The phrase "beauty will save the world": origin, meaning, examples from literature

The phrase

This article describes the origin of the phrase "Beauty will save the world."

When people say "Beauty will save the world" The appearance is not always meant. Often we are talking about mental beauty. We can hear this phrase on the street, on TV, in videos on the Internet, etc.

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This article describes where the phrase came from "Beauty will save the world". You will also find below examples from literature on this topic, arguments for essay, etc. Read more.

Who owns the phrase “Beauty will save the world” - where, origin: who is the author, whose words, who said?

"Beauty will save the world"

We can say that these words have 2 author. To whom the phrase belongs, where did the words come from "Beauty will save the world"? Whose words, who said? Here are a few facts:

  • The first - F.M.Dostoevskywho used these words in his novel.
  • The second is the character Hippolytus Terentyev, from whose mouth it sounded. However, there is a third, “secret” source of the phrase. This is the prince Myshkinwhich the hero quotes.

U Dostoevsky Incredible talent was traced - many phrases introduced by him into their works, later became winged. Therefore, the origin of many words attributes to this particular writer. Novel "Moron"in which it was used, was written in 1868"Moron" It implies the story of a man very strange, but, in his own way, brilliant. He is a little naive, clean and kind with heart. He is considered a little crazy, “not from the world of everything” - but at the same time, he knows how to feel, believe, hope and love.

Virtue in the main character reaches stupidity. They are intertwined - therefore, it is sometimes impossible to understand that this is idiocy or sensitivity. This is where the work was built. The hero is trying to find beauty in everything: in events, people, the world. It approaches everything from an aesthetic point of view.

However, such a vision of the world and people in the novel is irony. Nevertheless, people even envy the ability of the protagonist to make out the beautiful in almost everything. But, despite this, the image of Terentyev is not the main one. He laughs at the naivety of the prince, of his "idiotic aesthetics."

Hippolytus himself does not see in the phrase "Beauty will save the world" practical meaning. Terentyev, on the contrary, appreciates the material - condition, physical beauty, advantageous position in society. But Dostoevsky himself is more similar to Prince Myshkin. He worships the beauty of the internal, considering it a kind of divine manifestation. In people, the writer most appreciates the fullness of the perception of the world and honesty. Myshkin is from these. However, people do not understand him. Therefore, he remains unhappy.

How to understand the phrase "beauty will save the world": meaning

"Beauty will save the world"

Fedor Mikhailovich calls on humanity to understand that the main thing is the rich inner world of a person, God's spark in him, his spiritual impulses and human qualities - and not a stately figure, a purse, or a high rank. Man is the creation of the Lord. He is beautiful in all of his diversity and a priori is perfect. After all, this is a kind of "crown of creation." As for physical beauty, this is a coming property.

Attractiveness is fading over the years, and then old age comes. And this is inevitable, both for “beauties and handsome men”, and for those who have a mediocre appearance. And only the beauty of the soul lives for centuries, it is not subject to time. Therefore, as written above, pronouncing the phrase "Beauty will save the world", people imply mental beauty, not appearance. This is its meaning.

  • Dostoevsky identifies beauty with God.
  • Therefore, his phrase that the world will be saved by beauty can be reinterposed to another "Christ is the Savior of the world".
  • Accordingly, the world will save kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity, sacrifice, humility, modesty and other Christian virtues.

Moreover, it is necessary to learn to see the beautiful where it (at first glance) is not. This is much more difficult than enjoying the beauty of physical, obvious. Such perception of the world requires certain spiritual qualities that most people do not have or they are in a shortage.

Let us recall the phrase of Dostoevsky “Beauty will save the world”: Examples from literature

In Tolstoy’s novel "War and Peace" There are two opposites: Helen and Natasha Rostova.

  • The first is beautiful outwardly, but at the same time, its spiritual qualities leave much to be desired. Helen - Superficial, vile, dishonest.
  • But Natasha You cannot call a beauty. However, she is a kind and good person.
  • By the way, a similar character and Marya Bolkonskaya. She is considered ugly, men do not pay attention to her. But at the same time, the heroine has a rich inner world.

Therefore, remembering the phrase Dostoevsky "Beauty will save the world", you can give more such examples from literature:

  • This category includes and Pierre Bezukhov. The author describes him as a loose young man with glasses (in contrast to the handsome Andrei Bolkonsky).
  • Nevertheless, having become more familiar with Pierre, we can conclude that he is a shallow, with his principles, inclined to thoughts, a pleasant and decent person.

Accordingly, in order to be useful and valuable, to leave behind a trace in this world or someone likes someone, it is not at all necessary to have a model appearance. The main thing is to be a person - and then there will be someone who loves and appreciates dignity.

Comment on the phrase "Beauty will save the world": Arguments for essay

"Beauty will save the world"

If you need to write an essay on the topic "Beauty will save the world", then it is important for you to prepare arguments. You can comment on this phrase using several literary characters:

  • In the work "Crime and Punishment" — Sonya Marmeladov He sincerely believes that it is precisely the spiritual beauty of man and his virtues that is the same driving force that contributes to the improvement of the world.
  • Despite the fact that Sonya herself is not the ideal of beauty, it contains God's spark and sacrifice. The girl is engaged in "not quite decent activity" in order to feed her family.
  • However, it is she who instills Raskolnikov Correct values \u200b\u200bare trying to raise spirituality in it.
  • In the process of communicating with her, the killer even begins to regret his act. He understands that his strategy was wrong.

One more example - Danko. Old Isergil In the work of M. Gorky, he says that he is beautiful. Namely, such people are capable of exploits. However, it means not only external attractiveness, but also the beauty of the soul.

Composition on the topic "Beauty will save the world"

"Beauty will save the world"

Phrase Dostoevsky It reminds us that the imperfections of this world can be eliminated only when perfection and harmony reign in it. Naturally, we are talking about the transformation of spiritual, not physical. It is necessary to start with yourself and educate a multifaceted, full -fledged person with a rich inner world. Here's the essay on the topic "Beauty will save the world":

It is important to notice the manifestations of beauty. After all, it is everywhere - not everyone can see it. Anyone who wants to observe only the negative - as a rule, lives in a gray, joyless dull world. And the optimist is able to make out the pluses in any situation.

In other words, it is necessary to live on the principles of beauty and spirituality. After all, any person is beautiful only when there is a “God's spark” in him. If his soul is empty, and his heart is callous, then no “ideal parameters” will save. It is also necessary to love people and the surrounding world, to be understanding and open, to show mercy and compassion.

By the way, it is the spiritual beauty that heals. So happened with Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky. He was disappointed after a severe wound and the loss of his wife. But Natasha was able to return him to life. She also positively influenced the fate Pierre Bezukhov. Natasha Rostova became his support and support. Thus Bezukhov gained self -confidence. He found his purpose.

An example of a phrase "Beauty will save the world" From life can be called Nika Vuychich. A public figure, philanthropist and writer have neither hands nor legs. However, he is engaged in social work and makes this world better. Physical imperfections do not at all prevent this man from living a full life. Moreover, when communicating with him, many “healthy” people realize that they lack the whole multifaceted of the inner world, all that spiritual beauty, as well as the willpower that this person has.

The congenital “ugliness” did not prevent Nick from taking place in life, achieve fame, and also become a loving husband and a large father. He holds seminars around the world, urging people to realize their potential, leave complexes, show their talents, despite the seemingly “unprofitable” circumstances.

This example is really amazing. After all, a person with “disabilities”, self -confidence and desire to motivate others for useful achievements are much larger than those who were born “full -fledged” and a priori attractive person.

Video: How to understand the phrase of Dostoevsky "Beauty will save the world"

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