Buying a car for leasing - what does that mean? Lining machine for individuals: conditions, registration procedure

Buying a car for leasing - what does that mean? Lining machine for individuals: conditions, registration procedure

Today, more and more, motorists are interested in the possibility of obtaining a car in leasing. We decided to figure out what kind of procedure it is and how it is carried out.

Relatively recently, for simple buyers, the purchase of a car in leasing was not available. It was provided only by commercial enterprises to promote their business. Today, the situation is different and the cars are leased by ordinary motorists.


Leasing is of two types:

  • Operational - when the car is simply provided for rent without the right to buy
  • Financial - when the car is also leased, but it can be redeemed

According to statistics, many prefer to choose the second option.

What does it mean to take the car in leasing?

Everyone can use several opportunities to get their transport:

  • Rent
  • Credit
  • Cash purchase

Getting a car in leasing is a certain middle between the first two options. This method is very beneficial for those who do not have the opportunity to purchase their own car for cash.

Simply speaking, leasing is a long -term rental of transport with or without it.

How to decorate the car in leasing?

Leasing scheme
Leasing scheme

Leasing is issued in several different stages that always go in one order:

  • First, the motorist turns to a special organization representing leasing services. For the application, it is required to provide a package of documents. By the way, most car dealerships cooperate with leasing companies, and therefore they can be applied.
  • When the application is submitted, the lessor on the basis of documents will decide on the provision of leasing. If the transaction is approved, then the contract is drawn up, all the conditions, payments, their amount and terms of payment are stipulated, as well as the deadline for transferring the car to the property, if provided. Additionally, a contract of sale is also drawn up.
  • After signing the documentation, the lessor is redeemed by the car and he makes it up. To do this, he uses his own funds or the first fee received from the buyer. After the completion of payments, the car under the contract is already received by the motorist.
  • Now the buyer is allowed to use the vehicle, but at the same time he is not its owner and therefore cannot dispose of it. The buyer makes payments under the contract, and the company that submitted leasing can periodically check the condition of the car. This usually happens once a year, and maybe more often.

When the contract ends and all payments are made, the car is already moving into the ownership of the buyer. Now he can not only use it, but also dispose.

Advantages of buying a car in leasing

The advantages of leasing
The advantages of leasing

For a person who decides to acquire a leasing car, there are several advantages:

  • Leasing requirements are much softer than that of the loan, and therefore it is much easier to arrange it. Banks usually present more stringent conditions for borrowers, and refuse more often.
  • For some citizens, leasing is much more profitable, for example, to officials or married people who would not want to share property if you have to get a divorce. Since the car is not in their property, it is easier to hide the fact of your property.
  • Often leasing is used by individuals who require commercial transport, for example, a cargo gazelle or passenger. After all, as you know, there is no loan for such transport to individuals. And leasing solves this problem because the company can make any special equipment.
  • The procedure for terminating the leasing agreement is much easier than a loan. This allows you to change cars if you want and do not even have to sell it.
  • Car dealerships often provide good discounts for leasing companies. It turns out that since it buys a car for you, then you can get a discount.
  • Sometimes companies provide primary services and even give out another car for breakdowns. Although the buyer pays all the services, you will not have to do it right away. The entire amount will be evenly distributed by payments.

Disadvantages of buying a car in leasing

Leasing disadvantages
Leasing disadvantages

Undoubtedly, leasing has certain disadvantages. They must also be taken into account when considering this option of buying a car:

  • First of all, immediately after the acquisition, the buyer will not become the owner. Under the terms of the contract, first he must pay the entire value of the car to the lessor, as well as all additional accruals. If the buyer refuses to fulfill his obligations, then the lessor has the right to pick up a car from him and use it at his discretion. Of course, no one will return all the funds already paid.
  • The credit is more profitable than leasing. Even if they are provided on equal terms, leasing will still be completely unprofitable in terms of finance. The only option is when it is advisable - the company has the opportunity to get a good discount in the car dealership.
  • The company with which the leasing agreement is concluded can indicate in it that when damage and for a technical inspection, you can use the services of one specific service. This can lead to extra expenses, and some are still uncomfortable in terms of location.
  • To obtain leasing, the first fee may be required. It seems to be nothing, but do not forget that you do not get a car.
  • The ownership is registered in a special scheme twice. First of all, registration is carried out for a company that provided leasing, and after the fulfillment of obligations, the rights go to the buyer. All these procedures are not free and you will have to pay for everything just the client.

Buying a car for a leasing for an individual: features, documents, procedure for registration

Leasing design
Leasing design

So, before you decorate the car in leasing, select a suitable company. The main thing is that it is reliable and there are many good reviews about it. Perhaps one of your friends has already used their services. So it will be even better. Do not contact the first company that you came across, and even more so in the one that you are offered in the car dealership.

Choose several companies and compare their conditions. After all, the car is a very expensive product, and leasing involves prolonged cooperation, and financial. And even despite the fact that there may not be the difference in payments themselves, some companies have hidden commissions. And in the end they can significantly increase the amount of payments.

When a suitable company is found, first contact it and get a consultation. Any even insignificant question in your opinion. If you have decided to cooperate, then collect the necessary documents and provide them to send an application.

Basically, no unusual documents are required:

  • The passport
  • TIN
  • Labor book or its copy
  • Income certificate
  • Other documents that could confirm your solvency. For example, a certificate of ownership, an extract on accounts from the bank

In some cases, additional documents may be requested. Here it is already necessary to clarify in the company what exactly will be required to consider the application for leasing.

The application is considered within 5 days and, if the decision turns out to be positive, then the time comes for execution of the transaction.

That's in approximately the way the machine is decorated in leasing. This service has quite many advantages, but there are also significant disadvantages. So be sure to evaluate all the risks and possible problems, and only then solve whether to make leasing or not.

Video: how to buy a car for leasing?

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