Signs, causes and treatment of hepatitis A, B, C in children. Hepatitis vaccination for children

Signs, causes and treatment of hepatitis A, B, C in children. Hepatitis vaccination for children

Ways of infection and signs of hepatitis infection in children.

Viral hepatitis is one of the most common diseases. It is in third place after intestinal infections and acute respiratory viral infections in children. Approximately 60-80% of children were sick with viral hepatitis. Most often, children in third world countries are infected, often a disease is called a disease of dirty hands.

Viral hepatitis: symptoms and causes in children

  • There are several causes of viral hepatitis in children. It is worth considering that the types A and E are transmitted by oral-fecal path
  • The virus cells are found in feces and urine and enter the baby's body through the mouth. Most often, children aged 3-9 are sick, this is due to love for toys and unwillingness to wash their hands often
  • Hepatitis C and B is transmitted through blood. Most often, they are sick after visiting the dentist and in departments where blood is overflowed and the organs transplant

About 70% of all hepatitis is type A, it is they who are most often sick in childhood.

You can get infected with the following ways:

  • Playing common toys
  • Visiting a common toilet
  • With non -compliance with the rules of hygiene of a sick person in the process of preparing food

The symptoms of hepatitis of different strains are different.

In general, three phases of the disease can be noted:

  • The incubation period. It can last from several days to several weeks. The patient may have symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections or gastritis. Sometimes pain in the area of \u200b\u200bepigastrics occurs. Doctors at the place of residence often make a diagnosis of SARS or gastritis
  • Prejudice. In this period, the patient's condition worsens. High temperature, vomiting, nausea, weakness may occur. Often there are reactions from the central nervous system. Convulsions, weakness, poor sleep may occur, there are nightmares
  • Jaundice. Already during this period, you can determine the ailment by examining the patient. The skin is painted yellow. On palpation of the liver, its increase is observed. In this period, the patient's condition improves
  • Recovery. The yellowness gradually passes, the liver decreases in size. On palpation is not detected
Viral hepatitis: symptoms and causes in children
Viral hepatitis: symptoms and causes in children

Symptoms of hepatitis A in children

This is the most common type of hepatitis in children. It can occur differently. Most often, an acute form of the disease is found. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are pronounced. The yellowness of the skin and sclera are observed. In addition, the liver is significantly increased.

Symptoms of hepatitis A in children:

  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Dark urine and whitish feces
  • Lack of appetite
  • Increase in the liver
  • Inhibitory

Parents must first pay attention to the color of the bowel movements and take the child to the pediatrician. On palpation of the liver, everything will become clear.

In a mild form, the yellowness passes after 7-10 days. After that, the child recovers. I get 95% of children with a sharp form. The remaining 5% are latent cases without the appearance of yellowness. But in this case, intoxication is stronger, the child recovers for a very long time.

Symptoms of hepatitis in in children

The symptoms of the disease differ from hepatitis A. To become infected with hepatitis B in the womb, during childbirth and during breastfeeding. Often the disease shifts through syringes and dirty surgical instruments.

Symptoms of hepatitis B and stage of the disease:

  • The incubation period. It can last up to 6 months. In this case, the condition resembles gastritis. Diarrhea and vomiting can be observed
  • Prejudice. During this period, the amount of virus in the blood increases sharply. The urine darkens, and the feces become light. The temperature gradually rises
  • Jaundice. During this period, the skin becomes yellow, but the condition does not improve as with hepatitis A, but on the contrary, worsens. The temperature rises to 39 ° C
  • The recovery period. It does not always come if all measures are taken to treat the child can recover. But often there is a deterioration in the condition, the disease acquires a chronic form. If the disease is acquired at infants, then in 70-90% of cases it develops into a chronic
  • Liver cirrhosis, hepatic coma, carcinoma. This period occurs after the yellowing, if the body does not recover. The child gradually dies. The liver cells die

In people who, in infants, have been ill with hepatitis B, in 20-35% of cases in adulthood there is cirrhosis of the liver or carcinoma.

How is hepatitis A and B transmitted?

  • The ways of infection of these strains are different. Hepatitis A can occur as an epidemic at school or in kindergarten. You can just get sick without washing your hands
  • The virus is contained in the patient's bowel movements. Often transmitted through a visit to a common toilet or use of a towel
  • Hepatitis B can be transmitted in intrauterine, it is about 6-8% of cases. But the biggest probability of infection during childbirth is 90% through the blood and mucus of the mother
  • When feeding and leaving a sick mother for a healthy child, the probability of infection 3%. Adolescents who lead a random sex life or drug addicts often get sick
How is hepatitis A and B transmitted?
How is hepatitis A and B transmitted?

Hepatitis A and B vaccination

  • Hepatitis A vaccine in our country is not mandatory. It is recommended to do before leaving for rest in hot countries, when in contact with the patient or with hemophilia and serious liver pathologies. You can put children from 1 year old. Get hepatitis and you can only once in a life
  • Hepatitis B vaccination. The first is done 12 hours after childbirth. The second dose is introduced in a month, and the third after six months
  • This is necessary, since it is now impossible to 100% determine the absence of a virus in the mother. A woman may not suspect a disease. The consequences of infection of the baby are deplorable - cancer, cirrhosis of the liver. That is why the vaccine is introduced by all newborn

Now there is a lot of information about the danger of vaccinations, but cancer and cirrhosis are very serious ailments to expose the baby in danger and abandon vaccination.

Hepatitis A and B vaccination
Hepatitis A and B vaccination

The main symptoms of hepatitis C in children

The symptoms of this ailment are usually blurred. In the incubation period, it is 5-12 weeks, the virus propagates in the body, but the child’s health is normal. After that, jaundice may occur.

It passes after 1 month. There are often cases of latent flow when there is no yellowness of the skin. This is the most dangerous type of ailment. If the child did not receive treatment, then the symptoms subside, but in 70% of cases the ailment becomes chronic and can lead to cirrhosis of the liver or cancer.

The main symptoms of hepatitis C in children
The main symptoms of hepatitis C in children

How is hepatitis C transmitted?

This type of hepatitis is transmitted during childbirth or in the womb. If the child is very severe, then cases of infection in medicalcabines are possible.

This is possible with blood transfusion and during operations. Teenagers can infect sexually or when using one syringe, during drug use.

How is hepatitis C transmitted?
How is hepatitis C transmitted?

Hepatitis treatment

  • All methods of treating hepatitis are based on increasing the protective functions of the body. Usually prescribed a drug based on interferon, the use of antiviral drugs is often shown
  • If hepatitis A causes damage to the spleen and pancreas, then enzymes are prescribed. Pancreatin and hepatoprotectors are often prescribed
  • Usually hepatitis and passes on its own. But it is necessary to observe a diet and use decoctions of herbs or hepatoprotectors. Give drugs that reduce symptoms. These are antipyretic and antipruritic drugs
  • With the hepatitis of group B and C, things are more complicated. If they are not treated, the disease can become chronic. Apply antiviral drugs and interferon. Immunoglobulins are also effective. It is necessary to use hepatoprotectors and adhere to a diet
Hepatitis treatment
Hepatitis treatment

Hepatitis C vaccination for children

Hepatitis C vaccines do not yet exist. But European scientists are engaged in research. There are a group of doctors who examine the developed animal vaccine.

Is it worth a child to vaccinate hepatitis?

  • In Israel and the USA, hepatitis A vaccination is mandatory. In our country, it can be made if there is a great desire
  • In this case, the vaccine will have to be bought independently. It is recommended to vaccinate if outbreaks of the disease are found or in a child a sore liver
  • Hepatitis B vaccine is mandatory. It is done in the hospital, a month after birth and at 6 months. Vaccination helps to prevent hepatitis B infection and protect the baby. The vaccine is well tolerated, rarely causing side effects
Hepatitis vaccination
Hepatitis vaccination

As you can see, it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it. Therefore, do not expose your child’s risk, vaccinate.

Video: hepatitis A, B and C viruses

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