Inverted runes - meaning and description. Interpretation, meaning and application of inverted runes in life for decision -making

Inverted runes - meaning and description. Interpretation, meaning and application of inverted runes in life for decision -making

In this article, we will continue to talk about the meaning of the Scandinavian runes, but this time we focus on the inverted runes.

In the runes, humanity embodied the desire to know its soul, get answers to vital questions. We talked about the interpretation of the Scandinavian runes in the standard position in the previous article. In the same, we will tell you about what to expect from the fallen signs that have fallen.

The value of the inverted rune is

Most often, an inverted rune Eyvaz warns about problem with a partner. Moreover, this can be both a colleague and a friend, a relative. At all, one of them will deliberately fail, but in fact this misunderstanding will happen.

Important: however, you should not be upset, because these difficulties will almost certainly be temporary.

Evaz recommends especially carefully in the near future check your transport, If it is available. It is desirable refrain from any kind of trips.

Evaz over -up - rune -worship
Evaz over-up-rune-worship

The value of the inverted rune was given, otal

The person is on the verge the coup of your "I". Perhaps you have to abandon your habits, some kind of spiritual qualities. Material benefits are also in question.

It is recommended to show maximum flexibility in thinking and actions. And it is extremely important to try do not accept all the innovations in life close to heart. And the changes are foreseen enough.

Do not show excessive activity In attempts to keep everything. So you can undermine health, and lose finances, and quarrel with loved ones.

Fucked upside down - rune of change
Odal over -up - rune of change

The value of the inverted rune Uruz

In general, embodies missed opportunities. Basically, this happened or will happen due to insufficient willpower, fright, unwillingness of change.

Important: because of this, it is quite possible to fall into depression, to begin to experience weakness, disappointment, devastation. There is a risk even to undermine health.

To correct the situation, it is recommended to talk honestly with yourself, to analyze thoughts and actions. Think about what you really should let energy, what you really want. Forget about stereotypes.

Uruz Inverted - rune of missed capabilities
Uruz Inverted - rune of missed capabilities

The value of the inverted rune algiz

Sign that in this time period You are very vulnerable. At the same time, vulnerability can turn into both physical injuries and a deception or provocation from someone. However, any the breakdown and aggression in response to the offender will only aggravate the problem.

Definitely forget about intuition - Now you should be guided exclusively by calculations. And in no case do not move ahead - Only caution, only patience.

Important: maybe you deceived yourself? Naivety or greed could well serve as the cause of the current vulnerability.

Algiz Inverted - Runa -vulnerability
Algiz Inverted-Runa-vulnerability

The value of the inverted runo rune

Runa-linen. Perhaps caution in the coming days will not be superfluous. Keep a sense of humor in any case - it will help to avoid quarrels that will be easy to achieve. It will be much more difficult to reconcile.

Try to refrain from activity - There will be few logic in your actions. A dissonance will appear related to actions and what is actually a priority.

It may well be that your plans will be upset - For example, a certain journey will break or have to visit a sick relative. In any case, it will be a surprise associated with movement.

Raido Inverted - Runa -Evaluation
Raido Inverted-Runa-Evaluation

The value of the inverted rune of Berkan

Growth difficulty. Moreover, this may concern physical growth, but most often the spiritual one is referred to. Perhaps you p released in gloom, are not able to make the right decisions.

Important: if so, you should pull yourself together and carefully analyze what worries. Show zeal - and everything will work out.

Often Berkana portends family troubles. Make up, disputes or even an opponent - the rune will not tell you an exact event, but it is definitely worth being on your guard. Family relations clearly will not be able to develop in a positive way, if you show negligence.

Berkana Inverted - rune of growth difficulties
Berkana Inverted - rune difficulties of growth

The value of the inverted rune Tayvaz

Indecision, loss of energy. It's time to think about how to build your life further. This is by no means a dark period, but you will definitely lose even more energy if you do not stop in time and do not think.

Most likely, problems stem from a weak nature And, as a result, dependence on others. Maybe, it is worth learning to say no! in some cases?

Important: one more important point - you need to learn to honestly talk with yourself and understand that you should not always shift responsibility to others.

Tayvaz overly - rune -fucker
Tayvaz upstood-rune-fucker

The value of the inverted rune rune

Greed, unhealthy egoism. A person is inclined to blame all the misfortunes of the world from people to nature. In this case, it is observed increased craving to pity yourself. In other words, the enemy is inside the man himself.

The most important advice in this case is be honest with yourself. It is incredibly difficult to break the inertia of a past life and established habits, but it is necessary, otherwise, resentment at everyone and everything will take root even more.

Mannase upturned - rune of unhealthy egoism
Mannase upturned - rune of unhealthy egoism

The value of the inverted rune Perth

A kind of personification "Bear service". A person can sincerely want to apply his knowledge or skills to the benefit of others, but in reality, instead of benefit, there is a risk of harm. Finding in the world of illusions No one has brought any benefit to anyone.

However, there may be quite conscious manipulation of other people. In any case, this will lead to a series of errors and a depressed state.

Important: you should try to reconsider your motives, desires.

Also, this rune can signal about attachment to the past, which should be released - otherwise there will be a "bear service" in relation to itself. Do not be guided in your affairs past, but do not think excessively about the future. Live here and now.

Perth Inverted - Medveje Runa Service
Perth Inverted-Medveje Runa Service

The value of the inverted laguz rune

Overstrain And quite probable nervous breakdown. Probably, you will be struggling to the goal without sparing yourself. However, at the moment, the goal is still unattainable, therefore Try to relax. A quiet environment, meditation, pleasant music will contribute to this.

Do not contact intuition either In attempts to solve the problem-now it will not work for you because of the same nervous overstrain.

Find the "gap" in yourself And try to deal with your "I". Perhaps unresolved internal conflicts also contribute to a state of overvoltage.

Laguz Inverted - Runa -Normal Dock
Laguz Inverted-Runa-Normal Druff

The value of the inverted rune tourisaz

Stupor, energy is exhausted. A feeling of hopelessness, impasse, helplessness may well happen.

Important: the main thing is to prevent panic. Yes, it is not possible to resolve the conflict tormenting you at the moment, but try to focus on other things instead.

Tune in to a wave of calm, in a working way. They will come in handy in the future, when it will be necessary to understand the causes of failures. And then you can already return to the problem for resolving it.

TURISAZ Outstanded - rune
TURISAZ Outhoiled-rune

The value of the inverted rune of Ansuz

Futility. It seems that any actions are useless, and what is happening around is not amenable to explanation. Do not rush to reproach yourself and fall into despondency - the current situation was inevitable And it happened exactly when necessary.

Knowledge will not be absorbed by you. Maybe you will be in the skin of the "eternal student". Or maybe you will just be unable to absorb information at the moment that would help to resolve the tormenting situation.

Important: do not show trust in anything that is brought to hear or see. Lie awaits you with a high degree of probability.

Ansuz Inverted - rune -darkness
Ansuz Inverted-rune-darkness

The value of the inverted runo runo

Disappointment, crisis. A person will experience disharmony, contradiction, disagreement, anxiety. What is happening will squeeze all his energy out of a person. Perhaps he will even make him abandon himself.

No matter how strange it seemed, but you need to try to calm down. You won’t change anything right now, but you may well breathe calmly and try to feel the way out in the dark.

Try to learn life lessons. In general, in such a crisis, it would be in the way to know yourself.

Wuno Inverted - rune -crisis, disappointment
Wuno Inverted-rune-crisis, disappointment

The value of the inverted rune cano

Emptiness, clouding, some kind of loss. Perhaps the time has come give up what has outplave.

Important: you should be on the alert, since in this period something important may collapse-friendship, marriage or even part of your "I".

Runa Kano advises throw away all thoughtsand and, if there was a nuisance, just try to believe in yourself. Necessarily take care of the creation of something new.

Kano Inverted - Runa -Walk
Kano Inverted-Runa-Walk

The value of the inverted rune of nautiz

Inner evil Due to laziness, stinginess, stiffness, constant tendency to teach, accumulated problems, whims, contradictions, norov and obstinacy.
All the problems of a person come from himself-somewhere he did not want to solve them, but somewhere he was simply too lazy.

You can’t do without purification. You can do this through Strengthening character, restraining anger, education of determination, gaining faith. This rune may seem extremely negative, but it appears as just when a person does not want to work on himself.

Nautiz Inverted - rune is more evil
Nautiz Inverted-rune is more evil

The meaning of the inverted rune Fehu, Feu

The loss. She can touch on plans, property, achievements. The person is in the state when he observes the disappearance of something, but there can be nothing.

Important: however, such a rune can teach something-it teaches to form the right experience, to accumulate knowledge useful in life.

Imagine that all your achievements are a bowl. And a crowded bowl will not work out. Maybe after its partial devastation, it will be possible to fill it with something else, more useful?

Fehu Burned - Fleet
Feuhu Burned-Fleet

As you can see, the inverted runes bring a negative shade into fortune -telling. However, each such negative teaches something, can be used for the good. We did not describe some runes for the reason that their inverted condition is identical to ordinary.

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