“Keep your ear of you”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Keep your ear of you”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

Everyone knows what is important in life to be careful. This helps to prevent many troubles.

Slavs tend to use phraseological units that are transmitted from generation to generation. From this article you will find out what it means to “hold the ear of the open”, and where did phraseology come from.

"Keep the ear of vast": the origin of phraseological units

  • Like most other phraseological units, this phrase came from observing the outside world. Our ancestors loved to watch the behavior of animals that are always on the alert. When the beast hears any sound, he wary lifts his ears.
  • First, the animal tries to determine where the sound source is. It also tries to understand whether he is a threat to him or a person.
  • At this point in time, the ears of the animal are too strained, and acquire a pointed shape. That is why the phraseology “Hold the Ear” appeared.
Dogs always hold the ear
Dogs always hold the ear

What does it mean to "keep an ear"?

  • What does it mean to "keep an ear"? To determine what phraseologism means is not difficult, given its origin. Expression means that a person must prove himself caution and attentive.
  • If you have a friend who never relaxes, and is watching everything that is happening, then this phraseologism will best describe it.

"Hold the ear" synonym for phraseological units

  • The most common synonym for expressions - "To be on a guard". This phrase means that a person should behave carefully, and attentive to everything that happens.
  • However, phraseologism should not be perceived literally. You need to be able to trust loved ones. If you overdo it with caution, and renounce loved ones, become too suspicious, you can ruin the relationship with them.
Keep your ear will be with strangers to understand whether it is a good person or not
Keep your ear will be with strangers to understand whether it is a good person or not

Keep the ear of the throat - the meaning of phraseology in one word:

  • be alert, beware;
  • to be vigilant, careful, careful, incredulous;
  • to be on a guard, attentive, resourceful;

But the antonym for the phraseological unit “Hold the Ear” is also known to many. You probably rarely heard such a proposal - "Hang your ears ..." We have already written in more detail about its meaning and origin for you. Read the article on the link, and you will learn about the facts that were previously unknown to you.

Supply with phraseological unit "Hold the Ear"

  • Unfortunately, this phraseology is now more found in literary than in colloquial speech. During a cultural or everyday conversation, this phrase is used very rarely. Basically, older people come running to her who like to insert several eloquent phrases into the dialogue.
  • Often, journalists resort to phraseological units to diversify the article. If the author asks his readers to be on his guard due to a large number of scammers, then he will use the expression "Keep your ear will."
  • Elderly people who want to protect their children or grandchildren resort to this phraseology. If their loved one goes to dangerous work, then they will wish him "Be careful"to avoid an accident.
Holding an ear in English is an example of a sentence
Keeping an eye in English is an example of a proposal

We offer you a few examples to clearly reflect the meaning of phraseology:

  • Mashenka, your friend is not very simple. You need to keep your ear always with him, remember my words.
  • Maybe you are right about our new employee, but it seems to me a laddown in a wolf skin. I will keep her ear in the way with her.
  • When climbing the mountain, you need to keep your ear in the same way. There are many dangers.
  • The leader holds the ear of Vostr, which is why our business is still afloat.
  • The commander of the ship always holds the ear of Vostroy. After all, you can’t relax at sea.
  • Keep your ear on the road. Do you know how many robbers and deceivers are now?
  • Until the payment passes, hold your ear in the same way-some suspicious type paid for the service.
Phraseologisms are common in oral and literary speech. They help to diversify a boring conversation, and teach a person to be more attentive to others and trifles. Remember that your life is in your hands. Therefore, keep your ear in and be happy.
We will also talk about other phraseological units in the following articles:

Video: phraseological units and their sources

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