predisposed to inflammation, peeling, redness as a result of external factors, which is most often caused by moisture loss and requires constant moisture.
  • Fat The skin looks brilliant, since the body occurs excessive secretion of skin fat, which leads to increased formation of acne and comedones (the so -called black or white traffic jams on the face, consisting of exfoliated skin and skin fat). When applying the napkins on it, you can see fat spots that impregnate it to a large extent. The only plus of oily skin is its lower predisposition to the appearance of wrinkles compared to other types, and in adulthood it most often goes into a combined type.
  • Combined The skin is most often characteristic of adolescents and it manifests itself in peeling on the cheeks and on the forehead, and on the nose, chin or in the middle of the forehead - sebaceous brilliance. The test with a napkin also shows: it is in the T-zone that fat traces remain, while they are not observed in other parts of the face.
  • Sensitive The skin can be represented by any of the above types, while it reacts very much to external stimuli. So, redness or inflammation can manifest even if dehydration, temperature changes, wind and other factors are not observed, their cause is weak skin immunity.
  • Failing Skin is an age -related sign associated with a decrease in the level of hyaluronic acid production. But, fortunately, it’s too early to think about it at a young age.

What are the problems with the skin in adolescence and youth?

  • The most common problem with skin in adolescence and young age, of course, rashes. Acne, comedones, and often expanded pores - all this very bothers girls. At the same time, such phenomena arise not only because of a “dangerous” type of skin itself, but also with improper care of the epidermis. And those who begin to squeeze out all these formations on their own, acquire for everything else, also scars or bluish spots.
  • At the age of 14-15 The overwhelming number of adolescents manifest the skin disease acnemanifested by oily skin, its brilliance, dilated pores and emerging white pimples. Eczema (redness, itching, crusting in these places) are less common). There are skin diseases such as psoriasis, vitiligo, some have contact dermatitis or fungal disease.
Acne in adolescents very often
Acne in adolescents very often
  • Such problems are associated with the beginning of the production of sex hormones and the restructuring of the hormonal background of the body of the teenager. The active stimulation of the sebaceous glands and the production of skin fat (sebuma) begins. An excess of sebum leads to oily skin and, as a result, to acne. A similar effect is possible with a lack of moisturizing dry skin type.
  • Usually, after the hormonal background becomes stable, the sebaceous glands stop activity. If the puberty is over, and acne and comedones continue to appear, the reason may lie in heredity, and then consultation of a dermatologist is necessary.
  • But do not write off all the problems of the skin to age -related changes and wait that in a few years everything will pass. The skin must be careed.

How to care for adolescence and young skin at home?

  • It is necessary to start skin care in young and adolescence with a thorough maintenance of purity. This is necessary for this daily morning washing and evening removal of makeup. As necessary and depending on the type of skin, tonics, masks, creams and other facial skin care products are used.
  • Young skin needs not only purificationbut also in moisturization, as well as tonic. It is also necessary to protect it from the harmful effects of the sun. The softer the face for the face, the better. No need to use rough scrubs, much more preferable to gels, milk for washing or removing makeup.
  • Cosmetologists often recommend using ordinary baby soap at this age. And a good home remedy for soft cleansing is ground oatmeal, which also level the skin tone and lighten the freckles available on the face.
  • Thermal and micellar water will cope with skin moisturizing, and with oily sheen - matting napkins. Those who have a combined type of skin need to take care of several means to apply them to different areas.

On average, a person’s career is needed:

  1. Washing tool;
  2. Moisturizer;
  3. Sunscreen;
  4. Makeup remover.

If necessary, depending on the type of skin, a face tonic and a night product (cream or mask) can also be used. In addition, adolescents need to monitor not only their face, but also food, since skin problems can be largely due to digestive problems. Therefore, it is worth less to get involved in sweets, soda, fatty foods.

In what priority do the facilities for the care of adolescence and young skin are applied?

  • In order to determine the correct procedure for applying facial skin care products, it is necessary to understand how they affect the epidermis.
  • So, first of all, the face must be cleaned so that the subsequent applied funds penetrate the purified and unaccounted pores into the deep layers of the skin.
  • Then, care products are applied - tonics, creams, and after them, sunscreen, which can dry the skin and then if moisturizing products will be applied later, they will not bring effect.

Thus, the sequence is as follows:

  1. Washing. Moreover, you need to do this, starting the day and completing it. In the morning - soft skin cleansing, and in the evening - removal of cosmetics, dust, pollution.
  2. Then, light remedies that have a low -fat structure and well absorbed into the skin, such as serum, tonic or therapeutic ointments are applied.
  3. Above - moisturizing A tool that has the denser structure.
  4. If necessary, leave the house is applied sunscreen.

The best cosmetics for the care of oily adolescence and young skin at home

Girls with oily skin should immediately abandon creams with a greasy base. To care for adolescence and young skin, special products are suitable for this type of skin.

For example:

  1. A means for daily cleansing of the face from Cetaphil.It does not overdry the skin when removing excess fat, but deeply cleanses it and pores, without causing irritation and not contributing to the appearance of comedones. It is only necessary to apply a little product to wet skin and rinse your face. The cost of the drug is 850-900 rubles.
  2. Cleansing and removing fat foam Cetaphil, Pro. It perfectly removes excess fat, perfectly relieves makeup and any pollution, which is confirmed by clinical research, is recommended for daily use, and, most importantly in adolescence, when using foam, the occurrence of acne and comedones is not provoked. Using massaging movements, apply foam to the face, and then rinse thoroughly. The cost of the product is 1-1.1 thousand rubles.
  3. A tool for cleansing the face with lemon to remove excess fat, for oily skin, Himalaya. This hypoallergenic agent based on lemon and honey is designed to remove excess sebum and deep cleansing. The lemon knit and cools the skin, honey cleans it without drying and not pulling it off. Method of application: apply a little means to moisturized skin and, making circular movements, beat it into foam. Then gently wash off. You can purchase this tool for 450 rubles.

The best cosmetics for getting rid of acne on adolescence and young skin at home

  • The main rule for adolescence and young skin: the product should be easy, having a water base. As home funds are used foam from tar soap, Which is pointed to affected places and hold for an hour.
  • Instead of tar soap, you can use aspirin, previously soaked in water. The skin with rashes can be tried daily in the morning and evening, completing washing, wipe with salicylic alcohol (2%) sold in pharmacies.

In addition, effective tools are available in Iherb catalogs:

  1. Scrub for fat and prone to acne skin, with mint julep from Queen Helene. It deeply cleanses the pores and removes skin pollution, and the glycerin contained in the composition of the water balance of the skin. It is applied to moisturized skin with delicate massage movements, without affecting the area around the eyes. Then washed off with warm water. The cost of a scrub is about 300 rubles.
  2. Sulfuric ointment for the treatment of acne, the maximum effect of De la Cruz. It is a 10%sulfur ointment that not only dries and helps to remove existing acne and acne, but also prevents the appearance of new ones due to deep penetration into the pores. A thin layer of agent is applied to the affected areas of purified skin, and after 10 minutes it is washed off with water. It is used from one to three times a day in accordance with the recommendations of a dermatologist. The cost of the product is from 400 rubles.
  3. Acne Patchi, 30 Days Miracle Clear Spot Patch from Some by Mi. These invisible patches of the hydrocoloid type have an intensive effect, absorbing and protecting the skin. They reduce the tightness of the skin, are waterproof and have not only a therapeutic, but also a cosmetic effect, completely hiding acne and acne and preventing possible skin infections. They should simply be easily applied to the skin in places of damage. The cost of patches is about 230 rubles.

The best cosmetics for caring for dry and sensitive teenage and young faces at home

Dry or sensitive skin is no less problematic than oily. It does not cause such troubles as acne, but peeling, redness, irritation or reddened crusts are also unpleasant for any teenager.

For care for  the following funds can be recommended by teenage and young skin:

  1. An original healing cream for very dry and damaged skin, without fragrances from Eucerin. It is a dermatological tool recommended by specialists. Due to the large number of softening components, guarantees moisturizing the skin for a long time. The cream does not clog pores and produces a calming effect. Recommended for daily use. Cream cost from 1000 rubles.
  2. Cream with calendula from Mild by Nature. The composition of this soothing and moisturizing effect of the cream is not only calendula, but also lavender, coconut, butter, rosemary, aloe vera, vitamin E and other plant ingredients. It is applied as necessary quite abundantly. Its price is 750 rubles.
  3. Moisturizing face spray pink water and glycerin from Heritage Store. It is very important for teenage skin in this tool - the absence of any dyes and alcohols, which dermatologists definitely do not recommend young. The composition - glycerin in conjunction with Damasian rose - perfectly soothes and moisturizes the skin, making it radiant. In addition, glycerin contained in the spray helps to retain moisture, contributing to the consolidation of makeup. The spray is recommended to spray on the skin, completing its cleansing or applied makeup. Cost - from 800 rubles.
With pink water
With pink water

The best cosmetics for caring for normal and combined adolescent and young skin at home

  1. Cleaning cosmetic mask with NIMA from Himalaya. It is intended for any type of teenage and young skin, including oily, since it cleanses the face of pollution, dead cells, fatty discharge. The product was tested by dermatologists and is approved for widely used as hypoallergenic. The composition of the turmeric and him, as well as Fullerov clay, cooling and smoothing the skin. It is applied to the face no more than twice a week after cleansing, excluding the area around the eyes, and after 15 minutes, after completely drying, it is removed with a wet sponge and cool water. Cost - c limits of 450 rubles.
  2. Clarifying tonic with Clementine and vitamin C from Andalou Naturals. The content of vitamin C provides complex protection skin, while the tool itself has a neutral acid-base balance and is hypoallergenic. Recommended to owners of normal and combined skin, with damage caused by solar effects. In addition to vitamin C, the composition includes aloe vera, which helps to moisturize the skin and improve its texture. It is used twice a day, spraying to cleansed skin. The price of tonic is from 1125 rubles.
  3. Cleaning gel to restore skin balance from Neutrogena. This brand received the recommendations of dermatologists, since due to the content of 2%polyhydroxy acids, it cleanses and softens the skin, freeing pores. Hypoallergenic, corresponds to the natural level of the pH of the skin and, which is important for teenage skin, it does not contain soap, dyes, alcohol. It is applied to moisturized skin with massage movements, with the addition of water, then washed off. The gel costs about 600 rubles.
Cleaning gel
Cleaning gel

What salon procedures are suitable for adolescence and young skin?

Problem adolescence and young skin may well be subjected to salon procedures. The main thing is to understand what will be beneficial and what will only harm. To decide, it is best to consult a dermatologist and salon specialists.

Face care can be carried out in the cabin
Face care can be carried out in the cabin

So, for the treatment of acne and their consequences for adolescents are acceptable:

  1. Therapeutic masks, which can be applied both on oily and dry skin. The correctly selected composition, provided that it is applied once or two per week, will help maintain good skin condition.
  2. Carbon peeling Combines carbon nanogel and laser effect on rashes of any type.
  3. Ozone therapy It is aimed at removing irritation and inflammation, with its help the skin is disinfected.
  4. Hardware cleaning The skin is more sparing compared to mechanical. It can be carried out using a laser beam, ultrasound, for oily skin it is better than galvanic, which is aimed precisely at the removal of excess sebum. It is recommended to be carried out no more than once a month - for dry, and two times a month - for oily skin.
  5. Jacques massage, which uses a technique specially designed to reduce acne.
  6. Darsonvalization, in which oxygen is enriched by the subcutaneous tissues as a result of a rush of blood to the skin under the influence of pulsed currents, cleansing it of toxins and toxins.
  7. Cryomassage aimed at eliminating cyanotic spots that remain after removal of acne.

What salon procedures are contraindicated for adolescence and young skin?

  1. Since the hormonal background of the teenager has not yet been fully formed, it is not recommended to be used in the care and young skin care procedures creams from wrinkles.
  2. Only according to the testimony of a doctor if acne is not amenable to treatment with other methods, it is possible to use scrubbing or chemical peeling.
  3. Hand massage, firstly, it does not make sense, since youthful skin already has a normal tone, and, secondly, the use of special massage oils can cause comedones.
  4. The introduction is unambiguously not recommended botox or hyaluronic acid.
  5. From hardware massages, it is worth refraining from vacuumwhich is able to lead to stretching and loss of youthful elasticity.

What cosmetics are suitable for teenage and young facial skin?

  • In adolescence, girls begin to actively use cosmetics.

In order not to harm the young teenage skin of the face, it must be remembered that you should not use the means that include triclosan, hydroxytoluene, formaldehyde, lauras, coal resin, lauryl sulfate, parabens, butyl acetate.

  • It is best, starting with makeup, consult a cosmetologist who qualifiedly determines the skin type and give the necessary recommendations.

To make a more expressive face, the girl can use the following means:

  1. Lip gloss. For example, moisturizing lip gloss, cherry from Blossom
  2. Blush with primer, natural pink color from E.L.F., Primer-infused blush
  3. Palette Feature Feature Feature Beauty Brick, palette Nudes from L.A. Girl
  4. Black mascara on mineral -based eyelashes from E.L.F.
  5. Tonal cream pencil, shade "ivory" from Wet N Wild
  6. Bruttery powder for the face, transparent from Airspun

The last two points can be combined into one, using the cushon of a natural beige shade from Heimish, Artless Perfect Cushion.

Basic rules for leaving adolescence and youthful skin

  1. Use to care for adolescence and young skin only those cosmetics that are suitable for its type.
  2. When temperature difference, when stress, try to further moisturize the skin of the face.
  3. Always carefully study pH levelthat you use to prevent the occurrence of acid imbalance of the skin.
  4. If you decide to produce mechanical cleaning of the face, preliminarily the skin should be thoroughly softened.
  5. To deep cleansing of the face In adolescence and youth, one should not resort without the need.
  6. Before applying a cosmetic product, test it on the wrist.
  7. All facial care products, like cosmetics, should be applied only with clean hands and be strictly individual.
  8. Rinse at least once a week shoes, sponge And all the other means that you apply makeup to prevent bacteria from entering the face.
  9. Never go to bed without removing the makeup and without washing yourself.
  10. Use only high -quality cosmetics.
  11. Do not smear acne thick layer of foundationSo you will emphasize the imperfection of your skin even more.
  12. Do not forget about sunscreen not only in summer (at least 30 in the heat), but also in the winter.
  13. Do not abuse decorative cosmetics, strive for maximum naturalness of makeup.

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Video: On the care of teenage skin

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Comments K. article

  1. I use Librederm Serazin oily skin. I take the gel cleansing and the tonic matting again

  2. In adolescence, many have a problem with acne. I managed to solve this problem with Retasol. It is very effective: you can live acne pointily so that you dry out faster.

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