Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: What is this method? Why are passport data necessary for AliExpress Premium Shipping? AliExpress Premium shipping: Translation, posting posts, delivery reviews

Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: What is this method? Why are passport data necessary for AliExpress Premium Shipping? AliExpress Premium shipping: Translation, posting posts, delivery reviews

Delivery Aliexpress Premium shipping: what is it, how quickly it comes, is it worth it to order.

Purchases for Aliexpress are currently the most budget shopping with a simply incredible assortment. For decades, we overpayed many intermediaries only because we did not have the opportunity to directly buy from Chinese manufacturers. But then the Internet platform appeared Aliexpress And she made a bridge between clients around the world and Chinese sellers, and the length of this bridge is one click.

In the online store, one of the most important points is fast and high -quality delivery. Aliexpress knows about this and regularly opens new delivery services optimally complying with modern standards and customer expectations. This is what we talk about in this article. In the field of view, Courier International Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping and its younger counterpart Aliexpress Standard Shipping.

For those who have never visited a giant site yet Aliexpress We recommend that we familiarize yourself with our articleIn which we talk about registration, as well as the choice and order of goods.

Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: What is this method?

There are several delivery options on the Aliexpress website and in all of them except one (AliExpress Premium Shipping) The goods are directly sent from the seller to the client without involving the site itself Aliexpress.

At the same time, the seller sends the order to the warehouse Aliexpress. But what's the difference? Let's figure it out.

Usually the scheme looks like this: the manufacturer (seller on the site Aliexpress) - International courier services - a client.

Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: What is this method?
Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: What is this method?

But with AliExpress Premium Shipping the scheme is as follows: the manufacturer (seller on the Aliexpress website) - Aliexpress Premium Shipping - International Courier Services - Client.

Why is this an additional link? For even more long -standing delivery, tell me? We already want to order in the evening, and in the morning the package came, but we are waiting for a long 14-60 days, and here is still simple. But! If you use the services of AliExpress Premium Shiping, then the seller will not be sent, but the site Aliexpress, and accordingly, you definitely won’t stumble on fake tracks. And, therefore, you will not wait for the long weeks of your order, and then with disappointment you will find out that there is no parcel and you need to make a refund. And the deadlines? The deadlines will definitely please you!

Besides the site Aliexpress Collaborates with logistics business sharks:

  • China Post
  • UPS
  • Mail Hong Kong
  • Mail Singapore
  • Omniva Estonia Post
  • DHL
  • Fedex

So, using AliExpress Premium Shipping, you will receive an order within 7-15 days. And if you choose the service Aliexpress Standard Shipping will arrive for 15-45 days.

AliExpress Premium Shipping: Translation

The new name is also interesting for many not only the method, but also the translation. Everything is simpler:

  • Premium Shipping-Premium Dodel
  • Standard Shipping - standard delivery

Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: How to track?

First, note that the sending and delivery of goods is directly engaged in Aliexpress And if there is difficulty at some stage, the giant of the trade in Chinese goods will immediately intervene for resolving the issue.

Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: How to track?
Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: How to track?

Secondly, if you already intend to independently monitor the movement of the parcel, go to your personal account-order No.: xxxx (your order number) and on the right side, click on the “Check Train” button. There you can, as in a graphic image to see at which stage the parcel is moving, and independently track the track number.

Why are passport data necessary for AliExpress Premium Shipping?

Depending on the choice of a transport company, passport data may be required for delivery of the parcel. This happens when delivering the company "Russia Express-SPSR".

Important: such data is most often required not immediately, but after some time. You will receive an e-mail letter with information:

“Dear N. You created this number on the site Aliexpress Order # chhhhh.

For quick and high -quality delivery of your parcel, we need some data about you to submit information to the Federal Customs Service (in accordance with the Agreement “On the Procedure for Moving of goods for personal use through the customs border of the Customs Union and the commission of customs operations related to their release” ).

  • Full name is completely in Russian as indicated in the passport;
  • Series and passport number, if there is no one, the series and number of the document that replaces it;
  • Date of issuing a passport;
  • The method you desired and the delivery address.

Also, if you want to receive SMS, confirm this in this letter (in accordance with Article 44.1 of the Law on Communications of 10.21.2014 as amended by the Federal Law).

After that, the link in the transition to which the form is opened is indicated.

As well as information that in case of any questions you can contact the SPSR-Express 8-800-700-36-30. ”

Please note that the passport scans are not required to load anywhere, and the information that you transmit in this form is indicated when each package is received. It is quite safe to transmit such data, and it is impossible to use it for other purposes, so you may not worry at all.

Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping: Delivery reviews

Daniel: I ordered many times on Aliexpress, and always waited at least a month, and then I took a chance and ordered through Premium Shipping. When the package came to me, after 5 days I was pleasantly shocked. Not always, but occasionally I am ready to pay for such speed.

Marina: I order not the first parcel through AliExpress Premium Shipping-not a single one has been lost, it really arrives on 5-7 days. One waited 12 days, but compared to 50-60 days before that, these few days are mere trifles. I recommend!

Video: Delivery AliExpress Premium Shipping

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Comments K. article

  1. Good day. My experience in using the method of delivery of the order by the Aliexpress Premium service: I purchased equipment on the Aliexpress website. I chose the delivery "Aliexpress Premium." The seller worked promptly, issued a special track, and the very next day I could monitor the movement of my order. The order "ran" really quickly. So he entered the sorting, on the same day he left her, the next day he was accepted by an air carrier, and .... Not accepted by the airline. In this status, the order sagged for 3 days until I began to “pull” the seller. The seller responded and started checking what is the matter of fact. In parallel, I began to “pull” the support service of Aliexpress. When sending “Aliexpress Premium”, the responsibility for sending and the most difficultness in the movement of the order is borne by Aliexpress !! Aliexpress support service, as usual, is emphasized correctly, and ... does not answer the specifically posed questions: what, why, and why so! The whole essence of the answers to the questions why stuck my order at the departure airport unambiguous answers - there is a time of protection and adhere to it. The seller answered a day in a day. It turns out that the order was not accepted by the airline for transportation due to the fact that the package has equipment equipped with an electric motor. The seller promised to send my order tomorrow, but by another delivery method. That's it.

  2. Prior to this, always ordered with the delivery of the usual mail “China Post Registered”, always everything came in 7-20 days and was served. Now I made a large purchase with this fucking premium delivery and ... that’s it, the package has been flying a week before that a week somewhere in China walked, no changes, nothing is tracking. In general, I had already come to terms that I would not get anything, the main thing is that at least the money was returned.

  3. What kind of nonsense do you carry about delivery in 5-7 days? I recently ordered goods with premium delivery. It has already passed twice as much time, and my order just got to the air carrier.

  4. I ordered the goods 11/23/2018
    Delivery cost 842 r aliexpress premium at that time, the goods are not cheap, and very important. But alas, I haven't come yet. A month and a half is too much for the premium delivery. I don't want to order in this way anymore

  5. this delivery is just complete. In no case do not use it! No tracking, SPSR and others do not beat the Chinese track!
    Siver Shipping sent 2 weeks later, already flew to the country, is well tracked, and this garbage cost a lot of money and is not yet clear where to look for the package. The worst thing I need, what lies in the parcel, already yesterday and money does not matter.

  6. I ordered expensive goods to this premium delivery. Today is 50 days how the goods are coming. Almost 2 months! The protection of the buyer is over, but the money has not yet been returned.

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