Emblems of the world of the world with names: description, features, machines icons

Emblems of the world of the world with names: description, features, machines icons

Want to know what emblems of the world of the world exist? Read the article, it describes the logos of almost all existing machines.

Just as young fashionistas thoroughly understand the popular brands of clothing and cosmetics, so men will converge that there are a great many brands of cars. Moreover, each of them has its own model, which differs not only in the type of body, but also by technical indicators.

Read on our website article about the most expensive car in the world. You will find out how much it costs and a lot of other interesting information.

Some of the cars are designed to move around the city. Some are useful to residents of rural areas, since they brilliantly conquer even the most “fierce” off -road. One way or another, the auto industry develops simply with a frantic pace, giving the ground for thought and choice.

Emblems and brands of the world of the world: features of names and role in history

Emblems and brands of the world
Emblems and brands of the world

World industry produces hundreds of brands of cars, each of which has its own unique name. Almost every brand of car, be it "Volkswagen" or "Opel", has its own unique emblem.

  • Car signs are real works of art.
  • After all, many people worked and work on their production as carefully as the mechanisms.
  • Moreover, over the years, some concerns deliberately change their distinctive signs or complement them, modernize.
  • These are peculiar brands that contribute to the successful development of business.
  • Symbolism is nothing more than centuries -old efforts of a particular company, and an indicator of absolute quality, the face of the country.

The practice of recent years has shown that the “steering wheel” has an Asian manufacturer. When creating machines, the already analyzed experience of designers and drivers is used, modern approaches to the car industry, the wishes of customers are taken into account. Experts are sure that every year the car will be more and more functional, compact, economical. Below you will find all the emblems and brands of the world of the world. Read further.

Emblems of domestic cars (A-I): brands, cars, badges, logos

Emblems of domestic cars
Emblems of domestic cars

There are many different machines in the domestic automotive industry market. Accordingly, there are also many badges that are improved by manufacturers, and even new ones are produced. Below you will find emblems and a brief description of domestic cars (from A to Z). There are many of them, and many of them are popular not only among our compatriots, but also among foreign consumers. Of course, these are not all the brands that exist, but we picked up the most productive and famous. Read further.

BelAZ: name, emblem

Belaz emblem
Belaz emblem

This company is famous for its excellent dump trucks. Full title - Belarusian automobile plant. The dump trucks of this manufacturer have the largest carrying capacity of all possible. You can transport up to 360 t. Although "Belaz" Significantly succeeded in the production of vehicles and construction equipment. They did not particularly “bother” over the logo or emblem - this is just the inscription in Latin letters of blue. By the way, one of the models, BELAZ-75710- This is a dump truck with the greatest opportunities and dimensions. And this is all over the world.

Therefore, the “Belazovites” and their compatriots, of course, have something to be proud of. Not only Germans, Japanese and Swedes can “blow up” the market. Ours, too,, as they say, are not sewn. After all "Belaz"presented in September 2013, in January 2014 set a Guinness record in Europe and the CIS, allowing a load of a load in a training ground in 503.5 tons. Be proud of yourself, the brothers are Belarusians.

Gas: name, emblem

Gas emblem
Gas emblem

Very famous Russian manufacturer. He respect the whole galaxy of generations living in the expanses of the former CIS. The official symbol was chosen by the emblem cities Nizhny Novgorod. The company also succeeded in the release of not only cars, but also of different ladies of buses. Full title: Gorky Automobile Plant.

  • The emblem is remembered elementary: thanks to the cult Gazovsky deer.
  • He seemed to froze in an eternal, but epic jump.
  • At the top you can easily notice five patrol towers.

GAZ-24 The third generation at one time was considered a government class machine. In production, unique methods of auto -building with a focus on a modern, progressive society were used, and used.

ZIL: Mark, name, emblem

ZIL Emblem
ZIL Emblem

The abbreviation of this brand decrypted simply. This is the name of the manufacturer: plant named after Likhachev. The company was founded in the distant 1916And then she conquered the auto industry of the world almost immediately. Which is noteworthy, the same emblem was used up to until 1944. Only after the war, the symbol represented the first letters of the name.

KAMAZ: name, cargo logo

KAMAZ emblem
KAMAZ emblem

The full name of this "living legend that conquered the century": "Kama Automobile Plant". A distinctive feature - excellent truck trucks. Also "KAMAZ" Produced agricultural equipment. It was intended for internal use. In fact, the inscription was made by Cyrillic. But, the models that plan to be exported have a Latin inscription.

The logo of these trucks is remembered thanks to the silhouette of a horse running somewhere. It is difficult to understand whether he directs towards the changes, or simply gaining speed, showing his power. One way or another, few can compare with such automons. And this is pure truth.

"Moskvich": a car logo from the USSR

Moskvich: Logo
Moskvich: Logo

"Moskvich" - One of the most "top" machines USSR. This is now a car is considered a relic of the past and old "swallow" grandfathers. And before the driver "Moskvich" It was considered a respected person. Yes, and the car was decent. It was as cool to ride it as it was now on a foreign car. The inscription was made in an artistic style, from silver.

By the way, now the production is led by the concern "Volkswagen". The new owners changed the logo of this car, making a kind of interpretation letters "M" In red. However, the quality remains the same. "Muscovites" They are easy to climb, have good (for their class, of course) characteristics.

Tagaz: name, car emblem

Tagaz: car emblem
Tagaz: car emblem

The city of the production of these cars - Taganrog. Full title: Taganrog Automobile Plant. The emblem of the machine is a triangle. Three very obvious, predetermined paths intersect in it. In fact, there is a deepest meaning in this, which not all onlookers can see. The creators, as it were, hint that their products, if the driver desired, will overcome any obstacles. Tagazians also make school buses, auto equipment for communal services and disabled people. The latter are also in great demand.

UAZ: name, car emblem

UAZ: Auto emblem
UAZ: Auto emblem

The logo of this "iron and technic beast" is very dynamic. On the emblem in the endless sky, the sea bird soars (obviously, the seagull, judging by the outlines), it seems to cross the solar disk. Below is a memorable name that is completely deciphered as follows: "Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant". The letters are quite large, they are strikingly, but contrast profitably with a white background.

"UAZ" does:

  • Full -wheel drive cars
  • Transport for off -road
  • Minibuses

They are all simple, but practical. What is needed for our roads, along which most of the delicate European cars simply will not pass. "UAZ" Various kinds of power structures (police, army, etc.) are actively used as small jeeps. Cars are very functional, despite their "Slavic" appearance.

Uralaz: icon, name

Uralaz: icon, name
Uralaz: icon, name

Full title: Ural Automobile Plant. Chelyabinsk cars are so harsh that they can pass 20 kmeven if the motor is not opened. Of course, these are all the jokes of the manufacturer and owners of such cars. But in fact, Chelyabinsk has always been famous for its trucks. Its rhombus form is its icon. There are visible roundings. As for the blue figure, it is broken in half, and looks like an English letter "Z".

Automobile Plant "Ural" He began to function from November 30, 1941. On this day, the USSR State Defense Committee decided to create automotive and foundry in Miass through the Stalin (ZIS), capacities evacuated from the Moscow Automobile Plant. As you can see, the work was very fruitful.

Logos of foreign cars: names of brands, emblems (from A to K)

Logos of foreign vehicles
Logos of foreign vehicles

 The modern foreign automobile market offers a huge variety of brands of machines that differ in their individual characteristics. Below you will find logos, emblems of foreign machines that are popular all over the world. You will also learn about the full names of brands and manufacturers. Of course, these are not all emblems, but we have chosen the most popular. Read further.

Abarth: car icon, description

Abarth: car icon
Abarth: car icon

Italian company Abarthi tried. The icon of her car is similar to the shield on which the Black Scorpio "perished". It is quite typical of some eastern warrior or knight from the Asian computer game. But everything is wrong. Here's a description of the brand:

  • In fact, the company takes the name from Karl Abbot, its legendary creator. According to the zodiac sign, he Scorpion.
  • That is why experts identified this creature from all possible.
  • Why yellow and red? The fact is that they give extravagance. For sports models, this is a significant advantage.

Italians are a very stylish people. Therefore, their cars are neat, with quite aesthetic lines.

AC: British cars logo, emblem

AC: British cars logo, emblem
AC: British cars logo, emblem

The company produces the most beautiful sports cars. The British are easy to climb, "quickly run", have a relatively good clutch. The name is a reduction from Auto Carriers. The logo of British cars is a circle of blue. There are letters in the fields As. It makes no sense to explain that the emblem Auto Carriers and A.S. - This is the same. The abbreviation is built trite so that everyone can understand what this means.

Acura: emblem, description

Acura: Emblem
Acura: Emblem

The Japanese spirit is felt almost immediately. Description:

  • Acura -This is the first premium samurai to be able to compete with Americans and Europeans on equal terms.
  • Specialists from "Honda" They carried out the full reconstruction of the logo. The letter appeared "H"The sides of which are somewhat brag. The name is also hidden in the circle.
  • The picture resembles a track that is leaving into the distance.
  • Emblem "Acura" As if he wants a good way. And it bribes.
  • After all, the Japanese are always polite and courteous with their guests, often express respect to them.

Machine - compliance with the spirit of the people.

Alfa Romeo: Machine icon, emblem, description

Alfa Romeo: Machine icon, emblem
Alfa Romeo: Machine icon, emblem

Italians have always loved fashion, intelligence and sophistication. Therefore, their cars have an elegant appearance, but also good, “strong -willed” characteristics. Company name Alfa Romeowritten in white letters. But the coat of arms on the machine icon, unlike most manufacturers, is sketched from the symbol of Milan and the coat of arms of the Vinci house. It turned out very aristocratic. As a rule, a car with the emblem Alpha Romeo The drivers are chosen, but well -mannered drivers. Such drivers have manners and often come from a noble family. True, they may not know about it themselves.

Alpina: Machine emblem

Alpina: Machine emblem
Alpina: Machine emblem

In the distant 1964 year Burkard Bossipen He created his own brand, with a focus on the already existing BMW. The emblem of the car Alpina It has a sharp shape, collected from two halves. They depict spare parts. I also found my place and a black steering wheel with the inscription. Everything is in the spirit of a banal “driver” romance: when brutal motor oil flows from the corners, and the engine roars, as if, in anticipation of speed and adventure.

Aston Martin: The emblem of a car with history

Aston Martin: Machine emblem
Aston Martin: Machine emblem

Aston Martin- It all started with laconic letters AM and wings. This meant the desire for success, freedom, independence, peaks. But then the creators decided not to trifle and portrayed a full name. The desire for progress among the "Martins" was not implied not episodic, but the most constant one. However, a dream, as they say, "in the hand." "Aston Martin" - This is the emblem of a machine that really has a great story in which there are already many victories.

Audi: Emblem of a quiet car

Audi: Emblem
Audi: Emblem

Germany is quality, practicality and style. That is why the cars of pedantic Germans were so loved by the public. Mark Audiis a recognized leader, and her 4 rings On the emblem, familiar to everyone who lives in a metropolis. Even those who never sat at the wheel.

Why are the rings intertwined? This indicates the merger of several enterprises. We are also talking about successful serial production. By the way, "Audi" translated as "listen". The thing is that the engine is as much as quiet, that in order to hear his work, you have to listen. For a car, this is a big plus. The very first cars that appeared in the world, although they produced a splash, but rustled like transformer booths (or even louder). Today, society is interested in quiet cars that will not interfere with the peace of citizens.

BAIC: emblem of high -quality Chinese car

BAIC: Emblem
BAIC: Emblem

The Chinese have been trying to keep up with the Japanese for a long time. And not only in the automotive industry. It turns out with varying success. Many do not like China for cheap products of low quality. And others adore him for this. The emblem of this high-quality Chinese car is a "beast" BAICit is a steel steel steel steel, a very original shape, without an internal ligament. Despite the fact that the quality of some Chinese goods leaves much to be desired, this brand is quite good. However, most amateur driver when choosing between a Chinese and a Japanese will choose a Japanese.

BAVARIA brand machine: artistic emblem

Bavaria brand machine: emblem
Bavaria brand machine: emblem

In the case of a brand machine Bavaria,the Germans made a choice in favor of the laconic sizes of the emblem. It was not without logic. After all, large logos can significantly irritate. The inscription is gilded, executed in a unique artistic style. Nothing complicated, but nothing superfluous. Simplicity and aristocracy. These are the Germans themselves. They always try to isolate the main thing and say “essentially”, without starting in sentiment. As the saying goes, ordnung und Arbeiten!

BAW: A simple emblem of a good Chinese car

BAW: Simple emblem
BAW: Simple emblem

Another wonderful representative of the "Middle Kingdom". Company BAW One of the largest in China. The release of the car is established as the work of the Swiss watches. The emblem is an abbreviation that “squeezes” the steel steel steel. As you can see, in the logos, the Chinese prefer simplicity. But this makes sense. Better a good mechanism with a simple logo than a colorful emblem with a bad engine under it. This is a simple emblem of a good Chinese car.

Bentley: Emblem of a luxurious machine

Bentley: Emblem
Bentley: Emblem

Bentley - A typical machine of the aristocrats wise with life. So in the logo the wings of the eagle - a majestic ptach, which possesses heroic power, participate. This emblem of a luxurious machine symbolizes the pressure and power, as well as the superiority of speed. The name speaks white "AT".

Racing cars have a green background, luxury class - red, crossovers and SUVs are black. This is an excellent distinguishing feature. "Bentley" - A typical Englishman, courteous on the road, but if desired, assertive in his actions. Not every Russian driver can afford such a luxury.

BMW: emblem resembling the flag of Bavaria

BMW: Emblem
BMW: Emblem

Emblem BMW It resembles a flag of Bavaria quite strongly. But she also looks like a propeller of the aircraft. The latter is in rotation. Why is that? The thing is that cars "BMW" appeared much later. At first, the company specialized precisely in air structures. Therefore, each driver of the Beha is to some extent a pilot, even if he never rose into the sky and in general, is afraid of heights.

Bogdan: The emblem of the Ukrainian car

Bogdan: Emblem
Bogdan: Emblem

Bogdan-This is not just the name of some desperate Ukrainian hetman who could lead the Cossacks. This is a full -fledged car. Literal "AT" In the emblem, it is stylized for a sail, but then it was replaced by a mace inherent in Ukrainian rulers. There is also a ring that outlines it. Auto -manufacturers motivated their choice with a love of roots and the desire to recreate the atmosphere of old traditions. The character of such a Ukrainian car is really persistent, Cossack. Under the minimum of the desired conditions, "Bogdan" It shows the maximum of his power as a real “brave guy”.

Brilliance: The emblem of a Chinese car with a democratic price

Brilliance: Emblem
Brilliance: Emblem

Chinese motorists never give up. The brand has become popular thanks to a democratic price combined with acceptable quality, which is rare for China. Brilliance- This emblem of this Chinese machine is a circle with strands that are marked with a silver tint. Manufacturers made a slope into glamor because they believe that such symbols will give wealth and success. It is difficult to say whether this scheme is valid. But, as they say, thoughts are material.

Bugatti: car emblem for aristocrats

Bugatti: Emblem
Bugatti: Emblem

Car models Bugattiexclusively for sophisticated and self -confident aristocrats. The emblem of the company since ancient years of oval form. There is an extensive red field with the initials of the founder. Also includes inlay 60 bright Pearl. That's really, Paphos is our everything.

Buick Car: A Subtle Emblem icon

Buick car: icon
Buick car: icon

When developing an icon Buicka real family coat of arms was used. It was the representatives of the eminent British family who became philanthropists and sponored this line. You can see three shields of different colors. They are located diagonally. This is an American car manufacturer, corporation branch General Motors. In addition to the actual North American market, Mark Buick Presented in the PRC market.

Byd: a car with an emblem-plagiat

Byd: Logo
Byd: Logo

Chinese designers and designers Bydmore than once were seen in open plagiarism. So here, designers have repeatedly modernized their “brainchild”, relying on the experience of existing concerns. They borrowed parts of the emblem. For a long time they sued for copyright with one, then with others. The latest version of the logo also did not become original. She is somewhat similar to a simplified version "BMW". However, it will be excellent if the Chinese begins to adopt the quality of cars from Europeans.

Cadillac: Emblem with the family coat of arms

Cadillac: Emblem
Cadillac: Emblem

Detroit in which the hero of the film lived and worked "8 miles" With rapper Eminem in the title role, Jimmy Rabbit is an industrial city, the cradle of the US Auto Industry. The name is the surname of the famous Frenchman, Cadillac. At one time, he made a great contribution to industry. The emblem of the car Cadillacbecame the family coat of arms of this man. The Americans simply added woven ears. By the way, the automotive industry is slightly displayed in the film, where the hero of Eminem works (or rather tries) to work at the factory.

Caterham: tricolor emblem of sports cars

Caterham: Logo
Caterham: Logo

In the emblem Caterhamthree colors vary: green, purpleand silver. Upstairs is the notorious brand name. As for the center, there is an inscription there "Super 7". That is what their top sports model is called, from which the whole world is delighted. There is also the word “sprint”, which says that the company (in the overwhelming majority) produces “high -speed and lively” sports cars. However, not so long ago the icon has changed: now there is a magnificent flag of Great Britain, as well as a saying "Caterham Fi Team".

Changam: The emblem of a Chinese car with a great history

Changam: Emblem
Changam: Emblem

Changam- Another eminent “Chinese” with a long, but great history. The emblem of the machine consists of a letter "V". The latter is located on a blue background in a silver circle. This means the desire for victory and perfection. But the shape and tone of the sign of this Chinese machine is associated with the type of planet Earth. More precisely, with how it can be considered from the cosmos.

Charron: Emblem from manufacturers of armored vehicles

Charron: Emblem
Charron: Emblem

Charron - This is an excellent French production. In addition to cars, the company has been creating armored equipment and cars for many years. This emblem of this manufacturer is made in the form of a form, which resembles the eye of a human person. The interior decoration is actively used gilding.

Chery: The emblem of a popular Chinese car

Chery: Emblem
Chery: Emblem

Chery - The Chinese once again distinguished themselves. There are two letters in the emblem of this popular Chinese car "FROM". They are like mirror. The letter appeared in the center "BUT". As for the divided ring, it can depict the "eternal" roads that go into the distance and unknown to the eye. Anyway, "Cheri" - The abbreviation from the full name of the car concerns.

Chevrolet: Emblem of the cult brand of machines

Chevrolet: Emblem
Chevrolet: Emblem

 Chevrolet - This cult brand of the “Higher Sample” cars is known to everyone. Chevrolet was registered in 1911 and inherited the name of the famous racer Louis Chevrolet. It was this person who involuntarily became the face of a successful car concerns. Although I did not initially think about this.

As for the icon, this is a golden cross with silver. For a long time, car lovers argued where this emblem of this machine came from. They agreed that it was this pattern that I saw on the wallpaper rooms at the Hotel Monsieur Durant, the head of the concern General Motors. The latter, without exaggeration, conquered the entire automobile world. Influence Gm It is felt almost everywhere.

Chevrolet Corvette: The emblem of an American car

Chevrolet Corvette: Emblem
Chevrolet Corvette: Emblem

ChevroletCorvette - The car is an intelligent and stylish brainchild of Americans. A personal trading sign implies a touching and exalted emblem in the form of a butterfly wings. This speaks of love for the heights, but friendly competition. There is also similarity with chess cells. Automobile for 2 places, has a rear -wheel drive. Produced from the beginning 50s. Roughly speaking, this is one of the first sports cars that the inhabitants made U.S.A. As you can see, it turned out very well. In the city of Bowling Green there is even National Museum Corvette.

Chrysler: The emblem of the world car giant

Chrysler: Emblem
Chrysler: Emblem

Chrysler - They started talking about these machines in early 1924When even our grandfathers and grandmothers were not born. Rumor has it that the company received power thanks to the merger of several small enterprises. Today "Chrysler" - A recognized automobile world giant. A badge or emblem is a pentagon with a star. However, after the ensemble, they decided to add some sophistication. It was a majestic bird and a mysterious wax seal. This is not only a sign of distinction, but also a sign of a high class.

Citroen: emblem, description

Citroen: Emblem
Citroen: Emblem

Citroen - The emblem involves two silver teeth. They are taken from the chevar wheel. You can notice that the direction “up” symbolizes the path to the peaks that takes place in the life of every person. The French under the leadership Andre Citroen They rule the automobile world since 1919. Then, in 1976 The company has become part of the concern PSA Peugeot Citroen, headquarters is located on the street Fructidor in Paris. "Citroen" - This is a unique style, excellent quality and many other useful advantages.

Dacia: Emblem of a popular machine

Dacia: Emblem
Dacia: Emblem

Dacia - before, an unknown brand developed rapidly on the basis of the famous Renault. Two "monsters" and the color of the logo are similar. Initially, the emblem of this popular machine implied a shield created from the dragon of the scales. Just a tribute to the fantasy genre. However, subsequently, with 2014 The company uses a new image. This is a letter "D"which is turned upside down. It is not surprising, because it is with this letter that the name of the brand begins.

Daewoo: emblem of available Korean car

Daewoo: emblem
Daewoo: emblem

Daewoo - Available to many, but a good Korean car. The heraldry of the emblem includes the image of the flower "lily", feminine and delicate. This is a symbol of purity. The company is really virgin in its thoughts. It supplies machines of democratic price with good characteristics. Models "Daewoo" Very practical. You can both go to the city center and go to the country house.

DAF: Stylish blue emblem

DAF: Stylish emblem
DAF: Stylish emblem

DAF - Unlimited authors are 2 brothers, originally from the Netherlands. As a “basic sign”, a reduction in blue was chosen. The result was a stylish emblem. At the bottom of the letter, the red line emphasizes. In the vast majority, the company produces high -quality and “hardy” trucks. Without products of the company DAF Modern roads are simply impossible to imagine.

Daihatsu machine: Laconic emblem

Daihatsu machine: Laconic emblem
Daihatsu machine: Laconic emblem

Daihatsu - The Japanese were always distinguished by the ornate of their unique folk calligraphy. And here the logo of the machine is a kind of intricacies of two hieroglyphs, which creates a very stylish look. The laconic emblem is striking in its ingenious brevity and simplicity. Auto brands are very compact, and the letters are taken from the English version of the name. No wonder the hieroglyphs in Japanese many users simply will not be able to read.

Daimler: The emblem of the machine from Jaguar

Daimler: Emblem
Daimler: Emblem

Daimler - products of a famous company Jaguar. The icon is almost always located on the radiator grill. In the emblem of this machine, a brief inscription takes place - the name of the silver color. You can not spread by the thought in the tree. "Daimler" - One of the largest German car companies in turnover.

Dodge: The emblem of the legend of the 90s

Dodge: Emblem
Dodge: Emblem

Dodge - The surname of the famous brothers is now known to the whole world. The history of the brand dates back to the 90s. This is a real legend of that time. At first, a crowd was depicted - as a symbol of power and pressure. However, after the logo was greatly simplified. "Dodge" Make pickups, passenger cars and trucks. On the emblem 2 strips of red color, company name. The emblem is located on the body. At one time, every student wanted himself if not red "Ferrari"so blue Dodge Viperwho was in the game "Need for Speed" Almost from the very beginning.

Ducati: The emblem of the car symbolizes the road

Ducati: Machine emblem
Ducati: Machine emblem

Ducati - in early 20th century Two very enterprising brothers with a similar surname created this magnificent brand of elegant cars. The first logo lasted relatively long. Further, the emblem of the car constantly and radically changed, as the owners changed. Today it is a red triangle with the name of the creators. As for the silver strip depicted nearby, it symbolizes a long way. Interestingly, this is the road of the life of the company itself, or a motorist?

Edsel: A car emblem with the name of the owner

Edsel: Emblem
Edsel: Emblem

Edsel- The name of the car goes on behalf of the creator. But this is not an ordinary guy “from the street”, but the son of the unsurpassed Henry Ford. The first letter in the emblem of the car is the title name of the owner and founder. It seems to be enclosed in a ring through a tire. White and green colors are perfectly combined, creating the perfect palette.

EAGLE: A car with an excellent solution

Eagle: Machine icon
Eagle: Machine icon

Eagle - A subsidiary from the corporation Chrysler. There is a profile of such a powerful and majestic bird as an eagle. It is drawn on the sign of the car in profile. Above - a corporate name. This is a great solution. After all, eagles always look brutal and majestically on the badges. In addition, it is not important, this is a manufacturer of cars, jeans or leather jackets and belts.

FAW: The emblem of the Chinese car

FAW: Emblem
FAW: Emblem

FAW - Despite the fact that the Chinese are not always in the automotive industry "number 1", on the emblem this number is available. Many will ask: "Why a unit?". Because the Chinese strive for leadership. This is so, but not always. All due to the fact that this particular concern was called to become a base. The emblem of this Chinese car is oval. White border harmonizes with blue. But six stripes on the sides are very similar to eagle feathers.

Ferrari: The emblem of a car that everyone heard about

Ferrari: Machine emblem
Ferrari: Machine emblem

Ferrari - In the world there is no adequate (and inadequate too) person who would not hear about this brand. The “face” of the company is a horse that has hidden. The power of the logo is felt by the naked eye. By the way, since the head of the company Enzo Ferrari - ardent fan of the pilot, who was called Franceso Barack, the horse is depicted on a yellow background, and the upper part is similar to the flag of Italy. That's who really has nothing to be ashamed of. The brand is so good that it does not need to be presented.

Fiat: a machine logo displaying experience

Fiat: machine logo
Fiat: machine logo

Fiat"Factory of Italian cars from Torino". This is how this abbreviation is deciphered on the logo of the machine. The capital letters are located in the red zone. Then a silver edging was invented. It is deliberately made uneven. There are both hollows and elevations. Representatives of the company have repeatedly said that this is a display of accumulated experience, which leads to success. And, as you know, on the way, every strong person has ups and downs.

Fisker: The emblem of the car from the young company

Fisker: Emblem
Fisker: Emblem

Fisker - The company is still quite young. The plus of its products is that it is absolutely environmentally friendly. No harmful exhausts and complete safety. That is why the trading sign depicts the ocean coast. Next is the name of the founder and two vertical metal strips. Simple, but stylish.

By the way, environmentally friendly transport is currently very appreciated. That is why many, even very mature people, are transplanted from motorcycles and scooters to now fashionable electric scooters. Therefore, a car with such an emblem can often be found on the roads, especially in Europe.

Ford - emblem: from Henry Ford to the famous jeep

Ford - emblem
Ford - emblem

Ford - Not everyone knows Henry Ford, but many. He founded his brainchild in 1926. The logo is unique in that it did not change "from the beginning of time." Not every company can boast of this. Now the company produces various cars, including famous jeeps that overcome any off -road.

Many regularly “rummage” in signs, seek their imperfections in their emblem and change them. The blue sign has an oval shape. In the middle - the name of the founder. The oval frames the silver strip. It looks and after so many years more than, creatively and stylishly.

FSO: emblem of the popular Polish car

FSO: Emblem
FSO: Emblem

FSO -creative Poles again at the helm. FROM 2010 This organization has finally acquired its unique trading sign. However, the company has been operating from the second half 1952. It produced products under the patronage Daewoo.

Red logo on the lattices. There are 2 main elements. The square of the emblem of this Polish machine is divided into rectangles. The base item is well familiar to each driver - a car steering wheel. As well as the name of the organization. White color gives the letters aristocracy.

Geely: Chinese car logo

Geely: Logo
Geely: Logo

Geely - And again the long -awaited Chinese production. At first, the logo of this machine implied a white wing on a blue background. All this was circled. However, after the sketch, which was associated with a snowy mountain slope, for some reason was removed. Today these are other colors and a sign in which silver and blue prevail on a radiator grill.

GMC: a car emblem of a famous company

GMC: Emblem
GMC: Emblem

GMC - These guys make excellent cars with 1901.  General Motors - One of the most famous cars for the production of cars. The emblem has 3 main letters. These are abbreviations. They are united by a silver strip.

Goliath: emblem from the manufacturer of cars and trucks

Goliath: Emblem
Goliath: Emblem

Goliath - As a rule, they produced not only stylish cars, but also powerful trucks. The company is known from about the middle of the last century. A golden diagonal inscription with the name of the company on the emblem was remembered by many.

Great Wall: The emblem of a car that opens new horizons

Great Wall: Emblem
Great Wall: Emblem

GreatWall - The emblem fully corresponds to the declared name. It depicts part of the wall of the main attraction. The color is steel, and the design is so similar to the steering wheel. By the way, the “wall” can also imply as a peculiar obstacle. Having broken the walls, we open new horizons.

Hafei: Logo of the Chinese machine

Hafei: logo

Hafei -chinese skillful creativity in the official Japanese license, which takes place with 1998. The emblem is a massive shield of an ancient warrior. There are silver waves. Rumor has it that the developers, thus, captured not only strength and power, but also a river SungariWhich is located near the city Harbin.

Haima: The emblem of the machine that moves to the top

Haima: Emblem
Haima: Emblem

Haima - You can say, this is everyone's favorite “Mazda”, but the Light style, on minimum wages. The model was intended exclusively for the South Asian market as a “cheaper alternative”. Then the company transformed into Hainan. This is the name of the islands where the capacities are located. A distinctive face - god Ahur, the patron saint of light, wisdom and life. The emblem is also similar to a bird that says that the company does not give up and still moves to the top.

HIGEr: logo of popular buses

Higer: Logo
Higer: Logo

HIGEr - for the most part, bus production. "Chatter" can be seen on the roads as urban and tourist equipment. The company was founded in 1998. The logo looks a little like Hyundai. However, one letter has a roll. These buses are in demand today.

Honda: Emblem of a Japanese car

Honda: Emblem
Honda: Emblem

One of the best “Japanese”, who can be gratefully and courteously stroked on the hood. The founder of the great concern is considered Soitiro Honda. His surname is on the corporate sign. The square frame has rounded corners, a silver shade is used. The logo has not changed for a long time. However, like excellent quality.

Hyundai: logo of the popular Korean machine

Hyundai: Logo

Korean concern exists with 1967. The handshake as a corporate sign indicates a successful partnership, which the Japanese would initially want to achieve with everyone who acquires the car. Silver letter "H" In the logo Hyundaicleaned by oval. Thus, manufacturers say that their models have European quality and are worthy of attention. They are not so far from the truth. This is really a good choice for domestic roads, beloved by many motorists.

Infinity: Infinity emblem

Infinity: Emblem
Infinity: Emblem

"Infinity" - means "infinity". That is why in the first version was number 8, located diagonally. However, then her place on the emblem Infinity I took the road that strives for the horizon. Amazingly, but the founding concept remained the same. All the same cherished distance, which it is impossible to look, but I really want to.

Isuzu: Japanese machine logo

Isuzu: Logo
Isuzu: Logo

Isuzu - The first Japanese car company. Work with 1889 And he is not going to “pension”. However, before "Isuza" had a different name. As for the present, it takes its origins from the name of the river. The inscription is made in red. The first letter indicates the desire to conquer new horizons. What! It remains only to wish the Japanese success. They work really "for wear." Moreover, not only in the automotive industry, but wherever they appear.

IVECO: Emblem of Italian car

Iveco: emblem
Iveco: emblem

Italian concern Iveco It produces industrial cars. Sign of noble black. The bottom shows the name of the company, and above it is a horse that spreads in a jump. It frames the ring. This, again, is movement, strength and power.

Jac: Emblem of a modern machine

Jac: Emblem
Jac: Emblem

Jac - the company with 1999. The design of the logo consists of three parts. Firstly, the inscription is red. Secondly, Motors eyeliner. As for the top, there is a star with five corners, circled by a ring and beckoning silver.

Jaguar: emblem of a car with a predatory beast

Jaguar: Emblem
Jaguar: Emblem

Of course, what kind of beast could the automotive solders still depict, if not a jaguar? It is majestically placed on the hood of the car Jaguar. And it already distinguishes "Jaguar" From all other cars. However, not everyone liked this location. Therefore, the emblem was moved. A predatory cat rushes forward, overcoming obstacles. As a rule, power "Jaguar" It is felt even for those who have not yet been in the salon.

Jeep: logo of the all -terrain vehicle

Jeep: Logo
Jeep: Logo

 Jeep - To the legendary creation, the responsible employees of the "Chrysler" attached a hand. At first, the car was planned for wide consumption and general purpose. The dimensional SUVs really liked the people. Since they easily conquer off -road, can be used both for the city and the village. Jeeps have a logo in the form of a circular headlight, as well as a radiator grill. They can find many applications. A jeep is a means of transportation that will pass almost everywhere.

KIA: Emblem of the popular Korean machine

Kia: Emblem
Kia: Emblem

Kia - Another influential, plastic and rotary “Korean”. A car of the company have quite high technical characteristics. The name is located on the logo. The letters are circled by oval. Red and golden colors are perfectly combined.

Koenigseg: emblem of the Swedish machine

Koenigsegg: emblem
Koenigsegg: emblem

Koenigsegg - The Swedish brand of cars began its rapid ascent in 1994. The brand creates exclusive sports orientation models. Von Koeniggg, an entrepreneur, gave Mark his own name. The background of the coat of arms is yellow, orange rhombuses are added. Regarding the blue strip, it looks like a generic symbol of a noble kind.

 KrAZ, Lada and others: emblems of cars (from k to z)

KrAZ: emblems
KrAZ: emblems

Kraz - Mark is widely known for residents of the former Soviet Union. Trucks of this eminent, but high -quality manufacturer are quite heavy, but have excellent characteristics. The main background of the emblem of the machine is turquoise. But the line of the road passes through it. Inscription Kraz It is located from below, but it is very easy to notice.

Lada: emblem of an inexpensive car

Lada: Emblem
Lada: Emblem

In Slavic mythology "Lada" - The goddess of love and beauty. However, manufacturers were guided by a slightly different production principle when they launched this "branded" line. Sails that are available on "Lada", symbolize rapid and influential development. The sailboat floats on endless water, to new achievements. The icon is voluminous, painted with silver. Alas, a modern motorist considers "Lada" Not the most preferable or desired machine. Especially if it is "Kalina" or "Priora". But inexpensive.

Lamborgini: Logino Logo Auto

Lamborgini: Logo
Lamborgini: Logo

Lamborgini - Italians have always specialized in high -class Lux class cars. The colors of the sign are very noble. The gilded bull is the main face of the company. In this way, Ferruuccio Lamborgini Indicates the power and strength of his brand. Moreover, the founder himself Taurus on the zodiac sign. The one that is the most powerful symbol, which brought the owner of the concern an unprecedented luck, and, of course, enrichment with the slope of the “in the future”.

Lancia: an emblem of a presentable car

Lancia: Emblem
Lancia: Emblem

These presentable and cute cars have a silver name in the center of the steering wheel. It is located on a blue shield. Lancia denotes "a spear". Previously, the logo really included a silver peak, the tip of which was directed to the sky. However, this is not a call to the war. Rather, a remark of a combat nature that will bear its owner towards dangerous adventures. Of course, the latter will end safely both for the driver and for the car.

Land Rover: The emblem of a high cross -country car

Land Rover: Emblem
Land Rover: Emblem

Land Rover The company's products are famous for high cross -country ability. The icon is green, there is a rather noticeable silver kant. The inscription denoting the name of the company is white. There are quotes for separation. Many models of the company are environmentally friendly.

Landwind: Practical pickup logo

Landwind: Logo
Landwind: Logo

Another concern that produces powerful SUVs and practical pickups. The shape of a distinctive sign Landwind - Rhombus. It is painted with red glossy. There is also an attractive, but cold glow of metal. The ring in this case is steel. By the way, this is one of the few Chinese manufacturers that has a truly unique logo.

Lexus: emblem of a Japanese machine

Lexus: emblem
Lexus: emblem

Few people know that this word is formed from the word "Luxury"what means "High class". Japanese company Lexusvery representative. However, like its products. The first letter is circled by a fairly proportional silver circle. The sign is concise to genius. The colors are noble, symbols literally exude respectability.

Lifan: Chinese car logo

Lifan: Logo
Lifan: Logo

Lifan - These are one of the few Chinese who have a diverse production. The company produces motorcycles, buses, as well as other vehicles. Three blue sailboats hurry towards adventures. As in the case of previous models, the creators are ruled by the desire for peaks.

Lincoln: Laksheri logo of the car

Lincoln: Logo
Lincoln: Logo

Lincoln - This is the company branch Ford Motors. The company, as a rule, produces functional lakesers of cars for wealthy people. Product quality is more than just high. The emblem is recognizable, has the shape of a rectangle. The image is a metal compass. With this logo, the company wants to show that it strives for world domination. However, in the very "Lincoln" The working guy from the street will never sit idle. At least until he becomes the head of a large corporation or a show-biz star.

Marussia: Emblem of high -class sports car

Marussia: Emblem
Marussia: Emblem

Until that time, no one is a led trademark Marussia,now in demand among lovers of collecting. Noteworthy "Maroussia" also the fact that it was created by the famous showman and comedian Nikolai Fomenko. The latter is quite strongly highpil 90s And zero. These are high -class sports cars that are not affordable for everyone. The blue-white-red icon resembling the letter “m”, somewhat similar to an outstanding emblem of everyone's favorite soda "Pepsi". In fact, there is no plagiarism - at least, manufacturers are talking about this. But is it worth it to believe?

Maseratti: the logo of the Italian machine

Maseratti: Logo
Maseratti: Logo

Like many other Italian brands, Maseratti Also created by brothers. The logo has a fairly elegant, oval shape. The main details are located vertically. And this is very creative.

We can say that the form is divided into 2 components, 2 vectors, Each of which you want to know. The surname of the creators is located below. As for the top, there is the trident of Neptune. However, this is not a reference to the sea, ships and schooners. Just a city Bologna - The birthplace of the founders of the company. Nevertheless, the peculiar “tribute to the Motherland” in Mazertti looks very romantic.

Maybach: Prestigious car logo

Maybach: Logo
Maybach: Logo

The concern was created Wilhelm Maybachin 1909. These exclusive machines were first made only to order. Only very wealthy people could afford them. The emblem of the triangular shape. Two green letters "M" Located on the orange field. However "Maybach" And today they have a respectable appearance and prestigious character. If a person allowed himself such a car from Maybach, he can already be absolutely sure that his life was a success. If not yet, it means that there is something else to strive for.

Mazda: The emblem of a car from a Japanese company

Mazda: Emblem
Mazda: Emblem

This Japanese company does not need a presentation. Company `s logo Mazda silver. These are two crossed lines and the letter "V". The latter can be either a flying ptach or a symbol of victory. AT - means, "Victoria - Victory".

McLaren: Sportser logo

Mslaren: Logo
McLaren: Logo

McLaren - These are famous and eminent, the most famous sportsmen in the world. For the first time they appeared in late 80s. It is since then that the company has been performing exclusively racing cars. As for the emblem, it is located on the radiator grill. Everything is simple: the name of the company and the apostrophe on the right side. The company is known to all lovers of racing, in particular to all your beloved “Formula-1", Who introduced the public to a large number of beautiful riders.

Mercedes-Benz: Auto emblem for aristocrats

Mercedes-Benz: Emblem
Mercedes-Benz: Emblem

Even one who is far from understanding the automobile world knows the three -beam star in the circle. This is a kind of status, it is a dream, a lifestyle. In the understanding of the concern, owner "Mercedes" It is obliged to conquer three peaks - earth, sea and air. Little of, Mercedes-Benznot only cars are produced, but also vehicles by sea and sky. But if earlier "Mercedes" could be the prerogative of only a very rich person, today the owner "Mers" of the 80s Release is far from the most convinced aristocrat.

Mitshbishi: Japanese car logo

Mitshbishi: Logo
Mitshbishi: Logo

Mitshbishi - Popular and very quick Japanese cars have a triangular logo. He is "delimited" on 6 parts. Red color alternates appropriately with white. Some people think that the emblem depicts a precious stone. Creation is really more than tall, aristocratic. From a noble family Ivasaki The emblem in the form of rhombuses is taken, and from the symbol of an influential family Tos - Oak triliary.

Nissan: Popular Machine Logo

Nissan: Logo
Nissan: Logo

On the first machines of this brand, a horizontal bar was located in a circle, the name was written in the color of the Voronovaya wing. Regarding other colors - white, blue and red, they are traditional for unforgettable and alluring Japan. Thus, the spiritual Asians depict a serene sky, the bright sun and the light of the human soul. After the figure of the emblem Nissanit became a steel shade.

Opel: The emblem of the car from an experienced concern

Opel: Emblem
Opel: Emblem

Concern Opel exists more than 100 years. However, the logo has changed systematically. In the first version, initials were depicted Adam Opel, founder. However, then the official emblem was slightly modified. For the better or not? You decide. Modern interpretation "Opel" found only in mid-60s. Lightning appeared in the circle that we all know. However, this is not all. Came 2000, logo "Opel" It has become more impressive and voluminous. In other words, that unexpected massiveness appeared, which many were so afraid of.

Packard: a car with a eminent coat of arms

Packard: Machine icon
Packard: Machine icon

Passenger models of this brand are not made with 1958. However, the emblem is still remembered. This is a coat of arms belonging to an eminent family. There is also another trademark depicting a girl with a wheel, as well as a figure Adonis and pelican. This brand Packard- This is a car story that one cannot fail to mention, even taking into account the fact that their auto plan has long sunk into a kind of “wheeled” and “gasoline” summer.

Panoz: The emblem of a modern machine

Panoz: Emblem
Panoz: Emblem

Panoz - These are high -tech, modern machines with a drop -shaped sign, inverted under a certain angle. Which is noteworthy, in the center of the sheet. It resembles a clover. Next is a whirlwind of red, white and blue. They say that these are two principles - Yin and Yan. Symbolism also indicates the balance of nature processes, the “law of boomerang”, the unity of man and its beginning, etc.

PEUGEOT: logo of the desired machine for everyone


Peugeot - The traditional lion over the years has changed his appearance a little. He began to transform with 50s. Today, the predator stands on the hind legs in a square opening. Thus, French technology undergoes temporary changes, keeps up with the modern world. However, in all centuries it remains incredibly relevant, aristocratic and desirable for the domestic driver.

Pontiac: The emblem of the legendary brand

Pontiac: Emblem
Pontiac: Emblem

The legendary brand Pontiacshe had a logo in the form of a headdress of the leader of the Indians. Yes, that very, with feathers, where each pen indicates a feat or achievement. However, after the logo was replaced by a refined red arrow in silver frame. There is also a mysterious golden star. Anyway, "Pontiac" It is always associated with adventures and the hot wind of the real prairies.

Porsche: The logo of the German brand car

Porsche: Logo
Porsche: Logo

Diligent Germans almost did not bother, but borrowed the symbolism of the "glorious city" Stuttgart. So a horse appeared in the center of the emblem Porsche. But the form is similar to the coat of arms of another city in Baden-Württemberg. As they say, with the world along the thread. The name is written below.

Renault: The emblem of the company that flourishes

Renault: Emblem
Renault: Emblem

On the emblem Renault the rhombus with thick faces is depicted. The middle in this case is empty. Philosophy "Renault" It consists in the faith in achieving the peaks and the hope of prosperity. On the other hand, buying a car, the driver cannot guarantee himself a quick enrichment. But the fact of acquiring a machine already means that a person still has confidence in his own financial situation.

Rolls-Royce: Emblem of the Lux class models

Rolls-Royce: Emblem
Rolls-Royce: Emblem

In the emblem Rolls-Roycethere is a flying female figure, as well as two letters r (It is easy to guess what they mean). It is noteworthy that sometimes both black and blue background are used for the superimposed letters. Subdivision BMW AG engages only in models of the Lux class and above. It never exchanges for “automobile consumer goods” - partly in order not to spoil the reputation for itself.

Saab: emblem of a car of the Swedish company

Saab: Emblem
Saab: Emblem

Saab - These are the Swedish “horses”, which have a griffin’s head on their badge, painted in “blood color”. The fact that a fabulous creature has a crown on his head, as if hints that the creator of the company belonged to a noble family. However, after the company was bought by Asians. And the latter have no Griffon possession. But the Sino-Swedish Japanese company was very helped out at one time. After all, in 2011 "Saab" was declared bankrupt. And now his affairs are at least to some extent stable.

Scania: Logo a car with a heraldry from the province

Scania: Logo
Scania: Logo

Scania,like miserable "Saab"This is also a red crowned griffin. But the design is somewhat more complex. This time they took the heraldry of the province with the same name and simply “modernized” it a little. As you can see, it turned out not so bad.

Seat: Emblem of Spanish Auto

Seat: Emblem
Seat: Emblem

Data from the car from Spain. Logo Seatsuggests silver litera "S"which is located vertically. Of course, the name of the company is written in red. So it is much easier to notice it.

Skoda: emblem of trendy cars

Skoda: Emblem
Skoda: Emblem

Skoda — These Czechs are in trend for a long time. Models have excellent assembly. The logo involves a green arrow on the wings, and a kind of “eye”. Hidden meaning is everywhere. An arrow is a trajectory of movement (only forward!), The wings hint at prolonged progress, and the eyes are width and diverse of the views of a truly successful person. The latter should not be afraid to take risks, he is obliged to open a new one, see prospects. The green color means that the models are environmentally harmful.

Ssangyoon: Logo Korean Auto

Ssangyoon: Logo
Ssangyoon: Logo

Ssangyoon - From Korean, this phrase translates as "Two dragons". It was they who depicted the creators on their emblem. The wings are symmetrical, painted blue. Koreans believe that such a color scheme brings good luck: both drivers on the road and in business. It remains to be strictly believed by him.

Subaru: emblem from combined legendary companies

Subaru: Emblem
Subaru: Emblem

The Japanese combined 6 firms, among which was the legendary "Toyota". And all to achieve a great result. In translation Subaru means - "Together, the whole world". According to this logic, the Asians depicted a galaxy of stars, one of which is, as it were, “centr” and shines very brightly.

Suzuki: Japanese emblem

Suzuki: Emblem
Suzuki: Emblem

There is a ornate hieroglyph, it displays the first letter of the name. I opened the company at one time Suzukijapanese Mitio Suzuki. Over time, his surname became legendary. It is on the lips not only among compatriots, but also in people in any corner of the globe.

Tatra: truck logo from a famous company

Tatra: Logo
Tatra: Logo

Company Tatra Provides trucks. The emblem is round, massive. The name of the company in the upper corner. Moreover, there is white on the purple background. Products "Tatra" It has a high carrying capacity and power, which contributes to widespread use. Positive indicators, excellent characteristics - all this is in models "Tatra"who can save many spheres of human life.

Tesla: The emblem of a popular car in Europe

Tesla: Emblem
Tesla: Emblem

Firm Tesla It has the most recognizable logo: leader "T" And the name of the brand. However, some believe that a piece of steering is depicted. The company's specialists have not commented on this and for a long time they have been stored secretly. On Russian roads "Tesla" They are rare quite rarely. But in Europe it is a popular car, especially in large cities.

Toyota: Company emblem with wide possibilities

Toyota: Emblem
Toyota: Emblem

It is strange to hear, but in fact, once a long time "Toyota" I did not engage in cars, as we used to think, but weaving equipment. It would seem completely “female”. That is why the logo Toyotait looks like a needle ear. Through it, the thread is covered. Subsequently, the car concern firmly decided not to forget his past, but to store good memories. So it happened.

However, they changed the outstanding concept. Now the silver center is the heart of the driver. Symbolism also hints at wide opportunities and high quality products. Nevertheless, they did not deceive. And this is already pleasing.

Veritas: Emblem with many meanings

Veritas: Emblem
Veritas: Emblem

These Germans are still in the shadow. However, from the second half of the past century, the company Veritas It develops rapidly. The emblem has a name inscription, as well as a wheel with impressive spikes. It even seems like a compass, a sword, a steering wheel. You can give the emblem thousands of meanings.

Volkswagen: Original emblem from a simple person

Volkswagen: Original emblem
Volkswagen: Original emblem

At one time logo Volkswageninvented Xavier Raimspi. He received for the logo of the future "Autohit" only 100 marks. Not so much, right? The emblem provides letters v and W.. There is a white contrast with blue. Silver circle.

Volvo: Company emblem with great history

Volvo: Emblem
Volvo: Emblem

This company has a wide history. The first version is familiar Volvo It is a heraldic symbol. He belongs to Ancient Rome. However, some critics reject this parallel. And they believe that there is a certain weapon that gives me to recall the god of war - Mars. Some even find the similarity of the sign with the table of chemical elements Mendeleev. They hint at this due to the fact that the Swedes have always been famous for their iron - it does not matter whether it was cold weapons or military equipment. Many peoples appreciated Sweden for this quality.

Vortex: a car logo of a Russian company

Vortex: Logo Machine
Vortex: Logo Machine

Vortex - This is a Russian company - a manufacturer from Taganrog. However, it has a license from Cheri. In Russian, Mark means "vortex". The letter V Fainted with silver. On the one hand, it can mean the desire for victory, on the other, a more banal meaning is the first letter of the name. One way or another, every motorist is trying to find his explanations and explanations to all factors.

ZAZ: The emblem of the Ukrainian manufacturer

ZAZ: Emblem
ZAZ: Emblem

ZAZ - These Ukrainians produce budget models of cars. As an emblem, they use a white circle, which is in contact with curved lines. There is a contrast with a blue background. As in the case of other brands, bends are understood as the “slopes of the Buraiks” of modern domestic roads, which are slightly different in Russia and in Ukraine.

We have listed most of the world brands of cars. Now you know what emblems of these cars have. All of them are developed by manufacturers and a specific meaning is invested in them-somewhere deep, but somewhere it just happened by chance. But all badges are beautiful and belong to companies that have their own history. Good luck!

Video: Car brands (pronunciation)

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