Children's New Year's songs for the holiday - the best selection of free texts

Children's New Year's songs for the holiday - the best selection of free texts

Collection of New Year's songs for children - words, music.

Festive New Year's Songs - Text

Festive New Year's Songs - Text
Festive New Year's Songs - Text

Festive New Year's songs - Text:

New Year, New Year!
From the spleen and anger means!
New Year, New Year,
Let's return back to childhood!

Come quickly,
A dressed tree is waiting!
What a beads on her!
Miracle every needle!

How the tinsel shines
How the lights burn on the Christmas tree!
Happy New Year, cheers!
It will be reflected in a long echo!

New Year, New Year!
The music plays everywhere!
New Year, New Year!
In the sky, the stars do not burn!

This night is so bright!
Decorate the world with smiles!
We will sing until the morning!
Happy New Year with a new happiness!

New Year's children's songs - Hello, guest winter!


Lyrics of the song "New Year's song"
To us for a festive Christmas tree
We are waiting for guests from different places,
Everyone is not angry at all
Nobody eats anyone.
Even the snow runs skipping,
But not just going
Opens like a book
Our cheerful New Year!
Everything is in a good mood
And the thorns hid the hedgehog.
And for a common birthday
This wonderful day is like.
Are there any skis? Get on skiing.
Make up, go, download,
To white, black, red
A friend received a gift.
White snow sparkles brightly,
And everyone is waiting for gifts
Because without gifts
There is no new year.
We are looking forward to the holiday
To receive a gift,
But much more pleasant
Give it yourself.

Songs for children - New Year's song

Lyrics of the song "White Snowflakes"
White snowflakes are spinning in the morning
Snowworms grew in the middle of the courtyard.
Svetlya Street became from snowflakes,
Just dressed in warfare. 2
It is simply impossible not to love the winter,
Soon we will sculpt a snowy woman.
If on a walk in the snow we fall,
Let's get up, shake off and go again. 3
They will bring a Christmas tree to kindergarten from the forest,
Santa Claus will congratulate the guys.
Ten times a week we count the days
So that bright lights light up soon.

White snowflakes are spinning in the morning

Lyrics of the song "New Year's Dance"
White, white in December, in December,
Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.
Dizzy, spin and sings, and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!
Slippery, slippery in December, in December,
Groves, hill in the yard, in the yard
Dizzy, spin and sings, and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!
Voil, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Dizzy, spin and sings, and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Darina - New Year

Lyrics of the song "New Year"
I hang on a Christmas tree toy
My sister gives me them.
Both golden rain and crackers -
After all, the New Year is coming soon.
And outside the window fluffy snow is spinning,
The sparrow was drowned on a branch.
Mom will return from work soon,
Favorite holiday to meet soon.

New Year, New Year,
New Year is on the planet.
New Year, New Year,
New Year will come with new happiness,

The lights of the green Christmas tree flicker,
And the snowflakes are spinning.
A sad bear cub looks from the shelf,
How Santa Claus gives out gifts.
The last page is torn off,
The last page of December.
And the New Year is knocking on the window,
He will bring joy to the house for you.
Frost opened the sparkling eyelashes
The overturned winter of transparent eyes.
And with us they will have fun
Both grandfather and granddaughter in the late hour.
Forget all the hardships and weather,
Let the hearts fill with happiness.
And the New Year, and the New Year comes,
And Happy New Year - a new spring.

Lyrics of the song "New Year"

Snowing me through the silence of nights: "Bold!"
The heart will freeze - the New Year comes to us.
The night is long -awaited, the eye will not close until the morning,
Following your dream, open your heart with me.
The night is long -awaited, the eye will not close until the morning,
Following your dream, open your heart with me.
The snow sparkles on the eyelashes,
A fairy tale will enter the New Year's house.
Everything that dreams can happen
This New Year.
Christmas tree in lights and laughter, happiness in the eyes of everyone,
The noise of voices, calls, joyful words.
But white snow is waiting for my first trace on the trail,
So I’ll step and beat the clock there in the highway.
But white snow is waiting for my first trace on the trail,
So I’ll step and beat the clock there in the highway.
Chorus (2 times).
The snow sparkles on the eyelashes,
And the lights of the cycle.
Blizzard curls ... than will respond
This New Year?
Blizzard curls ... than will respond
This New Year?

Lyrics of the song "New Year"
The holiday is bright, bright to visit us,
A sonorous New Year carries all gifts.
We will create miracles together again,
To give a fairy tale in the world.
New Year, New Year,
You invite us to a wonderful country.
New Year, New Year,
Take us to the fairy tale.
New Year, New Year,
In a round dance magic call us all.
In a round dance, call us all, a round dance of happiness and love.
Star New Year.
New Year's candles infinite row.
They say magical language with us.
On funny Christmas trees glow lights.
You will stretch your hand towards happiness.

Children's disco "New Year's carnival!

Lyrics of the song "New Year's Carnival"
The Christmas tree invites you to visit
In the bright hall on the carnival.
Music plays loudly,
And Parsley announces:
"A cheerful ball has begun!"
New Year, New Year!
We stood together in a round dance.
Everything is spinning, everything is sparkling,
He walks backwards.
Who was sad - cheered up
Who was sad - sings.
So the floorboards are bent,
Elephant and hippo are dancing.
The bunny of the wolf is not afraid
Not afraid of foxes -
It leads to dance it!
In the meantime, we sang in chorus,
Santa Claus came to us.
Open the wider door
And we do not believe our eyes -
How much he brought!
Chorus. Enough for us for two weeks
Tangerines and sweets,
Multi -colored caramel -
No matter how much we ate her,
Nothing tastier!

Lyrics of the song "New Year"
Only once a year there is a bright holiday New Year,
Again, the whole people decorate the Christmas tree on this holiday.
At home, in kindergarten and school and, of course, in the Kremlin.
New Year is always celebrated all-all-all on the whole earth.
But-, but-, New Year, thin needles,
We are together by the round dance at the fluffy Christmas tree.
De-, de-, Santa Claus is better than anyone in the world,
Adults and children love the New Year holiday.
Builds snow figures this evening by children,
Because white-white snow lies in all courtyards.
We will call friends and all acquaintances to visit us,
Only the clock will break through twelve, we will sing with them.
And now we will play such a game together:
New Year's riddles we will guess you.
The answer is very simple to them - we answer “yes” or no.
If we know all the guess, we answer together in chorus.
- New Year goes here?
- YES!
- He carries us cold?
- YES!
- Does the New Year come in the summer?
- NO!
- Santa Claus dressed in the sites?
- NO!
- Does Santa Claus give gifts?
- YES!
- And he lives in the countries of the hot?
- NO!
- Do we dress up birch?
- NO!
- Do we love Santa Claus?
- YES!

Video: Children's New Year's songs

New Year's songs about a snowman

New Year's songs about a snowman
New Year's songs about a snowman

New Year's songs about the snowman:

The song lived a cheerful, funny snowman
Lived a cheerful, funny snowman,
Veselchak, Balagur, mischievous.
The snowman got up early in the morning,
I immediately put on his skis.

I drove an hour, drove two, drove three!
Look at me soon!
I drove an hour, drove two, drove three!
You repeat it soon!

He came home by dinner,
The younger brothers from the snow were sculpted.
Here is one, here is the other snowball,
The snowman is familiar with this case.

It sculpts an hour, sculpts two, sculpts three!
Look at me soon!
It sculpts an hour, sculpts two, sculpts three!
You repeat it soon!

Those snowmen came to life
And all evening they played snowballs.
White snow is creaking underfoot,
And the snowball flies and flies.

He threw it once, quit two, threw three!
Look at me soon!
He threw it once, quit two, threw three!
You repeat it soon!

And then it was necessary to rush
Red protein fluffy feed.
The snowman from the Christmas trees torn the bumps,
And he gave the underwear for dinner.

He feeds an hour, feeds two, feeds three!
You repeat it soon!
He feeds an hour, feeds two, feeds three!
You repeat it soon!

When the night covered snow,
The snowman ran into his house.
He quickly shot his felt boots,
And he danced all night until the morning.

Dance an hour, dance two, dance three!
Look at me soon!
Dance an hour, dance two, dance three!
You repeat it soon!

Snowman - nose with carrots
1 verse
Again beckons new, beckons us with a snowball
Fun day in the yards.
We ride, we are skating a snowball,
Not one, but three.

Guess, guess what happens
If we make balls together?
Instead of a hat - a bucket, instead of eyes - coals,
Snowman, best friend children!

Snowman, snowman-too carrots,
Call the kids to the round dance.
Snowman, why are you awkward.
And your smile is to your ears!
And your smile is to your ears!

2 verse:
And let snow snowdrifts
Will become a slide of ice,
So that our sleds rush cheerfully
Behind the panel of mischievous.

Ah, frost-red nose, red cheeks,
How good your snowball is!
Walk, stuck, does not melt then
A snowman in the yard is our friend.

Snowman, snowman-too carrots,
Call the kids to the round dance.
Snowman, why are you awkward,
And your smile is to your ears!
And your smile is to your ears!

Olaf Snowman Song - Text
No, but sometimes I like to close my eyes
And dream of what will happen when summer comes ...
Bumblebee buzzes, dandelions flies somewhere
And I step in the summer with a snow gait ....
Glass in his hand, warm sides on hot sand
A chic tan will give me a hot summer.

I will hear how a summer breeze sings snow in spite.
I find out what will become with solid water when it is warm.
I wish I would quickly surprise my friends.
You imagine how summer will change me!

They are so similar: heat and frost,
Their place is together, not apart ....
It's nice to wrap up with a winter cold
And in the summer heat I will instantly become ... a happy snowman!

And when I am sad for me, I fly in dreams,
How the sun wakes me up in the rays ...
The sky is blue, and you will be there with me,
When I’ll go in a snow gait in the summer!

"Snowmen march"
Snowmen went on a hike.
That we have bullets and bayonets!
The charges are not afraid of us
If only there was no spring!

Aty-two, ate-two!
The head has a head.

Snowworms are not terrible to us!
Microbes are not terrible to us!
We, like steel, are hardened
If only there was no spring!


We are handsome at least where!
From the vessels of a beard.
Let our noses are red,
If only there was no spring!


New Year's songs for children about winter

New Year's songs for children about winter
New Year's songs for children about winter

New Year's songs for children about the winter:

Winter is winter
So winter came, snowfield and cold.
Let it be evil for someone, and the guys are delighted.
This funny people are glad that there is ice in winter,
You can dive into a snowdrift at least a little.

With a breeze on the sleds, as from a fairy tale
Snow came to us
Winter months friend
Winter, winter!
Winter, white-white, she winds and powers.
And in winter, like around the city
Spring is hiding somewhere.
And is it not miracles!

And in the yard in the morning the kids run
Winter threatened with frost that children.
Only one thing is hot - this is a snowman,
He frightened the blizzard with a red-key-on-shower nose.

And sing about the weather
Their notes are bullfinches, bullfinches.
And so cool from winter!
Winter, winter!
Winter, white-white, she winds and powers.
And in winter, like around the city
Spring is hiding somewhere.
And is it not miracles!

Pimbir - Snowflakes are circling
There is a house in the sky
There the cloud lives there
Snowflakes embroider
And sings songs
They are all of silver
Made of fluffy good
From crystals of ice floes
Needles and records
Yes Yes

Snowflakes are circling
Light and white
Tell us snowflakes
What are you made of

Snowflakes have a shape
There is a smell taste and color
And which of the fluffs
The answer will give us the right
After all…
They are all of silver
Made of fluffy good
From crystals of ice floes
Needles and records
Yes Yes

Snowflakes are circling
Light and white
Tell us snowflakes
What are you made of

Snowflakes are circling
Light and white
Tell us snowflakes
What are you made of

Kinder Surprise - New Year's snowstorm
New Year's snowstorm
Outside the window, the blizzard is spinning
They became white at home
And patterns on glasses
Winter came to us
I switched ways, roads
Hid the rivers under the ice
And the fluffy Christmas tree itself
Gives a holiday to every house

Everything around rejoices and sings
We celebrate the New Year together
Laughter and jokes, thousands of gleads
This is a holiday of adults and children
This is the time of fairy tales and dreams
Make a desire and you
Make a guess and know what's the same
It will certainly come true.

It was as if the wind broke
All the calendar sheets
Imperceptibly approaching
The last day is December
And always so desired
Adds to us trouble
Joyful and long -awaited
Good holiday New Year

Alice Kozhikina - Snow lays out
Snow quietly lay down on the roofs
The city leads its blog
Subscribes into posts
Streets and bridges

Looking for his people
In the rustle of squares
It is divided by silence
So comfortable I be one

These streets are a tied scarf
I hear my every step
I hear my every step

Snow falls on quiet roofs
This evening does not hear me
I go, forgetting that I wanted to fix
People in the windows about spring dream
Snow, someday it melts
I take this evening to my memory

The day will already be different
Noisy and expensive
Will hide my dreams
Among traffic jams and fuss

Cities listening to the pulse
I wait, which means I'll wait
When the snow falls again
And a quiet evening will find me

These streets are a tied scarf
I hear my every step
I hear my every step

Snow falls on quiet roofs
This evening does not hear me
I go, forgetting that I wanted to fix
People in the windows about spring dream
Snow, someday it melts
And I take this evening to my memory
And I take this evening to my memory
And I take this evening to my memory

Valenks and boots,
Oh, may the elders be filed,
You can’t wear boots
There is nothing to go to a nice one.

Valenks, felt boots,
Eh, the elders are not filed,
Valenks and boots,
Eh, the elders are not filed.

Oh, you, Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai,
Sit at home don't walk,
Do not go to that end
Oh, not to the girls of the rings.

Valenks and boots,
Eh, the elders are not filed.
Valenks, felt boots.

Than to wear gifts,
It is better to pick up felt boots.

Valenks, felt boots,
Eh, the elders are not filed.
Valenks and boots,
Eh, the elders are not filed.

Judge, people, judge, God,
How I loved
Barefold in frost
I went to the cute.

Valenks and boots,
Eh, the elders are not filed,
Valenks and boots,
Eh, the elders are not filed.

New Year's songs about Santa Claus

New Year's songs about Santa Claus
New Year's songs about Santa Claus

New Year's songs about Santa Claus:

"Santa Claus - Red Nose"
Before the new year
Santa Claus called us
And he told us secretly
That in the forest completely froze.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Santa Claus is a red nose.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Santa Claus is a red nose.
Hello, Hello, Grandfather Frost,
Do you hear us?
Come to us as soon as possible.
We are waiting for you to visit.

He said on the phone
What gifts will bring.
And toys and sweets,
Even singing a song.


Where, where is Santa Claus?
How much more to wait for you?
Come quickly,
We are waiting for gifts from you.

"Santa Claus and Santa Claus"
Santa Claus and Santa Claus slept for a long time,
Santa Claus and Santa Claus stood together.
We looked at the snowstorms, at snowdrifts and drops,
And they sang their song quietly.
Santa Claus and Santa Klaus, Santa Claus and Santa Klaus,
Again, we overcome all obstacles together.
Santa Claus and Santa Klaus, Santa Claus and Santa Klaus,
And our gifts will be happy everywhere.
Here, here, Tu-Tu, here, here, tu-tu ...
Santa Claus and Santa Klaus stepped down,
Merry Christmas and New Year congratulated.
Flows, snowfalls and drops did not interfere with them,
And they sang their song louder.


Santa Claus and Santa Klaus were everywhere,
They did not forget to take the Snow Maiden with me.
They helped them snowstorms, snowfalls and drops,
And they all finished the song together

Santa Claus and Santa Klaus, Santa Claus and Santa Klaus
Again, all obstacles defeated together.
Santa Claus and Santa Klaus, Santa Claus and Santa Klaus,
And our gifts were happy everywhere.
Here, here, Tu-Tu, here, here, tu-tu ...

I am Santa Claus, brought gifts.
I am Santa Klaus, the holiday brought
I am Santa Claus, I brought joy.
I am Santa Klaus, I brought smiles.
I am Santa Claus, I brought fun.
I am Santa Klaus, I brought good luck ...

"Santa Claus is our New Year's guest"
Who brought the Christmas tree to us for the holiday?
Who prepared the bags of different ones?
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, our New Year's guest,
You and I, Santa Claus, have fun today.

Get with us in a circle
And clap your hands,
Dance in a round dance
Top heels.
(2 times)

Who will light a Christmas tree and tell a fairy tale,
Will the song sing and perform dance with us?
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, our New Year's guest,
You and I, Santa Claus, have fun today.


We, Santa Claus, invite you to visit.
You and I, Santa Claus, will play together.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, our New Year's guest.
You and I, Santa Claus, have fun today.


"Father Frost"
I was somehow awakened by my mother in childhood
And he whipped for a long time, frightened by the noise-gama.
Light burned everywhere, the service in the buffet thundered,
The round dance and adults and children drove.

I saw a flickering sluggish spruce
And an uncle in a fur coat with a beard of a blower.
He took off the bag from his shoulder, and the fun began:
Everyone began to clap, dance and sang in chorus:
Grandfather, Santa Claus, what did you bring to us
At this very late hour?
Grandfather, Santa Claus brought New Year
The most joyful for us!

Years have passed, but I discovered a means for myself,
How to return to childhood in a moment in the New Year:
I glue a beard and a red nose shiny
And I see: the real one laughs in the mirror

Grandfather, Santa Claus, what did you bring to us
At this very late hour?
Grandfather, Santa Claus brought New Year
The most joyful for us!

Here, here, the new year of the door will open
All houses and all apartments.
Yours, your New Year, like a round dance
The world is spinning faster.

"Questions to Santa Claus"
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, ask you the question:
And what is you, Santa Claus, a fur coat?
Santa Claus: new, elegant, warm and okay,
Even in a fierce blizzard I will not freeze in the snow!
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, ask you the question:
And what is you, Santa Claus, a hat?

Father Frost:
Very famous, hoarfrost.
When I walk through the forest, my hat is in sight!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus, ask you the question:
And what are you, Santa Claus, felt boots?

Father Frost:
Okay, good, zealous snow,
I came to you from afar, wiped boots slightly!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus, ask you the question:
And what is you, Santa Claus, a beard?

Father Frost:
Winter and snowy, a little careless,
And by this beard they recognize me everywhere!

Funny children's New Year songs for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Funny children's New Year songs for preschoolers and schoolchildren
Funny children's New Year songs for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Funny children's New Year songs for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

New Year's song

(From the movie "Peter Pan")
White trees, white earth,
White snowflakes are spinning, shining,
In white and white fur coats, we and I,
If five minutes, if five minutes
We stand under white snow without moving.


Santa Claus stands under the door,
Santa Claus stands under the door,
He wishes everything in the world at an evening evening
Happiness, joy, health, and good luck, and fun,
And you and me - also adventures,
Unprecedented, unprecedented adventures,
Unprecedented, unprecedented adventures.

Lights on the Christmas tree, and light as day,
The old year is leaving, the new one is coming.
White-white snow, we will shake off the fur coats
And, gathered in a circle, and, gathering in a circle,
We will celebrate the New Year with this song.


At the forest on the edge
Winter in the hut lived at the forest in the forest.
She salted snowballs in a birch tub,
She twisted the yarn, she wove the canvases
Forged ice and over the rivers bridges.


The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky,
Behind the rough wall, the darkness is prickly.
How you step by the threshold - everywhere hook,
And from the windows of the vapor blue-blue.

I went hunting, forged silver,
I planted a thin month in a crystal bucket.
The trees of the fur coat were sewn, I was tormented
And then she was in a hurry to rest in the hut.


The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky,
Behind the rough wall, the darkness is prickly.
How you step by the threshold - everywhere hook,
And from the windows of the vapor blue-blue.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree
(from the cartoon "New Year's fairy tale")
Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Forest aroma,
She really needs it
Nice outfit.


Let this Christmas tree
At the festive hour
Every needle
Pleases us.

The Christmas tree loves
Funny children
We invite
On the holiday of guests.


Let this Christmas tree
At the festive hour
Every needle
Pleases us.

Christmas tree with a branch
Green waves
And, like a fairy tale,
New Year will come!


Let this Christmas tree
At the festive hour
Every needle
Pleases us.

A small Christmas tree is cold in winter
Small Christmas tree
Cold in winter.
From the forest a Christmas tree
We took home.
From the forest a Christmas tree
We took home.

How much on the Christmas tree
Color balls,
Pink gingerbread,
Gold cones!
Pink gingerbread,
Gold cones!

We will stand under the Christmas tree
In a friendly round dance,
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year!
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Best Children's New Year songs

Best Children's New Year songs
Best Children's New Year songs

The best children's New Year songs:

White snowflakes
(From the movie "Gentlemen of Good luck")
White snowflakes are spinning in the morning
Snowworms grew in the middle of the courtyard.
Svetlya Street became from snowflakes,
Just get dressed in warmer.

It is simply impossible not to love the winter,
Soon we will sculpt a snowy woman.
If on a walk in the snow we fall,
Let's get up, shake off and go again.

They will bring a Christmas tree to kindergarten from the forest,
Santa Claus will congratulate the guys.
Ten times a week we count the days
So that bright lights light up soon.

Three white horse
(from the movie "Sorcerers")
Rivers cooled, and the earth has cooled down,
And a little at home.
This is warm and damp in the city,
This is warm and damp in the city,
And outside the city is winter, winter, winter.


And they take me away and take me away
In a ringing bright distance
Three white horse, three white horse -
December, both January, and February.

Winter revealed snowy arms,
And until spring everything is asleep here.
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,
Everyone runs towards me, run, run.


And they take me away and take me away
In a ringing bright distance
Three white horse, three white horse -
December, both January, and February.

Rivers cooled, and the earth has cooled down,
But I'm not afraid to freeze.
It was sad in the city,
It was sad in the city,
And outside the city I laugh, laugh, laugh.


And they take me away and take me away
In a ringing bright distance
Three white horse, three white horse -
December, both January, and February.

Santa Claus's song
(From the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer")
I worked all year all year!
It's time for me!
The last sheet of the calendar
Remained on the wall.

I will drive hundreds of miles in a row,
So that on the night under the New Year
I put on a Christmas tree outfit
And stood in a round dance!

So that the Christmas tree is under the new year
I put on my outfit
I take the toys on a campaign
Gifts for the guys!

I will give gifts to children
After all, I am not kind of!
I don't want the best rewards,
Than the joy of all children.

Soviet children's New Year songs

Soviet children's New Year songs
Soviet children's New Year songs

Soviet children's New Year songs:

They say that on the New Year ...
They say for the new year
Whatever wishes -
Everything will always happen,
Everything always comes true.
They can even with guys
All desires to come true
It is only necessary, they say
Attach efforts.
Do not be lazy, do not yawn
And have patience,
And do not count the learning
For your torment.

They say for the new year
Whatever wishes -
Everything will always happen,
Everything always comes true.
How can we not make
A modest desire -
To "excellent" to perform
School tasks.

Tell me, Snegurochka, where was it?
- Tell me, Snegurochka,
Where was it?
Tell me, dear,
How are you?
“I ran after you, Santa Claus,
I spilled a lot
Bitter tears.


-Come on, come on, dance to go out!
- Eh!
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

- You are my dear, sorry, sorry
And your love for me
- How not to love you
Dear grandfather?!
How many winters are spent,
How many years!


-Come on, come on, dance to go out!
- Eh!
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

- Waiting for my gifts
The guys.
And you will get it
From me!
- Finally, come true
All dreams.
My best present is you!


-Come on, come on, dance to go out!
- Eh!
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

- Tell me, Snegurochka,
Where was it?
Tell me, dear,
How are you?
“I ran after you, Santa Claus,
I spilled a lot
Bitter tears.


-Come on, come on, dance to go out!
- Eh!
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

If there was no winter ...
If there was no winter
In cities and villages -
We never knew
These days are funny.
I didn’t circle the baby
Near the snow woman,
I would not loop the skir
If, if, if ...
I would not loop the skir
If, if, if ...

If there was no winter -
There is no secret in this -
From the heat b guessed,
Tired of the summer.
A blizzard would not have come to us
On a day at least
And the bullfinch did not sit on the spruce,
If, if, if ...
And the bullfinch did not sit on the spruce,
If, if, if ...

If there was no winter
And all the time summer -
We would not know the Kuterms
This New Year,
Santa Claus would not be in a hurry
To us through the bumps,
Ice on River B did not freeze,
If, if, if ...
Ice on River B did not freeze,
If, if, if ...

If there was no winter
In cities and villages,
We never knew
These days are funny!

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest.
In winter and summer, slender,
It was green.

A blizzard sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, Bai-Bai!”
Frost wrapped with a snowball:
“Look, don't freeze.”

The coward of the bunny is gray
I jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,
I ran through the trot.

Chu! Snow in the forest frequent
Under the Poloz creaks.
The horse is shaggy
Rushing, running.

Lucky a horse of wood,
On firewood - peasant
He cut off our Christmas tree
Under the spine.

Now she, elegant,
I came to us for the holiday,
And a lot, a lot of joy
Brought the kids.

Video: A Christmas tree was born in the forest - a children's New Year's song!

New Year's children's songs from cartoons

New Year's children's songs from cartoons
New Year's children's songs from cartoons

New Year's children's songs from cartoons:

Smeshariki - New Year's lullaby
(Series "New Year's Tale")
Sorry, but you can’t persuade
At least once slow down your move
Sorry, it is impossible to repeat
From us already outgoing year

Where are you, the happiest
The whiteest
The newest, new ...
Hello, the happiest
The best…
Hello, New Year!

Sorry, it is impossible to guess
The moment when the star falls
Here, the first snow to your cheek clung
What a pity, this is only water

Where are you, the happiest
The whiteest
The newest, new ...
Hello, the happiest
The most-most-most-most
Hello, New Year!

Where are you, the happiest
The whiteest
The newest, new ...
Hello, the happiest
The most-most-most-most
Hello, New Year!
New Year…

Song about friendship from the m/f "Masha and the Bear"
A stream rang and you can hear how the ice is cracking on the river
And drops with a wet roof to you flows for a scruff.
The river spilled in vain, because not to separate friends,
Well, together we are not afraid to even get our feet.

Sunny bunnies jump in puddles,
The stream sparkles blue.
Drops scattered with spray freckles
Only strong friendship cannot be poured with water.

It doesn’t matter when it rumbles over the spring groves thunder
If the rain soaks us, we and this for nothing.
The rainbow hangs above the forest, the sun is shining for friends
And cheerful with our song sings the nightingale.

Three desires (from m/f "Masha and the Bear")
Who said that a miracle is ridiculous
There will be a dream in the heart for now
On the azure watercolor of the sky
Will swim like cloud fish
Choose a bait for good luck
Do not hang your nose if it doesn't bite
Suddenly you catch a goldfish
It means definitely lucky

And in a dream this will not dream
Three desires make bolder
Don't forget to share with friends
After all, miracles are not sorry for friends

The song is more fun sung
If summer morning over the river
The sun in the palms of the palms will laugh
The rays of the fish are gold

And in a dream this will not dream
Three desires make bolder
Don't forget to share with friends
After all, miracles are not sorry for friends

And in a dream this will not dream
Three desires make bolder
Don't forget to share with friends
After all, miracles are not sorry for friends

After all, miracles are not sorry for friends
After all, miracles are not sorry for friends

New Year's song (from m/f "Masha and the Bear")
To us for a festive Christmas tree
We are waiting for guests from different places.
Everyone is not angry at all
Nobody eats anyone.
Even the snow runs skipping,
And not just going.
Opens like a book
Our cheerful New Year.
Everything is in a good mood
And the thorns hid the hedgehog,
And on the general birthday
This wonderful day is like.
Are there any skis? Get on skiing!
Watch! Fly! Download!
To white, black, red
A friend received a gift.
White snow sparkles brightly,
And everyone is waiting for a gift,
Because without gifts
There is no new year.
We are impatiently waiting for the holiday
To receive a gift,
But much more pleasant
Give him yourself!

Songs of Umki
Snow creaks under hard feet,
And enough blizzard by the barrel.
The Christmas tree signals me with lights -
New Year's beacon.

What a miracle -el
Who lit me a Christmas tree,
Only a good friend.
I'm not afraid I am a cold icy -
The lights burn around.

What a miracle -el
The lights around!

Song about Snowflake

(From the movie "Sorcerers")
When a year younger enters the house,
And the old goes into the distance,
The snowflake is fragile in the palm of your hand,
Make a desire.
Look with hope in the night blue,
Squeeze the hand of the hand,
And all that I dreamed about, ask,
Make up and wish.

And the New Year that is about to come,
Will instantly fulfill your dream,
If the snowflake does not melt
In your palm does not melt
While the watch is twelve,
While the watch is twelve.

When the year comes young,
And the old goes away
Any dream is given to what -
This is such a night.
Everything will fall asleep and freeze around
On the eve of the new days,
And the snowflake will turn out suddenly
Firebird in your hand.

Video: sorcerers - snowflake

New Year's songs - children's collection

New Year's songs - children's collection
New Year's songs - children's collection

New Year's songs - Children's collection:

"Martian New Year"
We say: all roads in the world
They always necessarily lead to Mars.
We are glad to meet you on the Red Planet
In two thousand three hundred and fourth year.
How cool that suddenly we met with you
At the interstate crossbar.
After all, the holiday is doubly more fun with friends,
And with new holidays are three times more fun.
We are ordinary earthly children,
And we are not different from you.
We just fly on the rocket,
During the holidays for a cheerful Mars.
And on Mars are snowy snowdrifts,
Mishura on the Christmas trees here and there.
Everything has long been ready to
Grandfather Frost meet us.

Now we will arrange such a fun
That the stars with garlands will light space.
And all asteroid carousels
They will fall on Mars with a firework.
Comets, like triples, jump in a circle,
The Milky Way will rush forward for a week.
From east to west, from north to south
The Martian people will not be able to fall asleep.

"Favorite children's holiday"
There will be a new year soon.
The Christmas tree lights will light a light bulb,
The star will light up at the top.
Santa Claus will come at night
And, of course, it will bring
Children Gifts and toys.

New Year is a favorite children's holiday,
Day when the heroes of fairy tales of different
They smile at you at a meeting,
Miracles around happen.
The houses are noisy and warm, under the Christmas tree snow from cotton wool.
We will certainly remember this once. 2
There will be a new year soon
All roads will notice,
It is cold in the winter for forest animals.
You ask the Snow Maiden
Invite them to the Christmas tree,
We will find a candy and a cracker!

New Year is a favorite children's holiday,
The day when my sister does not tease you
And it becomes unexpected
And mom runs elegant,
Dad and grandmother in the kitchen make salads,
We will certainly remember this once.

Well, and the one who is a whole year
Behaves well,
One who was obedient and approximate,
I read children's books,
I did not offend anyone
That gift deserved, probably.

New Year is a favorite children's holiday,
The day when my sister does not tease you
And it becomes unexpected
And mom walks all elegant,
You can drink one compote and there is all day sweets,
Even after many years we will remember this!

The sadness and hardships of the old year behind,
And infinite joy and candles are ahead.
And Pinocchio will be invited with Malvina
On a clear on the New Year's masquerade.

Carnival, carnival,
How the riot of colors is dancing.
Carnival, carnival,
Fairy without funny masks.
Carnival, carnival,
How unbridled fun!
The carnival will be spinning
New Year's carousel.
Carnival, carnival,
It is dancing a riot of colors.
Carnival, carnival,
Fairy without funny masks.
Carnival, carnival,
How unbridled fun!
The carnival will be spinning
New Year's carousel.
Christmas ball.

"Fairy tales"
Winter days are shrouded in snow.
Nature is already falling asleep.
But here is in the waiting for the New Year
Funny dreams are dreaming in advance.

Fairy tales, winter dreams -
Dreaming in the morning and night they
You see sweets on the Christmas tree, crackers,
Girlands, balls, lights and toys.
Fairy tales, winter dreams -
Dreaming in the morning and night they
You see sweets on the Christmas tree, crackers,
Garlands, balls,
Lights and toys.

You wish and wait for miracles, magic.
Covered with all snow, the world falls asleep.
But the light of lights on the Christmas trees burns,
And everyone dreams of something good.

"Magic glue"
It happens that sometimes
Your trouble comes to life.
Everything is pouring, breaking and tearing.
The dishes falls out of the hands,
And a friend leaves forever
And it seems that happiness will not return.

But not lews,
But no tears!
There is in the world
Magic glue.
And in the New Year,
And in the New Year
Everything will grow together
And heals!

And you don't regret the past:
There is a magic glue in the world -
All the edges and all fragments will converge.
But not now and not now;
A day will come, an hour will come -
We will meet with the New Year tree.

There is no magic.
We will say kind words
And we will regret each other a little ...
And there will be a joy endlessly
And all broken hearts
Will anoint the New Year with magic glue.

"Waltz of the Snow Maiden"
Far from noisy streets
In the winter fairy forest,
Where you can easily see
Talking fox,
Where the black wise raven
Here are three hundred years in a row
Teaches to live in good and peace
And bunnies and wolf,
There, the Snow Maiden is dancing,
Smiling and circling.
There, the Snow Maiden is dancing
This white winter waltz.
Snowflakes fall quietly,
Swing in clean air,
And the Snow Maiden is dancing
This white winter waltz. 2
All the Snow Maiden was dressed up
On a cheerful noisy ball.
The foxes gave a hat,
The hare of Valenka rolled up,
Squirrels embroidered a dress,
Pearl brought the raccoon -
And the beauty is ready
Meet a new, New Year.
And the Snow Maiden is dancing,
Smiling and circling
And the Snow Maiden is dancing
This white winter waltz.
Snowflakes fall quietly,
Swing in clean air,
And the Snow Maiden is dancing
This white winter waltz. 3
Here the magpies were bought:
- Santa Claus is already on the way!
Tomorrow, tomorrow he will come
To take the Snow Maiden
To the edge is far, where the guys
With impatience they are waiting for the meeting
Where the Christmas tree lights lit up
And where the songs sing.
And the Snow Maiden is dancing,
Smiling and circling.
And the Snow Maiden is dancing
This white winter waltz.
Snowflakes fall quietly,
Swing in clean air,
And the Snow Maiden is dancing
This white winter waltz.

Children's songs for the New Year Morning

Children's songs for the New Year Morning
Children's songs for the New Year Morning

Children's songs on the New Year's matinee:

New Year ("glass wool")
At the hour when candles are lit
In every house and every window -
It came a festive evening.

Let the blizzard and wind on the street
But even they smile at me
And the ringing of hours on a festive evening.

New, new, new, new year will fulfill all dreams!
New, new, new, new year we will remember for a year!
New, new, new, New Year - do not spare the candles!
New, new, new, New Year - on New Year's Eve!

New Year! New Year! New Year!

The Christmas tree is painted with gold,
That night the city became a fairy tale,
A sea of \u200b\u200blights in festive color.

The smell of soft green needles -
Long months our dream;
Let the blizzard give me his wind!

New, new, new, new year will fulfill all dreams!
New, new, new, new year we will remember for a year!
New, new, new, New Year - do not spare the candles!
New, new, new, New Year - on New Year's Eve!

New Year! New Year! New Year!
New Year! New Year! New Year!

New Year's winter fairy tale
And twelve shots of hours;
The white blizzard will become kind.

Carnival bright masks,
The noise of cheerful voices.
Wish at twelve hours
Happiness to each other!

New, new, new, new year will fulfill all dreams!
New, new, new, new year we will remember for a year!
New, new, new, New Year - do not spare the candles!
New, new, new, New Year - on New Year's Eve!

New Year! New Year! New Year!
New Year! New Year! New Year!
New Year! New Year! New Year!
New Year!

Mouse New Year, or Christmas song

In short, day, longer night,
And the cold in the yard.
And mom-smoke in her hole
Inspires the kids:
“I hope the mousetrap
No one will get
Then all together again
We will celebrate the New Year! "

Jump and bracket, hop la - la, phallle - rale - ra!
We must have fun to celebrate the New Year.

A piece of coal mom-smoke
Enough in the morning
And, starting from the ceiling,
Blaks his hole.
And they scoop up the floor of the mice,
So that there is coziness in the mink,
Crinkles mark with tails,
Dance and sing.

Jump and bracket, hop la - la, phallle - rale - ra!
We must have fun to celebrate the New Year.

But here is the desired New Year
And mink from the attic
Mouse dad
A boot without a toe.
Decorated the boots
Bottle glass,
Shiny web
And a motley shred.

Jump and bracket, hop la - la, phallle - rale - ra!
We must have fun to celebrate the New Year.

Mouse dad says:
“Let's get in a circle
So that there was a boot in the middle
And the whole family is around.
We give the tails to each other,
And - one, two, three - forward! "
So the cheerful began
Mouse round dance.

Jump and bracket, hop la - la, phallle - rale - ra!
We must have fun to celebrate the New Year.

Their New Year's food -
Seven crumbs from cutlets,
And those who love sweets, -
Trap from sweets.
Lies among the snacks
And ham.
He lies so that everyone
He could smell him.

Jump and bracket, hop la - la, phallle - rale - ra!
We must have fun to celebrate the New Year.

And the grandmother-mush came here.
Now she is sitting
In his rocking chair, as always,
And he looks at the mouse.
The rocking chair serves correctly
Potato her.
Similar rocks -
Not uncommon in mice.

Jump and bracket, hop la-la, phallle-Rale-ra!
We must have fun to celebrate the New Year.

And everyone plays, and sing, and dance,
And then
Mouse dad says:
"Now, friends, take a seal!"
The mice go to bed
And here and here and here,
But in a dream mouse
Dance and sing.

Jump and bracket, hop la - la, phallle - rale - ra!
We must have fun to celebrate the New Year.

And the mouse the mouse will guard
Peace of other mice
And sings: “New Year
Good for kids!
And if in a mousetrap
No one will get
Then in a year all together
We will celebrate the New Year. ”
Jump and bracket, hop la - la, phallle - rale - ra!
We must have fun to celebrate the New Year.

Happy New Year
No more champagne
And the FireWorks are Through
Here We are, me and you
Feeling Lost and Feeling Blue
It’s the end of the Party
And the Morning Seems So Grey
So unlike Yesterday
Now’s The Time For us to Say ...

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May We All Havy a Vision Now and then
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May We All Havy Oour Hopes, Oour Will to Try
If We Donolt We Might as Well Lay Down and Die
You and I

Sometimes I see
How the Brave New World Arrives
And I See How It Thrives
In the ashes of our lines
Oh Yes, Man is a Fool
And he Thinks He’ll Be Okay
Draging on, Feet of Clay
Never Knowing He’s Astray
Keeps on Going Anyway ...

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May We All Havy a Vision Now and then
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May We All Havy Oour Hopes, Oour Will to Try
If We Donolt, We Might as Well Lay Down and Die
You and I

Seems to me now
That dreams we had before
Are all Dead, Nothing More
That confetti on the Floor
It’s the end of a decade
In another ten Years Time
Who can do we’ll find
What Lies Waiting Down The Line
In the end of eighty-nine ...

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May We All Havy a Vision Now and then
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May We All Havy Oour Hopes, Oour Will to Try
If We Donolt We Might as Well Lay Down and Die
You and I

On New Year's Eve
We are waiting for new miracles,
On New Year's Eve
The forest will become fabulous.
Will become a chandelier moon
Well, snow - like a parquet.
And silence rings
And there’s no better minutes ...

Tick-so, ticks the clock,
The clock is ticking, measuring a step.
Tick-so, ticks the clock,
Tick \u200b\u200btick-so.

New year's night
Fulls dreams
On New Year's Eve
Do not breed bridges.
New year's night,
There is no brighter in the world
New year's night -
Miracles for children!

Tick-so, ticks the clock,
The clock is ticking, measuring a step.
Tick-so, ticks the clock,
Tick \u200b\u200btick-so.

On New Year's Eve
Sadness will go forever
On New Year's Eve
The cities do not fall asleep.
And the children become older
Exactly for a year,
New year's night
Happiness will bring everyone!

Tick-so, ticks the clock,
The clock is ticking, measuring a step.
Tick-so, ticks the clock,
Tick \u200b\u200btick-so.
Tick \u200b\u200btick-so.
Tick \u200b\u200btick-so.

Clown plum

Outside the window of the cold, everything is white,
The earth knee -deep with snow is covered with snow.
It was hot in the summer, now the opposite.
- Dad, is it true, is the New Year soon?
It was hot in the summer, now the opposite.
Soon, very soon there will be a new year.

This holiday is a fairy tale at once and for everyone,
A sonorous children's laughter is heard from everywhere.
Whether you are a young genius or a frure.
- Dad, is it true, is the New Year soon?
Whether you are a young genius or a frure
Soon, very soon there will be a new year.

Soon, exactly at midnight, there will be a fight of the clock.
How much happiness and happy dreams will be.
Even the black cat will be happy.
- Dad, is it true, is the New Year soon?
Even the black cat will be happy.
Soon, very soon there will be a new year.

On deer rushes to us gifts
And lucky Santa Santa Claus is lucky.
For a poem or a song that they sing without notes.
- Dad, is it true, is the New Year soon?
For a poem or a song that they sing without notes.
Soon, very soon there will be a new year.

People still believe in this miracle.
An endless dispute has been stretching for centuries.
But everyone looks at the sky with hope.
- Dad, is it true, is the New Year soon?

Jingle Bells Text

[Verse 1]
Dashing Through The Snow
In a one-horse Open Sleigh
O’er The Fields We Go
Laughing All the Way
Bells on Bobtail Ring
Making Spirits Bright
What Fun Its to Ride and Sing
A Sleiging Song Tonight

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle All the Way.
Oh, What Fun it is to ride
In a One-Horse Open Sleigh.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle All the Way.
Oh, What Fun it is to ride
In a One-Horse Open Sleigh.

[Verse 2]
A day or two ago
I Thumbe'’d Take a Ride
And Soon, Miss Fanny Bright
The Horse Was Lean and Lank
He Got Into a Drift Bank
And the We Got Upset.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle All the Way.
Oh, What Fun it is to ride
In a One-Horse Open Sleigh.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle All the Way.
Oh, What Fun it is to ride
In a One-Horse Open Sleigh.

[Verse 3]
A day or two ago,
The Story I Must Tell
I Went out on the Snow,
And on my back I Fell;
In a one-horse Open Sleigh,
He laghed as the i sprawling lie,
But Quickly Drovy Away.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle All the Way.
Oh, What Fun it is to ride
In a One-Horse Open Sleigh.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle All the Way.
Oh, What Fun it is to ride
In a One-Horse Open Sleigh.

Video: Jingle Bells song with text

New Year's children's Russian song

New Year's children's Russian song
New Year's children's Russian song

New Year's children's Russian song:

What is New Year?

What is New Year?
What is New Year?
These are berries and honey.
This is all without exception -
From nuts to cookies -
That's what it means, that's what it means -
New Year!

What is New Year?
What is New Year?
What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance
These are puffs and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means, that's what it means -
New Year!
That's what the New Year means!

What is New Year?
What is New Year?
This is the holiday parish!
These are the laughter of funny friends
These are dancing near the Christmas trees -
That's what it means, that's what it means -
New Year!
That's what the New Year means!
That's what the New Year means!

"Snowman from the snow uncle"

Snow -white man,
We blind you forever.
Let the hands froze a little,
But we do not know boredom.
Rolled the third lump,
We are proud of the snowman.
Here is the head in place
The snowman is barely ...

Snowman - from the snow uncle!
He has strands from the branches.
Eyes - rowan berries,
The nose is carrot. - In! Painting!
Only after snowfall
Appeared at the kindergarten
Snow -white man.
It's good that snow fell!

You are not familiar by chance
With an uncle snowman?
Settled in the yard
He is to the joy of the kid.
His stomach is snow
Smiling mouth.
He expects guests
With a hundred different news.


"Sorceress Metelitsa"

The sorceress Metelitsa will tighten the gimp:
The snowflakes of the openwork are going on its snowstorm,
A fluffy veil whips everything in the distance,
Only the spots of bright bullfinches are bright.

Snow falls on the faces
Lies on the eyelashes,
And the pearls are scattered
Backs before me.
The hostess of the snowstorm with frost is friendly,
And it is poured, pissed cheerfully grains from the window.
White fluff throws us with a generous hand,
The snowball creaks under the legs and whispers something out loud.

Sorceress Metelitsa from a fairy tale came to us,
She brought feather beds and pillows and pillows.
On Christmas trees, the caps of snow are hanging with garlands,
A brilliant reflection on the sun is burning!

"Song of Santa Morozov"
Two funny kind eyes, beard and red nose.
We recognized him at once - this is Grandfather Frost.
Who gives funny answers to any question?
Who is kinder than everyone in the world? This is Grandfather Frost.
Where he is, there are no grievances, no bitter tears,
Who gives us fun? This is Grandfather Frost.
Who brings gifts to everyone on the most important day of winter?
Who are Santa Claus? Santa Claus is us.
Who are Santa Claus? Santa Claus is us.
Santa Claus, hello! New Year, hello!
Santa Claus, hello! Hello, New Year!
Children do not believe in miracles-they know everything a long time ago:
Miracles live in the world only in books and in the cinema.
But one day it will happen - on the most important day of winter
A miracle will knock on the door, and we will believe in it.
A miracle will knock on the door, and we will believe in it.
Santa Claus, hello! New Year, hello!
Santa Claus, hello! Hello, New Year!
Let the calendar be kept in the past day after day,
But then one page of the fairy tale is highlighted in it.
People have decided for so long, inviting a fairy tale to the house:
If a year begins with a miracle, then it will be good.
If a year begins with a miracle, then it will be good.
Santa Claus, hello! New Year, hello!
Santa Claus, hello! Hello, New Year!

Lyrics of the song "New Year's children's song"
Around the green Christmas tree
Merry is heard laughter.
On the Christmas tree all needles
Covered fluffy snow.
It goes, our holiday is coming - the New Year.
Noisy, sings a childish round dance.

Winter has come -
Slazka fly from the mountain.
Winter has come -
Baby eyes burn.
Winter has come -
Just like in a children's fairy tale -
The beauty herself came winter!
Today in the morning to us
Santa Claus knocked out,
And all elegant grandchildren
He brought gifts.
To whom - a watch, to whom is an accordion,
To whom - skates, to whom - a tape recorder.
Chorus. 3

I am a snowmate
I did it today.
I will draw her eyebrows,
I will give a panicle in my hands.
Let it stand and guard our house,
It melts - we will start another.
Chorus. 4

Around the green Christmas tree
Merry is heard laughter.
On the Christmas tree all needles
Covered fluffy snow.
It goes, our holiday is coming - the New Year.
Noise, sings a childish round dance!

Lyrics of the song "New Year's Erunda"
That's the trouble!
That's the trouble!
Here is such nonsense!
There is no Christmas tree at the equator.
As if they were taken out and hidden.
And a cheerful new year
Soon it will come to Africa!
Where will the round dance be?
There is no Christmas tree at the equator.
As if they were taken out and hidden.
Worries the most
At this time, porcupine.
Instead of a Christmas tree, they dress up
The porcupine every time!

Lyrics of the song "New Year's song"
We believe in childhood, we calendar
I will attach a snowflake to the window.
New Year is coming soon,
So something will happen again.
Long serpentine and confetti,
New Year will return to me again.
Let the green Christmas tree
A ray of hope will light up mine.

I will look into the New Year's fairy tale again
Give me the country of magic today.
Snow melody, bright lights,
New Year's fairy tale, return my childhood.
And the guys do not go out,
That night everyone believes in miracles.
So that everything comes true next year,
Make a desire for a star.
Everyone who is lonely and who is tired
Let the New Year's ball spin.
And he will return, like a good sorcerer,
We are warm and the light of relatives.

Lyrics of the song "New Year's Dance"
Round dance, round dance,
Our best songs sound in it.
Get in a round dance, children,
Sing, dance, have fun until the morning.

Here is our round dance -
The people are having fun in it.
Let the holiday go -
We celebrate the New Year.
We drive funny round dance,
In it we find friends of the best.
Get in a round dance as soon as possible
Sing, frolic and dance more fun.

Lyrics of the song "New Year"
The city is sleeping with a cold winter night,
The city sleeps sweetly.
But there is someone who does not want to fall asleep,
Outside the window rustling.

On the roofs, on the roofs inaudibly
And he puts gifts under the pillows.
On the roofs, on the roofs inaudibly
A cheerful boy is our friend New Year.
This night is a whitish month
He began his flight.
Scattering stars and smiles,
New Year is coming.
It is a pity that the magical night happens
Only once a year.
And no one forgets about her,
And everyone is waiting for her.

Lyrics of the song "Where does the New Year come from"

New Year flies from the sky
Or comes from the forest,
Or from a snowdrift
Does the New Year come to us?
He probably lived a snowflake
On some star
Or hid a fluff
Frost is in a beard.
New Year! New Year!
New Year! New Year!
Maybe he got into the refrigerator
Or squirrel in the hollow,
Or in an old alarm clock
He climbed under the glass.
But there is always a miracle -
On the clock is twelve
And where is it from
New Year comes to us!
And where is it from
New Year comes to us!
New Year! New Year!
New Year! New Year!

Lyrics of the song "Snowflakes fall"
Outside the window winter,
Snow is spinning behind the threshold,
Covering all at home
Noticing all the roads.
Covering all at home
Noticing all the roads.

Snowflakes fall, winds are singing outside the window,
Snowflakes fall from sunset until morning,
Snowflakes fall, a white round dance is circling, -
New Year is coming to visit us, New Year!
Snowflakes fall, a white round dance is circling, -
New Year is coming to visit us!
Maybe in the New Year
Everything that is dreaming will come true
Something will happen
Something will come true.
Something will happen
Something will come true.
I believe that on the New Year,
On a cloudy cold evening,
Happiness suddenly comes to me
And I will meet my love.
Happiness suddenly comes to me
And I will meet my love.

Lyrics of the song "Song of Santa Claus"

I worked all year all year!
It's time for me!
The last sheet of the calendar
Remained on the wall.
I will drive hundreds of miles in a row,
So that on the night under the New Year
I put on a Christmas tree outfit
And stood in a round dance!
So that the Christmas tree is under the new year
I put on my outfit
I take the toys on a campaign
Gifts for the guys!
I will give gifts to children
After all, I am not kind of!
I don't want the best rewards,
Than the joy of all children.

Lyrics of the song "Song of a Christmas tree"

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Forest aroma,
She really needs it
Nice outfit.

Let this Christmas tree
At the festive hour
Every needle
Pleases us.

The Christmas tree loves
Funny children
We invite
On the holiday of guests.


Christmas tree with a branch
Green waves
And, like a fairy tale,
New Year will come!

Lyrics of the song "Song with an accordion"

A lot of bunnies come
And large and small,
Walk in a round dance
On forest stray.

They get the accordion,
Like this!
And they dance on the tracks,
Like this! Birds fly to visit,
They watch the proteins fast,
How they dance and play
Bunnies fluffy.


Even pine trees waved to the bunny
Long needles.
Well bunny dance
On the grass under the Christmas trees!

"New Year's Claps" - children's song

New Year's Claps - Children's Song
"New Year's Claps" - children's song

"New Year's Claps" - children's song:

We are girls-laughter,
New Year's Clapes,
We are not sitting on the spot
Clap loudly, noise!
Together with us, clap, but clap,
Beat your hands, don't yawn!
Together with us, clap, but clap,
New Year celebrate!

They were going to your Christmas tree,
How candy dressed up,
We dance and sing,
We fierce fun in our hands!
Together with us, clap, but clap,
Beat your hands, don't yawn!
Together with us, clap, but clap,
New Year celebrate!

We are girls-laughter,
New Year's Clapes,
Clapping together, one, two, three -
Confetti will fly up!
Together with us, clap, but clap,
Beat your hands, don't yawn!
Together with us, clap, but clap,
New Year celebrate!

Children's New Year's song "Winter"

Children's New Year's song Winter
Children's New Year's song "Winter"

Children's New Year's song "Winter":

From far away
So fluffy and light,
On the grass and on the house
Winter flew to us.
Winter has a lot of things
Put a snow cap,
A sleepy forest on the crown,
And climbed into the snowdrifts.

Winter, winter-beauty,
We will like it!
Snow is creaking under the boot,
We walk along the river on foot.
Winter, winter-beauty,
He is famous for his frost!
To fly from the mountain - take a breath!
The sleds turned upside down - wow!

Lace frost weaves,
Blizzard Summarizes the street.
Snow flies on the head,
The smoke puffs out of the pipe.
And everywhere there and here,
Snow mountains grow.
Everything turned around
Like pouring milk.


Children's New Year's song "New Year's toys"

Children's New Year's song
Children's New Year's song "New Year's toys"

Children's New Year's song "New Year's toys":

I dreamed of the New Year once in the summer.
The Snow Maiden floats on green herbs.
And to me with a bouquet of daisies, Grandfather Frost appeared,
And such a magic casket presented me.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it.
And my cheerful animals turned the house turned over.
They started a cheerful round dance, what a funny forest people are.
And I could not believe that everything would be a fabulous sleep.

Everything takes away time, an unexpected dream disappeared,
But sometimes he comes to me again.
And once in the middle of the things of the forgotten, I accidentally raised the casket.
This fairy tale of the New Year, summer is not the end.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it.
And my cheerful animals turned the house turned over.
They started a cheerful round dance, what a funny forest people are.
And I could not believe that everything would be a fabulous sleep.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it.
And my cheerful animals turned the house turned over.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it.
And my cheerful animals turned the house turned over.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it.
And my cheerful animals turned the house turned over.

Video: New Year's toys - plus

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