Diagnostics and cleaning runes for beginners: the value of runes. How to diagnose runes on your own damage, relationships, negativity, diseases?

Diagnostics and cleaning runes for beginners: the value of runes. How to diagnose runes on your own damage, relationships, negativity, diseases?

In this article, we will talk about how to use the runes to determine some of your problems and get rid of them.

In previous articles, we talked about what they mean Directand inverted runes, as with the help of them you can determine the future of relationsor careershow to choose talisman-Rundepending on the zodiac sign. We have learned with you and Create runeswith your own hands. But did you know that these characters can diagnose various problems and even remove the negative?

How to diagnose damage runes, negativity for beginners: the value of runes

In order to determine the presence of damage or negativity, take out one rune And look what is shown on it. So, they say about corruption Hagalaz, Aivaz, Turisaz, Laguz straight and inverted.

Important: be sure to keep in mind that when formulating the question is accuracy. For example, it is better to immediately ask if there is a damage from a particular person.

So what mean The runes mentioned above in the context we need?

  • Eyvaz - The damage was blocked by a man who He knows a lot In such rituals. Or, as an option, it is directly interested Damage to you.
Runa Eyvaz says that damage was brought by a person who is versed in this matter
Runa Eyvaz says that damage was brought by a person who is versed in this matter
  • Hagalaz - Most likely, you Cursed verbally. Such an uniting evil wish, uttered in the hearts, is called the negative.
  • Turisaz - The spoilage appeared the result of revenge.
  • Lazuz is straight - maybe you they interfered with someone in heart affairs.
  • The laguz is inverted Indicates precisely on subjectthrough which damage could have entered. Most likely, it came true through something gloomy like the land from the cemetery.

Important: if you pulled out the rune outside this list, you can exhale with relief - there is no talk of damage. But take a closer look at the Odal - if it fell out, then take out another rune. And if such a rune refers to the listed by us, then you could have spoiled you in the past.

The rune of the Odal may indicate that the spoilage stretches from the past
The rune of the Odal may indicate that the spoilage stretches from the past

How to diagnose health and disease runes: runes value

If you feel malaise, you can, using runes, try to determine its source. To do this, take it out one rune - and see what the discomfort can be associated with:

  • Feuhu - with respiratory diseases, joint problems or bones
  • Uruz - In the risk zone, that in the answer is for our physical form. Perhaps the muscles are overstrain
  • Turisaz - Nerves, heart. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the skin
  • Ansuz - Everything related to the oral cavity. These are teeth, gums, larynx

Important: the problem associated with the speech apparatus is very likely.

  • Raido -it is worth taking care of the state of the musculoskeletal system
  • Kano - The general unsatisfactory state of the immune system. The formation of inflammatory processes is also likely
  • Gebo - Poisoning
  • Wuno - problems with light and, in principle, with everything related to breathing
  • Hagalaz - damage like cuts or even fractures
  • Nautiz - it can be both colds and problems associated with hands
The rune of nautiz says that colds may occur
The rune of nautiz says that colds may occur
  • Isa -Loss of any sensitivity. For example, the sense of smell may refuse
  • Yera - problems with the digestive system
  • Eyvaz -A rather diverse list of eye disease to problems with the musculoskeletal system. Bone diseases cannot be excluded
  • Perth - gynecology, urology

Important: problems with internal organs are also possible - it is worth testing your health in this direction.

  • Algiz - Another rune signaling weak immunity. The problems associated with brain activity - injury, violation of blood circulation are likely
  • Soul - There is a high probability of getting a burn. You also need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin
  • Tayvaz - stretching and other injuries, arthritis and rheumatisms are likely
  • Berkana - in case of women Indicates the inability to get pregnant. Men should pay attention to their nervous system
  • Evaz - under the threat of the kidneys, liver
  • Mannase - stretching, various injuries

Important: it is recommended to pay attention to the state of the body as a whole - it is possible that it is weakened.

Mannase rune often indicates the overall weakening of the body
Mannase rune often indicates the overall weakening of the body
  • Laguz - Problems with blood vessels, kidneys are likely
  • Inguz - urological diseases or unsatisfactory state of the immune system
  • Otil - Find out if you have hereditary diseases in your family. The danger may come from them
  • Dagaz - Take care of your nerves
If you have a Dagaz rune, try to relax more
If you have a Dagaz rune, try to relax more

How to make diagnostics with runes of relations: the value of the runes

Alignment for the diagnosis of relations called "Heart" performed simply - it is only necessary to decompose in the form of this symbol 6 runes, among which:

  • 1 - Draws a relationship all in all. Shows how partners relate to each other. This rune can rightfully be considered in the diagnosis the most important
  • 2 - will help to figure out in detail that you feel To the partner
  • 3 - But this rune illustrates the attitude partner to you

Important: Compare 2 and 3 runes. If they differ radically, a strong discrepancy is possible in characters.

  • 4nearest prospects on the development of relations from your side
  • 5 - again prospects, but already from the point of view partner, his intentions. It is recommended again compare the values two runes, only this time this and 4
  • 6 - And finally, result. This rune can be considered a kind hint regarding what steps should be taken to improve relations

The fact that each specific rune of personal life promises, can be read in this article.

Diagnosis of runes will help to make clarity into relationships
Diagnosis of runes will help to make clarity into relationships

How to diagnose the stage of the rune?

In order to diagnose stavs of runes, you need to properly to relax And ask a mental question: "How will this beet to work with me?". Imagine yourself with this start. Now you can Pull the runes.

Important: completely turn off all logical thinking. Make a choice at an emotionally-intuitive level.


  • 1 rune - How do you perceive the descendant.
  • 2 runes - How will he work
  • 3 rune - What will such contact with the beginning lead to

For interpretation, you can use the general value lines and Inverted runes.

However, there are such symbols after which clarification is required. In other words, you need to get another rune. These are the following characters:

  • Turisaz - It will be necessary to clarify what is the breakthrough associated with the use of the stage
  • Hagalaz - What will be destroyed?
  • Yera - What should be expected after a long term?
  • Eyvaz - How will the suspended state turn into?
  • Perth - What is the mystery to be?
  • Inguz - What new stage will begin?
  • Dagaz - What will happen after quick changes?
Before using the runes, it is recommended to diagnose it
Before using the runes, it is recommended to diagnose it

What is runic wax in diagnosis?

This method helps Take a job with the question of damage. From ancient times, it was determined by wax - hence the name went from here.

To do this, take it out 4 Any runes. They are The most important in the diagnosis and indicate the presence of negativity. You need to be guided here by the same principles that are described in the first paragraph about corruption.

Important: if among the elongated 4 runes there are no those that indicate the negative, you should not continue the alignment. Instead, on the available 4 runes, you can diagnose problems that come directly from the person himself.

But if the spoilage is still diagnosed, decompose second row, consisting of 2 runes. They will indicate who can be a source of problems:

  • Mannase - The person who is being made, he is to blame for himself. For example, he moved to the house with a negative or did something wrong, offended someone
  • Berkana, Laguz - It is worth suspecting woman. Moreover in the first case, in the direct position it is at a childbearing age, and in the inverted - In the elderly
The runes of Berkan and Laguz indicate that the source of damage is a woman
The runes of Berkan and Laguz indicate that the source of damage is a woman
  • Turisaz, Tayvaz - the man is to blame. Tayvaz is straight Indicates a young man, and inverted - per person aged
  • Odal, Perth, Feuhu, Hebo - specify that the damage is sent on business Or some thing

Now you need to get more one runewhich will be a third row. She will tell through what Negative came to you:

  • Fucked - The lining
  • Feuhu - A thing that fell into the hands
  • Berkana - I'm going or drinking
  • Gebo - gift
Gobo rune indicates that the negative was received through a gift
Gobo rune indicates that the negative was received through a gift

How to clean the runes?

For cleaning can be used the following stations:

  • To remove both physiological and psychological problems -Eyvaz-Sulu-Khagalas-Suulu-Jeher

Important: if you suspect the negative or have any complexes, this person may be useful.

  • Another becoming for cleaning from negativity -Nautiz or Algiz-Sulu-Nautiz or Algiz

Where apply?

  • Apply To the photo. Further, the photo is placed in some secluded place. Nothing to do anything else needs to be done.
  • If you decide to write a formula on the paper, carry it with you everywhere.
  • Some apply runes on the body or patchwhich is attached to the body. However, nevertheless, in the process of wearing, they can be deformed. Therefore, either choose another method, or wear carefully and periodically paint.

Important: when pronouncing a request to remove all the bad be extremely careful -generalization can turn into something negative. It is recommended to specify the wish.

Cleaning lasts 3 daysif you want to solve the local problem, and 9 days - If the background.

Runes cleaning correctly will help restore the feeling of happiness
Runes cleaning correctly will help restore the feeling of happiness

How to make protection runes?

To protect family comfort, health It is worth making a charm in the form of a rune alone.

To protect propertycut the combination of Ingus-algiz from the tree. It should be stored at home away from curious eyes. If such a condition is fulfilled, fires or thieves can not be afraid.

From the evil eye and damage Make a runic becoming a tourisaz-tyvaz-Turisaz. It should be cut exclusively on a tree. Another option is to write on frames and jambs.

To protect family values Use Ansuz, which protects from slander and weakens someone else's negative influence. It is always worth carrying with you.

Runa Ansuz is able to protect family values
Runa Ansuz is able to protect family values

As you can see, with the help of runes you can not just guess. These ancient symbols are able to not only indicate the problem, but also have a certain effect on it.

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  1. Thanks a lot! Very useful article!

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