Soft sign in the middle and end of the numerals: spelling, rule, examples. Word fifteen, thousands: with a soft sign or not?

Soft sign in the middle and end of the numerals: spelling, rule, examples. Word fifteen, thousands: with a soft sign or not?

In this article, we will talk about how to properly use a soft sign in the numerals, and when it is not required.

Writing numerals is a very important issue in the school curriculum. Often, schoolchildren, and adults themselves make mistakes in them. This applies to the use of a soft sign. To make the mistakes less or not at all, we decided to make out this question and tell how the soft sign is used correctly.

Soft sign in the numerals - how and in what cases is used?

Soft sign in numerals
Soft sign in numerals

Numbers from five to ten end with a soft sign always. In addition, it is used at the end of each number ending on "TITH".

If you pronounce the rest of the numerals, it will immediately become clear that at the end this letter is not used. Often, when writing, errors are made in terms of writing "B". For example, fifteen thousand. The word is written correctly without a soft sign, since at the end there is a hissing letter and it is not required to soften it.

If the numeral is complex, then his soft sign can be used in the middle, for example, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred.

If the numeral indicates the serial number, then it can also be used in it in the middle of the soft sign - seventh. This rule is also applicable to collective, for example, eight.

Sometimes the numeral itself in the initial form is written without a soft sign, but when declining suddenly it appears. This applies to the quantitative numeral - four or four.

Often, children confuse the rules of writing and write soft signs in simple numerals. So that this is not, it should be remembered by a simple rule that such words can only be at the end and not everyone.

Even often a soft sign is missed. For example, instead of "seventy" write "Seventy". You can check the correctness of writing a word if you divide it. In our case, it will turn out "seven hundred".

Video: "B" In numerals

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