The left and right side of the body: esotericism and energy flows

The left and right side of the body: esotericism and energy flows

About how the human field is divided and what part of the body is responsible for what energy positions is described in the article.

It is common for a person to show interest in the study of the hidden abilities of his body and the development of the mysterious laws of the universe. So the person managed to establish that his body surrounds the field with electromagnetic frequencies. The electromagnetic field of the human body consists of two halves with a line of separation of the spinal column and chest. Each of the parties is responsible for its set of forming qualities and functions in a person.

Right side of the body: male energy

The right half is an indicator of the emotional balance, associated with the manifestation of creative potential and imagination, knowledge and curiosity, the desire for the novelty and the spirit of adventurism.

The human body contains equally two energy - male and female energy. The energy flows of male energy flow on the right side.

Separation of the parties
Separation of the parties

This energy has its special manifestations:

  1. The desire for power, the management of ambitions and other qualities affecting the achievement of goals and victories.
  2. The development of mental and physical abilities. Is responsible for endurance and intelligence.
  3. Reproduces a person’s attitude to the environment - his perception of the outside world.

Male energy is often associated with energy of the sun - the patronizing beginning, showing activity. Male energy also guarantees career growth, authority in society, successful financial situation. These qualities can be observed in representatives of both sexes.

You should not consider male energy as a sexual trait - this term characterizes male or female features inherent in every person. From the point of view of esotericism - the body has a direct connection between the internal conflict of human consciousness and the problems arose in the corresponding side of the body.

Balance violation

The reason for the unbalanced energy flows may be:

  • Lack of self -confidence and related conflict situations in the family.
  • Inability to show male qualities.
  • Unfulfilled career.
  • The ambiguity in determining sexual orientation.
There may be an unbalanced
There may be an unbalanced

For women, the problem with the right side is based on several other tasks. As a rule, this is an unresolved internal dispute between the instinct of motherhood and the construction of a career. This can lead to life situations in which a woman is forced to show male qualities to build a career, as well as if a woman has a complex relationship with the environment of the opposite sex. The imbalance of male energy - causes in the body of a woman the diseases located on the right side of the body.

Left side: female energy

The left half - stimulates logical thinking, leads the speech area, forms a sense of responsibility, purposefulness and instinct of self -preservation. It is also known that the left side is responsible for intuition.

A more detailed study of the electromagnetic field and the influence of its frequencies on the human condition - gives esotericism. It is believed that a person acquires a physical body as a result of a combination of actions in past incarnations and the goals of the current life. It follows that the body is the main impeccable device for the implementation of spiritual tasks. But still, despite its talents, the body is a vulnerable mechanism. The physical and energy shell of the body is supple to the influence of negative factors.

This is often expressed in the occurrence of diseases in the body. In addition, it can be noted that only one of the sides of the body is subject to diseases. The manifestation of these phenomena is explained by esoteric teachings. They are based on the definition that the right side of the body belongs to the flows of male energy, and the left - female energy. Everything that happens with the human body is built on balancing the balance of these energies among themselves. Any deviation in one direction or another leads to a number of violations, including for human health.

Left - female side
Left - female side

Female energy often personifies lunar energy. Contrary to solar activity - lunar female energy is soft, soothing. This energy is combined with harmony and tenderness. Its energy flows pass on the left side of the body.

In the same way, both women and men, the left side is responsible for compassion, the ability to find support, express obedience, acquire, listen and rely on their experience, show custody and care, create and create something beautiful. The left side is the embodiment of wisdom, sensitivity and restraint.

A harmonious energy field in the left side helps:

  1. To implement your creative plans, to develop talent.
  2. To patronize those who need to show mercy, to engage in charity.
  3. To experience vivid feelings, to feel completely different emotions.

Streams of female energy are associated with the inner world of man - his subconscious, a foreboding and development of instincts.

Energy imbalance

For men, inhibition of female energy in themselves means the inability to express their emotions. Such men, often devoid of compassion and feelings of affection, do not know how to affection and care. Problems with female energy - expressed by the callousness of character and the lack of creative thinking. You can also observe the occurrence of diseases on the left side of the body.

An unrealized maternal instinct leads to violation of energy flows in women. In this case, a woman cannot fully realize her female function. To balance the internal energy - a woman must show her femininity, find an object to identify her feelings of care and tenderness.

Parts of the energy body
Parts of the energy body

It is worth noting that left-hand side - This is a direct reflection of relations with the female sex: sister or mother, wife and daughter, friends or lover. Any conflict situations, accumulated grievances, aggression or hostility towards a woman or man can be inflated into energy flows.

Therefore, in order to establish the cause of such a violation, it is necessary to reconsider your relationship with the opposite sex. To control the energy flows and lead them to harmonious interaction, one must try not to succumb to negative emotions, not to keep a feeling of resentment and not enter into conflict situations with the opposite sex.

Video: Left and right side of a person

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