How to make runes with your own hands from? How to make a rune amulet, a charm, a talisman, for money, protection, luck, becoming?

How to make runes with your own hands from? How to make a rune amulet, a charm, a talisman, for money, protection, luck, becoming?

In this article we will talk about how to create runes with your own hands.

In previous articles, we talked about how be guessed on the runes or to work, selected runes by date of birth And just described direct and inverted Their values. But how to create such symbols with your own hands? What will be needed for this, and what rules should adhere to?

How to make runes with your own hands from?

To create runes, you can use the following materials:

Wood - He is preferred most often. Our ancestors initially created just such runes. At the same time, they tried do not break the branches speciallyas they considered them alive.

Important: such material due to its suppleness is recommended for beginners.

Wooden runes
Wooden runes

Stone on the contrary, cold In processing. But how symbol of stability and reliability Often selected for the manufacture of runes.

Runes made of stones
Runes made of stones

Clayconvenient for work, but do not forget about the subsequent Firing. It is recommended to select runic signs to create red variety.

Runes made of clay
Runes made of clay

Metal - It is often used in view of its strength. Counts magical material.

Important: copper enhances the power of amulets, silver activates intuition, lead helps to reason correctly.

Runes made of metal
Runes made of metal

BonesAs it was believed, they endowed the products of that the power that was inherent in the animal in life.

Runes from bones
Runes from bones

Attention should be paid to Production Day:

  • Monday - To attract good luck in love
  • Tuesday - To protect against bad things
  • Wednesday - To increase knowledge
  • Thursday - To attract money
  • Friday - For a quick replenishment in the family
  • Saturday - For success
  • Sunday - For healing

Concerning size, then the most optimal is considered 2x3 cm. Such runes will not take up a lot of space during storage, and besides, it is very convenient to hold them in the hand when wondering.

Small runes are convenient to store in a bag
Small runes are convenient to store in a bag

The form of much does not matter - Square, oval, round runes are equally good.

Important: it is desirable that pieces with runes are approximately the same size.

Of course, very it is important to tune in emotionally - Relax, calm down, achieve harmony. Set aside the work for another time if you have to rush or if you experience stress.

Meditation before making runes will help to tune in to the desired wave
Meditation before making runes will help to tune in to the desired wave

Is it possible to make runes from cardboard, paper, wood, stone?

It is believed that runes need to be made from materials of natural origin - in other words, cardboard and paper are not suitable.

But stones - another thing! However, they should be collected in more or less secluded places - For example, on the slope of the ravine, on the shore of the river. And it is worth doing it in the early morning hoursUntil extra information is bothering a person.

Important: be sure to listen to your intuition - if you don’t like the selected pebble, it is better to put it in place.

You can look for runes for runes on the shore of the river
You can look for runes for runes on the shore of the river

Wood It is preferable to choose what any nice memorieswhich has the value defined for you. But if there are no special preferences, you can use the following interpretations:

  • Beech - conductor knowledge. Work with such material comfortable, and the runes will be in the end pleasant to the touch.
  • Ash - Helps understand your purpose, enhances abilities foresee.
    Elm - It is desirable that the runes have been used from it men. This tree supports in bold undertakings attracts Good luck.
  • Oak - since ancient times was the embodiment vitality, gave protection.

Important: it is difficult to work with it - such wood is hard and fibrous. However, the result is worth it, since it is believed that oak perfectly preserves energy.

Apricot - Files energy, vital forceBrings joy. It is believed that it is capable of smooth sharp corners. In addition, work with apricot easy even to beginners.

Apricot is a beautiful tree suitable for the manufacture of runes by newcomers
Apricot is a beautiful tree suitable for the manufacture of runes by newcomers
  • Aspen - From ancient times it was considered magic tree, capable of giving Protection from evil spirits. In nervous states, contact with aspen is useful.
  • Linden - an extremely positive tree that can give calm, protection, relieve depression. Very on Lipa it is convenient to apply paint.
  • Cedar - Give runes the most powerful energy. This energy will help to cope with the negative. Always associated with fertility and immortality.
  • Birch - has at the same time and soft energyand provides strong influence. It is perfect for those people who feel physical or moral exhaustion.

Important: it is not difficult to cut and burn it according to the birch, so beginners can be recommended to such wood.

Birch is perfect as a material for creating runes
Birch is perfect as a material for creating runes

How and from what to make a rune amulet, amulet?

For the manufacture of an amulet, in addition to the material, you will need:

  • Rezakiwhich can work on wood. If you plan to work with solid wood, then tools are needed fat
  • Several chisel different widths
  • Acrylic paints And very thin brush
  • Stencilwhich can be made from thick cardboard

You can proceed:

  • To start cut themselves harpses.
  • Pencil on them designate the runes.
  • Along the lines go a chisel In order for the recesses to be even.
  • Make it At the ends of the serif In order to avoid chips.

Important: the depth of the holes can be chosen by yourself, but on average it is worth focusing on the indicator of 1 mm.

Harvesting under the rune after processing with a chisel
Harvesting under the rune after processing with a chisel
  • Put the chisel at an angle At a certain distance from existing recesses. The recesses thus become the center of the pattern. It is recommended to keep the tool at an angle 45 degrees.
You can draw the boundaries of the future rune in advance
You can draw the boundaries of the future rune in advance
This is what the hole for the future rune looks like
This is what the hole for the future rune looks like
And so the completely cut out rune looks like
And so the completely cut out rune looks like
  • Rezak It is necessary completely Lease lines, as well as remove roughness and burrs.
  • If desired is produced grinding With a small skin.
  • Now you can start staining of holes. Do it carefully and periodically dilute the paint a little.
  • If you do not want the runes to quarrel over time, covered with dirt or damaged, Treat them with oil. For example, tung.

Important: after that, the runes can darken slightly, but this is natural, you should not be scared.

Here, as a result, the amulets are from wood are obtained as a result
Here, as a result, the amulets are from wood are obtained as a result

How and from what to make the Talisman rune?

Talismans were very popular earlier for love Of such improvised materials as Water, flour and salt. It was believed that water stores information, mourus symbolizes life, and the salt cleanses.

To create a talisman on a growing moon do the following:

  • Take it fucking flour, the same amount salt and mix them.
  • Next, pour in some water.
  • Knock dough.

Important: it should resemble plasticine density.

  • Blind from the dough 3 plates. Keep in mind that they should easily be placed in the hand.
  • Now portray on each of them On the rune. You need to cut such runes - Ansuz, Berkan, Dagaz.
  • Gently take the workpieces On the windowsill and leave them there approximately for three days. During this time, they are properly dry and energized by the luminaries.
  • Then you can already colorize runes and fold them in a bag.
Stalismans from the text look something like this
Stalismans from the text look something like this

How and from what to make a rune with money? How to make a rune Feuh?

The rune of Fehu is used more often than other runes as a cash talisman. This is not surprising, because for such a purpose it is considered the most strong.

Important: however, it should be borne in mind that Fehu is favorable only to those people who are ready to make efforts to earn money.

Fucks are best suited clay, wood, stones, metal, bone. The use of genuine leather.

As for the method of applying the rune, you can use it as cutting, which we described above and modeling, applying essential oils. In this case, in any case, the talisman is necessary red.

Fehu needs to be stored in the safe or In the wallet.

The Fehu rune, applied three times, is the most effective formula for attracting prosperity
The Fehu rune, applied three times, is the most effective formula for attracting prosperity

How and from what to make a rune for good luck?

For good luck it is quite possible to make a talisman from wax. A candle is needed for this small, its shape and color do not matter.

Important: the main thing is that you like this material for the future rune at an intuitive level.

As soon as it comes midnightPerform following:

  • Install A candle in a glass.
  • Light her.
  • While the candle burns up, focus on your desires. You can even list what you would like to avoid - so the concept of good luck will form more clearly.
  • As soon as the candle burns out create a rune out of the formed wax. For good luck are suitable Yera, Ansuz.
  • You can wear a similar talisman woven into the bracelet, in the medallion, in specially sewn for runes bag.

Important: the most important thing is to prevent the rune from entering someone else's hands even for a minute.

Runa for good luck can be worn in the form of a medallion
Runa for good luck can be worn in the form of a medallion

How and from what to make a rune to defense?

The rune to protect it is best made from wood, namely from ash. Previously, it was from him that they preferred to make weapons intended for self -defense. At the same time, ash was considered a sacred tree - ideal for the required rune.

It is worth making a similar amulet According to the standard schemedescribed above. In addition, the rune for protection can be portrayed on the door jamb.

Stop the choice on Algizwhich prevents possible cataclysms through influence on all aspects of the conflict. You can create and Nautiz, which requires a person’s maximum return, but also acts more powerful.

Runa Algiz made of wood to protect
Runa Algiz made of wood to protect

How to do it from the runes for weight loss?

Important: contrary to popular belief, you should not apply the rune for weight loss. During movement or sleep, a person can take different poses, and with him the drawings of runes also change, which is why the effect may turn out to be the opposite expected.

It is recommended to make a weight loss of some in a standard way Of those described above. And, of course, you should wear a similar amulet with myself.

Now let's see what combination of runes It will be useful for this purpose:

  • From overeating -Mannaz-Bercano-Fuhu-Vunho
  • To be able to withstand a diet -Isa-Kano-Dagaz
  • For weight loss with healing -Yera-Sul-Khagalas-Soul-Jera
It is believed that a combination of some runes can help in weight loss
It is believed that a combination of some runes can help in weight loss

How to make a rune Uruz?

Willpower, success, inexhaustible energy, perseverance - All this can reward the rune of Uruz, if you carry it constantly with you. Make a similar useful thing from stone can the following way:

  • The first thing is to wash the pebble under running water - So it is cleansed both physically and energetically.
  • Leave it dry In some a bright place.
  • Degrease.
  • Apply a thin layer oil varnishWait for him drying.
  • With a pencil lightly designate the contour runes Uruz.
  • Now enamel paint You can start draw a pattern. It is waterproof, dense and quickly dries, so it suits perfectly.

Important: applying the paint is worth it with a soft brush with movements from top to bottom and from left to right.

  • Give the workpiece to dry for a day.
  • After that again cover the rune varnish.
Runa Uruz on stone
Runa Uruz on stone

As you can see, it is not difficult to create runes with your own hands. Of course, you can just buy finished products. However, is it not better to make them yourself, mentally putting in them exactly the content that you need?

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  1. Hello! Please tell me how to make a rune for childbearing yourself and you can step -by -step instructions? Thank you in advance!

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