The phrase "after us is at least a flood": origin, meaning

The phrase

The phrase “after us at least a flood” is a phrase that has an interesting origin and meaning. More details are written in the article.

Rarely, one of the people think about the origin of certain phrases that they often pronounce. Many phrases have a bright and difficult story with the baggage of hundreds of years behind the shoulders.

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"After us, at least a flood" - We can say with confidence that many people live by this principle. They do not protect, do not value what they have or what nature has given to them. But what true origin is this phrase? What does she really mean? Read about this in this article.

Who said the phrase “after us at least a flood” is the author: to whom it belongs, the origin

"After us, at least a flood"

Each person is selfish by nature. He can live with the needs of his loved ones and friends - but this does not deny the fact that "his own shirt is closer to the body." Quite often, the personality is checked in difficult situations. When you yourself are in danger, you involuntarily forget about moral principles, about the image of a “bright knight”, exuding compliance with moral standards. Understand the phrase "After us, at least a flood" Simple enough. What is her origin? Who belongs to, who said first?

  • The main thing for this or that person is to accomplish your plans, to finish the matter to the end.
  • What will happen in the future, he is no longer worried. The main thing is to put the "plus" in your own karma.
  • By the way, the expression was borrowed from the French language. In the original, it sounds like "Apres Nous Le Deluge".

But who is considered its author? There are at least 4 versions:

  • According to the first, the tirade said Jeanne Antoinette Poisson (he is the Marquis de Pompadur). According to legend, this is how she comforts her “favorite” and Louis's lover 15. His army was then defeated under Rosbakh.
  • However, not all historians are in solidarity with this. Some believe that the author of the phrase - Philip Orleans, regent.
  • Still others believe that "after at least a flood" he said himself Louis 15. But this version is the most “flimsy”.
  • And the fourth option - the phrase is formed from the Greek proverb, which reads "Me Mortuo Terra Misceatur Igni" — "After death, the earth burns with fire". In fact, the meaning is the same. After all, the departed is indifferent to what will happen after him on this sinful land. It turns out that the expressions are identical. By the way, the author of the phrase is Tiberius.

Guided by the chronological sequence of all events, we can say that the first "After us, at least a flood" He said exactly Tiberius, and then quoted it marquise de Pompadur.

The phrase "after us at least a flood": meaning

This statement is a hymn to the modern time in which everyone lives one day and only their problems. Few people listen to someone else's grief, few show mercy, risking themselves and limiting themselves in something. Saying a phrase "After us, at least a flood" People openly express their indifference in relation to the future and consequences of their actions. For them, the main thing is to do what is needed now. The rest does not bother them.

In other words, the meaning of this phrase is as follows:

  • What is happening to people what is happening now. They do not want to think about something global.
  • Solving your own domestic problems is what is needed and important.
  • The influence of their actions on other personalities, peace, humanity - all this, in this case, is superfluous.

This often happens in life. Personal well -being, health and life are always more valuable than the interests of a different person. To “check” it is worth asking a person the question of what he will do in case of mortal danger-he will save someone or worry about someone's property and interests, or he will simply “save his skin”. More than 50% of people will certainly make the latter. The rest can already be called heroes and idealists.

Without a doubt, the phrase expresses complete indifference to the consequences, to the final outcome. With his actions, a person can bring destructive and destructive events. But, pursuing his goals, he does not want to think about it.

Synonyms for the phrase "after us at least a flood"

Synonyms for phrases are not easy to choose. To do this, you need to know the meaning. Here, for example, synonyms for the phrase "After us, at least a flood":

  • Your shirt closer to the body
  • And then - at least the grass does not grow
  • Universal prosperity, etc.

By this principle, you can independently come up with synonyms for words or whole phrases.

The phrase "after us at least a flood": an example of use

"After us, at least a flood"

To fix the material and understand the topic, it is worth considering examples of use. Here are a few sentences to the phrase "After us, at least a flood":

  • “I don’t even want to listen to anything,” objected Victor, ““ repair should be completed by the 25th number. I don't care what the neighbors will say. You can work even after 10 pm. The main thing is to hand over the object on time - and after us, at least a flood ".
  • In youth, many people are windy and reckless. They risk their own life and revel in egoism. Say, the main thing is that we are good. And after us - at least a flood.
  • Katya asked her sister hundreds of times, not to drain the fat from fried chicken into the sink. But Dasha, upon arrival, always did everything the way she wanted. Why go somewhere if you can devote 2 minutes? And after - at least a flood. Of course, Katya always had to grit his teeth, remove for a negligent relative.
  • My friends are always like this: they are attacking, whistling. Say, the main thing is that it is easier for us. And after us - at least a flood.
  • That stuck! Give me a certificate and that's it! But nothing that we officially have the right to write them out until the 12th? He doesn’t care: “I got a piece of paper, and after me - at least a flood ".

Now you know the meaning of this phrase. In order to fully assimilate the material, try to make sentences on your own and combine them in the text. So you can understand how these words are used, in what context. Good luck!

Video: After us, at least a flood | Zadornov on Ren-TV

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