The norm of hemoglobin by age in children: table. Why does the child have increased or reduced hemoglobin?

The norm of hemoglobin by age in children: table. Why does the child have increased or reduced hemoglobin?

A blood test includes many indicators, one of which is hemoglobin. Seeing incomprehensible numbers, many parents begin to panic. What is hemoglobin and what are its norms for children, we learn below.

Hemoglobin is a iron -containing blood protein that is located in red blood cells. Its main role is to carry out gas exchange between lung cells, delivering oxygen to them and taking carbon dioxide.

Hemoglobin also participates in metabolism. The level of this protein as a whole determines the functioning of the body, so any deviation from the norm leads to the development of serious diseases. Thanks to iron atoms in hemoglobin, our blood acquires red.

The gender and age determine the norms of the level of hemoglobin, in women, men and children it is different. Up to 12 years, the floor has no influence.

What should a child have hemoglobin?

Red blood cells
Red blood cells

Hemoglobin of children varies depending on the age group. In infants, the infants, which normalize by the year of his life (is replaced by fetal hemoglobin to glycolized). In a one-year-old child, the norm of hemoglobin is 110 g/l, from 1-3 years the level should not exceed 120 g/l.

Hemoglobin level in children by age, table

Age Level, g/l Average value, g/l
Newborns 135-140 165
Up to 1 month 100-200 139
1-2 months 100-180 112
2-6 months 105-140 126
6 months - 2 years 105-135 120
26 years 115-135 125
6 - 12 years 115-155 135
12-18 years (w) 120-160 145
12-18 years (m) 130-160 140

Hemoglobin in premature children

Premature baby
Premature baby
  • The development of anemia associated with a deficiency of iron in a premature child, the most common pathology. Such children at birth have increased fetal hemoglobin, which is slowly replaced by an adult
  • If this process takes on an average of 3-4 months in a full-term child, then in prematurely it stretches up to a year
  • The body of the newborn contains a large amount of iron, but in premature babies, the ability to reuteize iron is reduced. There is an excretion of this element with feces, which leads to its further deficiency
  • In a premature child, early anemia may appear, which develops from the 4th week of his life and, in most cases, is favorably proceeding. But there is an option and late anemia, manifested at 3-4 months
  • Symptoms of early and late anemia are similar: pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, decrease in appetite, lethargy, dry skin, systolic noise, increase in the size of the liver and spleen, tachycardia and hypochromium

Important: iron deficiency in premature babies leads to the appearance of chronic hypoxia, thereby slowing down physical and mental development

Symptoms and causes, treatment of high hemoglobin in children

Testing for hemoglobin
Testing for hemoglobin

A high hemoglobin indicator may indicate any disease of the internal organ. This is associated with a large production of red blood cells aimed at providing the damaged area with oxygen. A large number of red blood cells leads to thickening blood and a violation of its circulation.

Symptoms High hemoglobin: fatigue, lethargy, lack of appetite, drowsiness or insomnia, increased pressure, the appearance of bruises on the body

Important: when the symptoms are manifested, consult a doctor in order to find out the cause of the increase in hemoglobin

Reason The high content of hemoglobin in the blood can be diseases such as: congenital heart disease and heart failure, tumor processes in the blood system and cancer as a whole, lung fibrosis and pulmonary failure, allergies, intestinal obstruction and increased content of erythropoetin in the kidneys.

In addition to diseases, an increase in hemoglobin levels can cause blood thickening. In particular, this applies to newborns, so it is important to drink the baby, especially in hot weather or hot room.

Important: to control the content of hemoglobin in the blood, passing once a year the corresponding analysis

Treatment of high hemoglobin in children includes:

  • medical examination, in order to diagnose cancer or blood disease and further appropriate treatment
  • treatment procedure using leeches
  • the diet should consist of seafood, vegetables, fruits (except for red), cereals, salads, cottage cheese and beans. Exclude meat, liver, as well as a high cholesterol food

If no disease or pathology was found during the examination, it is not allowed to treat high hemoglobin with drugs. In this case, only abundant drink, balanced diet and fresh air will help reduce the level of hemoglobin to the norm.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin in children

Dizziness in a child
Dizziness in a child

The low level of hemoglobin leads to a decrease in the functionality of the body associated with the lack of oxygen. The disease does not appear for a long time, it is possible to notice it with a deviation from the normal state of the child. The main symptom of reduced hemoglobin is a violation in the immune system (the child is subject to seasonal diseases).

  • The pallor of the skin
  • Dryness of the mucous membranes
  • The instability of the chair
  • Drowsiness and fatigue
  • Irritability and moodiness
  • Violation of thermoregulation
  • Frequent dizziness - also symptoms of low hemoglobin

What does hemoglobin decrease in children? The reasons

Non -use power
Non -use power

The reasons Lower hemoglobin in a child can be all kinds of, so several types of anemia are distinguished:

  • the result of injuries and blood loss (acute anemia)
  • with nasal bleeding (chronic anemia)
  • manifested as a result of iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia)
  • developing under the influence of toxins or lack of enzymes, as well as with the development of autoimmune diseases and hemolytic jaundice (hemolytic anemia)

Reasons include:

  • lack of vitamin B12, folic acid or copper
  • active growth of a child, exceeding normal indicators
  • unstable nutrition
  • early excommunication from the breast of the mother (iron is contained in breast milk and is absorbed by the lactoperrin protein, so the excommunication of the chest or the cessation of lactation leads to a decrease in hemoglobin)
  • dysbiosis (any intestinal disorders affect the absorption of vitamins, macro and trace elements, including iron)
  • heredity

The insufficient flow of iron during pregnancy from the mother for the child and abundant bleeding during the bearing of the fetus increase the risk of the birth of a baby with low hemoglobin.



The diet of a child with low hemoglobin should include iron -containing products, and such as trace elements as copper and manganese:

  • Egg yolks
  • Beef and pork liver
  • Turkey
  • Legumes (peas, beans)
  • Walnuts
  • Beets, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and spinach
  • Pomegranate, apricots, apples, bananas, peaches, grapes, plums
  • Greens
  • Buckwheat, oatmeal
  • Dried fruits
  • Rose hip
  • Wholemeal flour

Thermal treatment does not affect the content of iron in products, so you can drink a child with compote and fed with baked fruits. With the exception of black tea and cereals, because They block the absorption of iron.

Important: with reduced hemoglobin, vegetarianism is strictly prohibited

Medicines and drugs to normalize hemoglobin in children

The use of iron -containing drugs
The use of iron -containing drugs

Proper nutrition may not be enough to normalize hemoglobin, so drug treatment is not rarely prescribed. Medicines and drugs are selected individually for each child, depending on the degree of disease. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 6 months.

Iron -containing drugs:

  • Sorbifer Durules (contraindicated in children under 12 years old)
  • Ferrum Lek (dosage is selected individually. Depending on body weight)
  • Totem (used from 3 months)
  • Ferretab, gland gluconate, peronate, actorrin compositum, maltopher, ferronal, tardiferon, Ferrograd C and others.

In order to avoid problems with hemoglobin, it is important for parents, in the manifestation of symptoms, consult a doctor in a timely manner and examine their child. But first of all, of course, starting with the intrauterine life of the baby, to enrich his body with a sufficient amount of iron. To do this, you need to eat and use vitamins correctly.

Video. Low hemoglobin

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