The phrase "fall into tartarara": origin, meaning

The phrase

“Failing to Tartarara” is phraseologism, which people often use when talking. Read more about its origin in the article.

We use various phrases daily in speech, without thinking about their original meaning and origin. We don’t even think about where they come from and who first said such words.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "12 words and phrases that will beautifully fill in pauses in the conversation". You will find interesting options that will help make the dialogue original.

The phraseological unit “to fail to Tartarara” has an interesting story. In this article you will find a description of the meaning of these words, and also understand the meaning of the phrase. Read further.

Tartar: History, geographical term


Despite the fact that some consider this place not entirely real, but rather mythical, mentioning the word Tartaria Present in cartography. This is the name of the territories located from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific Ocean. In other words, these are the boundaries between China and India. What is this geographical term? Here are a little story:

  • The first information of mankind about Tartaria dates from the 13th century.
  • The trace disappears in the 18th. Today, Tartaria is called internal Eurasia.
  • As a rule, there is a dry climate there, there is a large number of plains, and people are engaged in cattle breeding.
  • It turns out that the famous “Tartarars” are not just a damned place from mythology, but a very real part of our planet.

There is also a city in Russia with a similar name. His story is also mysterious. The place unexpectedly disappeared from the face of the earth. The mention of the city of Tartar, Tartaria and the river with the same name can be found on the map of 1606. These lands were located on the territory of modern Kolyma.

This point on the map is the “brainchild” of the cartographers of the Mercator and Hondus, which carefully and in detail identified Tartaria on their maps. However, descendants still cannot understand what it was - a real land or just a mistake that was reprinted from one atlas to another.

Subsequently Abraham Ortelius He noticed that there are Tartars as a people. He considered them similar to the Scythians. Subsequently, Tartaria forgot. Today, some call it the disappeared empire.

What does the phraseology “fall into tartarara” mean: brief meaning, meaning

"Fail to Tartarar"

The main meaning of phraseology "Fail to Tartarar":

  • "Abyss"
  • "Distant"
  • "Get in flying"
  • "Play to hell"

Once upon a time, a mythical Tartar was called the kingdom of the dead. This is a kind of likeness of hell, where the souls of sinners went. In other words, the very underground where everyone has to be responsible for their bad deeds. Here is the short meaning of the phrase, meaning:

  • Translated from Greek, "Tartarus" means "hell".
  • However, this is not a fiery hell in itself, but the abyss that is under it.
  • It is believed that there is no return from there.
  • Of course, the possessions of Aida are considered by many in a figurative sense. According to this, "Fly to tartarara" means "Disfect" without a trace "," evaporate ".


  1. For the summer, Artem and Lena wanted to go to the resort in Turkey, but then the girl was not given a vacation, and all plans flew to Tartarars.
  2. “Everything is flying to Tartarara,” thought Dima when he realized that he had not acted, “he would have to trample the parade ground instead of the university. That is OK. It’s good that it is only a year to serve now. ”
  3. Honestly, I really did not want everything to fly to Tartarara. Therefore, I deliberately did not tell my friends that I had a girlfriend. I didn't want to jinx it. But from somewhere they still recognized and began to congratulate me. As they say, the Earth is full of rumors.
  4. - It all went to Tartarara! - thought Vova - The weather is so beautiful on the street, and I have to sit at home and prepare for the control in algebra! I think there will be nothing wrong if I throw cramming and go to the concert. Anyway, the exhaust class. And they need statistics. I will get my three anyway. Will they not leave me in the second year?

Below even more useful and necessary information. Read further.

"Fail to Tartarara": The origin of phraseological units according to the dictionary

"Fail to Tartarar"

This phrase "Fail to Tartarar" It is characterized as vernacular. It is considered expressive and has such basic meanings: "Die", "disappear forever", "fall through the ground" etc. The origin of the phraseological unit according to the dictionary was described above. Often this phrase is used in the meaning:

  • "So that you disappear"
  • "Lost all the loss"
  • "All plans fly to hell"
  • “Go to all hell”, etc.

One way or another, the expression has a rude-indifferent coloring, and certainly does not hint at the rainbow and carelessness of the situation.


  • Yes, so that you fail to Tartarara! How could you take my husband’s family?
  • Vita now wanted everything, anything: to fall into tartarara, to turn into a person-invisible, fly away on a carpet. Just not to stand and not listen to maternal instructions.
  • It was not possible to fail to Tartarar. Therefore, Lida had to dutifully eat a rag through the dirty window, experiencing a feeling of shame. After all, her friends with their guys are now sitting under the porch and chuckling at the fact that she is sitting at home, punished as a little girl

This phrase has a mythological origin. More details described below.

"Fail to Tartarara": the mythological origin of phraseology

"Fail to Tartarar"

It has long been believed that the kingdom of the dead controls Hades - Brother Zeus. Shadows wandered in Tartar - the souls of the deceased sinners who could not find peace. By the way, defeated titans and cyclops were also thrown there. One -handed giants reliably guarded these crappy creatures so that they would not get to the surface. Here is the mythological origin of phraseology "Fail to Tartarar":

  • The myths of Tartar are described as an underground abyss, as far from the ground as the sky.
  • Hesiod wrote that if you drop a copper anvil into Tartar, then it will fly 9 days - there was such a big distance.
  • Tartar surrounded the triple layer of darkness. God Erebas sent him. There were also copper walls.
  • The authors of Ancient Greece indicate that Tartar is located in the north. Then the concept changed - and it began to be considered the most distant corner of Aida.

There are references to Tartar during late antiquity. In the era of the Middle Ages, all the lands forgotten by God and distant corners were called - and not just a gloomy mythological place.

"Fail to Tartarara": direct and figurative meaning of phraseology

Phrase "Fail to Tartarar" You can use in various meanings and meanings. In a figurative sense, this phraseologism means:

  • "Distant"
  • "Abyss"
  • "Fuck to hell"

As for direct significance, it may well be used in literature, history and mythology.

  1. The souls of sinners flew to Tartarara (direct meaning).
  2. It is a pity that everything is flying to Tartarara. I thought we would meet today (figurative meaning).
  3. I would send all those who pester me at school (direct importance) to Tartarara.
  4. Well, the mushrooms are all flying to Tartarara! I thought that we would go to nature. And in the end, I had to sit at home with a little sister (figurative value).

To learn all of the above material, you should learn to select synonyms for this phrase. You will find several of these words below. Read further.

Synonyms for phraseological units "fall into tartarar": how to choose the right thing, an explanation in one word

"Fail to Tartarar"  

To this phraseological unit "Fail to Tartarar" You can choose the right many synonyms. You need to build on the word "abyss". Moreover, both in the literal and figurative sense. Here are synonyms, an explanation in one word:

  • "Fuck to hell"
  • "Get in flying"
  • "Die"
  • "Distant"
  • "Abyss"

So we can talk about both people and objects and phenomena. And even about events. Quite often, human plans, hopes and dreams fly to Tartarar. A more “folk” synonym - “cover yourself with a copper basin”.

How to make a proposal with phraseological unit "Fail Tartarar": Examples

Now that you already know and understand the meaning of the phrase, you can make proposals with it. To do it is simple. How to make a proposal with phraseology “who is looking for, he will always find”? Here are examples:

  • "You went to Tartarar!" - Katya muttered, looking at the school historian - “Wow! What others write off, did not notice! And I immediately took a notebook from under the desks, and took the smartphone. It remains only to hope for those cheat sheets that are hidden under the skirt. Another wiped to the eraser on a pencil.
  • Everything flew to Tartarars, but the guys did not want to give up. All because Mishin’s dad, a famous pianist in the past, taught his son more than once: “Even if you faded, hesitated or mistaken, the concert should continue. Do as if nothing had happened. " Naturally, in the case of a Mishina group, there was an error on an error. And the guys perfectly understood that they would not take even third place in the competition. But it was necessary to play the program to the end.
  • Let everything fly to Tartarars! I want to be magical worlds!
  • Though burned with shame, at least it fell into tartarara!
  • “You went to Tartarar! Where did he come from here? " - The dumbfounded Petya recoiled from the computer. His character was killed by a virtual German. “It was better to look around,” Kolya burst out laughing, “I went through this level 10 times and already remembered the scheme. One hides around the corner, then two more in an ambush under the stairs, and the third - near the bridge. "

It is interesting in the meaning of this phrase that Tartar was really on the map. And in mythology, this place existed. Phraseologism was invented precisely on the basis of these facts. This phrase is also used in the modern world. Surely, each person heard such words at one time or another of his life.

Video: What was covered by Tartaria? Lies of the "historian" about Tartaria

Video: Tartaria - only facts. Part 1. Updated version of the trilogy

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