Where, how and what tests are taken from newborns? Blood tests, urine, feces in newborns

Where, how and what tests are taken from newborns? Blood tests, urine, feces in newborns

What tests should you take after birth?

  • An important point after the birth of the baby is to identify possible deviations in his health in the first days of life
  • To make an accurate diagnosis, certain analyzes are required
  • In time, the treatment has begun after the birth of a child is the key to further proper development of the baby and the avoidance of chronic diseases

What tests are taken from a newborn?

In the maternity hospital
In the maternity hospital

Laboratory diagnosis of diseases is an important component of the necessary medical examination of the baby from the newborn to planned testing of blood, urine, feces in the first months of the baby's life.

Mandatory analyzes of the child after birth

There are a number of mandatory tests that the baby must be taken after the birth.

  • Immediately after birth, the baby is made a blood fence from the umbilical vein to detect an HIV infection, syphilis, hepatitis A
  • When detecting jaundice ( jaundice) The baby tests blood for the presence of hepatic transaminases, which are markers of the liver pathology
  • On 2-3 days, a child is taken from the heel to detect anemia, insufficient function of the thyroid gland and phenylketonuria (a rare hereditary disease associated with mental impairment)
  • Since 2006, all babies are tested for the diagnosis of rare diseases: adrenogenital syndrome (excessive hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex), galactocroding and cystic fibrosis (hereditary diseases)
  • The fence of the umbilical blood of the newborn allows you to identify antibodies for cytomegalovirus, herpes, mycoplasma, chlamydia, toxoplasma
  • Before discharge from the maternity hospital, a general blood test is carried out from the baby
  • Children who are at risk are additional testing of blood and urine

The period of newborn lasts 28 days. During this time, the baby grows up and adapts to new living conditions. At this stage, the baby is carried out by a general blood test. Further, the child goes to his new life stage - baby.

  • Planned testing of blood, urine and feces can be carried out to a child at 3 months, at 6 months and in a year
  • Additional tests can be prescribed by a doctor to clarify the diagnosis after serious diseases (to detect complications after the disease) and before vaccination
  • Upon reaching the child 1 year, boys should take advice with a urologist, and girls - a children's gynecologist. During this examination, children take a smear on a microflora
Blood fence allows you to identify dangerous diseases
Blood fence allows you to identify dangerous diseases

Where to take tests to the newborn?

The first tests are carried out in the hospital. The information obtained after reading the results of the analyzes will help doctors in time establish deviations in the health of the baby, correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment, prevent all kinds of complications in the development of the baby.

Subsequent scheduled tests are carried out in laboratory departments of children's clinics or specialized children's centers equipped with modern laboratory equipment.

Determination of urine color is an important indicator of laboratory diagnostics
Determination of urine color is an important indicator of laboratory diagnostics

How to collect urine for analysis of a newborn?

  • The morning urine after awakening the baby gives the most reliable information for laboratory research. The baby should be washed with water of a comfortable temperature. It is not recommended to use hygiene products with an antiseptic effect to avoid distorting the results of the analysis
  • It is recommended to wash girls in the direction from the side of the genitals to the anus so as not to bring an infection from the rectum to the vaginal mucosa. It is enough for the boys to slightly push the head of the penis and carefully wash it with the scrotum
  • Urine for testing is collected in a special sterile children's bridge or container, which can be purchased at the pharmacy
Children's urinary collection to collect urine for analysis
Children's urinary collection to collect urine for analysis

Mommy’s assembly algorithm

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap running water
  2. Wash the child with warm water and drain the genitals
  3. Attach the children's urinary receiver with the adhesive side to the dry genital organs of the child according to the instructions: girls put a bridge on the genitals between the legs and put on a diaper, the boy - place the scrotum with the penis in the capacity of the urinary receiver and also put on a diaper
  4. After collecting urine, the urinary receiver should be transported to the laboratory if the instruction provides for this possibility or pour urine into a sterile container
  5. Wash the child again, drain the crotch and put on the baby diaper

Video: How to use a children's urinary receiver?

Ancient way to quickly empty the child

  • Put the child on the back
  • Put a sterile urine capacity under the baby
  • Put it slightly, and then carefully press the right -handed region

Video: the correct method of collecting urine for analysis of the newborn

How much urine is needed for the analysis of the newborn?

For a newborn child, it is enough to collect 15-25 ml of urine for laboratory research. The urine container should be delivered to the medical facility no later than 1.5 hours after the morning fence. Late delivery can distort the results due to the loss of freshness of urine.

Blood test from the heel of the baby
Blood test from the heel of the baby

Analysis from the heel in newborns

  • “Fifth test” is a procedure for a minimum amount of blood of a baby from a heel. Typically, the procedure is carried out in full -term children on 4 days after birth and for 7 days in premature children
  • Blood fence is carried out with thin lancet. For screening, literally a couple of drops of blood are taken and applied to a special form-filter
  • A dry spot of blood is examined by tandem mass spectrometry (TMS). Such blood testing allows the earliest time to identify serious deviations in the health of the baby

Blood analysis in the newborn

Blood testing determines the quantitative and qualitative composition of the blood and makes it possible to detect hidden foci of inflammation. Based on the results of the analysis, you can establish:

  • amount hemoglobin the blood of the child, the underestimated result serves as an indicator of anemia
  • the amount of red blood cells that ensure the transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the body
  • the number of eosinophils revealing the presence of allergens and worms
  • the amount of platelets involved in the blood coagulation mechanism
  • the ESR index (erythrocyte settlement rate) signals an infectious and inflammatory reaction
Laboratory testing of blood fence
Laboratory testing of blood fence

The norms of a general blood test for children of the first year of life

Index Age
newborn 0-7 days 7-30 days 1 - 6 months 6-12 months
Hemoglobin 180-240 134 — 198 107 — 171 103-141 113-140
Red blood cells 3,9-5,5 4,0-6,6 3,6-6,2 2,7-4,5 3,7-5,3
Color 0,85-1,15 0,85-1,15 0,85-1,15 0,85-1,15 0,85-1,15
Reticulocytes 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-12 3-12
Leukocytes 8,5-24,5 7,2-18,5 6,5 -13,8 5,5 – 12,5 6-12
Broke -core 1-17 0,5- 4 0,5- 4 0,5- 5 0,5- 5
Segmented 45-80 30-50 16-45 16-45 16-45
Eosinophils 1 — 6 1 — 6 1 — 5 1 — 5 1 — 5
Basophiles 0 — 1 0 — 1 0 — 1 0 — 1 0 — 1
Lymphocytes 15 - 35 22 - 55 45 - 70 45 - 70 45 - 70
Platelets 180-490 180-400 180-400 180-400 160-390
ESR 2-4 4-8 4-10 4-10 4-12

How to collect feces from a newborn for analysis?

Pharmacy containers for testing biomaterial
Pharmacy containers for testing biomaterial

After birth, the baby adapts to living conditions outside the maternal womb. The work of digestive organs, excretory system, cardiac activity, breathing is established. Proper feeding and digestion of food are important indicators of the development of the child.

The analysis of the feces helps to identify pathological processes in digestion and evaluate the enzymatic activity of the digestive tract. It is necessary to properly collect feces in newborn children so as not to distort the picture of the study.

Important: it is not recommended to take feces for testing after using rectal candles, enemas and the use of medicines containing coloring substances and iron.

Calais analysis will help identify many health problems of a newborn child
Calais analysis will help identify many health problems of a newborn child
  • To collect feces for analysis, you can use a special sterile container with a spatula, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is also possible to apply a small jar with a spoon, after boiling them in water
  • A sterile oilcloth should be put in the diaper. After emptying the child, you need to collect the feces with a spatula in the container and deliver to the laboratory

Important: it is not recommended to collect feces and urine from the dirty children's diaper. Do not leave the oilcloth and the bridge for the whole night. Analyzes will be stale and distort the reliability of the testimony.

Bacterial sowing
Bacterial sowing

Analyzes for dysbiosis to a newborn

Dysbiosis is a violation of the quantitative and qualitative balance of normal intestinal microflora in relation to the number of pathogenic microbes and fungi in the body.

Normal microflora is very important for the physiological work of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. Therefore, for various reasons, a children's doctor may prescribe fecal testing for dysbiosis and, based on the results of the study, prescribe a suitable program for treating a child.

Functions of normal microflora
Functions of normal microflora

The causes of dysbiosis of newborns

In infants, dysbiosis can be caused by the following causes:

  • long -term antibiotic treatment
  • pathological states of the child: rickets, anemia, etc.
  • stressful situations
  • infectious and viral diseases
  • pathology during childbirth
  • surgical interventions
  • vomit
  • constipation
The causes of dysbiosis
The causes of dysbiosis

The feces of babies after birth have a gruel -like consistency, a light yellow color and a slightly sour smell.

In case of violation of the ratio of normal and pathogenic microflora in the direction of increasing the last stool, it becomes a fetid, with a greenish tint, mucus and foam appear.

In infants, the following symptoms appear:

  • lack of appetite
  • vomit
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal pain
  • dry skin and allergic rashes
  • difficulties in bowel movements
Kala analysis for dysbiosis
Kala analysis for dysbiosis

What are the tests for dysbiosis?

The following tests are prescribed for newborn for testing feces for dysbiosis:

  • coprogram
  • sowing feces on conditionally pathogenic flora
  • sowing feces for dysbiosis


A coprogram or fecal analysis allows you to investigate the physical, chemical and microscopic properties of feces of the newborn. Such testing makes it possible to detect the presence of bilirubin, protein, white blood cells, red blood cells, the presence of epithelium, mucus, helminths in the feces and allows you to find out other important information.

Microscopic examination of feces
Microscopic examination of feces

Sowing feces on conditionally pathogenic flora

This type of analysis allows you to identify the conditionally pathogenic flora of the baby’s intestines in qualitative and quantitative measurement through microbiological research.

This testing makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of individual representatives of the pathogenic flora of the intestine to antibiotics.

Sowing feces for dysbiosis

This testing allows you to assess the quantity and ratio of “useful” microorganisms (lactobacteria, E. coli, bifidobacteria), conditionally pathogenic (certain types of pathogenic fungi, enterobacteria, clostidium, staphylococci) and pathogenic bacteria (salmonell, shigelle, etc.)

Testing of feces for dysbiosis allows you to detect the disappearance of individual “useful” microorganisms and the appearance of pathogenic fungi of the genus of the candidate and other pathogenic flora: Pseudomonas sticks, staphylococci, vulgar protein.

Laboratory research
Laboratory research

How to collect feces for dysbiosis?

For testing, it is enough to collect 5-10 g of feces of the baby. The material is collected in a sterile container or jar and delivered to the laboratory for several hours.

Important: it is unacceptable to take a child’s feces with an admixture of urine.

For three days before passing feces for analysis should not be given to the baby:

  • activated carbon
  • new complementary foods
  • antibiotics and sulfanilamide drugs
  • vitamins
Pathogenic bacteria
Pathogenic bacteria

Decoding analyzes for dysbiosis

Properly decipher the results of fecal testing for dysbiosis, diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment can qualified specialists.

IMPORTANT: according to normal indicators in the feces of newborn children, pathogenic microorganisms should not be present.

The presence of pathogenic enterobacteria contributes to the development of acute intestinal infections. Salmonella, Shigella, Salmonelly are causative agents of serious diseases: dysentery, typhoid, salmonellosis, and columenellosis.

E. coli Actively participates in the digestive process: it suppresses many pathogens, promotes the synthesization of vitamin K. indicator 10 7 — 108 Correquency/g is considered the norm for this microorganism.

Insufficient concentration of E. coli can state the presence of helminths or protozoa. An excess amount of microorganism and the appearance of individual serotypes can cause intestinal dysbiosis and colibacteriosis.

Insufficient concentration of lactobacilli can cause rashes on the skin of the baby
Insufficient concentration of lactobacilli can cause rashes in the baby
  • Lactobacteria are important components of normal intestinal flora. Microorganisms affect the normal emptying of the intestinal tract, provide anti -allergic protection
  • Lack of lactobacilli can cause lactic deficiency, constipation and allergic rashes. Deviations from the norm of content of lactomycorganisms lead to regurgitation, heartburn and other failures in the digestive system of infants
  • Bifidobacteria - important components of normal microflora. These are small "workers" that participate in the digestion of food substances, the synthesis of vitamins, absorption of Fe, CA and many necessary substances in the thin area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine. Bifidobacteria neutralize putrefactive reactions in the digestive tract

Important: bifidobacteria account for 80-90% of the total microflora of newborn-breaststones. A decrease in the level of these microorganisms causes an imbalance in the intestinal microflora and leads to dysbiosis.

Video: Dysbiosis tests, councils of Dr. Komarovsky

Analysis for hormones to a newborn

  • All newborns conduct a mandatory blood test for the presence of a serious congenital disease - hypothyroidism
  • Such testing is carried out with the aim of early diagnosis of the disease. The detection of thyroid -stroke hormone in the blood of the baby in quantities above the norm gives an occasion to diagnose a serious disease - hypothyroidism
  • With this disease, the function of the thyroid gland is reduced, which leads to insufficient development of the brain and the delay of the mental development of the baby
  • Within the framework of the National Project "Health", the Russian Federation is now testing the blood of newborn children for a disease - adrenogenital syndrome
  • The disease is caused by the adrenal cortex congenital dysfunction and leads to serious consequences if the disease is not diagnosed in time
Analyzes for the possibility of genetic pathology are very important
Analyzes for the possibility of genetic pathology are very important

Analysis for genetic diseases to a newborn

It is very important in the early stages of the appearance of the child to detect genetic serious diseases in time. Currently, in Russia, all newborn children give a blood test in the hospital for genetic diseases:

  • phenylketonuria
  • congenital hypothyroidism
  • adrenogenital syndrome
  • galactosemia
  • cystic fibrosis

Phenylketonuria- A serious disease affecting the mental development of the child. The baby has neurological disorders. Treatment with a special diet helps to cope with this ailment.

Galactosemia -the inability to absorb dairy products due to a violation of the exchange process of converting galactose into glucose. The disease affects the liver, kidneys, nervous system. Specialized treatment and diet without the use of dairy products helps in the treatment of the disease.

Cystic fibrosis- severe damage to the respiratory system and digestive system of the baby. There are specialized centers and departments of hospitals where children who suffer from this ailment undergo treatment. The use of drug treatment allows you to alleviate the condition of the child and prevent severe complications and the consequences of the disease.

O congenital hypothyroidism and adrenogenital syndrome Briefly described in the article above.

The state program for examining newborns in the hospital helps to identify hereditary pathology at the very early stage.

If laboratory analysis showed a positive result, testing is carried out again. After repeated confirmation of the diagnosis, the mother with the baby is sent to consult a geneticist.

Parents are responsible for the health of the baby
Parents are responsible for the health of the baby

Memo to young parents

Do not postpone the tests of your children on “later”, in time the testing will help to establish an accurate diagnosis in a quick time and start treatment in time

  • Do not try to “decipher” the child’s analysis indicators yourself. Only an experienced specialist can correctly read the results of the tests
  • Before passing the tests, consult a doctor how to prepare for this procedure and correctly collect biomaterial
  • Antibiotics and other potent medicines should not be taken before laboratory research. If your child has not yet completed the medical course, warn the doctor about it
  • On the eve of analyzes, it is not recommended to undergo ultrasound, x -ray and physiotherapeutic procedures
  • To collect feces, urine and other biomaterial, it is advisable to use special sterile containers
Healthy baby
Healthy baby
  • Conducting planned testing of blood, urine, feces in the first year of the baby’s life is not an empty formality, but mandatory control of the baby's health
  • The necessary laboratory studies will allow you to determine the malfunction of the child in time and take the necessary measures
  • The kid is not yet able to express his complaints and unrest, so timely laboratory testing of blood, urine, feces and other biological fluids will help maintain health to your child

Video: First tests after the birth of a child

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