What is the best way to refuel the car: to a full tank or 10 liters?

What is the best way to refuel the car: to a full tank or 10 liters?

In this material, we will consider how best to refuel the car - to a full tank or 10 liters.

The car today is an integral part of our life. But the gas station forms the most important fragment of all drivers. In today's topic, we want to raise the dilemma, how to correctly refuel the car. After all, this issue is increasingly gaining popularity between the divided camps of two opinions.

What is the best way to refuel the car: to a full tank or 10 liters?

There is no definite answer, how best to refuel the car. Therefore, we propose to delve into the intricacies of each option in order to bring for ourselves the pros and cons that will bring us to the right decision.

You need to refuel the car regularly, but correctly
You need to refuel the car regularly, but correctly

If you constantly refuel the car for 10 liters?

At first glance, it may seem that if you ride a dressing every week, or even more often, then pouring a little more than 5-10 liters of gasoline into the car is more profitable and cheaper. This is actually not so.

  • Firstly, let's delve into the very meaning of driving. Explain to yourself why ride a gas station 5 times more often. But we want to highlight the permissible reasons for such a gas station:
    • if at the moment you do not have the right amount of finances;
    • if there is any breakdown. For example, there is a small crack in the upper part of the tank, which, when refueling, leads to a leak. True, in any case, the breakdown must be repaired. It is about the interval until you reached the workshop;
    • if you need to reduce the total weight of the machine. The more often racing motorists use.

Important: these are all the reasons why you can ride with a half -empty tank! If you refuel the car so constantly, then you can harm your car.

  • If you are an average person and you have an ordinary foreign car, then its gasoline pump should be flooded along the edge. If it is not completely immersed, then, most likely, that the gas pump will swallow not only gasoline, but also air. It is not difficult to guess that this should not be.
    • Sooner or later, it will overheat and break, and you will have to pay much more money for reinstalling a new gas pump, which you would pay for a gas tank for at least 20 liters.
It is optimal to refill a car for at least 20 liters
  • With this method of refueling, you always need to hope for a “maybe”. That is, I will go to work tomorrow or I will get to the gas station at all. A half -empty tank can take you by surprise at any time. But there are still some kind of clarifications in this matter:
    • the bulb can not always burn, and hoping for an arrow on fuel indicators is also not the best option. Remember - this is only an information pointer that can give errors;
    • the second that must be taken into account is the device measures inert residues. Do not believe, then drown out and start the car again - the arrow will issue other data. The thing is that the reading of the remnants of gasoline is with some slowdown, and not in real time;
    • and do not forget that The car can go on fuel remnants in highways and pump. And when you drown out the car, these drops return back to the gas tank. But you may not have enough to start these residues.
  • Now we look at what else can be affected by constant driving on a half -empty tank - this corrosion. Some kind of moisture is present on the walls of the gas tank, and therefore it begins to “corrode” metal.
    • In addition, moisture will accumulate in the engine of the car. And this is unequivocally affecting a good car ride.
  • Also teach that when tilted, you can hardly start, because the remains can drain one way.
  • Well, the most dangerous is accumulation of fumes in a half -empty tankthat when in contact with the flame can cause an explosion. It is about cases when a coal filter and adsorber are clogged.
A semi -empty tank can cause some breakdowns
A semi -empty tank can cause some breakdowns

If you refuel the car to a full tank?

If you firmly decide to refuel the car to the “tie”, then you should think about possible disadvantages. Alas, they are.

Let's start with a pleasant one, with pluses:

  • you can be firmly sure that tomorrow go to work, and an empty tank will not take you by surprise;
  • and not why ride just every day for refueling;
  • speed \u200b\u200blovers at any time can be abruptly driven;
  • if a quality tank, then corrosion will not be overtaken so fast;
  • the fuel does not dangle and is less annoying the driver, but this does not apply to cars;
  • the gas pump will not grab air.
With a full tank you can be sure
With a full tank you can be sure

Next, let's talk about the minuses:

  • the car becomes much harder than usual;
  • although this minus is rare today, but it should not be missed. Not quite conscientious people can drain a large amount of gasoline;
  • but this is so, minor disadvantages. The main minus is Violation of ventilation. The fact is that some drivers even “trim” fuel, shaking the car. And here is the area that should be between gasoline and the adsorber for absorbing the gas tank vapors;
  • and this is reflected not only on poor ventilation, but can even cause streaming of gasoline through the pouring neck or even drainage tubes;
  • and this carries the main danger - explosion of the car In an accident or just with close open fire. Especially if the fuel hit the exhaust pipe or brakes;
  • also do not forget that in the heat, gasoline will begin to expand And look for a way out of the tank. The fuel leak will not delight anyone, because it is both dangerous and not very economical.
Better to refuel the tank for 3/4
Better to refuel the tank for 3/4

As you can see, refuel a car for 10 liters or a full tank - both options with your minuses. Do not pour the gas tank, as some drivers do. Recall that there is also a calculation on the neck, for example, with passport data of 40 liters, you can actually pour 45. You should not do this, because there must be ventilation in the tank. But at the very bottom - this is fraught with the normal operation of the entire system.

Important: you can conclude - you need to season the car by about 75%, especially in the summer. Also do not forget that the fuel should be of high quality!

Video: What is the best way to refuel the car: 3 best life?

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