Natural stimulation of childbirth at home: we drive the baby

Natural stimulation of childbirth at home: we drive the baby

This article describes the methods of natural stimulation of childbirth, as well as the reasons when it is necessary, and contraindications.

Birth stimulation is an intentional attempt to call this process artificially. But there is also natural stimulation. Many future mothers resort to her for various reasons. This helps to bring the time of childbirth, but in a safer way than with artificial drug stimulation in the hospital. Read more about this type of call of labor, read below.

Natural stimulation of childbirth at 40 weeks at home: how is it carried out and when is needed?

Natural stimulation of childbirth at 40 weeks at home
Natural stimulation of childbirth at 40 weeks at home

To accelerate labor, they are stimulated by childbirth. It can take place naturally at home or in the hospital of the hospital. Naturally stimulate childbirth at 40 weeks Maybe the future mother herself at home, but if it is recommended by your obstetrician-gynecologist.

If we are stimulated in the hospital, then various medications are used for this in the form of hormones, prostaglandins or a special gynecological catheter. Methods of natural stimulation are more gentle and safe for mom and child. When such stimulation is needed and how to conduct it correctly, read below.

Democents of childbirth naturally: Causes

Stimulation of childbirth naturally
Stimulation of childbirth naturally

A pregnant woman decides to naturally stimulate childbirth for several reasons. Here is some of them:

The appearance of protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure

  • These symptoms are precursors of growing gestosis.
  • Gestosis - This is a dangerous state of a woman’s body during pregnancy, which pares a threat to both the mother and the unborn child.
  • With increased pressure, some drug techniques of stimulation, for example, stimulation of oxytocin are dangerous.
  • But the independent stimulation of childbirth should be approached with particular caution. You can provoke a premature early delivery.

Fear of birth injuries at the birth of a large child

  • In this case, only future mothers who have a narrow pelvis have evidence for stimulation.
  • Although in this case, the weight of the fetus plays a large role, but the circumference of the baby's head.
  • It is worth noting that very often when doctors write to honey. map - large fruit, a child with an average weight is born - in 3500 gr.
  • So panic of a pregnant woman is often premature.

Insomnia, lower back pain, frequent visits to the toilet

  • Such symptoms face 99% of pregnant women. And this is not a reason to give birth ahead of time.
  • Not all women give birth on the day that is calculated by the doctor.
  • If there are no signs of fetal suffering, then you can give birth one to two weeks later than the set period.

There are no symptoms of approaching childbirth

  • Some women do not have any harbingers to the very fights.
  • Neither the back aches, nor the stomach drops. And the traffic jam retires already on the maternity couch.

A memorable date

  • The desire to give birth to a pregnant woman on a clearly defined day.
  • It is worth setting down your “Wishlist” into the background.
  • Wait for the natural arrival of fights and do not expose the life of a child in danger.

The future mother may have other reasons for stimulating childbirth, but all risks need to be taken into account. Perhaps it is better to wait for the period that is determined by the pregnancy or nature of the child.

Natural methods of stimulation of childbirth: Review of methods

Natural ways to stimulate childbirth
Natural ways to stimulate childbirth

Natural stimulation childbirth excludes any medical actions. Exactly that's why many mom they prefer exactly these methods  for appearance long -awaited baby in established term.

Important: Even natural acceleration generic activities must to be assigned gynecologist. Especially if  arise factors risk or, pregnancy starts exceed established term.

Necessarily beside must be that, who will be to control process and render support for the future mother. Here is a review of proven methods that really help:


  • Measured walking stimulates disclosure shakes uterus.
  • In time movements child starts press on the uterus, what stimulates her disclosure.

Sexual act

  • If a before he was  forbidden in the latter months pregnancy, then now this is  is natural stimulation childbirth.
  • AT sperm contained prostaglandin, which the does pulsation uterus more intense.

Physical loads

  • Climb rods, of course, excluded.
  • Feasible loads in form home cases or unhurried campaign on stairs, they will help bring closer cherished hour.
  • Charger and dance abdomen so the same not contradict medical recommendations.

Nipples stimulation with massage

  • This increases the level of oxytocin in the blood, which leads to the speedy disclosure of the cervix.


  • Massage special points on the hands: between the thumb and forefinger, in the sacrum, at the base of the little finger of the little finger.
  • It is believed that these points are associated with the female genitals.

Castor oil

  • Castor oil possesses relaxing effect.
  • Neck uterus revealed much faster.
  • Those more this is means will allow clean intestines before clans.


  • A small amount is inserted into the cervix.
  • Laminarias swell there and stretch the cervical canal.
  • This method has been practiced by women for no century.

The main thing remember, what childbirththis is natural process, which the ends appearance baby. Natural stimulation allows not to risk life neither future mom, neither child.

Contraindications of natural stimulation of childbirth

Bearing a large fetus - stimulation of childbirth is contraindicated
Bearing a large fetus - stimulation of childbirth is contraindicated

Despite the naturalness of the process, this type of stimulation of childbirth has its own contraindications:

  • Any stimulation is contraindicated in gestosis, since in this diagnosis, arterial hypertension is observed with the appearance of protein in the urine. This laboratory indicator indicates an unfavorable course of gestosis, especially if it increases.
  • When bearing a large fetus, acceleration of the onset of labor is not required.
  • If the previous birth ended with the Caesarean section and there are scars on the uterus.
  • It is forbidden to stimulate childbirth, especially at home without a doctor’s supervision, if the future mother in the womb has the incorrect position of the baby, for example, across the abdomen.
  • Do not stimulate childbirth if a woman has a narrow basin.
  • If the fetal head is greater than the birth canal of the expectant mother.
  • The unsatisfactory well -being of the baby is usually visible during an ultrasound on the cardiomonitor.

It is also better to abandon this process in the presence of:

  • An allergic reaction, for example, to kelp.
  • Pathologies or features of the structure of the genitals.
  • Tendency to severe bleeding.
  • Problems with the heart and vessels of mom, shortness of breath, back pain, high pressure during the entire pregnancy or some of its periods.

In fact, there are a lot of contraindications, starting from the simplest in the form of the presence of a thrush’s mother, and ending with complex and serious - the complete presentation of the placenta.

What is better natural birth or stimulation in the hospital?

Natural birth is better
Natural birth is better

Previously, women gave birth naturally. Many suffered fights that could last up to 2 days. Medical workers and doctors did not interfere in this process, but only observed the well -being of the mother and the child. Now everything is simpler, you can make medication or catheter stimulation, and a woman gives birth without long torment.

But what is better than natural childbirth or stimulation in the hospital? Let's understand together:

Pain threshold

  • During natural birth, the uterus is revealed, pain receptors are triggered, which give signals about unbearable pain to the brain, endorphin is released. It helps to dull pain.
  • With stimulation, the brain does not understand that endorphins are needed, so the pain will be very strong and unbearable. Often women in labor are asked to do anesthesia.


  • During the natural process, the woman in labor chooses a comfortable pose for her.
  • With stimulation, the woman in labor is observed by a doctor and is under a dropper, so the movements are limited.

Reflex of pushing

  • The tribal process in the body, which usually takes place, creates all the conditions for promoting the baby, adrenaline is released.
  • Artificially caused labor, passes without reflexes, so you can not do without the help of a qualified doctor.

Protection of the baby

  • During childbirth, oxytocin should fall into the placenta, thereby protecting the baby from oxygen starvation.
  • During stimulation, this hormone is not produced, there is a great chance of a child to obtain hypoxia.

As you can see, natural birth is better than stimulation. Although doctors argue that if the health of the future mother and child allows, then you can accelerate the process so as not to torment a woman or a child. Even natural stimulation is after normal ordinary births, because, although it is considered safe, it is still an activation of processes unnatural for the body.

Natural birth without stimulation: stories, reviews

Natural birth without stimulation
Natural birth without stimulation

During a natural birth, a woman takes a convenient pose in which she can correctly and easily survive fights and attempts. The fact is that in a lying position in which women in labor are usually located during stimulation, large vessels are squeezed, little oxygen enters the bloodstream. Therefore, this option is not always considered suitable. Modern women are afraid to give birth on their own, always ask to do anesthesia or conduct stimulation. But what is the best - natural birth or stimulation. Read the stories and reviews of future mothers who gave birth yourself:

Irina, 24 years old

I gave birth myself - without injections and other types of stimulation. I want to note that all the staff of the hospital strictly followed me and the unborn child. During the fights (they lasted 12 hours), I could even consume food, it was allowed. Light snacks helped me distract from pain and positively affected my mood. But they didn’t give a lot to drink, I used only water and light drinks without pulp. I gave birth without gaps quickly and almost at all hurt.

Nonna, 29 years old

I know that the stimulation of childbirth is not provided for everyone. The introduction of oxytocin can be painful, and the risk of postpartum bleeding increases. Refusal to use medicines for the appearance of contractions is a guarantee of the birth of a healthy child, excludes his entry into intensive care. This was told to us at the school of young mothers. In addition, my sister works in the hospital. She explained to me that each case is considered separately. There are usually no strict recommendations for refusal or the use of drugs for causing contractions. But, if we compare the condition of the born child without and with stimulation, then in the first case he will feel much better.

Anna, 28 years old

She gave birth without stimulation. It was a very long time, but not so painful. Fights passed easily. But I was very worried in the first birth, so I was very tired. I decided not to take risks, and my doctor did not advise stuffing myself with pills or making punctures. I'm happy. The birth went well. My son and I feel good. As I understand it, stimulation is needed only for those who have health problems or problems with childbirth as a whole. Everything went successfully and without complaints. Next time I also plan to give birth naturally without stimulants.

It is worth noting that if mom learns to cope with pain without using drugs, then the probability of the birth of a healthy child increases significantly. They rarely come to stimulation if the situation or state of health requires it. Therefore, give birth to a natural way, or in extreme cases, try natural stimulation. Good luck!

Video: Natural methods of stimulation of childbirth! How to accelerate childbirth?

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