The phonetic analysis of the word "hedgehog", by sounds: sound-considerable analysis, color scheme of the word

The phonetic analysis of the word

With the help of information in this article, you will learn how to make a phonetic analysis of the word "hedgehog".

Not only in the primary, but also senior schools, teachers in the Russian language are set to make a phonetic analysis of the word by sounds. If the student did not learn the material in the lesson, then it is difficult for him to complete his homework. This article will help to learn the material on phonetics and make the analysis of the word "hedgehog". Read further.

Make a phonetic analysis of the word "hedgehog", by sounds: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 grade

Phonetics is a section of the Russian language associated with linguistics. At school, they begin to acquaint children when they only delve into the processes taking place in Russian. This helps to make training more conscious, since without phonetic knowledge it is impossible to fully form either written skills or reading skills.

Tasks on phonetic analysis of the word are set not only in 2, 3 and 4 classes, but also in grade 5, 6 and 7. This helps to fix the material covered. Here is the analysis of the word "hedgehog" By phonetics and sounds:

Phonetic analysis of the word
Phonetic analysis of the word "hedgehog"

When analyzing this word form, this rule is used:

  • The vowel letter at the beginning of the word is iodized and denotes 2 sounds.

Now you know how to make out these words by sounds, and phonetics will help you understand the process of building word forms in Russian.

"Hedgehog"-phonetic analysis of the word in composition: sound-considerable analysis

Homework may sound not just to make a phonetic analysis of the word in composition, but to perform a sound-considerable analysis of the word "hedgehog". This is the same. So, we repeat to remember:

Phonetic analysis of the word
Phonetic analysis of the word "hedgehog"

This is how you need to write in a notebook in the Russian language:

Phonetic analysis of the word
Phonetic analysis of the word "hedgehog"

Color diagram of the word "hedgehog": compilation algorithm

Color diagram of the word
Color diagram of the word "hedgehog"

So that the kids are better remembered by the material according to phonetics, the teacher should explain that a specific color corresponds to each sound in Russian:

  • Vowels are indicated in red
  • Hard consonants - cold blue
  • Soft - warm green

Here is an algorithm for compiling a sound diagram of a word form:

The color scheme of the word
The color scheme of the word

For example:

Color diagram of words
Color diagram of words

According to the above information, now you can compile a color scheme by the word "hedgehog":

Color diagram of the word
Color diagram of the word "hedgehog"

Phonetic analysis of words: “hedgehog”, “bear”, “circus”

You already know how to make a phonetic analysis of a word "hedgehog". Let's now practice other word forms, for example, "bear" and "the circus".

The phonetic analysis of the word
The phonetic analysis of the word "bear"

Color scheme by sounds:

Color diagram of the word
Color diagram of the word "bear"

Now we will do the analysis of the word similarly "the circus":

The phonetic analysis of the word
The phonetic analysis of the word "circus"

The color scheme of the word by sounds:

Color diagram of the word
Color diagram of the word "circus"

The phonetic analysis of the word "hedgehog" and "strength": by sounds

Another couple of words, the analysis of which is set at school at home. Phonetic analysis of the word "hedgehog" there is above in the text, and the analysis of the word "strength" Let's do it in sounds together. Let's start with phonetics:

Phonetic analysis of the word
Phonetic analysis of the word "strength"

The color scheme of this word form looks like this:

Color diagram of the word
Color diagram of the word "strength"

Now you know how to make a phonetic analysis of words and realized why in some words the same number of letters and sounds, but in others there are no. Good luck!

Video: phonetic analysis of words

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